Starting from Zero

Vol 4 Chapter 39: Terrorist

But the sound of a jarring rolling iron jar came over, and I saw a cannonball rolling towards me, and the cannonball rolled in front of me in front of everyone, and then I stretched out Stepped on the shell with one foot.

Time seemed to stop there, and the surroundings became extremely quiet. After a few seconds my heart finally let go. Fortunately, he didn't fry!

The cauldron rice ran out of the fort to see the shells under my feet. "It's scary! Just now ..."

——Boom! ——

The huge and barbarous impact came from the soles of my feet, and I only felt a powerful force dragging me up. Everyone on the boat was stunned watching me fly into the blue sky due to the blast of the explosion! The tremendous power has kept me on the trend that the cloud has not fallen down!

The first thing I do after waking up is to spread the wings of the dragon to control the flying attitude. I will faint when I turn so old! That was really terrible just now, and my life hit bottom again. Fortunately, these guys helped me share the injuries by guarding the collar, and finally managed to save my life!

The direct impact of the shells fired by the artillery and the impact of the impact of the explosion are obviously completely different. Although the shells exploded under my feet this time, with the magic dragon suit's nearly perfect defense and the life of the guard collar I was n’t killed when I shared it, but the fire still burned my ashes. Fortunately, the dragon set was originally black. As for whether the original color was black or blackened, I could n’t see it anyway. It's up!

After spending a lot of energy to stabilize his body, he saw the luck coming straight down. He obviously saw that I had just been blown up so he came up to pick me up. Everyone was surprised when they were fortunately put back on the deck but said nothing. Last time I was hit by a direct hit by a shell, I can get used to such trivial matters. But what I couldn't accept was that a hole appeared in the door of the magic crystal cannon turret. And the shape of this hole is clearly a large character with open limbs!

Everyone watching me staring at the hole couldn't help but burst into laughter. Only the cauldron came over and smiled awkwardly: "Don't be angry, this is an accident!"

立即 I immediately understood what was going on. It must have blown me up into the sky when the shell exploded just now and blasted the big pot rice into the turret. The big hole of this human shape obviously came from the body of the big pot rice! After understanding it, I couldn't help laughing.

I smiled and laughed. I suddenly remembered that there was still business. "First mate!"


"What did you do just now?"

报告 "Report! We were hit by two suicide ships!"

什么 "What? Didn't I say that the suicide ship was set as the first priority target? Why was it still hit? Where did it hit us? How about our loss?"

"Because the enemy suddenly emerged from the battleship group, and it was very fast, we were unable to intercept them! Two suicide ships exploded on the right string and one exploded on the stern. But fortunately, we are not They were hit directly. In fact, we already hit them, but the place where they exploded was too close to us, so the situation just now was actually caused by the shock wave of the explosion! "

"How about the loss?"

"The explosion distance on the right chord is a little farther, and the situation is better. 37 long paddles and 237 sailors were lost, and 313 sailors were injured, but all were sailors in the boat pulp room. The artillery room was relatively high, so only Suffering from some shocks and no casualties! The explosion in the rear compartment was more serious, a large opening was opened in the rear rescue capsule, and more than 100 lifeboats were lost! "

Feng Yin Piao Miao was also right next to him. After listening to the report, he patted me on the shoulder and said, "Don't be sad, you are already very lucky! You have a lot of guns, but you still hit them. My ship was hit directly. Now, half of the ship has been bombed! If you think about the shock wave that was just now, if it wasn't for your boat, it would have crashed directly, and the shock wave alone would overturn you! "

"I do n’t feel bad, I am distressed, a good warship has been bombed so many holes, and it will cost you money to repair it!"


"What's that, you just repair the ship. You don't want to think that my fleet is all over. I will have to rebuild a fleet when I go back!"

"That's true!"

"Be careful!" While we were talking, a round of artillery shells flying from somewhere hit me in the back. I'm still thinking in the air, who am I trying to mess with? I was hit three times a day! The shells took me out of the deck and stopped until they hit something!

试图 I tried to stand up after laboriously removing the plank pressed on my body, but one leg was still stuck! Damn, a cannon! I really don't know what to say, my left leg is actually jammed in the cannon of a cannon, and the worst thing is that my foot is stuck!

