Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 10: Come back home

"Don't you just use it?" Xiaochun reminded me with a smile.

"I have only used it? You mean the special ability of Yeying?"

"Yes. Even if Night Shadow can enter other people's dreams, then it should also be able to enter the Great Wheel of Pluto. According to my observations, Night Shadow's ability to enter dreams depends only on himself and is not affected by the willpower of the entrant. Big Wheel Pluto is not much better than an ordinary person in protecting her dreams. If we can find a way to open space in her dreams, we can go back to reality and use the same method to open her storage space again. Get what we want. "

"Good idea." I quickly waved Ye Ying over. "Can you take us into the dream of Big Wheel Pluto?"

"Yes, yes, but not here."


"Because it's your mind, not your body, that enters the dream. If I bring you all in, the outer body is asleep. If there is an enemy at this time, then you have nothing to fight back. Works. "

"So we need to go to a safe place to get into her dreams?"


Ling told me, "How about we go back to Isinger before searching?"

"That's not necessary." Xiaochun refers to the hole that just came out. "As long as Silver Snow is found and she protects our bodies, it should be safe enough."

"Then do that. You clean up here first." I walked to the still-conscious female captive, and then said to the strong man next to her: "I haven't known your name for so long!"

"Chad. My name is Chad."

"Well Chad, my name is Ziri, and it belongs to ...!"

"I know. You are famous."

"That's good. Chad. This is a storage ring." I reached for a very ordinary ring. "Although it doesn't look good, its capacity is very large. You can try it with you now."

Chad took the ring at my request, but we worked hard to get him to bring the thing. Half-worms have poor fingers, making it difficult to carry our ring. Fortunately, he didn't have any discomfort after taking it, so he didn't need to take it down. I told him a simple way to open it, and Chad opened the storage space attached to the ring as I requested. This storage space is a bit special. It is not a simple black hole, but a gate.

I walked over to the door and pushed it open, and immediately there were four well-armed beauties. But don't be fooled by their appearance. These are the fairy and magic hybrid puppets of this guild, which are the improved versions of the "Terminator TB series puppets" that were recently experimented.

After seeing me, all the four puppets quickly put away their weapons, and then saluted. I nodded, then pointed to Chad. "You will be commanded by him in the future. But your first priority is still to protect the things in this cave. He can enter, but he cannot bring others in. If someone breaks through forcefully, and you can't resist it, you need to be inside the enemy. The machine has detonated here before. Also, if he needs anything to help you, you can send two people to help him, but at least two people must be left to protect the contents of the cave. He has the right to use the existing contents. But he cannot bring them out or disassemble them. If it is what he brought in, you don't need to worry about it. Finish. "

"Order confirmation." The four puppets saluted together.

I turned to Chad and said, "They will be directed by you in the future. If someone finds out that you are working for us. You can ask them to help you kill that person, or if we need a helper, we can help them. Come with me now. "

I took Chad into the open door. This is actually a T-shaped cave, and the four or five meters into the door is a horizontal passage. The two sections of the horizontal passageway are more than three meters long at each end, and each has a door at its end. I first brought Chad into the left door. It was an empty room of about thirty square meters, with nothing but a few boxes of water and food. "Chad, this is a storage area. You can put some things that you don't want to be known, or use it as a secret room. Follow me now."

"Wow!" Chad called as soon as he entered the door on the other side. "what is this?"

"These are your communication tools in the future." I pointed to a row of large instruments by the wall. "That's a crystal resonance communicator. It can simultaneously transmit video and sound signals. You can use it to contact us at any time. The orders we give you will also be transmitted through it."

"That's great." Chad suddenly noticed a round platform on the ground next to him, and immediately asked, "Is this a teleportation array?"

"This is a teleportation array, but here is the red planet, so it is temporarily unavailable. If you reach Earth, you can use it to teleport to Isinger. But I need to remind you that this teleportation array is only within the territory of China effective."

"I understand."

I pointed at the row of seats next to the wall. "That's where your bodyguards charge. Don't sit up, or you'll explode."

"I definitely won't be near them."

