Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 40: Strange machine

I'm very puzzled about the sudden change of the Death Guard, but now it's in combat, and I don't have time to manage so much. After all the tens of thousands of meteorites in the sky fell to the ground, I immediately directed the army of death guards to rush forward. At this time, the city of the gods could not find an intact place at all, and the outer city was relatively better. After all, it was not the focus of the attack, but the inner city could be completely finished. It is almost like the ruins. It is estimated that the group of people in the Pantheon will see this situation and cry.

However, in addition to the heavy damage caused by the meteorite to the Pantheon, it also caused us a little bit of loss that we do n’t know if it should be counted. Just a few minutes ago, I finally rushed to a building with the magic pet and the death guards. front. The wires that were dragged under the long bows held by those archers were all connected to the building, but now we have only a pile of metal parts that ca n’t see what is originally, except for a huge crater. Already. "I rely on it, isn't it like this?" It took a long time to find what we were looking for but we were killed by ourselves. The result was really dramatic. "Don't be too sad-the master, that thing may not be the only one!" Yeyue said comfortably.

I shook my head and said, "Even if they still have it, we probably won't be able to use it in front of me today. It will not be so easy to get it next time!"

Ye Yue was trying to say something, but Ling suddenly frowned, and shouted: "All return, master, open absolute barrier!"

Although I did n’t figure out what Ling had, Ling was a steward of my summoned creatures, so while she called out that sentence, all the summoned creatures around me, including Extermination, were on the guards of God. At the same time, a white light shone in place, and the entire square and the surrounding streets suddenly became empty. At the same time that all the magic pets and summoned creatures had disappeared, Ling himself had quickly rushed to my side, and then I did not hesitate to activate the absolute barrier. No matter what Ling Xian has, in short she will not harm me. Start the absolute barrier first. If there is any problem, you can talk about it after k1.

Sure enough, it turned out that Ling's judgment was correct. Just after all the summoned creatures disappeared, Ling and I were wrapped in the absolute barrier in the Seal of Throne less than a second after the absolute barrier. The ground under our feet suddenly disappeared, followed by a huge beam of light, soared into the sky, reaching 10,000 meters high. Even the sun's rays were completely obscured by it.

"I rely on, is there anything wrong?" In Bai j: After disappearing, I hid with Ling. Suddenly the absolute barrier rolled over, and then smashed into a huge pit. It was originally just an ordinary area in the city, but now it has completely turned into a large hole. At the bottom of the hole, an underground city is being displayed in front of us. But at this time I didn't have time to watch this shocking scene, because countless white beams of light nearby were sweeping at us with the intensity of a heavy rainstorm. If it weren't for us that we were surrounded by absolute barriers, even the slags would have been wiped out Nothing left.

The situation is arguably extremely dangerous. We obviously fell into the secret base of the Pantheon, and they obviously deployed no less than 100,000 long bows of that kind here. Even if my response is outstanding, it is absolutely impossible to shuttle flexibly in so many beams, and once it is encountered, it is doomed to me. "What now?" While the absolute barrier has not disappeared, I quickly asked Ling if there was a way

After all, Ling was also a think-tank-type pet, and her brain turned really fast. After taking a glance at the surrounding environment, she suddenly stretched her fingers in one direction, and I immediately understood what she meant.

Just in the neutral position where the light arrow flickered, I also saw the situation here. Because the previous huge beam penetrated the ground through a large hole, the sphere composed of the absolute barrier that Ling and I fell down the hole, and at this time we were falling towards the ground of the dungeon in mid-air, As for the beams that hit us, they came out from archers standing in all directions. However, the real key is not the archers, but the bows in their hands, which should be the lines dragging under those bows.

Although these archers are standing in all directions, the line dragging under the long bow in their hands is without exception connected to a huge, giant skyscraper-like device below our side.

This is a very large piece of equipment, but there is no structure such as pipes or gears on the surface. The shell of the entire device seems to be a whole made up of countless opaque black glass, and the wires connected by the long bow in the hands of the archers At last all connected to the bottom base of this device.

Immediately after seeing this Benxi, I immediately understood what Ling meant, and flung eternally with a flick of my wrist. The eternal missile that passed through the absolute barrier seemed to fly straight towards the machine in front of it, and then, as if submerged in water, passed through the surface of that instrument and disappeared into the instrument. "Fuck, what's the situation?" "Sure enough!" Ling looked eternally so surprised that I wasn't. "Master, don't hide, the opponent's thing just rushed over." "Rush over? Do you mean to get into that stuff?" "Not to get inside, but to leave here."

