Starting from Zero

Vol 4 Chapter 65: Behind the sword

Black Dragon? I quickly whispered to the philosopher on the Secret Channel: "Ask, is the Black Dragon Fleet theirs? That's the more than a thousand battleships we encountered today!"

Slang Yuzhe murmured, "Is there the black dragon fleet of the Black Dragon Fleet?"

"Yes, that's the black dragon club. I'm still a little captain inside!" Pride looked arrogant.

Yuzhe immediately said: "It turned out to be the eldest brother of the Black Dragon Society! This time, I will take as many brothers as you want to make a friend with you, but only the eldest brother can take it alone! It is not easy for my little girls to raise them. Big Brother can be gentle. And Big Brother will take care of my business in the Black Dragon Club in the future! It ’s best to introduce me to the president or something! "

"Okay!" Humbling quickly ran out of money, and then walked towards me with a smile.

Slang Yuzhe told me on the team channel: "Take him to the bush behind the tree to knock him out!"

I immediately enthusiastically pulled the puppet head into the bushes behind, and after the big tree blocked the puppet's sight behind, I immediately covered his mouth and hit his temple with his fist, and this guy was beaten immediately Already. I looked and didn't die. I can't let him die now. If he dies, he will return to the city to be resurrected. At that time, we will dress up, so we can only stun him now!

Use the team channel to tell Yuzhe that this is done, Yuzhe said: "You hide there for a while, I take the opportunity to talk to these younger brothers. Don't let that guy wake up, give him another look when he wants to get up I will open a pair of channels, and you can hear what they say. "

At this time I heard a younger brother talking to Yuzhe. "Brothers are so good at it, where do you get so many great?"

"This is what the younger brother found after a long search across the entire continent! (The mainland mentioned by Yuzhe here refers to the Japanese island. Little Japan likes to call its own island called the mainland, and they are usually called Chinna directly in mainland China). However, relatively It ’s a trivial thing for you to have a black dragon! I still have a chance to meet the black dragon fleet this morning! It ’s spectacular! "

"Haha! Of course! What will happen to our black dragon is also Japan's first guild!" Xiaozun started to show off immediately. Yu Zhe immediately held a talk with him for a long time.

After a long period of speech, the philosopher seized the opportunity and said, "I heard that the Black Dragon Fleet has a lot of magic crystal cannons. I don't know how you got it? I heard that it is easy to get money in China, and I want to have a boat. , Can my brother teach me? "

Xiao Xiao hesitated and said, "I tell you, don't say it, this is the secret of our Black Dragon Society!"

"Must be sure!" All of us have our ears raised.

Xiao Xiaoluan whispered: "Do you know the city upgrade system?" Xiaoluowei lost his appetite.

"I don't know!" Yuzhe and we were in a hurry.

After seeing Yuzhe's silly expression, Xiao Luun continued with satisfaction: "Once the guild formed by the player has a city, the guild president has the right to designate a player as the city's owner. If he does not specify it, he will default to it. It is a city owner. There is a property management page in the property column of this city owner, which has all the city attributes. There is a value called the degree of urban development and a value called the strategic importance of the city. The degree of urban development depends on the city Taxes are refreshed once a day. Regardless of the tax rate, as long as the city's daily income reaches a value, the corresponding degree of urban development will appear. As for the strategic importance of the city depends on the situation of the war. As long as the city is being attacked by other guilds When the other player is destroyed, the blood loss of the killed player is added to the strategic importance of the city, or the city ’s guild attacking other cities can increase the strategic importance of the city. "

"So what are these two indicators for?" Yu Zhe was a little impatient, and to be honest I was a bit!

"Don't worry! Listen to me!" The little chubby took out a bottle of water and moistened his throat. "This ... where am I talking about?"

Huh! I fainted! He just found out that the **** woke up, so he gave him an elbow and his nose collapsed. "You talk about those two indexes."

