Starting from Zero

Vol 4 Chapter 68: Cute monster

"Is it ...?" I turned my head back to look at us: "Oh! Quick flash!"

Everyone didn't understand what I did and ran out, but after they turned back, they followed me and ran up. The gold coins ran while scolding me with strength: "Your boy is really boring, and he didn't call us for his own escape."

虽然 Although I would like to argue, but now I can concentrate on my escape and have no time to talk back. Just now, the reason why Little Japan completely ignores us is because they are chasing nearly ten mammoth-like giant unknown monsters behind us. Just now we were obscured by the smoke and dust raised by Little Japan. When Little Japan ran past, we could see the original Behind them is the monster group. In general, advanced monsters are either very large or have humanoid shapes. Adults like Lucky and Xiaofeng are very gigantic. In the case of Ariana, the humanoid monsters are also quite high. The next few guys will not be below 800 if they do not have an accident, because they are about the same size as the tanks before they were not conquered by me! In the beginning, I was in a bad situation with a tank, and now I have a row, it is a fool not to run!

Because we were fast, we quickly caught up with the little Japanese running ahead, and the two groups quickly got together. We ran side by side with Little Japan, but no one had time to attack each other. At this time, as long as we ran out, the monsters would help kill each other. There is no need to fight for your life in the monster pile.

The front has gradually reached the end of the grassland, and dense woods appear in front of us. As long as I can rush into the woods, I think it should be possible to run away. The giant monsters behind seem to be difficult to move in the woods, so as long as they enter the woods, they are safe.

Because we are not the same speed as Little Japan, and our own speeds are not the same, so when we get to the edge of the forest, we have actually become all the way. The gold coin ran ahead, and the girl plunged into the woods as quickly as possible. Followed by the blue wind, his magic pet and body will be super fast in the future. Unfortunately, it seems that the direction is not controlled. As soon as the gold coins enter the woods, he bumps into the tree, but he immediately jumps up and continues to run into the woods. The rest of us were all about the same speed. When the four of us reached the edge of the woods, we just saw the gold coins and the blue wind that rushed in first and ran out with waving hands.

I used my eyes to ask them what to do to run back, I just heard the gold coins breathlessly shouting, "Not here, there is a harder one inside!"

When I was wondering what was going on, a big tree suddenly flew out, and a furry thing rushed out of the woods. Only then did I recognize that this was a North American tarantula. The only problem is that this giant tarantula is more than ten meters long. Its body looks like an eight-legged observatory! (Here is a science education. In fact, any kind of spider can't grow so large, because these small things are soft in the body, they have no internal bones. When the body is longer than one meter, they will cause the internal organs to move from their own gravity. Flowing out of the body, it is impossible for spiders more than one meter to appear, as are common non-crustacean insects, but crustacean insects like tanks can grow very large because they also have support systems in their bodies. )

蜘蛛 This spider swept down a forest as if in no man's land, and ran after the gold coins.

"Fast flash?"

"Agree!" I quickly turned around and ran along the border between the grassland and the forest. Although we did not think that the grassland would go safely after the previous two experiences, anyway, the vision here is wide and we have at least time to advance. ready!

We were running, the forest in front was shaking again, and a black super big mantis appeared on the edge of the forest. Fortunately, we flashed fast, and the fallen trees almost hit us. The Japanese behind us hurriedly turned towards the prairie, and as a result they ran into the huge monster that was catching up, and the scared little Japanese fled and fled away. The monsters thought they would chase them, but the monsters also separated. The Japanese who ran towards us in the opposite direction chased 7 giant monsters and that giant tarantula, and on our side were two giant monsters and a praying mantis.

现在 I now regret having the tank do the magic crystal bombardment, otherwise it should be no problem to entangle that mantis with his attack power and super defense! But now he is still weak!

After running for a long distance, we were almost caught up. Although the giant was thrown away, the mantis was obviously faster than the giant and the thing that hated it most was that it had wings. It had reached us after a few landing Ahead. The huge scythe swept across, and the gold coin running ahead fell to the ground, and the sickle swept past her back at a small distance of a few centimeters. The blue wind that followed closely played an exaggerated 360-degree turn in the air. This action created a dead time in a few seconds. It was these seconds that made the sickle slide past him.

