Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 55: Buddhist Door Strengthening Group

"If you do n’t want to ask you, when the woman talks, she suddenly, cheap, a golden aperture flew over her back, but eternity flashed out from the other side just hit the golden aperture, only Listening to the sound of a metal collision, followed by a boom, the woman and I were thrown out at the same time.

"Damn!" I got a blood hole in my shoulder when I got up from the ground, and a half of the golden ring was stuck in the hole. Blood water was pouring out along the opening of the cave.

The woman on the other side quickly got up, and she saw the half ring on my shoulder, she also looked at it, and then looked back in surprise. Although she was looking in nothing, I realized from her actions that there were people nearby.

"Emmies, turn on the real projection." Although I didn't summon Aimness, her skills were equally effective. The surrounding screen flickered. Followed by suddenly more people on my side. This guy wore a huge robe covered from head to toe, and he could see nothing but the robe, and it was not even clear whether the other party was male or female.

The guy apparently didn't notice that I had him, and still moved carefully to me. Since he didn't realize that I was there, I just pretended not to see it, and continued to walk towards the woman, but my attention has been focused on this mysterious guy. Sure enough, the black robe suddenly moved when I was about to walk to the woman. The black robe man's body flickered a few times, as if the full analysis of the image was unstable, and then the picture suddenly disappeared. The guy disappeared, and at the same time, the voice of Emmenice sounded in my ear. "That guy is now me. He blocked my induction, and I can't find him now!"

"Aren't you an illusion goddess? How could something be hiding from your eyes?"

"The problem is that I'm no longer a goddess. Besides, this guy doesn't seem to use illusion-like skills. He is really gone!"


"I mean he's not invisible, but he's really not around you."

"You mean teleport ?.

Ling's voice suddenly appeared in the conversation. "Need us help?"

""understood. "

Although I don't know how the guy disappeared, I'm pretty sure he didn't leave, and I could feel that I was being watched. And that guy is very close to me. Taking into account that the other party may wait until I have a flaw, and then I will sell it. The flaw led him to take a shot, at least I was prepared. After thinking about it, I immediately grabbed the half of the golden ring stuck on my shoulder and pulled it out sharply. A golden ring was pulled from me with a lot of blood and water, but I do n’t know why the other party Did not take advantage of maneuvering. I looked at the fracture of the Golden Ring very neatly. Obviously, it was cut off after the collision between Gangnet and Eternity, but the information returned by Eternity also shows that this thing is at least an artifact. If it were n’t for the eternal artifact destruction attribute of the sky blade, it would n’t be sure.

After throwing a half of the gold ring into Fenglong space, Xiaochun appeared beside me. The woman on the opposite side saw that Xiaochun was nervously alert at first. She obviously didn't know Xiaochun's specific ability. I thought I had called a powerful thug, but when she saw Xiaochun applying healing to me, she immediately realized that this was not an attacking magic pet. But sometimes it ’s not necessarily the correct Xiaochun. Although she is better at healing, she is not a full-time nurse. According to the general magic pet classification, Xiaochun should be regarded as a semi-assisted attack magic pet, because her skills are similar. Two-fifths are purely aggressive, and two of the remaining threes are auxiliary spells. The true healing spells are not even one point.

My injury and the appearance of Xiao Chun made the woman think that there was an opportunity, and she suddenly bent over and rushed at me. But someone moves faster than her. The man who had disappeared suddenly appeared in front of me, followed by a dagger stuck out of my robe and stabbed at me. "Close your eyes." Xiaochun suddenly stretched out a hand to cover my eyes, and the other hand quickly popped up a large spot of sesame seeds, followed by an instant explosion. There is no shock wave or high temperature, and the big light spot explosion of sesame seeds only brings extreme light. The woman and the person in the robe rushed towards me and screamed, covering her eyes almost at the same time. They were all under attack at the time, and their eyes were definitely locked on me. The light spot was brighter than the flash bullet. Two. Human eyes are white.

The two reacted differently after the eyes were temporarily blinded. The woman who rushed towards me backed up with one hand, protecting her eyes. The other hand was holding a dagger in front of him, desperately trying to recover from possible attacks, and the man in the black robe was much more convenient. He took a step back and disappeared completely into our sight.

"Master. Xiaochun let go of my eyes and said," The guy in the robe is using space-type spells. I just felt the energy fluctuations in space. "

"Is space magic?" I snapped my fingers and Ling appeared beside me.

"Give me out

Lacquer is the goddess of darkness though. But I know the most about space spells. In fact, the most powerful space spell in my summoned creatures should be Queen Phoenix. But the problem is that Fenglong's space spell belongs to instinct. She doesn't know much about the essence of space spell. Really, it should be said that the actual attack power is relatively high, and she and Xiaochun can work together to make a difference. Recruit abnormal skills.

Xiaochun saw what Ling was doing when she was called out to Li Hai. She stretched out two hands directly opposite Ling Shuang's palms, and then the two read together. "Phase, change." I saw that the space around us was suddenly dark, followed by a bright light, and then dark again, and then began to switch between light and darkness, and the light and darkness became faster and faster. The contrast is also getting stronger. With the rapid changes in light and darkness, several white translucent humanoid objects floating in the air suddenly appeared in the space around us, but we didn't pay attention to those things, because they were just the soul that was about to dissipate. The essence of phase conversion is to quickly switch back and forth between the physical world and the energy world to force all invisible or nihilistic objects in the surrounding space to materialize. Because the phase is switched too fast, their own attributes simply cannot keep up with this change. In the end, the degree can only stay in one of these states, but once they stabilize, it means that within a short time, the throne of the Seal of God cannot be switched back and forth, so that we can appear and attack him.