"Leave? Why didn't I understand?" Although I was asking, I was already rushing over there. There is still 17 seconds left on the Seal of the Seal of Absolute Barrier, and no matter how slow we have to become dusty together.

It seemed that our intention was realized. A lot of people suddenly flew towards us on the ground around us, and the light beam in the sky suddenly became denser, but all this was meaningless to me. Although my absolute barrier is a fixed skill, it is different from Jingjing's absolute barrier. This absolute barrier does not consume magic power, and it is invincible, and no amount of attacks are in vain for me.

With my addition, Ling and I slammed into the huge device with only one second of the absolute barrier left, and then instantly passed through the black glass-like shell and penetrated the inside of the thing. . It was not until this time that I found out that the original black glass is generally not a physical substance at all, but an energy barrier. The previous eternity was not swallowed by it, but it was worn through. But the thing behind the transport barrier is not the instrument itself, but another black barrier.

Because the distance between the two black barriers is only over one meter, when I crossed the first barrier and did not react at all, I went through the second barrier again, and this time, when I After crossing the second barrier, the picture suddenly changed. Just now we clearly entered the inside of the instrument through two black barriers, but now we suddenly appeared in a spherical confined space. The barrier we just passed behind turned into a huge red crystal wall. The dense magic wires on it looked more than the wires on the data switch, and the entire wall formed a complete sphere to us It's completely enclosed and there is no exit at all. However, in the center of this huge sphere is a blue-white light ball suspended. The diameter of this light sphere is about three meters, and the surface looks like a hedgehog. The high and low energy thorns continue to spit, and it looks very dangerous.

Ling apparently knew about the emergence of this confined space, so she just looked at the surrounding environment and pulled me towards the ball in the center without hesitation, and rushed to the light just before we were about to hit Before the ball, she suddenly turned around and threw a huge black energy bomb.

Because I know what Ling must be, I have no fear of the light ball in front of me. The fact is, as I guessed, there was nothing dangerous when we hit the ball of light. Instead, it suddenly appeared on a white mountain. However, unlike our safe separation, the Pantheon secret base at this time was in chaos.

Just the last second before we left, Ling suddenly threw a magic bomb. Although we had left the scene before the magic bomb hit, as long as the magic bomb was fired, it would be completely ignored, it would Fly yourself in a straight line. When we disappeared, the magic bullet condensing a large amount of dark magic hit the crystal wall we wore out before, and spread out like an arc on the surface of the wall. After a few seconds of pause, a sudden arc blast came from the wall. A red arc jumped in the place just hit by the magic bomb. After another pause, the entire crystal wall seemed to be Living, a large number of red arcs started flashing around the crystal wall. At first it was just a few small arcs more than one meter long that flickered, but it quickly became a giant electric dragon that was ten meters long and thick like a human arm, bouncing around in the entire space. After more than ten seconds, the arc began to increase to tens of meters long, the bucket was so thick, an arc swept over, and the surface of the crystal wall immediately began to chip, and large pieces of water crystals fell from the wall and connected to the crystal. The wires also broke and exploded, and the entire red crystal space began to completely collapse. At last, with a crisp blast of ping, the entire crystal crystal completely collapsed, and the shining light ball seemed to have lost its restraint and generally began to be unlimited. The swell of crystals began to gather toward the center as if they encountered a black hole. They were soon sucked into the light sphere, but the light sphere did not stop there. After the crystal was completely inhaled, the black outside The glass-like barrier disappears automatically, leaving only some frames. However, with the expansion of the light spheres, those frames also begin to gather toward the center. It seems that the iron cans that have entered the deep sea are squashed by strong pressure. Crushed into a ball and sucked into the light ball.

The people in the Pantheon almost jumped out of their hearts after seeing the light sphere expand. Everyone even forgot to escape. They can only stand in sternness and watch the light expand continuously until they all inhale the light. It ’s only when the ball reacts, but at this time it ’s meaningless to react, and it ’s dead anyway. It does n’t make sense to reflect or not.

In fact, the light ball did not grow much in the end, but it suddenly shrank after covering half a dungeon, and finally it became a coin-sized light spot and it completely disappeared with a pop. In the world, there is a huge vacuum zone in the center of the city of the gods of the Pantheon. All objects in this range, including air, are gone. After the light sphere disappeared, the surrounding air rushed into this area like a sudden freedom and stirred up the sky. However, the tragedy of the Pantheon has nothing to do with me at this time, because at the same time that the Pantheon suffered, I also encountered trouble. "Surround him, don't let him run away." With a shout, a dozen handsome men in shiny silver armor surrounded me and Ling.