"Yes, those two indexes! As long as these two indexes reach a certain standard at the same time, the city will be upgraded. The city's corresponding strategic importance index will be deducted a certain amount every time the city is upgraded, and then re-accumulate until it is enough to the next. Level upgrade. How much value does this specific upgrade require? You can check with the city management center in the main city of the system. Anyway, the number is full, and it is not an integer. I ca n’t remember how much it is! Anyway, the city upgrade is graded. The set-up is called aggregation point, and it is level 0, and then upgraded to level 1 aggregation point, level 2 aggregation point, and level 3 aggregation point. If you upgrade to level 19 aggregation point, it will not become level 20 aggregation point. Instead, it directly becomes a level 0 village. When the level 19 village rises, it will become a level 0 village. The village can be upgraded to a town at level 19, and then the level 19 town can be upgraded to a city. The city can also be upgraded to a central city. After the center city began to differentiate, the center city has only 10 levels, from 0 to 9. After 9 levels, it can be selectively upgraded into: strategic fortresses, business centers, transportation hubs, Religious sites, magic centers, temples of knowledge, lairs of warcraft, these 7 different types of cities. "

"It sounds complicated! But what does this have to do with that fleet?"

"Don't you hurry up!" Xiao Luumu said more and more vigorously. "In addition to public buildings, these different types of cities have their own special buildings. Each type of city can only build special buildings that belong to its own city. I do n’t know the specific buildings in these cities. So far, it seems that only one city in Japan, China, and Germany has reached level 9 or higher in the central city, and China and Germany have both developed into religious sites. The one in our Great Japanese Empire is our Biliang Castle in the Black Dragon Society. Now upgraded to the Temple of Knowledge! "

听到 I heard that China also used the team channel to ask: "Red Moon, China looks like a city formed by players, right?"

"Yes, the dedication city that we knocked down for you last time has now been upgraded to a religious shrine. You do n’t know that after the completion of that religious shrine, the blood supply of all our guilds will be much faster. And the shrine in this city has a lot more sacrificial skills to learn than other cities, but it only restricts the players in this bank, and it will be lost automatically when you retreat! "

The confusion continued: "The special building owned by our Black Dragon's Hall of Knowledge is the Tower of Truth. There is nothing in the tower except a golden gate in the center, and this door is the truth in legend The door. As long as you enter the door and make the knowledge you want to the door, and then walk in, there will be a strange place inside the door. This door can only be opened once a day, so far it has been opened only 40 times, every time you go in The place is different. Sometimes it will appear in the monster pile to fight the monster, sometimes it will fall into the maze, and sometimes it will encounter natural disasters such as Shanghai tsunami, volcanic eruption, flood. Anyway, there will be problems, but as long as it is solved The problem can be obtained in advance in the aspect of science and technology. But generally the end will not be exactly the same as what was said in advance, there will always be a slight error, but that is also very useful. "


"Brother is so good, do you know all these things?" Yu Zhe pretended to slap the horse with admiration.

"That's it!" Obviously Xiaozuo was taken very well. "I've been there twice in person. I'm telling you that it's extremely dangerous. Every time we open the door, we will enter hundreds of people in the guild, but usually we can get back no more than 10! I also found the mission inside to fight monsters. It is the easiest. The 6 times we have succeeded so far are because of the task of hitting monsters! "

I told Yuzhe on the team channel: "Ask where the door is, let's see if we can remove it, or we can blow it up!"

Slang Yuzhe said enviously: "It's a good thing! I don't know where the truth tower is? I really want to see it!"

Xiao Lu wondered: "You haven't been to Liangcheng? The truth tower is so tall that you don't have to go into the city to see it! But it's useless if you go. No one wants to go in unless the chairman agrees. Usually there There are 4 people guarding, changing positions every hour! "

Yuzhe quickly explained: "I am new to the game, you can see what I have equipped!" Yuzhe has been practicing in China, and China does not explode ninja equipment, so he is still wearing the last time he went to Japan Although the equipment bought from the store are all high-end goods, what good things can you think of the system store?

I was fortunate enough to be confused by Yuzhe and scared me to death. Suddenly there was a snoring sound in the back, and I thought it was too late to react, and this guy got up later. He hugged me. "Smelly bitch, dare hit me!"

