Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 3: Ants blocking the way

When Ohnet appeared outside Shimonoseki, it was given by a nearby Korean to the interference of a certain array of jammers with a specific range, so after setting the jammers, the specific location of the intercepted person can generally be calculated. The Koreans obviously also thought that someone might teleport, so they had already set up an ambush here. As soon as our network entered the stable space from the teleportation state, I saw a dazzling red light flashing in front of it, but because the teleportation array will have a stiff time to seal the throne after the sudden end, so I can't hide it since I saw that thing. I only heard a bang, and a red cloud burst in front of me, followed by me and was taken off. After flying for thirty or forty meters, I banged on the ground with a bang, and then rolled on the ground for five or six meters. Later, I suddenly supported the ground with one hand during the tumbling, followed by my body bounced up in the air and continued to roll. After that, my legs fell on the ground steadily, but the inertia still pushed me to keep my legs on the ground. Slip back. but. As the claws on my soles popped out and my hands clasped the ground one after another, gliding was quickly stopped. On the ground in front of me, four ditches were pulled out by students.

When the surrounding Koreans saw me standing up from the ground with blue smoke in front of me, one by one. His eyes were like seeing a ghost. Originally, they attacked as soon as I teleported it, and I didn't know who it was. After all, it was definitely not their own people who dared to pass into the city at this time, so they were an existing person who was intercepted and started to fight directly. Who knows that not only did I die, it seemed that I hadn't even suffered injuries.

After standing up again, I reached out and held the piece of metal on my chest that had turned into a discus, and then pulled it down hard. Just listening to the sound of a bang, the metal fragments were pulled down by me.

"Your welcome ceremony is really warm enough?" Throw away the deformed shells at will. I glanced up at a Korean player standing nearby.

When I swept the net, those people still opened their mouths one by one, but soon someone responded and shouted, "It's Ziri, fast, it's Ziri ,!"

The sudden shouts made everyone around him stunned. Then they started to get confused. Some people rushed forward and some people ran backwards. There was no trace of discipline at all. This situation was not stopped until a player who appeared to be the leader appeared, and this player brought a large number of troops.

The riots on the Korean side did not escape the eyes of the players of the Dadong Federation in the Shimonoseki city. The players in the city quickly rushed to the wall and pointed at the back of the Koreans, shouting: "Look and see. Purple Sun! "

I can't hear the shouts of players in the city, but even if I can't hear them, I can provide morale help for them. "Are you guys going to let me pass? Or am I going into the city myself?" I said leisurely to the Korean players around me, but the Koreans around me didn't answer anything, obviously they also knew Talking to me will only lead me into the ditch. "Since you don't answer, explain it with action." I started walking down the gate of the city with a walk. As my Korean players approached, they started to move backwards, but were quickly blocked by the people behind them. It has become a retreat.

Those who were facing me kept trying to get away. But the people behind urged the people in front to go up, and the people in front got into a dilemma between me and the people behind. However, after all, the distance between us is only a few steps, even if I go slower, I may finish. As I approached the crowd in front of me, I took Eternity in my palm. The eternity that melted into a liquid began to flow down my hands. And re-condensed into the shape of a whip in the air.

"You are coming soon! He is alone!" A player hiding behind shouted to let the person in front hurry up.

The man pushed by him immediately scolded: "You bulls you!"

The scolded person was silent immediately upon hearing it. Everyone knows everyone else, but it's their turn to be dumb.

I was all concerned about the panic of Korean players, but I didn't slow down as a result. Give them time to think that the Throne of Seals of God will only make them think that I am also afraid of them. These guys dared to challenge the entire Chinese power with a small group such as several guilds. This has fully demonstrated how arrogant they are. At this moment I just need to show that even a little care about their feelings. Li Hurry will make these idiots excited that they can beat me, so I chose to ignore them and treat them as ants and air. Only this complete disregard can show my contempt for them, and let them understand a little bit what a gap is.

In the mutual push of the players before and after, I still came to the front player, but my pace did not stop. The eternity in my hand suddenly flashed a red mang, three of them directly in front of me, and all of them suddenly fell down together.

The sudden killing of my companion finally sparked a slight reaction. Finally, someone started to charge towards me, but just before they approached, they saw that two flying moon wheels had blocked me around me. Anyone who dared to get close to me within three meters was cut into a fluttering flesh. At this time, the players of the Dadong Federation standing on the wall saw me walking through the curtain from behind the Korean army like a walk, and all the Korean players who followed him fell to my feet without exception. So I walked out of a flesh avenue in the huge army formation. The red blood mixed with the meat foam formed a mud-like paste, so that the Koreans behind did not dare to set foot on this flesh avenue. , Can only attack me from the front or both sides.

Seeing me walking towards the city so fiercely. All players of the Dadong Federation cheered with excitement ~ ~ Many Koreans who have climbed the walls before were driven by morale-stricken Chinese players, and since the appearance of Korean players Has been unable to organize a decent attack.

After walking all the way to the gate of Xiaguan City, I did not fly directly into the city, although it was actually the easiest way for me. I stood at the gate of the city and shouted to the people above to open the door. Those who started the Dadong Federation first thought that they had heard it wrong, and all of them were there wondering what to do. But at this time a person like a leader quickly ran over and shouted, "What are you still doing? Open the door."

"But there are Koreans outside?" Said the member in charge of the gate.

"Do you think they can come in with Ziri?"

The member shook his head, and immediately ran to activate the gate. After the city gate gradually started to rise, the people in the back became immediately excited. Before, they have been unable to attack this gate for a long time, but now the gate opened by itself. Just save time. A South Korean command player shouted, "While the door is open, everyone rushes in!"

After hearing his yelling, South Korean player Li Xuan screamed excitedly and rushed up, but the next second I did something to make them three spirits and seven souls ascend to heaven.

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