Now that I ca n’t get my legs out, I ’ll take the shells that have turned into discus on my back first. This is obviously a flat shell, and it ’s obviously out of range and there is almost no inertia. I did n’t get back full, but I still could n’t kill my shell!

After removing the shells, I started to observe the surroundings. This is a wooden structure room. I'm lying at the corner of the room, there are a lot of ... shells? I remember what this place is, this is the fire yao library! I'm really glad I was so fatal that I rushed in just now and did not detonate these terrible guys!

I was thinking that I suddenly heard someone speaking, and it was not Chinese. Mom Japanese! This is a Japanese battleship!

I was bombed into a Japanese battleship by a shell! These people apparently came down to check the damage. I think at the speed I just flew, those little Japanese couldn't see whether they were flying in personally or by shells!

唧唧 喳喳 The two 唧唧 喳喳 Japanese people have walked outside the room. They seem to be talking, but I do n’t understand a sentence! My dad also forced me to learn a few foreign languages, including Japanese, but I typed: "I am Chinese, I do n’t learn foreign languages, Japanese is not good, it means I am patriotic!" So now I am Learned Japanese is equivalent to not learning! At least what the two idiots said outside the door now I don't understand!

I carefully climbed to the roof, and now I feel like a spider man. Thanks to my dragon suit, which is full of hooks, I can easily insert the sharp barbs on the feet into the wood in these wooden structures. Li hung himself on the roof.

The two guys finally pushed in and came in. The two were a ninja and a woman, who couldn't figure out their careers but looked like melee occupations. I carefully clamped the beam on the ceiling with my elbow, and carefully pulled out the dragon's ribs on the right wrist with my left hand and made a simple rope cover.

女人 The woman looked at the shells, then patted her chest, smiled, and said something to the ninja behind. It is probably fortunate that the shells did not explode! The ninja went to the big hole near the wall and was looking out. It is estimated that he was going to check the damage outside, and the woman was still arranging shells with his back to him.

怎么 How can I let go of such a good opportunity and carefully take out my spear. This action took me a lot of effort, now it is hanging from the roof, only one hand can be free to take things, and I have to try not to make a sound so as not to be found. I finally took out the spear, and at the moment the ninja turned around, he threw it at him, and the spear smoothed him through and then took him out. What I wanted was this effect. The woman turned back quickly when she heard the voice. What she saw was a ninja with a spear thrown out. But she did not see the attackers, but she immediately realized the roof and looked up to confirm. But this time difference is enough for me to wrap the rope around her neck!

Turned on the cutting function of the dragon's tendon, a fierce rewind, and a head flew over with blood and blood. I carefully avoided the splattered blood and jumped off the ground. It was important to open the summoning line and first raise the spear that had just fallen into the sea with that ninja. I do n’t know if there is a distance limit for the summoning of the dragon gun. It's too much trouble to call too deeply!

Carefully came to the side of the large hole on the side of the ship, holding a cannonball in my hand. I put down the helmet's mask and jumped out with my back to the outside. While in the air, he threw the shells from the hole into the fire in the cabin, and fell into the sea like a diver.

When I got under the sea, I suddenly felt a violent shock. Don't think about it and know that the shells that I lost just detonated the reserve ammunition on the ship! However, in addition to the huge shock waves and deafening sounds in the water, I could only see fuzzy fire and small things suspected to be ship fragments flying out.

Under the water, I adjusted my posture and swam in the direction of my battleship, and now I find that the dragon set is actually waterproof! When I was hit into the sea at first, if I put down the mask, I would not have poured so much water! And after a while, I found that this mask obviously has the use of an air filter. I can breathe underwater, which is really good!

Since I do n’t have to worry about the oxygen problem, I keep going in the direction of Bi Ling. According to the last glance, he should not be far away from me! But when I was about to swim, I stuck my head out of the water and saw a Japanese battleship with a plaster flag! I'm dizzy! Bi Ling has gone far away! I can clearly see that there is a large hole with a diameter of several meters behind his butt!

