Starting from Zero

Vol 4 Chapter 83: The value of reputation

"How do I know that they are real and fake! Let them fight together, it's just dead!" I don't care, they're not theirs anyway!

"But they are all girls!" Xiao Pan was urged to help.

"You still don't want to help." I stopped them both. "How are you inquiring about the Soul Stone?"

"It's not clear!" Ouyang replied.

"What are you doing here? Go back and continue looking!"

"Oh!" The two bypassed the open space and ran to the city on the other side.

I went back to watch the multiplayer PK performance, and the scene was really spectacular. The female elf captain was extremely flexible. Seeing her leaping around in a bunch of knights like an agile fox, no one approached her. The female elf who was more impulsive and almost hit me just now is also a very conspicuous one. Her action is very large, and every attack will give full force. From her attack method, it can be seen that she must have added basic points to her strength at first. Female elves are still brute force fighters, which is a rare type!

I also found the timid little girl who only asked a word in the crowd. Her profession seemed to be a battle sacrifice. She was always at the bottom of the front. Although she would occasionally attack the enemies who rushed forward, most of them She has been giving blood to others! This pure warrior regiment is not as fragile as it seems. They actually make full use of the zero major feature-professional differences.

零 The occupation setting of "Zero" is very complicated, and each occupation will develop in different directions with the training of players. A single warrior can be divided into 4 categories, and each category includes more than 20 branches. If it is matched with the characteristics of different races, there will be more professional classifications. It may be because they are all female players, and they have a relatively small heart. Although these girls of Sakura Club are warriors, they have actually separated their professions. The female captain is Min Zhan, the impulsive girl is a hard fight, and the youngest girl is a battle sacrifice. It seems that they have successfully matched all professions, but unfortunately there is no mage who attacks in a large area!

Although the Knights brought by Ikeda dominated the number of personnel, the girls of Sakura Club gradually gained the upper hand. Although there were slight casualties, the female elves successfully controlled the battlefield situation. The most important thing was that the female elf captain separated a small team from the beginning to cross the opponent's line and entered the opponent's mage camp. All those who rushed into the mage camp were Min Zhan, and they were already fast. In addition, the opponent was the slowest mage, and the wolf fell into the flock. Instantly the opponent's mage was half less. Although individual archers can still intercept it, they are not fighters' opponents after all, and the rear group is over.

I was watching it with interest, and Arana suddenly called out, "The Knights are going to kill!"

I quickly paid attention to the movement of the Knights. I did n’t feel anything at first. I soon discovered that there were about twenty knights in the battle group. They were gradually backing out, while the knights around them filled up their vacancies and blocked the elves. Men. These people gradually retreated to the periphery of the battle circle and summoned the war horse to jump up. It turned out that these people were the people who were not injured by the war horse just now, and their mounts were still usable! These knights lined up quickly, the front row melee knights suddenly separated a channel, and more than twenty knights with war horses launched a charge crazy. Although the impact of more than twenty people was not terrible, it was relatively fragile for the elves. Still fatal!

The girls of the Sakura Club did not expect to be attacked by the knights at this time. Twenty knights were inserted into the elves' teams like sharp swords, and the sound of puppets flew out along with a few shy figures. Know the end of the female elves in the front row. I can see the red mist spraying across the sky several meters away, and several beautiful human heads flew out from the inside of the battle circle, one of which belonged to the youngest battle sacrifice.

Ana was stunned by the sight. "This ...! Terrible! Master, shall I help them?"

I pulled Arona back up and sat back. "Unless one of them is dead, we won't do it! Trust needs blood to prove it!"

"But ..." I raised my hand and motioned her not to go on. "If you feel bad, give them a blessing once. This is my bottom line!"

"Okay!" Ariana couldn't help it, after all, she was my magic pet and couldn't disobey me.

简单 A simple blessing does not help much, but it does relieve a little pressure for the female elves of Sakura Club. After the impulsive woman accepted the blessing of battle, she rushed towards the knight madly, and the narrow red sword and the wide knight epee ran into each other, and the female warrior was blown back in a splash of sparks. Even the elves who specialize in strength can't compete with the knights who rely on strength to eat. But after the female warriors were repelled, the elf captain suddenly appeared behind the knights. The female warriors were just attracting attention for their captain! The same red blood mist sprayed out more than two meters in an instant, and 7 people's heads were cut off with a sword and rolled across the ground. Several other knights had not yet reacted to the changes and found that they had a flower in front of their eyes and a sword on their stomach.

The knights on horseback were attacked intensively, and all the knights who participated in the charge were killed in an instant. However, due to the charge of these 20 knights, Sakura Club lost at least thirty elves. It can be seen that the knight ’s impact is How terrible.