几个 A few people over there heard the boss calling and stood up. I don't think I can hide it anymore. I turned my right index finger and **** back, and put **** from his two eyes to directly hold his skull. At the same time, I used the team channel to ask Yuzhe how to speak a few sentences in Japanese. He controlled the bumble with one hand, his fingers were stuck in his eyes, and the pain made him afraid to move. I quickly recorded the pronunciation of those sentences and turned off the translation system. With his right hand just picking his eyes, straightening his head and sliding his left claws out, cut the head cleanly, grabbed his head and rushed out after counting, smashing the head at those confusing, while mouth Shout out the two sentences I just learned. "Brother, the robbery failed, things didn't burst out, flash!"

Xiao Xun Lu was frightened by the boss's head. Seven of us were all on the team channel. Seven said to run and run, and we were gone in an instant. Looking at them, you should not doubt that we are Chinese, and I do n’t know if I just learned the Japanese language right now!

I ran for a long distance before we dare to find a cave to rest. It is now 6 pm Beijing time, and Japan time is later than this. Most players go offline to eat, so hiding becomes easier. "Is all that Japanese just fine?" I asked Yuzhe.

"OK! Nanjing is full of flavor, authentic Nanjing Japanese!"

"I'm dizzy! Don't lose face so much! I just listen to you once, and it's good to say everything!"

对 "By the way, you said we were ladies? You want to be a pimp, right?" Gold coins turned the question just now.

I just remembered, "Yeah! I do n’t even forget about it. What do you mean just now, even if you say they are ladies, what do you compare to me? Whoops! Hongyue, what do you kick me for? Ah! I know Wrong! "I was beaten collectively by Half the Sky!

对 "Yes, what do we do with that ... door?"

"The Gate of Truth!" Added the gold coin: "We might as well steal it? Haven't you heard of it? It's pure gold. Although there is not as much gold as Ziri's ship, a golden gate is worth hundreds of thousands of crystal coins. Still okay? "

"I was thinking, since that door is a portal, it may not be able to move at all!" Said ruthlessly and seriously.

"This is also a possibility, and there is a huge problem with guards. How can we deal with those guards?"

"Stop it!" The gold coin was the answer without the brain.

"We have no problem with killing them, but have you ever wondered what will happen after they are resurrected? After the resurrection, they just shout someone on the guild channel to attack the Tower of Truth. How many people do you think will appear?" I denied the gold coins. Boring idea.

"Don't worry!" Hongyue interrupted me. "Maybe this is a good idea!"

"Are you crazy?"

Hongyue said unhurriedly: "With our strength, plus sneak attacks, we have the strength to kill 4 guards in seconds. If the opportunity is good, we can even stun them. As long as we successfully stun them, we can go in and steal slowly. If they ca n’t be stunned directly, then they will be killed immediately. They will return to the Temple of Resurrection to receive the resurrection two minutes after their death. We should destroy the door in two minutes should not be a problem! ”

"If only Bingbing was brought!" I sighed: "Her flute can block the actions of others, and petrifying those four guys will be easy."

"Isn't your mermaid hypnotic?" The gold coin suddenly reminded me.

"Yeah! How can I forget her!" I quickly summoned Ariana. "Ana, can you let someone fall asleep without knowing it?"

"Yes, as long as the other party does not have the property of mind blocking."

"We don't know if the other party has a mental barrier. Do you know who has this thing in general?"

"High-level priests, holy paladins, all archangels and high-ranking demons, and some special items also carry this attribute, but the number is very rare!"

"Let's go and see!" Ziyue said: "Since these items are very scarce, they should not appear on several goalkeepers, as long as they are not the profession and identity you just said!"

"Okay!" I finally decided. "Everyone goes offline for a meal. We come up at night to take action. It's darker at night and it's more convenient for me to do things." The dark dragon suit is my world at night!

发现 After I went offline, I found that the rose had come down, and when she saw me, she immediately came up and asked me about my situation. "How are you?"

