Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 34: End not

I ran to the large stamina of Ziri at a stretch, and then I changed to the Silver Moon state. Ling and Xiaochun rode the night shadow and Baixue to give me status on both sides. . In this low-gravity state, I can bounce around seven or eight meters, and the endurance consumption drops very much, only a little faster than the recovery.

"Fuck! Isn't it?" I was running well, and suddenly a big mountain appeared in front of me, and it didn't look low. "How can there be this thing? It will be finished if you climb up to it!"

"It's okay." The little dragon girl encouraged me at the back: "I use gravity to reduce your weight, and there is not much difference between climbing up and walking flat."

"Otherwise, we will blow you from the back with gale. I do n’t know if it ’s a foul!" It doesn't work to blow people. No way but to climb by myself. Fortunately, there is the anti-gravity technique of Xiaolong Nu. After the weight was reduced to one-fifth of the normal value, there was no sense of weight in climbing the mountain. I ran all the way up the mountain.

As I was approaching the top of the mountain, I saw that the frost and snow that had been lucky to ride out was waiting for me here. When she saw me coming up, she immediately smiled and said, "We just thought of a way to help you increase, and the system has admitted that this is not a violation."

"Oh? Any way?"

"You know when you come up." I laughed immediately when I went up to the top of the mountain and looked forward. It turned out that there was an additional ice slide on the mountain road. And there are retaining walls on both sides of the slide to prevent people from sliding out, which is like a giant slide. Shuangxue introduced: "I let lucky get rid of the trees and rocks that are blocking the road, and some pits were also filled. The layer of ice above was frozen out by me and has been polished. You can just jump up, two It will be three minutes. "

After seeing this slideway, the little dragon girl suddenly said, "Yes. Master, don't you have an ice skate? If the flat surface in front is also covered with ice like this, aren't you using skates faster than running?"

"Yeah!" Frost Xue quickly jumped onto the lucky back. "Let's go and pave the way."

Ling suggested: "It is better to release both the Kirin Warrior and the Bell Tone Knight, and let Scotia take them to the front to level the road, so that the master can slide along the way."

"That's a good idea. Hurry up, you can save a little bit." At the same time as sending a large number of soldiers, I have started to run forward, anyway Ling can help me close the space door behind me. Ling with loyalty is equivalent to my full authority, and she can act for me as long as I can exercise the rights.

Frost and Snow changed to ride in the shadow to help me freeze a smooth ice road in front of me, and I bounced out the ice skate under the dragon suit, and then stepped on the ice to start sliding. In fact, I only skate a little faster than running. But the biggest advantage of skating is that the endurance consumption is very low, which increases my sports consistency. Besides, it's only a little faster, it's fast. Such a long road can always save a lot of time.

I was desperately slipping on the ice. There was Frost and Snow all the way in front of me, and the accompanying cheering team on both sides helped to add various magic. Even the civilian staff who calculated the distance was equipped. The princess and Sha Yezi took my map and rode on the princess's pet, Xiao Bai's back. While looking at the map, she told me how many miles ahead and which way to use the mount.

Such a complete staff has helped me a lot, and everyone who can think of it has helped me to do it. I just have to run with my head full of sorrow. Even some small land enemies are also my magic pets. I killed it without knowing it. When I arrived, I could only see a battlefield ruins and a channel sorted out in advance, which could not have any interception effect at all.

However, not all enemies are so vulnerable. At least Ling, the great pet steward, will not rush to take my magic pet to fight against the enemy's camp. It is not a concept for a single player to break through and completely defeat. It would be of no practical significance to fight the enemy in front of me even if I fight with the enemy ahead of time. Only when I have passed can I really complete the task, otherwise it is useless to fight the enemy .

I glide behind to the end of a section of ice, and Ye Ying is waiting for me there. I know that encountering such a section means that you have entered an area where you can ride horses, which of course cannot be wasted. Before jumping to the end of the ice surface, I jumped forward and retracted the ice knife in the air and landed on the back of Night Shadow accurately. As soon as Ye Ying stepped on the ground, she darted out. It's unimaginable to get started without any clutter.