The most unlucky person is me. I ran in the third place and I didn't see the sickle of the praying mantis. What's worse, I was just on the threshold of the sickle's attack range. This distance was just the sharpest point of the sickle. A sickle of a praying mantis chopped on my waist violently, thinking that it was finished, and it must be chopped by the waist. But things went wrong again. The moment the sickle hit the dragon set, it shattered into pieces like glass, flying apart.

All of us are stunned, especially me who was hit directly. The system shows that the giant mantis's attack just didn't break my defense at all, just forced to withdraw 1 point of blood. Such a huge monster attacked me and caused only a little damage? It doesn't make sense!

The sting mantis seemed startled, too. It took back his only half of the sickle, looked at me, and then looked at me, apparently he didn't realize that he would be interrupted.

Gold coins, they saw the situation on my side and called out quickly: "Zi Ri! He can't hurt you, quickly, kill him!"

Although I was still very scared in the face of this nearly ten-mantle praying mantis, in view of the defensive effect just now, I still dared to rush up. I did n’t break the defense just now, so even if the mantis just hit the smallest attack just now, even if it hits the biggest attack this time, it wo n’t be possible for me.

虽然 Although I rushed up, I was still very scared. Considering that I did not take the Dragon King Sword, I rushed up with a dragon gun. The praying mantis dared to fight back when I saw this little reptile, and angry, it rushed up with the remaining sickle. I blame it for using the skill with the highest attack power, trying to cause more damage on the first strike, and I also want to see what level of defense the opponent has reached. If such a big monster does not attack high, it must be a defensive metamorphosis. Anyway, it is a high-level monster that must have its own strengths.

But the miracle reappeared. My trick magic dragon pierced the heart and double attacked and the damage deepened. A green slurry sprayed and splashed on my face, and the huge praying mantis screamed and fell to the ground. After a few long hooks kicked, the praying mantis did not move any more.

"What's going on?" I stepped up and looked at the praying mantis lying on the ground in disbelief, and killed without a reason!

I was skeptical, but I did n’t have time to think about it. The two beasts behind me had already caught up. Ziyue slaps me in a slap. "Not running yet!"

虽然 Although I wanted to run, but looking at the green slime on my hand, I suddenly had a strange idea. Raised his right hand to one of the beasts that was caught up and fired a crossbow. The white feather arrow was inserted straight into the beast's forehead, and a loud earthquake-like sound was made. Arouse a dust. Another beast rushed to me in an instant and lowered his head and rushed towards me with his head. An arrow shot down a giant beast, which confirmed my guess even more. I did not evade, and slammed my right arm with a fist. My fist collided with the running monster, and then unimaginable results happened.


I feel like I have hit a bunch of cotton, and I don't feel any force on my arm. The monster's huge body fell to the ground immediately after hitting my fist, and it felt like a container truck suddenly stopped because it hit a remote-controlled toy car. I was stopped by such a huge monster without any impact, and the Japanese people who were running there stopped seeing the monster falling to the ground.

Ziyue and Hongyue brought everyone quickly to me. "Are you human? This is going to be killed?"

Look at my fist. "This monster seems to be nothing more than a mere appearance!" I called up the system prompt message and looked at it. "Fuck, this thing is only level 3!"

"What? This thing is the third level?" Lan Feng looked at him in surprise, even though he had fallen to the ground, but he was still a giant beast like a hill. "Are you right?"

"Either the system is wrong, the main point is that this thing is only level 3, anyway, I read it correctly!" I added: "That mantis is only level 12!"

"Dizzy!" The gold coin covered his head: "Isn't this a lie? We have so many bulls running wild on the prairie chased by three monsters that are not enough to level 20?"

After hearing our words, Little Japan over there also began to talk about it. It is estimated that they are more depressed than us! A team of more than a hundred people was chased across the grassland by nine 3rd-level monsters. If the matter spreads out, it will really make people laugh.

We are talking about a few Japanese people who have surrounded us, the danger is lifted, and they are staring at us. We leaned against the body of the monster and confronted them. Little Japan just ran away just now, and the only forty people left here couldn't beat us at all, and their boss wasn't there yet!

Although I know I can't fight, the little Japanese don't seem to plan to let us go, they just surround us. Shuang Fang confronted for a while and suddenly found that a white pony did not know when it appeared near us. The whole white snowy guy was completely afraid of people. The road was unstable, and he swayed and came to us. He looked up at us and looked at him. The beautiful sapphire blue eyes blinked so cute. If it weren't for Little Japan still staring at our intentions, I would definitely go up and hug it.