"Very well, we already know how to make things in Little Japan. Tonight I will go in with Red Moon and see that thing. If it can move out, we will move that thing back. If it doesn't work, we will It was destroyed directly, anyway, it cannot be left to Little Japan! "

"Be careful!"

"Rest assured, I will be careful! By the way, tell the eagle that these two days have been around the sea with Little Japan. Do n’t fight against them, run away when there are many people, eat them if you have fewer. Fierce my side is safer. "

"Okay, I see. I called room service, come and eat!"


I quickly resolved the food and I went online again, and everyone came up one after another. It seems that everyone is very active! Yuzhe first took us to a city. Little Japan was running around on the road. We were so nervous. It was probably the feeling of being a thief.

Came to the teleportation array in the city safely. To find it, we have worked hard. We don't know the way and dare not ask people! After all, it was hard to teleport to Liangcheng. There are really many people here. Many players have a blue black dragon club in front of the name on their heads. At a glance, more than half of the players in the black dragon club in the city look at it. If we were found, they would mobilize as a whole, and we would be hard to fly!

I walked up to the tower of truth, this towering building was really high enough, or the little chubby decided that we hadn't been to Liangliang, and people who had come would not see such an exaggerated building. The entire tower of truth seems to be inlaid with gold, and there are many paper-weaving things hanging outside the brilliant tower. I only know that it seems to be a Japanese evil spirit, something similar to a Chinese spell. .

It's really moving me that the tower was not built in the city center. Although the low buildings around it can't stop the tower, it can block the gate of the first floor, so that we can do bad things without knowing it!

I first use the Phantom's Cloak to be invisible, and then I come out at each corner to see if anyone will call everyone closer. After groping for a while, we finally reached the bottom of the tower. We lay on the top of a second-floor building and looked at the guard over there. Really help me too, all four guards are human ninjas, haha, hurry up to call Ajana out to start hypnosis.

After a period of melodious whispering for one minute, I finally saw the four ninjas slide down the wall behind them like noodles. We quickly jumped upstairs, and several of them rushed directly into the Tower of Truth. I carefully walked over and put the four ninjas up to the wall so that they leaned against the wall. The four people should not be seen in the distance. sleeping. After dealing with the good, I said to Ariana: "How long can your song be controlled?"

"About 20 minutes!"

"Then they will wake up, you will come again!"

"No, this skill can be used once a day!"

"Then you look at the time and call us soon."


After I finished the explanation, I also got in and carefully closed the door. Once I turned around, I was completely stupid.

The crowd of people in the house stood densely, and there was only 5 meters in the doorway. No one was there. ~ The six advanced red moons were all blocked here, and they circled back to back. I really don't know how to say it. I ran to steal things and came across their guild group activities!

I said on the team channel: "What's going on? Are we found or tracked?"

Slang philosophically said: "I'm afraid it's a coincidence. When we came in, they all turned their backs to the door. If they were prepared, they should face the door!"

Wu Hongyue said, "Have you seen the door behind?"

Because of the height advantage (in excitement, there are so many people shorter than me), I crossed the head and saw the luxurious door made of gold behind. The door now appears to be half open. "I saw it. The door didn't seem to be closed. They just entered the door to do the task, right? Why did we run into it? That's bad luck!"

Hongyue Road: "No. They are preparing to go in. The door has not been opened when we have recently. It has opened so much during our deadlock! They are obviously waiting to enter, we just happened to hit On their hunt! "

"God bless! This is a big deal!" I roughly estimated the number of people in the room. There are 800 people without a thousand. So many people rely on us. Even if you add three dragons, it is impossible to win. !!

"What now?" Asked Gold Coins.

Qi Lanfeng looked at the door. "I have a solution. I just don't know if you dare!"

"Anyway die, you say it!" Ziyue urged.

"The door is about to open. What if we rush in? According to that, there is a dangerous anomaly in it. I believe that Little Japan will not be able to chase us all in after we enter. We may have a chance to defeat it!"

"Let's try it!"

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