Under the shadow of the night, I quickly caught up with the leading troops who opened the way for me. Ling Zheng was carrying a large group of unicorn warriors and ringing knights there to confront the enemy, apparently having trouble.

"What's wrong?" I asked Ling overtaking.

Ling pointed to the canyon road in front: "The map must be crossed to mark the distance. But some people blocked it. The mountains on both sides were filled with explosives. If they rushed, they blew the mountains down. We have to clear the mountain road to pass. In that case, time delay on the throne of the Seal of God is not as simple as an hour or two. "

"I'll go up and see if I can negotiate." He urged Ye Ying to move forward. "I am Ziri, President of the Frost Rose Alliance. Who are you?"

"We haven't been to help small people. You wouldn't know about the famous Ziri celebrity." The other party's tone was both arrogant and proud.

I frowned, and after a moment of contemplation, I immediately returned and concentrated the summoned creatures. "Negotiations seem useless, and that sentence just now has explained a lot of issues."

Ling nodded in agreement with me. Compared to the players in the trip, my summoned creatures are all dragons, and their intelligence and tacit understanding are higher. Everyone can understand the problem of that sentence. The other party refused to say who they were, they just made it clear that they did n’t want me to retaliate, and the kind of intentionally overly complimented with that tone became an ironic meaning, that is to say, this is a group of jealous achievements to see me Extremely displeased people. There is no way for such people to negotiate with them. Because such people are often unreasonable and do not have a big picture at all. When discussing business with them, they can only seduce with the immediate benefits or threaten with other things. Unfortunately, I ca n’t give either of them now, because I do n’t have time for God now. Indian throne. Now that it is known that they cannot negotiate. It would be better to start the war as soon as possible, to save time in the Seal of the Throne.

Xiaochun said: "The mountain pass is too narrow, our soldiers can't open, and the other party has loaded explosives on the mountain. I'm afraid it won't work like this."

"It depends on your performance." I pointed at the mountain slit with a smile: "The other party does not have our crystallizing initiation device, so we can only use some explosives. Asuka and my two size guard spears together That's three, shouldn't it be difficult for them to intercept enemies on the mountainside with explosives? "

"This should be feasible, but ...!"

"Afraid of leaks?" I patted. "Kitten, little demon, Yeyue, the three of you rode a flying bird and two spears up the mountainside to intercept any fish that might have missed the net."

The kitten is the orc ancestor. The 4,800-level grade, plus its own type of combatants, should not be a problem in intercepting several people who ignite. Since the kittens are fine, the little monsters with grades up to 5,200 are fine. Besides, she is a singing banshee with a charm, even if she can't keep up, she just burns the other person's brain into tofu brain with mind control. Yeyue certainly doesn't have to worry about it. The 5,000th grade is not as good as a demon, but she is a descendant of the Protoss. The actual combat power is far above the demon. With her petrified pupil, any enemy is single pair. Shan is not her opponent. Besides, the three of them are only responsible for picking up leaks. There should not be many enemies.

"What about the lower part?" Ling pointed to the enemy at Yamaguchi and asked me.

"Let the tank make a first assault with heavy firepower, and then Xiao Feng rushed into the body first, using high temperature to drive away everyone nearby. At this time, Efriet rushed into the flames and used a large flame attack spell to hurt him. The enemy, then Lucky and Plague, and Xiaosan rushed into the enemy line to carry out a targeted cleanup. Rose vine and the trailblazers sent the Ringing Knight from the ground to the enemy, and when the above attack started, the ground was attacked. I took this time I rushed with others, but I wo n’t fight against the enemy. Once I break through the army, I will go all the way. Do n’t fall in love, just watch me pass and immediately disengage and follow me. If I completely The enemy is out of touch. Then you can organize a safe retreat and believe that the enemy is not interested in stopping you. "

"This is feasible."

"Well, start to act now, our time Seal of the Seal of Throne is very precious."

Follow my local strategy. Everyone immediately started to act separately. First you have to wait for the trailblazers and the rose vine to dig the tunnel. Of course, you can't get faster under the ground. Wait for them to dig the tunnel. After the ambushing bell knights were in place, our side began to enter the fighting state. The tank unfolds first, the shooter on its back enters full mode, and at the same time begins to charge energy.

