Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 42: Spirit world

The servant I was questioned answered with some uncertainty: "Wife, we are not sure if there is a component of the commandment stone in it, but we probably have it! We know that there are not many specific things ! "

I don't doubt that the other party justified that he didn't know much. Even if it wasn't because they were responsible for communicating directly with the Russian guild, I doubt how they could know about the Stone of Discipline. The status of the clergy in the Protoss is extremely low. Even the members of our guilds in the guilds are much better than the status of the priests in the clans, and guilds like us will have many secret and elite players. Even without telling, how could the protoss tell the low-ranking servants such important things as the commandment stone?

"The two of you are doing well. As a reward, you can roll away." I said, and stood up. Both of them stood up excitedly, turned and ran, but before they ran two steps, the two suddenly At the same time fell down. Yeyue pulled out the still-stealing snake sword and turned to me, "Do you think what they said is true?

Before I answered, Ling explained to me: "I think this thing can still be believed. But I'm afraid it's not as simple as we think." What do you mean? "I turned and asked.

"Russian God's ambition." Ling explained: "First of all, the forbearance of the Russian guild. Do you think that the Russians are too ordinary in terms of one of the world's top powers? Even if they do not show well in the game Isn't it so obscure? Even many European countries with populations much lower than Russia are much hotter than Russia, but here is just like their weather, as if the whole is frozen. This is the first The point is not normal. The second point is the larva we caught before. For the study of biological weapons, even if we carry out simple hybrid culture and induced mutation, I think it is definitely not something that the equipment in the game can do. I I dare not say that there is no guild in the entire game that is stronger than the Frost Rose Alliance, but even if it does, it will not pass us too much. Even we can only conduct limited biological fusion experiments. Do you think other lines How much energy will be devoted to studying biotechnology? "If it is not a guild supporting the research of biotechnology today, will it be a protoss?" Forget, but the game Protoss will create creatures garrulous. "Fastest update

What Ling said made me listen for a moment. Yes! The experiment with scarab larvae is definitely not that simple. At least our guild can't do this for the time being. Other guilds shouldn't conduct such responsible research unless they get the help of the protoss. However, since the protoss intervened, their goal will never be us. Although the strength comparison between the protoss and the guild in the game is not the difference between humans and ants, at least it is the difference between humans and puppies who want cats. Do you say that one person will help another cat in order to deal with one cat? Obviously not. Then, the real goal of this person should not be the cat, but the protector of the cat, and his peers.

I was thinking about this relationship, and Suddenly said a third piece of evidence. "This third is the special weapon incident.

There is absolutely divine power in that thing, and there is law power. According to the testimonies of the two guys just now, the Russian protoss is indeed studying the stone of commandments, and the power of that thing is obviously not to be used against us. "

Ling's words made me more sure about one thing, that is, the Russian Protoss is planning a big plan today, and their purpose is not to be the Protoss of the whole world, and the basis is the stone of this commandment. As Ling said, the power of the commandment stone is the power of law. This thing is different from magic power and magic power. In front of it, magic power and magic power are scum. The difference between the two is like the difference between nuclear weapons and rifles. The power comparison between the Oracle and the player is like a hunter and an animal. To deal with ordinary animals, you only need a shotgun. Is it necessary to use nuclear weapons? But in this case, hunters are still studying nuclear weapons, so they certainly do not want to hunt.

Ye Yue apparently responded to Ling after listening to these words. She asked with a little worry: "What shall we do now? Or how to inform other protoss?"

"I think it's better to investigate the situation first." Ling said: "This matter is of great importance. It can't be counted by just a little speculation and the words of two insignificant servants. We must have solid evidence. Row."

I nodded and said, "Ling is right. The two of you go back to the training space first, and I will investigate the situation before I say it."

After taking back the magic pet, I turned around and wanted to investigate the secrets of the Russian Protoss, but suddenly I patted my head after taking two steps. "Oops, forget to ask them where they live!" Now I'm not in the Protoss gathering place, but in the Divine Realm. The divine realms of each country have their own characteristics, but they all have one common characteristic, that is, one word for one. Tiantian's site looks like a Tianfu on the surface, but it is not. In fact, the Tiantian I often go to is just the office location of the entire court today. The real Chinese **** world is actually much larger than that. There are a lot of gods and lakes here, which are almost no smaller than the area on the ground. Do you know the place? If you want to find someone's place of residence by luck, that's almost like a big needle. I have n’t been to the Divine Realm in Russia, but based on the experience of the Chinese heaven courts that I ’ve been to, as well as the Japanese Gao Yuanyuan and the Great Divine Realm in Egypt, the Russian Divine Realm is definitely a big world. The population is estimated to be tens of thousands of square kilometers divided into a protoss, and people will not really be scattered. If the estimate is good, the Russian protoss is probably similar to the Chinese protoss. The gods brought their own gangs of brothers to their own houses. But they lived together, but it became a trouble for me. Looking at this vast world, what can I do to find each other? Name. "Ling. ""what happened? "Ling, who had just returned to the training space, was called out again, naturally with a look of shame." We seem to have forgotten something. ""what? "Did you ask them where they lived before?" "This ..." The so-called horses have stumbled. When our group of self-proclaimed high IQs also made such low-level mistakes, the guide was given to f before the road was asked. After a moment of contemplation, Ling suddenly said, "Otherwise, I use the great soul-searching technique to capture the opponent's soul and ask again?" "Do you think the great soul-searching technique works in the realm of God?"