I nodded: "You can ask them about the operation of these instruments, and they will tell you. The main task you are going back to now is to collect all kinds of human geography and all kinds of information and send them to us. What tasks will we have in the future? Notice. You better not betray us, because today we have recorded. If you tell others that you are working for us, we are only losing an incompetent spy, and you will be ruined. Do you understand? "


"Very good." I turned to give Emmenes ahead. "She will copy the memory that was just injected into your girlfriend's mind into your head. You will know for sure that these memories are fake, but it can help you communicate with her, otherwise she asks you some help The details of her process, you're in trouble if you don't speak the lines. "

"Oh, I understand."

Amenis walked to Chad. Then he put his hand on his head. "Okay, relax now, don't resist my will, I'll help you enter your memory."

A few minutes later Emmys completed the memory entry. We faked the scene, then took the unconscious three super bosses and left the scene with the corpse of the killed mantis. In Chad, we did not let him return, but gave him a script, let him study it, and then explained to him for a long time, and after he fully understood, he took him back to the channel towards Silver Snow and those The master of the Red Planet flew away.

Xin Yin let his spear lean next to my bird and asked, "What about our mission?"

"Which do you think is more important than the three of them?"

"Of course the three of them."

"So I can only deal with them before I can do the task. Rest assured, your task is only a 600-level task, I am a 1,000-level task, I am even more nervous than you!"

After flying a certain distance without incident, I summoned Lingling and Xiaochun again, and then asked Yeyue and Ling to help them dress up. Not to make them look more beautiful. It is to make them miserable. Fortunately, everything can be found in my Fenglong space. We took two big bottles of blood from the inside and stained Xiaochun and Lingling with blood, and then painted ourselves. Afterwards, the two of them pretended to be seriously injured, and we faked the wounds for them. After looking at the disposal, we accelerated to fly forward, while Chad continued to fly slowly on an injured mount. When we reached the place where we surpassed Yinxue before, we saw that Yinxue was still fighting with the enemy there. The difference was that several people had been lying on the ground, and the others were almost finished.

Our miserable looks startled Yin Xue. The bird was flying with a thruster on one side, and the back was smoking black smoke suddenly, the attitude was like it would fall off at any time. As soon as we saw the open space where Yin Xue was, we started to slow down. Asuka crashed into the ground in an unsightly posture. I turned down with the others, and then I shouted at Yin Xue: "Silver snow, don't fight. People we robbed back. Those **** guards are too bad, we have suffered heavy casualties, and we are almost supporting Stay, let's take us back! "After that, I fell to the ground with no physical strength, and the others also pretended to be dizzy and moaned.

Silver Snow quickly flew in front of us and put on alert. Those enemies saw that the mission had failed. Their manpower was not enough to recapture the captives from Yinxue, leaving only the entire army to be wiped out. Just as they were about to leave, Chad rushed out on his mount.

Chad also went through our treatment, but he was not disguised, but was really injured. We made some large and small wounds on him, and one was very close to the point. Of course, we will not let him die. The injuries looked scary, but they weren't fatal, and Amenese had given him a nerve lock, and he wouldn't feel pain until the wound healed. Of course, on the surface he still had to pretend to be very painful.

Chad, full of scars, rushed out, holding the dead mantis's body, and leaned over immediately after seeing the others. Chad immediately fell on his knees and cried. "Elder, I'm useless! My companions are dead, our guests are taken away, and I ... I fight with them." Chad said, standing up and rushing towards us again.

Of course the elders wouldn't watch him die, pulled him together, comforted him and evacuated here with him. After the little beetles that I had left in the passage before returning the information that the enemy had gone far away, we "severely wounded, jumped up from the ground immediately.

"The show is over." I kicked my heart still lying on the ground. "Get up, we have more business to do."

Yin Xue looked at us in surprise and said, "Are you all pretending?"

"Of course. Those little guys haven't made us so miserable yet?" I laughed and said, "The one who rushed out later was a spy who had trusted us, and acting like this was nothing more than adding him back Status. As his status rises, the role of spying intelligence is even greater. Who would suspect that their hero is our spy? "

"You are really evil."

"It's called moving brains." I pointed at the three round Pluto on the ground and said three of them: "People are here, but things have not been found. We estimate that there may be space for storage of Pluto, and we intend to enter her Dreams of finding ways to open space, but we ca n’t bring our bodies in. So we need you to help us protect the law. "

"At this?"

"Of course not. We still have to go back to Earth first, and then just find an uninhabited island. With your fighting power, it should be OK to have as many people as possible?"