I patted the tank's legs: "Be careful not to knock the mountain down. Move the target point outwards and shake those people with a shock wave."

The tank immediately lowered the firing angle and continued to charge. Just after the tank was fully prepared, I waved forward sharply: "Rush."

In the sound of an arc burst, a magenta ball of light was fired from the gun barrel on the tank's back, and it rushed straight towards the enemy line. The bird and the two spears, which had been prepared for a long time, rushed out immediately after the gun was ejected, and quickly passed the shell to the front.

The ground launcher on the back of the tank is a magic crystal weapon. It fires energy boluses instead of solid shells, so the degree is relatively slow. The degrees of the birds and the spears are exaggerated, and they come first, and actually pass the enemy's head ahead of time. However, the accident attracted the attention of the enemy, and when the opponent's eyes followed the birds, they turned to the ground and the shell fell.

A group of white light at the waist and eyes instantly turned the surroundings into a bright white, and no one could see anything under the intensity of the light. But this does not affect the flight of the spear, anyway, it is the sonic wave that people use in their homes.

After the white light was a plume of smoke rising from the sky. The bombardment power of the tank was almost the same as that of the small atomic bomb. The huge mushroom cloud scared us even when we saw it. But this is not a killing move. The power of the shock wave can only make the enemy temporarily disabled. You can react in a few seconds. But before they responded, our pioneer Xiaofeng rushed in.

As soon as Xiao Feng entered the enemy's formation, it was immediately reduced to the body. A giant fire phoenix with a wingspan of more than 100 meters suddenly appeared in mid-air. The terrible high temperature instantly burned all the nearby plants, and the large trees quickly burned. A torch. Haven't waited for the enemy to react to what happened. Everett's large-scale attack magic has arrived. Despite being a machine creature, as one of the two most proud works of Jia Ha Shi, Everett's level of magical use is still not as fast as most carbon-based creatures. The huge ring of flame spreads out at a distance of ten meters, and the ring is centered on Everett and spreads outward. Everything that is touched will immediately burn.

The horrible flames of the top creatures of the double fire system have not completely ended, and the three dragons have arrived. The lucky ones who survived the flames were finally unlucky this time. The dragon's targeted Longyan jet turned these survivors into unfortunate ones, and I took the huge unicorn warrior legion and ran directly into it, stepping into the dirt together with the last orderer.

Those who were sent to the mountain to ignite had long stood by the explosives and waited. According to the plan, they should order explosives as soon as they saw the signal from the main position. Unfortunately, the birds and spears were too fast, and they had already reached the mountain before the first shell landed. None of these explosives had their heads cut off by spears and birds with wings before they saw the bombardment effect of the tank. Even the back-up igniter was intercepted halfway by Yeyue, the three flying creatures.

There was a blaze of fire in the mouth of the canyon straight, and I ran straight across the night shadow. No one in the flames had any time to control me, and even if there was an enemy blocking the road, I would be cut down. But when I rushed across the canyon, I bumped into a huge earth wall. With a loud bang, a hole was slammed into the wall by me, and I felt that I had fallen from Ye Ying's back and hit a group of people at the same time.

The earth wall that hit me suddenly is by no means formed naturally, that means someone was ambushed here, or the interception gesture in the canyon was just for me to see the ground. It is purely to attract my attention and not let me notice that there is such an ambush behind the mountain. This is the real killing trick.

Although the enemy is smart, I am not stupid. The person was still tumbling and sliding forward. I adjusted the posture first, and then supported the ground with one hand. The whole person bounced off the ground with inertia. After roughly sweeping the surrounding environment, I spread my wings and slammed it twice to stand upright, and then landed on a rock protruding from a mountain cliff. Although the system does not allow me to use flying ability to move, it does allow me to use flying ability in combat, so this is not a foul.

The moment I fell on the stone, I already heard the sound of a large piece of weapon breaking. That must be a large group of archers' combined strikes, but I am not afraid of the arrows, and I just open the mercury shield and the mental force field without moving. Then he wrapped himself with wings. Just listening to the crackling noise outside, all the dense arrows were blocked by the mercury shield. Even the second-level mental force field was useless. The arrows fired by ordinary players do not have enough penetrating power at all.