But Little Japan doesn't seem to have so many worries. A warrior or the like came out and tried to catch the cute little white horse. He came to the back of the pony and suddenly pounced on it. The pony did not respond and was immediately thrown, but he stood up immediately. The Japanese grasped the hind legs of the pony, and the poor pony was completely controlled. I feel that the girls next to me seem to have the urge to help the little pony, but they have changed before they can act.

The controlled pony suddenly hissed and stood up, his two front legs kicking in the air. A wave of water ripples rippled in the air with the foal as the center. The white foal suddenly began to grow larger. After a few seconds, a white that almost caught up with the shadow of the night was a little pink The creature appeared in front of us. Although it looks like the pony just now, he now has a long golden horn on his head.

The little white horse turned into a unicorn, and it was still a huge unicorn. Covered with pale pink fur, especially the super-long brown hair is elegantly scattered on one side of the body, long eyelashes flicker, large blue eyes are made of water. I don't need to look at it to know what's going on with the female unicorn.

Just when everyone was still in a bun, the beautiful unicorn kicked to the ground and looked back at the guy who was still holding her back. At that moment, I was sure that I saw an unhappy smile in the big eyes made of water. meaning. Afterwards, the unicorn suddenly kicked and kicked with her front legs on the ground. The guy who was holding her hind legs was immediately taken into the air. When he re-fall, the unicorn took off again. A cloven-hoofed animal was very good at it.

"Ah! ..." The little Japanese screamed and flew into the sky until it turned into a star and disappeared into the distance. I think he would have died when he fell, even if he had not been kicked. Fortunately, I didn't touch her just now!

I have now more confirmed what I thought of when I just hit the monster. This is an upside-down world. All the huge and ugly things are gentle and harmless. These small, cute guys are terrible monsters. Like the two giant beasts and the praying mantis just now, they are obviously fierce and evil, but in fact, the low-level death can't hurt people at all. The beautiful bubbling super cute unicorn in front of me actually dropped the Japanese soldier in seconds! From the point of view of the equipment, the soldier seldom said that it was 500, but even the kicked-off man who had no power to fight back was gone. The unicorn in front of you is definitely not the ordinary monster outside, and the crazy unicorn king should not have such abnormal attack power!

群 The group of little Japaneses were still gazing at the direction of the companion flying away, and I also pulled a few gold coins with them. Said on the team channel: "Fast flash!"

Everyone is not stupid, hurriedly started to evacuate. We are not afraid of small Japan. We can get 30 to 40 small Japans with 7 of them, but the problem is that the unicorn is definitely a dangerous creature, the farther away it is, the better!

刚 As soon as we got around behind the corpse of the monster, we quickly summoned the horse to get ready to go, but Ziyue pulled me behind. "What did you pull me for?" I looked back at Ziyue.

Ziyue pointed to the other side, I turned my head. "Oh!" The unicorn was standing next to me, her head was facing my face, and as soon as I turned my head, I saw a big close-up, scaring me to jump back. I quickly pressed my hand down to signal everyone to be quiet. "Don't be nervous, everyone slows down!" I whispered to everyone and moved slightly away, but this **** unicorn seemed to depend on us. I followed one step and she followed one step at a time!

I ca n’t help it. I directly summoned Ye Ying to jump up, and everyone went to mounts. I urged Ye Ying to let go of the hoof, but the unicorn behind us actually followed us at the same speed and did not leave.

After I ran away, I gave up her hope completely. This guy is obviously faster than Ye Ying. She can run around us in circles, but we ca n’t help her!

Hongyue stood on the lucky back and shouted to me, "Isn't your phantom translating the language of Warcraft? There must be something in this little thing!"

I stopped helplessly, and the little unicorn stopped immediately. She slowly walked over to Ye Ying's side, rubbing her side with her body. The gold coin crouched on the lucky back and said, "She won't look after your mount, right?"

"I'm dizzy! How can ..." I didn't say the last word. This is indeed not impossible. Ye Ying is a nightmare, and his predecessor was a unicorn, so Ye Ying and this unicorn should be considered the same family.


"Haha! It's not bad to let your night shadow use a beautiful man, and go back with a unicorn!" Yu Zhe actually made me a joke.

I pat the night shadow under me. "What does she want to do?"

Yeying turned and looked at me and said nothing. I had to ask Mirage: "How did he do it?"