"Just don't meet a big man of my rank."

"There are only a dozen big people like you all over the world, and we won't run into them like that."

"Good. Then we will return immediately."

We took the captives and started walking back, but this **** underground world was like a labyrinth, and we couldn't remember the way back after walking too far. We had to grab a local creature to show us the way to find a pass The only problem with the teleportation point to the earth is that this teleportation point is not the one we walked when we came.

"Where is this?" Xinyin asked, looking around.

"I think we are in France." I pointed to an iconic building ahead.

"Eiffel Tower?"

"Then what do we do now?" Yin Xue asked me.

"Just go back, Tianyu City also has an exit in France, just use the teleportation scroll."

"I don't think this will work." Yin Xue pointed at the three captives floating in the bubbles around him. This thing was made by Yinxue to help transport the land. The effect was pretty good. "These three guys are too powerful, and even in a coma, it is not easy to transport them away using a teleportation array without their consent."

"Then just fly over. Not too far anyway."

"All right, follow me."

I didn't ride a bird because I had to take care of the speed of the silver snow. Riding the night shadow. Xin Yin still followed his spear, but there were three large bubbles dragged behind the spear, which contained our captives. Yin Xue didn't fly by herself, but sat on my side to enjoy the scenery along the way. Although she ranks in the top three in China except for her superior gods, she has never left China before being restricted by system treaties. So this kind of exotic style is very attractive to her.

"Well, Ziri, what's over there?"

"That's the windmill. This is France. It's not too many. If you get to Holland, you can see the whole thing."

"Windmill? What an interesting thing. I'll take a look. You fly slowly."

"Hey ...!" She was gone before I even came out and shouted. "Dizzy! This crazy girl has a combat power comparable to nuclear weapons, and IQ is still at the level of adolescent girls!"

Xin Yin also reluctantly smiled. "If I don't go first, I know where Tianyu City is, and I shouldn't have gone wrong."

I thought about it, and summoned all four of their lucky dragons. Think about calling out Xiaolongnv and Xiaofeng. "Protect your heart to go to Tianyu City first, and I will catch up with you in a moment."

"Rest assured that our strong lineup will be fine."

"I'm not worried about others attacking you. I'm afraid the three guys will wake up! Forget it, Amenis will be with you too! Look more on the road, if they show signs of waking, immediately put on some hypnosis. Do anything, don't let them wake up anyway. "

"okay, I got it."

After explaining their side, I quickly let the night shadow turn around and fly down, Yinxue had almost lost sight of the enclave. Although it could not keep up with the speed of the birds, Yinxue's actual flight speed was not slow. Although she is not a type of eating by speed, after all, she is too powerful, and even the simplest flying technique, using her mana, will not be too slow.

Unfortunately, I underestimate the charm of Yin Xue! By the time I managed to catch up with her, she was already in trouble. Although Yinxue is a beast of protection of the country, she was brought back from the flood era by me. To this flowery world, she is still like a child and knows nothing. The worst part is that she is both beautiful and powerful, which means that she has both the conditions and ability to cause trouble. As soon as I explained the magic pets to protect the heart and captives and then chased them up, she was in conflict with others.

"Do you dare attack me?" Yin Xue pointed at a guy and yelled.

"How can I be willing to attack you? I just want to touch it!" The Asian player was talking, but I didn't know which country he was. There is a large group of white players standing next to this guy, but they seem to be very headache.

A white player stood up and said, "Sorry, some of our friends like to play around, please don't blame us. We apologize to you on his behalf."

"I ...!" Yin Xue was caught from the sky by the moment I wanted to get angry.

"Misunderstanding." I pulled Yin Xue behind me. "We accept your apology. This is a thing of the past."

"Yes, yes, just when he passed." The other party quickly greeted me politely.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows the same way. The guy who tried to make fun of Yinxue jumped out again and pointed at my nose and said, "Where did your kid come from? It's your turn to talk to the beauty?

"Don't do this." I haven't spoken yet. The white man who had previously apologized to us pulled him aside, then turned around and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, our friend is like this, you don't care. You go first!"

"Who is a friend with you?" The guy actually flung away a few white people around him, and then pointed at the nose of the white man who apologized to me before: "You are just my attendant, figure out the identity And you. "He pointed to my nose and said," I ... "

That guy's voice suddenly disappeared by our side, because his people had nowhere to fly at a speed of ten times the speed of sound. As for the reason ... Look at Yin Xue's fist.