Looking at the other man's aggressive appearance, I knew that there was definitely nothing good, and it was obviously not my style to play without a name. "Well ... how can I offend you guys?" "Well, how can you offend us by attacking you?" One of the handsome men said angrily. "Sneak attack?" I was stunned by the other side. "Who attacked you?" "You, you guy."

"I don't!" Although I often do bad things and don't admit it, this time I did wrong! Just now I was clearly running away. How could anyone sneak attack? Besides, I don't know any of them! Innocent and innocent, what am I sneaking at them?

"You dare to quibble!" The guy let a slit open the atmosphere and let me see a beautiful girl lying on the ground behind him, but at this moment there was a sword stuck in the belly of the beautiful girl, and a few handsome girls beside him Around that beautiful girl was at a loss as she was lost.

Originally I was ready to fight according to reason, but the moment I saw the beautiful woman, the cold sweat on my head began to rush out, and I couldn't wipe it. The reason why I had such a big reaction was not because of how shocking the beautiful lady was, or because I was so touched by the beautiful lady. What really made me guilty of sweating was the sword in the belly of the beautiful woman. It was not another sword. It was the eternity I had just thrown out. At first I threw Eternity out of that instrument in order to smash that instrument, but I did n’t know that the shell of the thing was actually made up of energy. As a result, Eternity penetrated directly into the interior and kept flying. Into the light ball that Ling and I last penetrated. Like us, eternity is transmitted to this place by the light ball, and it also retains the eternal inertia, so that the eternity transmitted directly hits the poor beautiful directly like a hidden weapon-the situation after o Better understand. Pretty—The companion found her killer and started looking for the killer. Then Ling and I followed closely. Isn't this the same as hitting the muzzle? Don't want to admit it! "Hmm ... guys, please let me explain a little bit." "What else explain? It hurt our beautiful Taobao Women Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Mall Women's Winter Jacket m on the snow ↓ Goddess, you are ready to die today. ! "

Seeing that the other party was about to rush up after I shouted, I suddenly increased the volume and said, "Do you want her to die?"

Click. Just as someone pressed the pause, the most impulsive weapon stopped just an inch away from my head. "what did you just say?"

"Don't you notice?" I reached out and lifted the large knife above my head, and then walked to the fallen one-and said, "This is indeed my weapon, but haven't you noticed This one has a special spell attached to it. Except me, no one of you wants to pull it out. And my weapon is with a blood-sucking ability. If you keep plugging in like this, she will be sucked into a dead body sooner or later. "

"Then you go and pull out the sword!" The impulsive handsome guy immediately shouted the knife holder to my neck.

"Calm, calm." I reached out and pushed away the blade around my neck, and then showed an unhappy expression. "I am the one who hates others to threaten me the most. The more you threaten me, the more I do n’t do it. . I had just hurt this beauty by mistake, and I should be responsible for it in the end, but you have this attitude ...! "

The handsome guy just wanted to fly, but was suddenly stunned by a long middle-aged handsome uncle next to a little giant. "This brother ~ ~ I'm sorry just now, my friend has a bad temper and hit you. But you said it yourself, you hurt our goddess, so" Relax, since It was my accident that hurt me in the front. This is my fault and I will deal with it. I just don't like his attitude. "Well, I will educate him for a while about his attitude, but will you tell me the sword first? "The middle-aged handsome uncle said politely.

I know he was polite with me just to let me pull out the sword as soon as possible, and I should also pull out the sword, but the current situation made me hesitant. The other party had a conflict with me before. Although it didn't fight, the atmosphere was not so good. Now they are begging for me, so they can restrain themselves a little. In case I pull out the sword, they immediately turn over my face. What should I do? Really fight, I'm not afraid of them, it's just not necessary! Even if you are fighting a lot, you ca n’t just see someone fight? There must be a good reason to consider fighting! It is better not to fight meaningless combat. Thinking of this, I gave up the nonsense with that uncle and went directly to the injured so-called goddess.

Since she is called a goddess, she should have a high status. If I can explain her, I guess these people will let me go if they are angry. However, as soon as I walked to her side and squatted down, my pupils suddenly shrank sharply, and the whole person jumped out of her like lightning like a missile. A distance of 100 meters. s To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit the chapter more, support authors, support genuine reading!

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