Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 41: Poor Ashford

Heck, people arrived pretty well. "The information shown in the data in my hand shows that the scale of this plan is unprecedented, and this time it is a cross-regional cooperation. The participants came from more than 20 countries. There are more than three thousand.

"Look at the four roses to remind.

I quickly turned to page 47, and then saw the title on this side, followed by Li ~ | went in. After watching the two pages carefully, the army **** asked: "How do you feel?"

I didn't answer the question of God of War, but asked instead: "What's your chance of success?"


"Haha! How do I remember someone saying recently that computers don't believe in probability?"

"That's a general computer. I'm a class computer, so I believe." The army **** played Lai Pi with blushing and heartbeat (in fact, he didn't care). "The probability of 70% is already over half. I am a battlefield decision-making system. I cannot guarantee that everything is 100% in the war, so my credo is to try to ensure that everything is 100% in line with our interests. It is impossible to guarantee absolute In the case of benefits, as long as the success rate exceeds six, the achievement has implementation value. "

"Sure enough, it's a class computer, and it's a set of sophistry. But you have to admit that it makes sense. The benefits are often proportional to the risks. As long as each small battle in a war has more than 60% Success rate, as long as you are not a bad star, you will definitely win the final victory, not to mention the current success rate is 70% instead of 60%. "

As if to make me feel at ease, the army **** added: "I have calculated the success rate of 70% according to the general results. If we take into account some special methods of the bank meeting, the success rate should be above 80%. In addition. Ben This event cannot be considered absolutely settled until the official start of the war. During the entire event, I will continuously calculate the success rate based on what has happened. Once the event success rate drops below 60%, I will immediately inform you to terminate the plan. "

"Then I'll rest assured. Okay, tell me what I should do first? Let me do some more pre-war preparations to maximize our success rate."

"I naturally will not forget your work. Turn the information to the end, and you can read the entries in the appendix yourself. That is all your work. The 70% success rate I estimated before is based on the completion of three of them. Extrapolated. You only need to complete one more to increase your overall success rate by three percent. "

"I understand, I'll do it right away." As I turned around and left the Army God's Information Center, I started to go through the tasks set for me in the appendix. There were seven tasks in total, and the number was not too much. The first task called for lobbying Ashford and Feng Yin to join our joint strike. I'm not worried about Feng Yin Piao Miao here. Anyway, there is Red Moon, but if it doesn't work, let Red Moon go to look for Feng Yin Piao Miao. Does he dare to refuse his sister's request? Ashford is a little more troublesome, but it's not too difficult in general. The cooperation between our two parties has always been very enjoyable, and Ashford is also a savvy guy, as long as it is good to take. If you drive him away, he will pick up like a fly.

With this task, I ran a **** league first, and soon got a positive reply from Feng Yin Piao Miao. After informing Hongyue to talk to her brother about specific details, I ran to Germany to meet Ashoford first. Who knew that this guy was not in the guild.

"What? Where did you say Ashford went?"

"Bush of thorns." The young mm who hosted the German guild said with a grin.

"Thorn bush? Why did he go there?"

"Why else? Maru: ~ walked in, and the tone of speech was sour. I heard it as a standard deep complaint. In fact, Messett liked Ashford, as we all know, but she is a tomboy. Ashurford considered her at first, but eventually gave up. Probably this is not enough fate!

"Which little girl does he like again?"

"Huh. I don't bother who he chases after!"

Messett said that Ashurford male hormone standard, it is clear that Ashurford went to chase mm again, but chasing mm to chase the need to run the thorn jungle is too much! Jing Guo's courtship sacred place, but not everyone can enter that place. Only couples in pairs can enter. Even a single player even if you have trained all skills and character levels to the full level, then find an artifact. Don't want to go in. In the depths of the thorn bush, there is an altar of Eros, in which there is a proportion of a true human idol. The hands of the statue of love are in the pose of helping people with rings. As long as the loved ones put their fingers on the statue of love at the same time, a pair of love rings will automatically appear on their fingers. The same is true of the love ring between me and Margaret, but our courtship point in China is called the red line forest instead of the thorn bush, and it is not Eros but the big stone called Sanshengshi that help us bring the ring, as long as two people are together A ring appears when you sit on it. Of course, the ring is not so easy to get by hand. If you want to reach the courtship point of each country, you have to go through some difficult tests, but the content of the test has nothing to do with combat effectiveness, even if you are a newcomer at level 20, want to get a ring, and the difficulty of a thousand-level master need to face the same. As long as the partners can support each other, this process can be completed with their eyes closed. Also, when the ring is finally taken, the system will test the true love of both parties. This is a nasty setting. At this time, the system will read the deep consciousness of the two sides to judge whether they truly love each other. If so, they will give different levels of rings according to the degree of love. If one of them deceives the other, you should not expect to get anything.