The group of white people were all stupid on the spot, one by one staring at the direction the guy was flying away, and turned back to look at Yin Xue's fist after tens of seconds. Swallowed together.

From the temperament and equipment of these people, I can roughly see that they are all very capable types, so they should also be able to understand what strength is needed to make the boxing effect just now. I think this is exactly why they are dazed. Because they see the level of power that normal players can't play at all.

A warrior professional player paused for a long time before looking at Yin Xue and asking, "Troubleshoot. Miss, how many levels are you?"

"Fifteen thousand, is there a problem?" Yinxue was clearly out of breath.

"No problem, no problem. Since the lady is unwilling to say it, forget it!" Although Yin Xue was telling the truth, these guys apparently made fun of her. Silver Snow's state is not like it at all. After all, things are very purposeful, and they rarely hang around like players, so they all treat Yin Xue as a player. And the highest player among me currently is less than one thousand, let alone fifteen thousand, so they all think Yinxue is talking angrily.

"I'm so sorry!" I smiled at them, and then pulled Yin Xue back. Yin Xue struggled a bit, but didn't use much effort. At her level, I really don't want to leave, I can't pull ten. "Okay, okay, don't get angry. I know you're not happy, but you're a guardian beast. Do you want to show something big! Don't care about that kind of garbage."

"But I'm still very angry." Yin Xue snorted and looked around. Suddenly she pointed to the distance and said, "Then you take me to play there, I will not be angry."

"There?" I looked over there, but saw nothing. "What fun is there in the open space?"

"I'm talking a little farther away. Hey, let me show you." Silver Snow suddenly made a water mirror in front of us, and the Eiffel Tower was actually displayed inside.

"You're going to Paris? But that happened to be the opposite of Tianyu City?"

"But you promised me that there will be a lot of benefits to joining your trip. I rarely go abroad for the first time. Isn't it excessive to go sightseeing?"

"But there's a big round of Pluto and Master Tongtian ... Okay, okay!" Yin Xue's expression was getting darker and darker, and I was afraid to say she was going to be cyanotic, so I had to take her to play first, anyway The leader is already in our hands, as long as there is no accident, there will be no major problems.

I heard that I agreed that Yinxue's face turned cloudy and sunny immediately, and it was still the type with bright sun. "Let's go then?"

"OK." I whistle. "Night shadow, come down!"

"Are you finally going back?"

"Not going back, but going to Paris."

"Going to Paris?" Yeying asked in amazement: "Why didn't you go just now, that caused me to carry you all the way back, and now I want to run back, you can really toss people!"

I quickly pinched Ye Ying's mouth. "Shh ... it's not that I'm going back, it's Silver Snow going to travel. You work harder!"

"Yinxue is going? There is no way!"

"Fuck, you guy is also a master of bullying."

"My name is Junjie."

After Yeying landed, I quickly put Yinxue on Yeying's back, and then I jumped up. There are night shadows on the move, the speed is quite fast, and soon to the suburbs of Paris. France is one of the major European powers, and Paris is the capital of France, so people are indispensable. However, today's situation is quite special. I only saw teams of carriages traveling back and forth to the city and didn't know what they were loading. The number is quite large anyway.

Yin Xue was here for sightseeing. Everything here made her curious, but I was different. I've been to Paris in real life and games ~ ~ So here is not new to me, but these cars are very interesting to me.

"Let's go there." Yin Xue shouted at the Eiffel Tower.

"No problem." I directed the night shadow toward the Eiffel Tower, watching the vehicles passing by. These cars obviously all come from the same guild or the same transport unit, because their cars have the same logo, and even the clothing of the escorts is uniform.

Judging from the car prints, the contents of these cars are not too heavy, but it is strange that the car body is large. I really can't figure out if something very light needs to be transported by a large sixteen-wheel carriage, which is obviously abnormal. The kind of magic fluctuations coming out of the car from time to time is also very strange. I feel that I have not been exposed to such magic fluctuations for a while.

"What do you want?" Silver Snow finally found me absent-minded.

"It's nothing."

"Nothing, you stare at those cars forever? Even if they are pulling colorful magic spar, you don't have to watch them all the time, right?"

"What? The colorful magic spar?"

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