The battlefield became smaller and smaller as time passed, and the number of people on both sides was gradually decreasing. The constantly rising white light and the body slowly brushing off the ground showed that both sides were about to die. There are currently less than 30 elves remaining on the Sakura Club, and they are all wounded. There is not much better over the Inagawa Association. There are still about forty people, but they are all seriously injured. The end of these girls is more powerful than I expected!

Just when I thought the battle was about to end, there was a sudden tumult in the trees, and the ground was trembling with the sound of horseshoes. It seemed that a larger cavalry regiment had arrived! Sure enough, Lin Zi shook a row of cavalry and rushed in, followed by another row. I sent Xiaofeng to the sky to observe the enemy's situation, and she fell quickly again. "About 700 people, all cavalry, with people in the back seat!"


知道 I know these female elves are about to die. More than thirty scarred girls can't beat the 700 light cavalry, not to mention they also bring the mage! But the other side of the forest was shaking again, and a green figure burst into the open space. Elves, a lot of elves. Archers, warriors, mages, and sacrifices, all professions come this time. Sakura's reinforcements actually arrived at the same time as the reinforcements of the other side.

The two sides rushed together without any nonsense, and the blood of the severed limb flew around for a while. In order not to be affected, I let Lucky down a few big trees, and we took a step back, so that it would be easier to be attacked. It's a pity that these guys in the Inagawa Association just don't have long eyes. Forty or so knights rushed up without removing the sitting mage. Fortunately, Xiaofeng Yi rushed up, and for a while, all the people who rushed over flew back and could not get up again under the feet of the dogfights.

"Master, let's just watch them fight like this?" Arna encouraged me to participate in the war for the Nth time.

"Yes! Do not move!" I decided not to intervene.

The battle was much more chaotic than last time. The Sakura Club had more than 1,000 reinforcements. The Inagawa Club also had nearly 1,500 people. Although the number of Sakura Clubs was a little disadvantaged, the elves' combat effectiveness was surprisingly high. With the cooperation of arms, it is even more powerful than it was at the beginning.

The battle lasted for nearly an hour, and the number of people on both sides became less and less, and the equipment that fell out of the ground was a layer away. In the end, there were less than 10 people left on the two sides. The cherry blossom club only had the captain at the beginning and a female elf among the staff who arrived later. It looks like the president of the cherry blossom club. There are eight people, three archers, and five knights over the Inagawa Club, but none of them seem to be leaders. Although the two female elves have fewer people, they have higher ranks, are well equipped, and have better combat skills. They are also very easy to handle the eight people.

The two female elves acted separately. The president of Sakura Club and the five fighters confronted each other. Although the fight was very hard, they could barely cope. The female captain rushed at the three archers. The three archers may be too low, or they may have run out of medicine and have little blood on their body at the beginning of the battle. Anyway, the three were almost unprepared. Was easily killed. The female captain rounded back and began to pinch the Cavaliers with the president.

A slightly higher knight suddenly rushed to the president and used the knight version of his life-threatening blow-life attack. The two white lights flashed at the same time, the chairman and the soldier died at the same time, but the chairman had an amazing fighting sensation. Before she died, she also cast her sword to kill another soldier. The female elf captain faced the three fighters alone, and she had no blood. The battle had just been maintained by her own sacrifices. Now the sacrifices have been suspended, and she has no life value. The other three fighters were not much better, and the large holes in the armor showed that they were also chopped a lot of knives and had little health left.

"Go to death!" A soldier suddenly launched a life attack again. He seemed to be planning to fight off the female elf. At this stage, the two sides are no longer a matter of victory. This is a matter of face. Just like the Vietnam War in the United States at that time, what was needed was a decent retreat, not a victory.

However, the female elf captain does not seem to intend to leave any face to the opponent. A light turn, she actually opened her life attack. Once the knight's life attack is launched, it will consume its life whether it is hit or not, so the empty knight hangs instantly. It fell, but a knight next to him took the opportunity to give the female elf captain a sword. She was chopped and flew and fell to the ground in a pleasurable voice. Another warrior rushed to try to fill her with the last sword, but the female elf threw her sword out of her hands and the warrior rushed up was only Blood was left, and the sword easily claimed his life. The last knight left with a sword and went up. The female elf captain lying on the ground had no power. She turned her head to me without any resistance. I saw the meaning of the inquiry in those eyes, and I knew she wanted to ask if they had confirmed their sincerity. I nodded slightly, she smiled satisfactorily and closed her eyes slowly. The knight slammed into her body, but the sword failed to reach her, because she had disappeared into white light before he dropped the sword. There must be something in her body with a weapon with a deepening damage property, so she will continue to lose blood until she dies.