"As expected". After ten seconds of phase-shifting Lan Lan, our Fuyi suddenly came, and the individual suddenly fell out of the void. Then I saw him panicking up and taking off the black robe on his body. I threw it out. Before the black robe landed, I reached out to it, and the black robe flew towards me and landed in my hands accurately. At this time, Ling and Xiaochun had stopped the phase conversion. After taking the black robe from my hand and taking a look, Ling said, "The robe is very ordinary, but a powerful space spell has been added to this cloth, which allows the wearer to move into the space mezzanine. For an hour, the Seal of the Throne of God, if you pass, you will be stuck in the gap between the space and never think of it again. "

"That's fine." I took a look and asked, "Can this thing still work?"

Ling shook his head. "The phase shift just now has burned the law array on it, now this is just an ordinary cloak."

"It's unlucky, I robbed it." I heard that it had been scrapped, and I threw away the robe in my hand, and then looked at the guy who had taken off the robe. This is a warrior professional player. He grows unusually handsome. It is estimated that becoming a movie star or singer can definitely charm a girl. However, looking at this guy's equipment, he knows that he is not as simple as Xiaobailian, because the equipment on his body is typical of high-sensitivity soldiers. No matter whether this thing is his own or sponsored by Buddhism, but the choice of Gao Min's fighter equipment means that he is definitely not a waste of nothing, because Gao Min means low attack power. If you want to defeat the enemy, you must use humans. Responsiveness and skills attack the enemy's key points or weaknesses. Even a wastewood player who can't do anything, even if he can't keep up, the nerve response can only be bumped around like a headless fly. What you have is your degree of exercise. As for how to exercise, you have to be commanded by your nervous system. The nervous system's responsiveness can't keep up with the muscle's degree. After roughly judging the characteristics of this guy from the equipment, I laughed and laughed and said, "This equipment is really pretty! Wouldn't you just have to exchange it with the buddha's group of guys?"

Somewhat unexpectedly, the guy didn't respond to my words at all. I originally planned to anger him and let him do it first. After all, the enemy who lost his mind would get worse in combat skills. For an agile warrior, Poor skills means a decrease in overall strength, which is the result I most want to see, but this guy didn't even react at all, and it hurt me to stimulate him in vain!

"President Ziri. Even if we are enemies, you don't have to make things so ugly, right?" The guy looked at me and said without mind.

"Sorry, I'm in a bad mood. It's rude! But Buddha's shamelessly put on equipment to strengthen you guys to mess with me, my mood is really getting better! You are already the third one, and I won't And fourth, fifth, right? "

"That won't happen." The guy clapped his hands. The surrounding air suddenly fluctuated, and then opened the six portals. Six people stepped out of the six portals and stood in a row with the guy. The Indian woman who was very fast before also came to his side. "Including the muscle monk and the brainless monk you killed before, we only have ten people in total."

"Ten?" A monk was killed by me before, and now six are suddenly teleported out, plus that woman and this little white face are only nine?

"We don't need our boss to deal with you." A guy next to that guy pointed arrogantly at me and then tickled his fingers. "Want to see our boss settle down before we talk."

"Oh my God, why do individuals think they can beat me now?" I frowned and looked at the woman who had really dealt with me before: "Do you think your companions are reliable?"

After hearing my words, the remaining seven people focused on that. For women, in fact, none of the eight people here actually played against me except this woman, including the white face, who only competed with Ling and Xiaochun in terms of skills.

The woman froze for a long time before cautiously speaking, "We eight went together," she said, stopping here, and the attention of the other seven people immediately raised. After waiting a few seconds, she continued slowly: "Maybe?"

"What do you mean?" The extremely arrogant guy asked in a hurry before.

"Don't you think that none of our eight opponents were together?"

Looking at the woman's expression, she knew that she actually wanted to admit it, but considering that it would stimulate morale. She didn't say it again. After thinking about it for a long time, I said, "I'm not sure! He feels that he can already attack any two of us together to attack the downstream edge. It takes three or four people to defeat him."

"Isn't that all right?" That guy could take three or four people to hear it. I immediately said proudly: "Not the boss, we still have eight people? Are you afraid that you can't make him together?"

The little white face before was not as optimistic as this guy ~ ~ He looked at me with a grim expression and said, "Mana means that the four of us can defeat the Purple Japanese together, but the problem is that he is a tamer. Beastmaster! "

It may be a big accident to get the sponsorship of Buddhism equipment, so these people were dazzled by the excitement of getting well-equipped for a while. Until now they remembered that I am not a warrior, but an animal trainer. It is not difficult to defeat the trainer himself, because the trainer's real combat power comes from their magic pet rather than themselves. Even if my combat level is only the average standard of the beast trainer, that is, the combat power of the magic pet is equal to my own combat power, it also shows that to deal with my magic pet requires at least four people like me, and my number one on the battle list The ranking cannot be just average, which means that it is absolutely not enough to deal with my four pets.

"Then what do we do now?" Asked the noisy guy before.

Another weak-looking guy next to him asked, "Did we also call the boss? In case ,?"

"In no case. Either kill Ziri or remove this artifact and replace it with the previous garbage equipment, do you think about it yourself?" Xiao Bailian's words made these people's expressions return to normal. Obviously their previous equipment and the current artifact are simply incomparable. It's easy to change from poverty to wealth, and then change back.

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