Every time Dazonie launched an attack, after injuring Moradi, his mind would be inexplicably weakened.

Although the degree of weakening at a single time was not obvious, it accumulated over time.

When he noticed this problem, he was surprised to find that the amount of his mind had been reduced by one third!

Not only his mind, but Dazonie's movements also began to slow down.

As the attacker, in order to break through Moradi's increasingly strong arm defense and cause effective damage, he has been maintaining a highly concentrated output of mind on the divine long sword.

Coupled with his frequent use of large-scale swings and slashes, he will naturally consume more physical strength than Moradi who just stands there to defend and counterattack.

"What's wrong? Dazonie, are you ready to give up now?"

Looking at Dazonie who was already out of breath, Moradi mocked him directly.

"Bah! What bullshit are you talking about! I haven't fallen yet! How could I admit defeat?"

Dazonie spat and glared at Moradi.

"Ha, you are such a stubborn guy."

Moradi laughed disdainfully.

"Do you know? Thanks to your knife, I spent all my savings after returning home and hired a professional hunter to teach me how to develop my mind ability. Later, I finally developed my own ability!"

Looking at the arms with more scars, Moradi continued.

"This is my ability, the unyielding will that has been tempered through thousands of trials. When I am hurt by the enemy, it will speed up the healing of the wound, and deprive the opponent of a part of his thoughts and transform them into my temperament. Therefore, you have no chance of winning! Your futile attack will only make me stronger!

"Humph, save your breath! Stop bluffing here!"

Standing still, seemingly on guard, but actually resting secretly, and using the conversation to delay time, Dazonie, who had recovered his strength, snorted coldly.

"If you could really enhance your thoughts unlimitedly, why would you be willing to stay in the position of a small Blair family agent captain!"

"You can submit your letter of surrender to the Ten Old Men and join the Yin Beast team. Whether it is status or treatment, it will be hundreds or thousands of times better than what you have now!"

The smile on Moradi's face disappeared.

"And the fact that you are still here can only mean that you cannot meet the requirements of the Yin Beast! So I am sure that the upper limit of your ability is not too high!"

His face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

The Ten Old Men are the ten highest leaders of the gangs in the Hunter World. They are the gang leaders of the six continents and ten regions. They often meet with each other to discuss events.

They have thousands of gangsters, and the team composed of the ten strongest Nen users is the famous"Yin Beast".

Just as Dazonie guessed, after mastering his Nen ability, Moradi, who was full of confidence, contacted the confidants of the"Ten Old Men" through special channels that day and submitted his materials.

Just two days later, a member of the Yin Beast named"Ocelot" came to the door and prepared to test his strength.

The result is self-evident.

Moradi was beaten without any ability to fight back.

His proud double-arm defense was not worth mentioning in front of the opponent's ten claws. Even if the amount of gas absorbed had reached its limit, it still collapsed at the touch and almost died on the spot.

If the opponent had not held back because they were also working for the"Ten Old Men", Moradi would have turned into a pile of minced meat.

""Pa pa pa~"

After hearing what Dazonie said, Moradi actually clapped his hands

"As expected of you, you have guessed so much information in such a short time. That's right, just now, you slashed me 200 times in total. The damage caused by these 200 slashes has reached a limit for the temporary increase in Nian. So, I plan to……"

"I'll give them back to you!"

The thoughts in Moradi's body began to churn violently, and 200 absorbed thoughts emerged from the scars on his arms, condensing into the shape of a long sword in mid-air!

Looking closely, its appearance is very similar to the weapon in Dazonie's hand!

Moreover, Moradi's own thoughts are also constantly pouring into it!


Feeling the power contained in it, Dazonie's face changed, and he immediately thought it was not good!

Waving the long sword with the word"God", he immediately charged at Moradi!

Trying to interrupt the opponent's power accumulation!

"It's useless! This is a passive skill! Once the value is fully stacked, it will automatically launch a counterattack!……"

"Just die under your own sword!"

The sword chopped down instantly!


Dazonie flew out covered in blood!

Two hundred attacks of mind energy burst out at the same time, directly breaking through the mind energy wrapped around Dazonie's body, and bombarding it without reservation!


Skuvara, who had been paying attention to the battlefield situation, suddenly exclaimed!

The long sword with the word"God" fell to the ground, losing the infusion of the mind, and the word"God" engraved on it also lost its luster

"Hey~ Dazonie, I won!"

He lit a cigarette, took a big puff, and asked for a machete from his men, leaning it against his shoulder, and then walked slowly to the side of Dazonie who was still alive.

Looking at the other party struggling and trying to get up again, Moradi felt that all the frustration he had felt in recent days was swept away.

"I have to say, you are quite lucky. You are still alive."

After pressing the machete against Dazo's tattered and bloody chest, he squatted down and spoke in the other's angry eyes.

"I told you, you have no chance. If you had chosen to keep Weng Ni from the beginning, I would have let you go. It's you who didn't cherish her, so, in your next life, be reborn into a good one!" He swung his sword and chopped it down!

"call out!"

"" Dang!"

The machete was hit by an umbrella that flew out suddenly!

The huge force contained in it even made Moradi unable to hold the handle tightly!

The machete spun and disappeared in the air, and it was unknown where it flew to.

Moradi stood up in a flash, holding his aching right wrist, spitting out the cigarette, and watching a strange man strolling into the center of the battlefield with a vigilant face.

"Who are you?! This is an internal issue of the gang. If you are not familiar with it, leave immediately! Otherwise……"

Moradi warned the other party, and with a wave of his left hand, his men immediately pointed their guns at the man.

However, the other party seemed to have seen nothing, and ignored Moradi's words, and walked straight towards Dazonie who was lying on the ground. For the sake of caution, Moradi frowned and immediately stepped back.

Because his wrist, which had just held the knife, was obviously swollen!

This was because of the protection of Nian!

The blond man stopped in front of Dazonie, bent down, looked at each other for a while, and suddenly smiled and asked

"Hello, Mr. Dazonie, let me introduce myself. My name is Surante, and I am a bounty hunter. I have some skills, but I don't have a license. Would you consider hiring me?"

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