Phantom actually laughed. "That unicorn is flirting with the handsome night shadow guy, of course he is embarrassed to answer you!"

Oh my gosh! It really is cool brother! This is all OK! I really ca n’t stand the night shadow. When he was first subdued, he joined because of Xiaofeng, and he was not very obedient. Although he did not violate my meaning, he never did anything proactive. I didn't expect to turn our boss's heads upside down as soon as I showed up today! My stupid pet will be like him, I will not send it! Another day must be lucky to go to Dragon Valley, maybe you can bring a mother dragon back! If you regenerate a few dragon eggs, you will get richer. I will open a shop to sell dragon eggs later!

"What about this unicorn?" The gold coin asked me.

Looking at the unicorn rubbing Ye Ying's neck with his cheek, I feel like a light bulb!

I told Mirage: "Ask if she knows the three boss bosses here."

Phantom asked immediately, but Phantom hadn't answered yet, but the unicorn himself looked up at me. "Of course I know, I am one of them." The sweet girl voice came from the mouth of the unicorn in front of her. Although she is also female, and she is super beautiful, but the girl is still ...!

"You speak?"

She actually asked me, "Wasn't your handsome guy?"

那个 "Well, are you one of the bosses?"

"What? Don't believe me? I'm a 900-level boss, and your handsome guy doesn't seem to be as high as me!"

那 "Do you know the mission of this gate of truth?"

"Know, isn't it just for you to defeat our three giants and get back the tokens?" This unicorn has absolutely no image of the noble and pure unicorn in the legend, it is like a female hooligan, I can't figure out why there is nothing to say Night Shadow will turn into a fallen unicorn and become a nightmare. To say that this is a fallen unicorn right now! "You want tokens, right? Easy!" She turned magically into a disc-shaped thing, which looked like it was made of gold. "This is one of the tokens. If you let this handsome guy accompany me, I will give it to you!"

All of us bosses with eyes staring at the same time and appear dilated pupils, have a tendency to faint. Should I take it? If you take it, Ye Ying will accompany this unicorn. Although she looks very beautiful, but that's a human point of view. Who knows Ye Ying Xi doesn't like this type! Even if people are beautiful in unicorns, that cannot be rid of the involuntary fact of Night Shadow. Can I be considered a persecutor of good family? * How do you feel like a duck shop owner!

"No! I refuse!" How to say Ye Ying is also my favorite pet earlier, let him go for a credential * It's so outrageous!

刚 I just finished talking and suddenly Ye Yingren stood up and threw me to the ground. "Fuck, you don't do this good thing! Miss, let's go over there to talk!" Ye Ying actually turned away from the usual super cool brother image and unicorn MM, and also knocked me down!

Lan Feng came to help me and said, "Wow! Dry chai fire!"

拍 I patted the gray on my body and said, "I finally know why Night Shadow is a fallen unicorn. This kid must be an attempt to molest a minor unicorn MM, and he was devalued by the unicorn king!"

"Hahahaha!" Hongyue smiled exaggeratedly: "You actually have a super lover-type magic pet!"

I am very fortunate by the shameless lesson: "You can't be like him, this is not right! Courtship must be concealed, he is called sensuality!"

Lucky nodded. "Our dragons have very long lives. A love affair can't end without talking about three or five hundred years. I won't be as fast as him!"

"Here!" A little Japanese suddenly called out, and we patronized this matter, forgetting that there is also Little Japan!

"Yingying! Come back soon!" I called Yeying to come back quickly.

The unicorn ran back with Ye Ying, Ye Ying still holding the metal disc just in his mouth. "Hold on, Xiaoxue will take us to the other two bosses." Damn! Names have changed in such a short time! Sure enough, it is degrading!

Although Japan found us, the big troops have not caught up. We turned around, everyone was a high mobile magic pet, and we fled off the chase again in an instant. Following Xiaoxue ran into the woods all the way, although I don't know if there will be a monster suddenly rushing out, but considering that the big monsters here are not more than 15 levels, don't worry!

I walked through the dense forest for a while and suddenly a huge palace appeared in front of me. Unicorn Xiaoxue took us through the huge palace complex, and there was no one in the whole place. Until we reached the deepest part of the palace, a huge pool appeared in front of us. There is also a giant elephant in the center of the huge pool. Although I do n’t know which **** is carved, it is definitely not Chinese. The height of the idol is about 20 meters, which is the height of a six-story building. The off-white surface shows that the stone's texture is very hard.