Because the love test is not easy, many couples are afraid to go there. Getting a ring will surely strengthen your relationship, but what if you ca n’t get it? Those who get the ring don't have to worry about getting the other person's response after giving their heart. They often warm up and step into the marriage hall immediately after returning. The problem is that the part of the people who finally reached the courtship point but could not get the ring, the result was basically a break up on the spot. Then they could not break out because they couldn't cooperate with each other anymore, and finally hung back to the city tragically. Endure the double blow of broken love and drop.

The Asheford guy was so romantic and daring that he thought of going to Germany for courtship with others. The problem is that I have trouble finding him now! Communication and transmission are forbidden in that place. Am I going to chase him down? According to information, the attack time planned by the group of ghost-handed Nobunaga was a week after the Seal of the Seal of God, and the time of the Seal of the Seal of God was ample, but I was o. Do not want to waste time on the throne of waiting for the seal of God. The current choice is to either go and do other things first, and then come back to him to discuss cooperation. Or just chase into the bush of thorns. Think about the time of the Seal of the Seal of Time. It is better to complete the tasks in order. The order of the missions sent by the Army God must be for a reason, and it is not good to change it rashly.

Now that he had decided to go to Ashford, he had to call Rose. That's the place to ask, I can't go in alone! Starting the ring of love, the voice of the rose appeared quickly. "Wife, are you busy now?"

"What's up? The **** of war just assigned me a mission, but the time seal of the throne is enough. It doesn't matter if you don't do it now.

"The God of War asked me to ask Ashford to assist us in the guild. The problem is that Ashford is now in the courtship of Germany. I can't go alone!"

"Haha! He really dares to play romance! Then I will go with you! You call me directly, I am too lazy to run the teleportation!"


A pink love heart appeared in front of me. Then the rose came out of that love in the glorious brilliance. No way, the couple's call of the ring of love is like this, much more gorgeous than the general teleportation.

Messett saw the rose appear in this way, and the expression on his face immediately became more complicated. It is estimated that it was touching the scene, but the little girl who received me at the beginning shouted enviously: "Wow! So gorgeous! No, I will also ask my boyfriend to come with me to get a pair back tomorrow!" "

Hearing the little girl's words, Messett couldn't bear it anymore, and turned around and snorted, and even the president of the Alliance Guild was too lazy to receive it. However, I don't want to blame her. People are in a state of emotional instability now, and the reception is not good. Besides, I also plan to leave.

Now that Rose has arrived, I will take her directly to the thorn bush. It is said that this thorny jungle in Germany is full of thorns in order to show that the road of love is full of thorns, and implies that only through common hardships can you get true love. According to what I heard, Ashford is probably the most difficult test item to choose-remote assistance. Normally there are three ways to go when entering the jungle, and the difficulty varies, but the intersections help to indicate which is the simplest and which is the most difficult. In addition to those three roads, there are two small roads. This is the most difficult test. The lovers need to separate, and then enter the throne of the Seal of God from two intersections at the same time, and then walk in the forest to meet each other. Although the two did not see each other in this process of separation, the interaction between them was always going on, and no high tacit understanding would soon be thrown out together.

Rose and I already have a ring of love, so we do n’t worry if we can complete the task. Besides, the ring of love between our two is the only way to maintain communication in this area, which is equivalent to opening a cheater. When I found the entrance according to the prompts, I reached the entrance in front of each of them and Pu Gui. This entrance is also divided into men and women. The two of us coordinated the throne of the seal of time with the ring of love, and then entered the respective passages together.

No magic pets or summons can be used in this kind of place, I can only go forward alone. After walking a few steps, I suddenly heard a faint laughter and felt very soft. As I moved on, the sound began to get closer. Suddenly, I heard the shaking of the leaves on the side, and I turned my head sharply but couldn't help taking a breath. I didn't see anything terrifying. Instead, the pictures I saw allowed most men to drool. Behind a big tree not far away from me was a beautiful woman. Her race cannot be determined, and there are no alien characteristics on her body, but humans are certainly not floating in the air. It felt like she was not swimming on the ground, but swimming in the water. Soon the beauty with gorgeous gold swam in front of me, and also circled around me. I have to say that management restrictions abroad are much looser than domestic ones. I think that those tempting spirits that Rose and I met in the courtship place in China only wore less, but did not reach such a nearly naked state. Although there is still a lot of gauze on the beauties I see now, all important parts are exposed. And those occluded parts not only do not have any occluding effect. Instead, the ground is more seductive and tempting, if the general-blooded guy should spray nosebleeds.