I was depressed and suddenly felt that something dragged me towards Biling, and it turned out that it was the dragon girl who swam from below me. I didn't expect her to be so fast underwater, I caught up with the Biling in a while, and I easily entered the ship from the big hole behind the ship!

But I encountered something strange. I actually heard the conversation, and it was still Japanese! I doubted went to the entrance of the cave and looked outside. Yes, this is the Bi Ling, but how can there be Japanese? Did I go out this time and be occupied by Bi Ling? impossible! More than 8,000 people staying up and down and killing Biling for a long time, how could they be occupied so quickly!


Is it a spy? I carefully approached the source of that sound, and gradually approached I saw those who spoke Japanese. It was five ninjas, all in dark blue ninja uniforms. Four of them were carrying heavy baggage on their bodies, which looked heavy, and didn't know what was inside! Another ninja is probably the leader. He is empty-handed, but there is a long bamboo tube behind him that he doesn't know what to do.

I slowly approached those ninjas, and these guys thought they had been careful not to be found. I got into Eagle's private chat.

"Zi Ri! Where have you been?" Eagle cried immediately.

I tried to keep my voice down, "I'm on the boat!"

"On board? Which ship?" Eagle didn't understand me.

"I'm on the Bi Ling!"

"Where?" Eagle asked and looked around, but how could he see me?

别 "Don't look for it, I'm on the fifth floor (we call the first floor below the deck, the second and third floors down, the deeper the number)! I came in through the big hole behind the bottom!"

"No wonder!" The hawk stopped the futile search. "Come on, the sailors on the deck have suffered a serious loss. Many cannons are empty and no one is there!"

"I can't go up now, you better let the cauldron rice and passerby down."


"I saw five Japanese here, I'm afraid I can't control them all!"

日本 "Japanese? On our boat? Are you right?"

废 "Nonsense, if I don't see you, I can tell you to send someone down here? Hurry up! I don't think these guys are good birds, maybe they came up as spies!"

"Okay, I'll just tell them to go down and help you!"

As I waited for them to come down to help me, I continued to get closer to the Japanese, and they seemed to be looking for something while moving forward carefully. Soon I knew what they were looking for, and they were looking for my ammunition depot. Almost immediately I knew what they were carrying, that was zha medicine! These guys are clearly terrorists carrying explosives on board!

When I knew their goal, I immediately informed Cauldron and Passerby to approach carefully. Those Japanese have entered the ammunition depot, I carefully touched the door, and the cauldron and the passerby across the side also touched it in time. Lifting the mask, I made a quiet gesture with my hand to my mouth, then carefully stretched my head and looked at the cigarette. Those guys were taking things off their backs and hiding them in ammunition dumps.

After seeing the situation, I quickly hid back. The two of them started to draw a picture in front of the big pot rice. They made a swipe around the neck with their hands, and then shake their hands in front of them to tell them not to do anything. Pointing at the room, **** his hands and quickly spreading out to indicate that there is a bomb inside, and then pointed at the two of them with their fingers and pointed at the roof. They immediately understood that they climbed up to the roof and hung upside down with their legs, waiting for the ninja to come out.

Soon, five ninjas came out. Cauldron rice and passerby jumped off the roof at the same time, one for each person. Passers-by and Daguofan are both high-attack fighters, and the ninja is a variant class similar to the high-sensitivity thief. Their defensive power is conceivable. The two ninjas who walked ahead were instantly confronted. The two guys in the back row were slightly stunned, and I flashed in front of them with two fists and smashed into the faces of the two guys at the same time.

Ninja is worthy of Gao Min's profession. Two guys reached out to block at the same time, and one of them held one of my wrists. They grabbed my two wrists and smiled mockingly at me, but I also laughed somehow. When the two guys were wondering why I laughed, my two arms were pressed down and rushed forward at the same time, until my fists were on their two chests, and then a click, my two claws bounced at the same time When they came out and pierced into their roar, their smiles were frozen on their faces.

Feeling the power on my hand disappeared, I quickly withdrew my hand and pushed the two guys blocking the door away at the same time. In the end, the ninja boss has turned to prepare to detonate the zha medicine. It seems that he knows that a ninja is not comparable to the soldier in a narrow cabin, so he is desperate to play a suicide bomber!