Xiao Xiaoxue went to the pool and said to the colossus, "Odin, these people want to visit you!"

"Small? What are you looking for?" The boulder suddenly began to move, and he slowly stepped out of the pool. Every step of him caused a huge shock, making it feel like an earthquake! When we saw the megalith suddenly started moving, we were all scared and took a few steps back.

I adjusted my breath. "Hello, I came to get the pass in accordance with the requirements of the gate of truth!"

"It's not difficult for you to pass the voucher, you can beat me!" The stone statue talked like thunder, and the ear of the shocked man.

Xiao Xiaoxue said: "This is my friend, you have to deal with it!"

The colossus was depressed. "For your sake of being a friend of Xiaoxue, I'll give you a discount. You fight with me in this yard, and I will pass you as long as you have someone alive within twenty minutes."

I looked around. The whole yard is almost two football fields big. He said that in such a big place, we would kill us all in twenty minutes. Isn't this a steady win? "we agree!"

"Okay, Xiaoxue, you come and start!"

双方 The two of us stood up and started to prepare, Xiao Xue retreated outside the field and shouted "Start!"

Almost as soon as the sound arrived, the boulder suddenly stooped and punched the ground. That speed was not the same as when he stepped out of the pool just now. Yuzhe was flattened with a punch without any response, leaving only a large human-shaped pit when his fist was raised. A flash of words in the team channel left Yuzhe, which indicates that Yuzhe is dead! He actually killed Yuzhe in one shot. Needless to say, his attack power is not fast enough. How can Yuzhe be a ninja with agility?

I didn't leave time for us to think about it, the stone statue punched again, this time the goal was gold coins. But the speed of gold coins is not understandable by ordinary people. After a flexible backflip, the gold coins jumped onto the giant elephant's arm and rushed to its head all the way.

The megalithic statue rushed to the body in panic, but the gold coins were too fast, and several consecutive gold coins had reached the head of the stone statue. "Destroy my life!" The gold coin used his housekeeping skills, and the target this time was an eye of the stone statue. A click of gold coins pushed the entire dagger capital into the stone's eyes. A burst of loud noise from the entire stone statue collapsed, and gold coins were mixed in the falling gravel to land safely.

The angry megalithic statue will step on gold coins when I raise my feet. I command the rose vine to stick out the stone leg from the back and fix it firmly on the ground. "Xiaofeng, flames spray!"

巨大 A huge pillar of fire sprayed out from under the stone statue and immediately surrounded it, but the stone statue laughed. "Do you think I'm afraid of fire?"

I didn't care that he continued to let Xiaofeng set fire and play hide-and-seek with him at the same time. He anxiously chased us everywhere ~ ~ I felt like we were playing a mole game, but now we are moles!

After about five minutes, Xiaofeng finally burned the stone red before the magic was exhausted, supporting such a high-intensity flame for so long, even the fire Phoenix couldn't stand it! Xiaofeng's work is completed, and she quickly summons Ariana. "Rainstorm beam!"

The rainstorm beam is a large area of ​​healing magic. When it is launched, it will cause a heavy rainstorm, which will inflict little damage to the opponent while adding blood to it. But the situation is a little different now. The burning red stone statue was suddenly poured by the pouring rain. The situation can be imagined!

"No" megalith was cooled by rain in the wailing sound. The sudden temperature drop caused the hot rock to burst suddenly, and the megalith became a pile of broken stones scattered in the blast.

"You're so smart!" Xiao Xue came all right.

"Do you mind if I make your friends like this?"

"It's okay, he can be demobilized in a while, this guy can't die!"

Wu Zheng said that the stone statue was regrouped and demobilized soon, and there were no cracks. "You are really smart. Come here. This is your voucher." The stone statue handed us the sword on the back.

"So big?" The stone sword handed over by the stone statue was used by himself. This thing is about ten meters long. I really don't know how to carry it back! The narrow and curved part of the volcanic tunnel is probably not going to pass anyway!

"Oh! Sorry, I forgot!" The stone statue retracted the sword and smashed it into the ground. The sword was broken into two pieces, and a big fist gem rolled out of it. "Just bring this gem back!"

"Thank you!" I picked up the gem and took a look. There was only a hint of the quest item on it. It didn't seem to be useful!

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