I smiled and watched the beauty constantly doing all kinds of temptations in front of me, and I started the video function and planned to record a full analysis video to go back to the fox friends and dog friends. Of course, such restricted-level pictures recorded abroad will be automatically mosaiced in China, and it will also limit the age range. But I do n’t know whether it is intentional or unintentional, even if it is a Chinese player, as long as you reach the country that allows color * love videos to be released in the game. You can see those videos that could not be played in China.

Seeing that the video collection was almost finished, I took out the eternity and gently waved, and the beauty fell down miserably immediately. Without the slightest sympathy, I took a step forward, using a sharp eternity to gently between her fair and round twin peaks, and then slammed down, and immediately opened a horrible gap between her chest and navel . The "beauty" screamed and screamed and struggled, but the ground sprayed from her wound was not red blood, but piles of green slime. For weeks, the image of the "beauty" began to become unstable. Just as the TV's picture tube failed, flashing. In the end, when the "beauty" was completely still, the objects lying on the ground could no longer arouse any man's interest. Because there is now only a big fluffy spider, but the spider's body still has a beautiful female skull on the body.

This seductive beauty is actually not a beauty at all, she or it is simply a senior human face spider. The fairy air show that I saw before is actually a real wire hanging show. It's just that people use invisible spider silk, so when you can't see the "wire", you feel like a fairy is flying. In addition to human skulls, this human face spider can change the refractive index of light through the special fluff of the whole body, thereby transforming itself into a handsome man and woman. Although this abnormal camouflage ability can deceive almost all anti-stealth skills, this special human face spider's own combat power is almost zero. As long as you can resist the temptation, even if you are a 20-level rookie who just came out of Novice Village, you can just kill the guy by smashing a branch by the side of the road.

As soon as I dealt with the spiders outside, the sound of roses came from the ring of love. "Husband. Does the beauty over you look good? The strong man on my side is so exaggerated, the things below are just like missiles!"

"Ignore it!"

"If I don't see clearly, how can I kill him? Hey, I also took a video and took it back to stimulate the deep women in our guild!"

Damn, speechless! It is indeed my wife, even the same idea! "Show them no matter to me, you don't have to watch it. If you like to watch it, go back and take a bath with me so that you can see enough!"

"Ha shameless! Ignore you! Ah yes, there is a poison sac inside the human spider. That thing is very expensive. Don't forget to cut it down. It came in anyway. Don't run away for nothing!"

"You're really diligent and frugal!"

"Know me now?"

"Okay, don't make any noise. Hurry up and catch up with Ashford. They're serious."

"Okay, be careful on the way."

Seduction has a lot of courtship points around the world, but the content is different. Like China ’s Red Line Forest, this level is performed by Baigujing. Many male compatriots have eaten a huge loss of red powder skulls and went back to their girlfriends for a meal, and even worse, they broke up directly. Of course, not all men are deceived. There are many females this year, but they are relatively less than men.

Before I moved on, I came across a stele, and there was a copper pot under the stele like Aladdin's magic lamp. A long torch was placed beside the pot. The inscription describes that the road in front is too dense because of the dense forest.

Ignite the torch, and because the plants here will emit any irresistible poison, you must use a special spice in this pot to detoxify. However, the fragrance itself does not have the ability to detoxify. The odor must be burned before detoxification. When you see this, you should understand that the spices in the pot should be poured on a torch to burn it to play a detoxifying role. However, the latter tip says that there is a man-eater in this forest, and I especially like the aroma of this spice. In other words, when you use spices to detoxify, you will attract a lot of man-eaters.

Originally, this man-eater ant's suggestion only indicated that there was danger in the front, but the content in the back was troublesome. The tip says that adding a drop of spice is enough to detoxify. But both lovers have to pass by in this area, although both sides cannot see each other. But in fact the distance is not far. Man-eating ants attack when they smell the spice, but the intensity varies depending on the concentration of the spice. If you add less spice, your partner will be attacked more intensively. If you add more spice, the man-eating ants will target you. In fact, this is basically a choice between the safety of yourself and your partner, and it is also a test. However, this choice has a problem. That is, if you add more spices to protect your partner, how do you know how much you can add to your partner? Rose and I have already undergone such a test once, so we can now discuss each other by the ring of love, but ordinary players ca n’t, they are here to get a couple's ring. At this time, it should be impossible to communicate.

what? You said to find someone to help? Just find a pair of people with a couple ring to help you through the game easily? People who understand "Zero" will not do that at all, because everyone is already scared by the system. To know that the main system of "Zero" has a more human intelligence level, he can think of cheating methods you can think of. On the surface, it seems that many of the system regulations of Zero can actually be used. But no one will really drill, because when you decide to drill, the empty will become a trap. Just like this couple task, if you find a couple who has already completed this task to help, then the main system will definitely think of tens of thousands of ways for your helper to be steamed. Can't get up with a meteorite, no matter who you are. As for trying to find a hole in the ground, I will definitely get a series of punishments such as doubling the difficulty of the task, and even being directly steamed with the helper. If you want to play "Zero", you must remember one truth-to despise the computer is to be bad!