"Huh, a bunch of waste!" A man in Chinese armor kicked the archer beside him with a kick, and then took a bow and drew an arrow to aim at me and pulled away sharply. It looks very fierce. Looking at this guy ’s equipment, I know that he is the leader here, and I did n’t dare to take care of it. I quickly took out the Dragon Shield. This is equivalent to having four layers of defense. Even the gun **** ca n’t penetrate in one shot. Protection.

The opponent pulled the bow into a full moon in a very mighty posture, and then raised the bow body to aim at my fierce string, only to hear a sigh, I quickly raised the shield, but did not hear the sound of the arrow. I looked around, and it turned out that there was only a long arrow left, only seven or eight meters above my head.

"Hahahaha ... laughing! Look at your pose so cool, I thought how powerful you are? I didn't expect the archery to be like this. Maybe there must be a limit, are you going to the Second Grandpa's house? It's up! "

"Don't be proud. Be careful of yourself!" The other person was obviously not angry, but looked at me proudly.

I instantly realized that the other party wasn't shooting crookedly, but the spot where he was aiming. Quickly looked up, but only saw a sudden flash of light on the arrow, followed by a loud noise, and the whole mountain was blown up. All the gravel fell off. I was just below the burst point, and I thought that flying with my wings open would be impossible, and as soon as I left the stone platform, I was hit on the ground. Before I got up, more stones fell from the sky and buried me alive. This **** **** actually used a blasting arrow!

That guy didn't look too proud of me being buried alive. Instead, he waved forward. "Send two people to see, but this may not hurt him."

"Are you fully aware of me?" Before the two men approached, I had answered his questions. The pile of rocks shook hands twice, and then a huge stone in the middle suddenly flew in the wind, followed by the huge stone, it suddenly shattered into pieces of the ground. I stood upright from the pile of rocks. "I can't deal with this stone and I won't call it Ziri."

"I didn't think you were wrong," said the guy, looking upright. "Join us and I will pay you a high salary."

"Ah?" I was choked by this guy. I just got the title of the president of the first guild in the world, and some people said that I would hang with him. This is like a financial giant who suddenly encountered a beggar. Then the beggar said to the giant, "Follow me and make sure you drink spicy and spicy in the future." This contrast really makes me wonder how to react.

Seeing that my uncle was still there, this guy thought I was hesitating. "I know you're not good at making a decision, but you don't have to worry. Although I'm just a president of a medium-to-large guild, my status in reality is not ordinary. You follow me and I can give you a very high Salary. I know you professional players are for money, and I won't let you suffer. "

"Well ... please ask me, do you know who I am? Wouldn't you be looking for the wrong person?"

"Of course I know who you are. Aren't you the President of the Frost Rose Alliance Ziri?"

"Know you are still pulling me into the club?"

"Why? You don't want to leave the Frost Rose Alliance?" Seeing that I was going to talk, this guy quickly reached out and stopped, and then I understood your expression and continued to say, "I know, the Frost Rose Alliance was built by you. Make it yourself Of course, things are emotional. So you may not be able to accept it if you leave. Otherwise, I think you are a personal talent, so I can accommodate you. Instead of leaving the frost, I will add the frost, and you will You can just transfer the long post to me. I'll let you be vice president. How about that? Am I interesting? "

"Excuse me, which mental hospital do you run out of? I called and asked them to pick you up." They all said that there are many birds in the forest. There are really many people who take themselves as onions this year. But like him, it was a root onion. I had to pose as a thousand-year-old tree for the first time.

Hearing me, this guy should know what I mean even an idiot, so he was naturally angry. But I'm not afraid of him.

"Since you don't know how to lift, don't blame me." The guy waved forward again arrogantly, and a group of players rushed up immediately, but at this time, a loud phoenix burst into the sky. I saw a flame falling from the sky. Suddenly slammed into the player in front of him, and then grabbed him and took him to the air. The three dragons that followed immediately dived into the crowd with huge bodies. Using a huge tail swept across, sweeping dozens of people out.

"What the hell! Don't mess around, hold me back." The guy still yelled in vain.