When I rushed in, it was too late to run over to stop him. After all, there was still some distance from the door to the fire, and he had already rushed to the side. I quickly raised my right hand and pressed the spring with the Avengers at his reserve. The soul-chasing arrow went straight through his head and an arrow came from his forehead.

But the fire fold in his hand has been pulled away, and if he looks at the fire fold in the direction he is falling now, it will definitely fall into the fire yao pile. The cauldron rice that followed the door and the passerby saw the falling fire folds instinctively crouching and holding their heads to resist the impact of the explosion, but a residual image flashed beside me, and the fire folds disappeared into the air instantly.

It turns out to be a dart! He had been on my shoulder just now, and now he saw that I couldn't keep up with the speed of the fire fighter, so he ran out to catch the fire fighter. Fortunately, he caught Huozhezi, so he saved us a boatman, and also saved the Biling!

I dare not imagine what would happen to the zha medicine pile if it exploded!

"Zi Ri! Are you done?" Ying asked in a private chat.

"That's it! I'm scared to death, this group of dog-days actually resisted a few packets of zha medicine and put them in our ammunition depot. Fortunately, we found it in time, otherwise we will blast it into the sky!"

Wu Ying listened to me but did not show the excitement I expected, but said frustrated, "You better hurry up, we are really going to be blown into the sky now!"

"Ah? What?" I asked for the situation and called for the cauldron and they ran to the deck. When I appeared on the deck, I stayed.

There are hundreds of small lifeboats on the sea in front of you, but these Japanese lifeboats are full of zha medicine! These little things completely ignored our blocking fire and rushed forward with intensive artillery fire. They were determined to sink us by holding on to their death!

"Archer! Scatter!" On the deck, the eagle directed the archer to shoot the suicide boats that had passed the fire blockade, but more and more boats rushed up.

The magic crystal cannon has now turned to shoot those suicide boats. Although each cannon of the magic crystal cannon can directly detonate adjacent boats and overturn the nearby boats, but there are too many enemies. The Crystal Cannon is not very useful at all!

At this moment, a small boat rushed out of the firepower net and approached our battleship. Lark, an eye-catching hand, rushed to the side of the boat with a bow and aimed for a long time. Finally, it stood on the side rail of the ship and went to the small boat almost at the foot A burst arrow was fired. This bursting arrow successfully detonated the small boat, but the small boat was too close to us, and the shock wave of the explosion threw the Biling again, and then the Biling slammed into the sea severely and shocked everyone. After a while ~ ~ We can't stand this level of shock anymore! The hawk sighed helplessly as he looked at the embarrassing ship's side.

"There's another ship over there!" Cried the cauldron.

"I won't let you approach!" Braun once again rushed up the ship's side to shoot the feather arrow, but the feather arrow missed. Braun was not used to shooting arrows on a wobbly ship, so it was quite normal!

"Thunder of punishment!" The suddenly appearing Thunderbolt boat blasted it directly, and looking at the smoking sword next to it, it was known that Ashura of the purple clothes of Xiura saved everyone's lives!

But the third, fourth, and fifth self-exploding boats rushed up, and we no longer know what to do! A hand rested on my shoulder, and I looked back to see a face that was distorted because of a runaway mood. "Red Moon? How are you ...?"

"Promise me ...! Help me occupy a Japanese city for 24 hours! I will complete your task!"

She walked to the side of the ship without waiting for my answer after she said this inexplicable thing, and then she jumped in full view. The side of the ship blocked my view, but I clearly saw what was happening under the ship. After the sky's golden yellow beam of light flashed, an afterimage flew out of the ship instantly. The shadow is almost invisible, we can only roughly confirm that the shadow bounces between suicide boats, and all the boats he has exploded immediately.

The speed of the shadows is rising in a straight line, and it is getting faster and faster, and soon we will not even see the shadows! At the same time, the suicide boat that had spread all over the sea has completely lost its shadow. Nothing but debris on the sea! What kind of monster is this? What a terrible fighting power! Even if I am definitely not my opponent! What exactly is he? Is it ...?

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