The knight looked blankly at the matching sword that was deeply embedded in the soil, and it took a lot of effort to pull it out. Then he looked at me in horror. Of course, he knew that he was not my opponent, let alone that he had only half a life left now, and the great luck behind me made him dare not to move forward.

Ana yelled at me angrily: "You are so cold-blooded, you do n’t even try to do that."

I stood up and stroked Aranna's head: "What you strive to get will be cherished, and humans won't care about what is easily available! It seems that your artificial intelligence has not evolved to the point where it can understand philosophy!" I turned over and stretched out Arana, and the knight looked at me in surprise and thought that I was not going to kill him. I knew I was leaving and left a sentence: "Lucky! Kill him and bring everything on the ground." "(Fortunately there is storage space, you can help transport, everyone did not forget it!)

We were lucky enough to catch up without going too far. Of course, it is not difficult to solve a knight with only blood and horses, and it doesn't take much time to pick up things. I was planning to open a private chat and called Ouyang and Xiaopan, but I saw them running back.

"Boss, we found it!" Ouyang ran back excitedly. "They will continue their expedition tomorrow morning. We just need to follow them. The course of action will be the same, only time delay."

I interrupted his excited voice: "Xiaopan, do you know Baishui is holding it?"

"Which white water do you say?" Xiaopan asked me instead and asked me stupid.

怎么 "What? Is there a lot of white water?"

"That's not true. I know two in total. One is Baishui City and the other is a large leveling point. There is a hot spring river named Baishui. I don't know which one you mean!"

"I don't know, it may be Baishui City! Let's go to Baishui City first."

"Are you okay?" Xiao Pan looked at me in surprise, supposedly we were safer outside the city.

"It's a little bit. Don't follow me two of you. We'll meet up there tomorrow morning."

"OK!" The two quickly turned and ran towards the mountain.

I moved all the lucky things into my bracelet, and then put away all the magic pets, leaving only Aona and Yeying. I just remember now that the magic pets are also considered NPCs. They should also be able to speak various languages, so Ariana actually speaks Japanese and does not have such a special voice as a translation system! It would have been nice to think of her as an interpreter, and it cost so much!


I removed all the armor and put it away, put it on a set of garbage and put it on my body, so that no one can see it from the equipment. In order to be inconspicuous, I deliberately disrupted the equipment, and my body was not complete. No way, most of the players outside are like this. Generally, only the members of the Great Guild can match the equipment, because they have a lot of people, and the players can exchange the goods with the guild as a guarantee. You can match your own things with seven or eight, and buy a few more to basically complete the set. "Zero" has too many occupations, so the equipment is full of variety, and the equipment is also divided into men and women. If it is not for them to change, it is very difficult for a player to obtain the entire set of equipment on his own ability. Take the equipment for the task, or pay for it, anyway, expecting that what you explode happens to be absolutely impossible to use.

When I entered the city, I stared carefully at the guards at the gate. The players did not know, but it was not clear whether these NPC guards would attack foreigners like me. Fortunately, it may be that the national war has not yet begun, and the NPC has not yet started the function of sniping foreigners. I entered the city with such care, this is the first time I really entered a Japanese city! The first few times were either at night or fighting, and did not experience the feeling of the city at all.

The cities in Japan are very beautiful, and they have a very classic feel, they are small and stingy, no matter the door or window is small, and the house is short! The road is almost like a hutong. It can't get around a few people, probably because it is not a big city in itself. Remember that the last time I saw the Black Dragon Club is not like this! I saw a lot of stalls selling equipment along the way. I wanted to go up and sell everything I just picked up, but think about my equipment, if I suddenly come up with a bunch of good things, people will doubt it, so I give up.

I walked and walked. Suddenly three Japanese people came up and blocked my way. I wanted to go around, but I went to the left, he went to the left, and I went to the right, and he went to the right. It was clearly blocking me! I'm wearing ordinary equipment now, and my face is covered by an ordinary knight's helmet. Ye Ying also recovered just before entering the city. What is this guy going to do?

"Brother, your young lady is so pretty. How much do we cost for three of them?" I'm dizzy, even if Aona is pretty, you don't need to take me as a pimp!

Ana, under my instructions, said ruthlessly: "Hide away!"

"Ah! I'm sorry!" The three of them immediately stepped aside to make way, and Little Japan will report. The more fierce he is, the more respectful you are, the softer he likes to bully you!