"It's a bunch of idiots." I opened the Avengers on my hand. Then he aimed at the guy and ran into a soul-chasing arrow. When his finger moved, the guy immediately hit the arrow and fell. One shot down two levels, this time he is going to be out of luck.

To be honest, this group of people had a good defensive array before, especially the design of the real array behind the suspected mountain front is really a very insightful method, but unfortunately the strength of the two sides is too bad, and the commander has not been able to wave The formation's strengths were a waste of opportunity. But then again, if in case this is a master to command the battle, then I will have to delay the Seal of the Throne for a long time here.

Ordered the magic pet to clean the battlefield, and I ran before the battle was completely over. At this time, everything is for the sake of victory, as long as you can reach the goal on time.

It can be said that such a forward task is not really a real test for me. My advantage is that my personal strength is outstanding, and the biggest reason for being blocked is the lack of personal strength, but I just don't have this problem. So the whole task is not too much trouble for me. Except for the Seal of the Throne, which took me off the line, it took me about 40 hours to reach the end of the map. The only problem in front of me was the mountain. The map shows that the top of the mountain is the end, and I'm already at the foot of the mountain.

"Looking at this height shouldn't be too high." Ling looked up at the top of the mountain with his pergola in his hand. "With your master, you can reach the top in up to three hours. It seems that you can successfully complete this task."

"I hope so." I pointed to the top of the mountain. "Fly up and wait for me, I'll be there in a minute."

"Good. Let's go." Ling flew to the top of the mountain with his pet. I can only climb by hand because of the ban on flying.

According to the regular China map, our country does not have such a mountain. So the mountain I am climbing is actually a modified part of the game, but fortunately the mountain is not too high, the only problem is that it is slightly steeper. There is no road at all around the mountain. If you want to go up, you can only rely on climbing.

I first transformed into a werewolf form, then liquefied eternity and attached it to my limbs. I walked to the edge of the cliff and looked at the top of the mountain. I was about to climb up. A dozen players suddenly came by, and I quickly put on a fighting posture.

Seeing my defensive action, the opponent immediately put on a defensive formation. However, he did not take the initiative to attack. One of the young men surrounded by them asked carefully, "President Ziri, we haven't offended you again, why are you attacking us?"

"Assault you? Aren't you here to stop me from completing my mission?"

"Prevent you from completing the task?" The young man looked surprised. "Our seventeen players of level 600 and 600 can't beat you, a master of level 900 or more!"

"That seems to be a misunderstanding." I relaxed my alert and continued to watch the mountain prepare to choose a foothold. The level of these people I just tried with the scout beetle is really not high. Even if I stand still, it will be enough for them to chop for a long time.

Seeing me observing the mountain, the young man immediately said, "Well, President Ziri, can you bother me?" "I have something to say. I'm doing a task, the time limit is approaching, and there is no time for the Seal of God to waste me. . "

"It's not troublesome. I just look at you as if you want to go up the mountain. Can that help us bring this bundle of rope up?"

"With a rope?"

"Yeah! We also want to go up, but the mountain is too steep, and we can't fly. Anyway, you have to go up too, by the way? When you get to the top, help us find a place to fix it, and then Just throw this head down. "

I held out a hand directly. "give me."

They immediately passed a large bundle of rope. I opened Fenglong Space directly and threw the rope in, but as soon as the rope hit the entrance of Fenglong Space, there was a sudden noise. Following what seemed to be an obstacle, the rope actually bounced out. When the rope fell to the ground, it suddenly turned into a little girl, and quickly got up and rolled to a more distant position, and the others around him immediately put on a fighting posture.

"Huh. I knew you were playing with ghosts, but I didn't expect that people could become a rope. Oh. I see. You thought I would go up the mountain with a rope, and then this little girl could suddenly come back and attack me halfway through. No? "

"Since you saw it through, there is nothing you can do about it." The young man laughed evilly. "Although we are not high-level. But we all have special abilities. This cliff is not a problem for us at all. As long as you dare to go up the mountain, we will surely get you down."

"That requires you to have a life to play." I suddenly raised my hand, a wind blade flew towards the young man, scared him quickly to avoid, and I took the opportunity to turn around and jump up.