Rose and I are smart people. We know how to do it even without contacting each other. I quickly picked up the spice pot and dropped three drops on the torch, and then turned out a pile of burned high-grade charcoal from Fenglong space, and finally poured the remaining spices onto the charcoal. After doing all this, I lit the pile of charcoal and the torch in my hand, and Rose was doing the same work, except that she only dripped a drop of spices on her torch.

The result of our doing this is that the spice target has changed from two to four, and the two richest spice spots are the two bonfires, which has nothing to do with me and roses. Think about the spice concentration of those two campfires. My torch and my torch basically did not attract many eater-eaters, and even if there were individual eater-eaters, they would certainly not be too many. She knew that I could beat her better than her, so she only dropped a drop of spice on her torch, so she only took the minimum risk, and also allowed me to add as little spice as possible, because if she added more, I would You have to add more, so it will lose the meaning of the two bonfires.

Our approach did not communicate with each other at all, and the effect was indeed very good. I encountered a hundred man-eaters along the way. Although each of these small things was the size of a cockroach, for us it was basically one step on one foot. As long as the number of such man-eating ants is not thousands, and they are basically non-lethal, they don't know how Ashford passed this level.

After passing through the man-eater ant zone, I arrived at the swampland. There are horrible plants and disgusting bugs everywhere, but basically there is no lethality. As long as you don't be afraid, you can easily walk over. My nerves and I have long been able to run the train, and we basically ran all the way. By the way, Qi Gui still has time to collect some insects like blood-sucking butterflies to make specimens. For ordinary women, I was scared to cry!

I did n’t go far before I met Rose again. When Rose saw that I was not excited to rush over to complain, but was excited to show off a butterfly nailed to the wood board: "Look, Asbit's Butterfly Alas, I didn't expect to find it here. When Hongyue showed me her collection last week, she mentioned that I should help her find it, but I didn't expect to find it so soon. "

I did not want to be intimidated and came up with a three-headed lizard. "Hey, look what it is?"

"Dos Lizard! This thing is sold for three days, but it costs 300 plates of gold. You have to book it. Sometimes you can't eat it late! How about going back to the two of us to find a place to make it yourself?"

"Will you burn?"

"Cut, look down on me! Don't swallow your tongue together!"

Rose and I were so noisy all the way to move on, while Atkinford was crawling in the swamp we just passed! You guessed it, Rose and I have actually passed Ashford and her girlfriend before them, and this is the power of the system. Although it is the same road, he can rely on changing the terrain and other methods to keep you close without encountering each other. The reason is naturally to prevent cheating. In the end, I and Lu Gui still thought that Ashford was trying hard to chase forward, but they did not know that the result would be farther and farther!

Apparently, Ashford has never been here before ~ ​​ ~ I don't know enough about the situation here. The first offense seduced him and almost hit him, but fortunately, he finally reacted. In the second stage, the man-eater colony area was very man. Unfortunately, the man was a man, but he hurt himself. In order to protect his girlfriend who is not high-level, this kid is actually stupid. He poured a pot full of spices on the torch. As a result, he was naturally warmly welcomed by the cannibal ant colony, and finally fled out of the area in a horrible manner , Almost hung up.

Now the boy was crawling forward painfully in the quagmire, and piles of water were hanging on him to enjoy a big meal. what? You ask him why he was stung by water when wearing armor? This question is to ask those man-eaters! Who told them to eat even armor?

Seven or eight minutes after Rose and I passed, Ashford finally showed up with her girlfriend at the place we met before, but it was different from the two of us in the Shuangxiu outing. The other party burst into tears and burst into tears, which is really bitter! However, although the person has been miserable and the feelings have deepened a lot, this can be regarded as a good compensation! The main system means that the true feelings can be seen only in times of trouble. Although this arrangement is abnormal, it can indeed enhance feelings.

Although I have been there once, the courtship between China and Germany is somewhat different after all. For example, Rose and I are having some trouble now.

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