Easily scared away three silly people, we quickly found the city transfer station and chose a location in Baishui City. When I came out of the teleportation array, I almost thought that when I arrived at the cemetery, the whole city was green. All the buildings are covered with vines and moss, and there are many unknown flowers on both sides of the street. But various miserable walls have told me that it is not good for greening here but that it is already a ruin. It is strange that such a place has a working teleportation array!

"Who are you?" A female elf suddenly appeared on the top of a building that was half a side away, and the bow and arrow in her hand had been pulled apart.

When I saw her, I was sure this was the white water I was looking for. "Are you president? Tell him I'm here to fulfill my promise!"

"Are you Ziri?" Archer MM almost exclaimed, retracting his bow and arrow and jumping downstairs. The elf's legs are longer and better at jumping, which is not a problem for her at all. "Come with me!" She almost dragged me forward.

None of the houses I saw along the way were complete, as if they had been bombed! Weeds and plants have covered every corner of the entire city! It was dragged by archer MM and ran to a huge house. This may be the most complete building in the whole city. It was just that the door was smashed by something and only half of the door panels leaned against the wall.

"What the **** are you doing here? Bombed?" I couldn't help asking.

"That's it, this city is the birthplace of the elves on the island of Japan. The elves from Novice Village will appear here directly. Because the elves are the race that loves the beauty of nature, this city is like this!"

"Oh! Really creative!"

Xu Zheng said that I was pulled into the room. The captain of the female elf that I saw at the beginning ran out with the president, and there were four other female elf beside them. It seems that these should be the captains of the team. The one that I knew at the beginning was only the captain of the third team. These should be the captains of other teams.

After coming to me, a few girls were stunned. When they first saw me, I also put on a full set of magic dragon suits, but then I became a garbage (relative to the magic dragon suit shape). So None of them responded.

Before they spoke, I dumped out the contents of the bracelet. These were burst out together by Sakura Club and Inagawa. I poured out together when I had no time to separate. "This is what you just dropped. I helped you pick it up."

The six of them looked at me stupidly. The average person would not understand how I can take back so many things by myself. But after all, they now have more important things to say, so they don't pay attention to them.

"Please inside!" The chairman greeted me and Ariana warmly, and a captain ran to find someone to claim his things.

两个 The two of us went into the inner room following the president. The room was not as broken as it seemed. The neat all-wood series furnishings had a unique flavor. I took off my helmet and set it on the table.

"My name is Ziri. This is Ariana. Could you introduce yourself first?"

"I'm the president of Sakura Club. My name is Feier, an elf warrior." The chairman first introduced herself. Looking at her flowing long black hair and beautiful green eyes, she really had some elegant feeling, no wonder Called Feier. "She is Peach, Elf Archer, Captain of the First Brigade of our guild. She is in charge of more than 200 Elf Archers of the First Brigade." Fei pointed to a girl who was slim and very tall. It looks like she might be a model depending on her appearance, this height is almost 80! It is estimated that such a big man walking in this place in Japan is standing up!

"Hello." She shook hands with me very generously, but I really didn't like to stand next to her. I felt so short and hurt my pride!

"This is the captain of the second group, Ming Li, an elf warrior. She is in charge of the second group of more than 200 elf warriors ~ ~ Ming Li looks like a fragile little family Jasper. I really don't see that such a girl would choose a warrior. I think she chose the sacrifice is pretty good. Maybe everyone has their own dream!

"This is Captain Jialing of the Third Brigade, and also an elf warrior, you first met? She was responsible for the more than 200 warriors you saw at the beginning."

"Thank you for helping us!" Jia Ling shook hands with me with a smile. I suddenly felt like her temperament, and of course she was not as beautiful as roses.

The captain of the fourth team jumped without waiting for Feier to introduce him. "I am the captain of the Fourth Brigade, Tengyuan Shizuka, Master Elf, you can call me Shizuka. I am in charge of 200 Masters of the Sakura Society." This girl is at least 16 years old. Seeing that this is still an age of excess energy, she will actually be Mage, I feel that she might be better off with that bright girl. I am worried that she will be rushed to the pole with a sunny girl when she is a mage!

"The last one is our eldest sister and also the vice president of the guild. Mingyue Lily, sacrificed by the elves, she is in charge of our sacrificial brigade." This one in front of me should not be a girl. Although it is well maintained, it can be seen She should be about thirty-seven or eighteen years old, and her temperament looks like a professional woman.

"Hello!" She shook hands politely with me, but her eyes were full of temptation, and I quickly drew back my hand, it was terrible. I still remember my tender grass at this age! nausea!

"Are all of you going?" I don't like to go around the corner. After the introduction, I went straight to the topic.

"Not all, but more than 99%!" The chairman answered my question.

"How many people do you want to leave? I need specific data, and it's better to be precise."

"1021 people!"

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