The explosive force of the werewolf is very scary, not to mention that my own attribute point is scary, and one person has been more than ten meters high from the ground. As soon as my hands touched the cliff, I inserted it directly into the rock, and then I pressed down sharply, my body rose again for four or five meters, my feet kicked into the rock, and I jumped up hard again, easily grasping the top ten A protruding rock a few meters away, followed by another force to go up more than ten meters.

The people below didn't expect me to go up the mountain so fast, and all jumped up. Like they said, these people are not high-level, and the time on the cliff is not bad, and they climbed a few times. It's a pity that they are similar to me. The distance between us has never been shortened, and they hurriedly called me despicable in the back.

I just sneered at them by insulting them. This group of little guys are not very old, and their minds are also simple, and they are far worse than those who are so old and weird. If I turn back and fight them because they scolded me, it only shows that I and their IQ are on the same level.

Seeing the mountaintop in sight. These guys are finally in a hurry. The little girl who had changed the rope before suddenly rushed and jumped across the rocks and chased after me. She suddenly jumped up again suddenly, trying to hold my leg, but I didn't give her the chance. As soon as the little girl jumped up, she saw two things suddenly fell on my back, and then the two things flew towards her left and right.

Alas. Half a month passed, the little girl adhered to the rock wall again in the previous position, and a few blood lines appeared on her head after a few seconds, then slowly turned into three pieces and fell, and then she The ground body slowly leaned back from the cliff and fell down the mountain.

Everyone else was scared by me. But they have not learned their lessons and are still chasing me, but this time they are no longer chasing up like they were before, because the half-moon flying around will kill them at any time.

"Ah ..." Without warning, another person suddenly fell under the cliff, and his body was broken into pieces in the air, needless to say it was half a month dry.

The remaining sixteen people looked at each other, but instead of giving up, they rushed up again. This time they are obviously a lot faster, probably about to desperately. They just chased near me and suddenly there was a huge black shadow dive down.

Fortunately, he dived down against the cliff in a terrible gesture. After hearing only a few screams, there were only ten of the sixteen people left after the lucky rush. Fortunately, each of the four claws caught one person, one was still in his mouth, and one tail was also killed by the way, and six were obtained in one fell swoop.

Following the luck, the plague swooped down in the same manner, only three people were caught because the enemy had dispersed.

I didn't care about the people behind, but looked up at the top of the mountain above. "Lucky, how far am I from there?"

"You can get to the first-level platform in more than ten minutes with your current degree. We have seen it. The mountain behind is better than this, and the degree should be a lot faster." Lucky for five The individual kept tossing and playing in the air while reporting to me.

As I was about to climb up to that first platform in a rush, three fireballs suddenly flew up below. Fortunately, Xiaosan followed me to stop me with my body.

There was a mage among those chasing me. The fireball just came from a little girl who looked only 15 or 16 years old. I didn't expect her to be a ruthless character, but unfortunately she met me.

Xiaosan hooked the cliff with sharp dragon claws and fixed himself on the cliff, completely blocking the pursuit of the remaining seven people. They looked at each other. He suddenly nodded suddenly. All seven rushed together, and then jumped off the cliff and jumped out. You know that these people can't fly, and jumping off a cliff is dead. It's just that I look down on them a little too much, or that the young people's level of attachment is beyond normal levels. After seven of them jumped off the cliff, four of them moved underneath, and three of them were on top. Then the three of them jumped on the shoulders of the three of them and bounced back to the surface of the cliff with these three as springboards. It's just that the fall point has crossed the place where Primary Three is located and reached a higher place. Of course, the four guys who are stepping stones can only fall under the cliff, but the three guys above have successfully bypassed the powerful enemy. This tactic really made me feel impressed.

"Well, are you doing well!" I saw that scene just now. Now that they can do this, I think they are worth my time. "As a reward for your performance, I feel like I should fight against you. But do you think about how you can stop me?"

"Of course. As long as you dare stand there for thirty seconds."

"Ok, I'll wait for you for thirty seconds."

Unexpectedly, it wasn't the young man in the middle or the other young man who looked very powerful, but a teenage girl. She actually chanted a spell, and it was something I knew very well. What surprised me was that this little girl who looked like a soldier was actually an undead mage. If I remember correctly, the spell she was reading was supposed to summon a skeleton. But the problem is that skeletons don't seem to climb mountains?

Although I understand the usefulness of this magic, I missed the character of the other party. The little girl in armor wearing the mage is obviously an abnormal human being. Everyone summoned the skeleton to help, but she summoned the skeleton to smash people. The pile of bone-bone sticks that fell from the sky not only smashed me off the cliff, but even some of my dragons were not spared. It doesn't matter what my strength is. Because when I was smashed, I still grasped it very hard, but the stone I caught couldn't bear such a big impact and was taken together.

Seeing me falling down, the young man below and the soldiers next to him proudly stretched out their weapons to attack me. Who knew that I turned my body in the air and stretched out two blade claws. I fell down from the three of them a moment, and the two guys also turned into a few pieces of minced meat and fell down the mountain, and I shot a tendon on the wall immediately after passing by them.

With a snap, the dragon's tendon was deeply inserted into the wall, but was pulled out because of the gravity. But I shot again and again for the third time. Finally, on the sixth time, I successfully hung me on a cliff. By this time, I had dropped more than 200 meters in total, thanks to my fast response, if it were a few seconds slower, I might have to drop a few hundred meters!

Withdrawing the dragon's tendons, I struggled to crawl upward again. The Seal of Time and the Throne of God are still quite sufficient, but it was a little unexpected that the other party could actually get me down this way. When I reached the little m who attacked me again, she was looking at me with determination, but she seemed to be more afraid from her performance. I smiled and reached out and rubbed her head, and then ignored her, but continued to climb up. To be honest, I didn't care about them at all, I even felt like some of these little guys. Although they are young, they have good intelligence and response. The most important thing is to be good at using some methods that normal people can't think of to complete the task. At least I won't smash people with skeletons. Besides, people have also taken over the task, and it will definitely not work if it is not completed. It is my right to fight back, but it is a villain's act to care about it afterwards.

It took me a long time to regain the previous height of the Throne of Seals. I quickly reached the first platform. Although the remaining sections of the mountain are still steep, at least they are not straight up and down. I rely on the strong jumping force and Xiaolongnv Anti-gravity helps to jump easily between mountains and rocks like a frog.

"Huh, it's finally here." When I finally stood on the platform at the top of the mountain, there were more than five hours before the end of the mission, so I was relatively quick.

Ling asked me with some confusion: "You have been up for more than ten seconds. Have you received any task prompts?"

When I was asked this way, I noticed the problem. "Yeah! I've arrived. Why is there no notice of the end of the mission?"

"Is the mark on the map wrong?" Yeyue asked.

"The probability of a system error is surprisingly low. Besides, there is an automatic diagnostic mechanism as a second-line guarantee. It is impossible for both levels of supervision to go wrong."

"That's why we read it wrong." Yeyue grabbed the map and looked at it for a long time. "The markings on this are so vague, isn't it here?"

I took the map and threw it into the sky. The map immediately hung in the air and unfolded automatically. As a personal item, I can control this magic map at will. A circle was drawn directly by hand on the end point on the map. Then I said to the map: "Zoom 50 times."

The picture on the map was automatically zoomed in 50 times, and some of the original unclear areas began to follow.

Ling Min looked up and said, "The position is right!"

"Why don't you get a notice of the end of the mission?"

Xiaochun proposed: "Look at the help?"

I nodded. "Call the help system."

"Hello ~ ~ The system helps you. Please tell us your problem."

"I took a task. I want to reach the designated place, but I have already arrived but I can't receive a reminder to finish the task."

"Your task has been retrieved. You are not prompted because the task has not been completed."

"But I have reached the destination!" I argued.

"You did not reach the mission goal."

"But this is the place on the map!"

"You did not fully understand the content of the task. Understanding the content of the task is also part of the task. This system cannot help you answer. Thank you for using the help system. Goodbye."

I looked at the map with a look of confusion, but I couldn't figure out where else. The map has been zoomed in hundreds of times by me, and it is now clear that even relatively large rocks are marked. The target area shown on the enlarged map is a large circle, and its range covers the entire mountaintop platform, but I am standing on this platform. Why does the system still say that I have not reached the target?

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