"This is a problem. But you can leave the mountain first. There is not only the Protoss in the Divine Realm. There are also many indigenous people here. If you can catch some local indigenous people, maybe you can ask the way. . "" Well, the method works. You go back first, let me try it. "The fastest update

After recovering Ling again, I summoned Asuka to jump up, and then took Asuka to leave the top of the mountain and flew straight in one direction.

The reason why I chose this direction was not that I was running around, but because the marks on the ground showed that the group of goddesses I had killed came from this direction, so the possibility of encountering the protoss in this direction was the greatest, and it was a big deal to grab one. The captive asked, anyway, now that I have fallen out with Oh Rose Protoss, I'm not afraid to fight.

At the level of the flying birds, it turned out that we flew for a few hours before leaving this snowy mountain, and we can see how big this **** mountain is. After leaving the mountain, it is no longer the snow that is in sight, but a lush forest. The melting snow above the snow mountain converges at the foot of the mountain into a silver-white river that bends through the forest and extends to the horizon that cannot be seen at the end, and the area of ​​the forest also covers the sky. It seems that the area of ​​this forest is not small It may not be possible to pick even the dense forests of the whole **** world.

Generally speaking, the environment of the divine world in each country has nothing to do with the environment of the country. It seems that the geographical environment of our country has everything, but the divine world of our country is full of clouds, and the limited gathering points are also Either a mountain or a floating island that can fly by itself. In fact, like our country, it ’s pretty good. Egypt ’s divine realm is even more exaggerated. Although most of the people ’s countries are deserts, the sun is enough to sunk people into * f, but the divine realm in Egypt is the same as the underground world. Heiwu didn't say anything, and even the grass was invisible. Although Russia has a cold status in ice, snow, and snow, except for the snowy mountain in this deity, it doesn't seem to be so cold. On the contrary, since entering the forest, it feels a bit hot.

Because I wanted to find an indigenous person to ask for directions, Asuka kept flying along the river as I intended. Regardless of whether it is in the divine realm or in the human world, the laws of nature will never change. Where water is the source of life, so if there are indigenous people here, it will not be too far away from the water.

I rode on the back of a bird and flew along the river for more than an hour. I saw a lot of wild animals, but I was able to ask for directions that looked like intelligent creatures, but none of them were seen. But as soon as I was thinking about it, the birds under me suddenly rolled over and almost beat me down.

"What the hell!" I hurriedly grabbed the protruding part of Asuka and hurriedly asked.

"Something hit us."

"What is it?"

"Here it is again!" Asuka did another roll before he could explain, and saw a giant arrow swipe past us. However, instead of having the slightest fear of that arrow, I became excited. Being able to shoot the arrow so high indicates that the opponent's manufacturing technology is quite good. At least the average 5 is impossible to shoot the arrow to this height, and the one who can shoot the arrow to this height can only be magic weapons or Large crossbow. The arrow just now did not have any magic fluctuations. Instead, it was a large arrow, apparently in line with the characteristics of a large crossbow. Since the other party can make large crossbows, it means that they have a certain level of intelligence and are of a high level. I've been flying this way, but I've been looking for intelligent creatures, and of course I'm happy about this time. As for what the other party wants to attack me, I don't mind this at all, anyway, I will definitely blow the other side out for a while.

The bird that flashed two arrows in succession suddenly reminded me: "Hurry up, I have to make a big move and fly." After speaking, before I answered the bird, the bird suddenly lifted its body sharply towards the sky, and behind us, Two large crossbows followed closely, but because the birds were also flying upwards, the degree of those two arrows obviously could not keep up with us. At first, they only approached slowly, but later they moved forward in parallel with us. Farther away. "Hey, don't run! I have to go down and ask for directions!" I patted Asuka.

"I just came up and dropped my head." Asuka said, he suddenly turned over in the air and turned into a big head. He pierced his head toward the ground, and his four afterburning chambers were all opened to the maximum and pulled out behind him. Four huge pillars of fire. Under the action of the jet thruster and gravity, our degree soared to an extremely horrible state. Fortunately, the bird automatically adjusted the shape of the shell as the degree accelerated, and wrapped me in his body, otherwise it was only caused by airflow. Friction can make my body grow.

As we turned into a dive, the attackers on the ground realized that we were going to retaliate, and immediately started to attack again, but this time not two arrows, but eight arrows. In the extreme horror level, the bird still retains its extraordinary reaction force. A few small left and right shakes flashed off the three threatening arrows, and then dived down to the ground at a faster rate. Without giving the other party a second chance, Asuka suddenly closed the jet thruster at a height of only 500 meters from the ground and slammed open all the minus plates of the whole body. I felt that all the blood rushed to my head in an instant, and my eyes changed. It ’s scarlet, and I ’m strong enough for this good thing. If most people think it ’s going to hang up.

After undergoing a reduction of more than 200 meters, Asuka turned all the powerful inertia into wind pressure, and suddenly shot forward in the form of sound waves. From the ground, I saw four circles in front of the four jet combustion chambers of Asuka, and the air was rippling like a substance, and the four air masses that were obviously distorted were unimaginable. Dudu flew towards the ground. Because the air mass has no other characteristics except for some distortion, the people on the ground were almost directly hit by those four masses without any reaction. As if a heavy bomb fell to the ground, there was a booming blast, and four sound-pressure bombs exploded at the same time, which instantly cleared the lowered forest from a large open space. All the plants in this area, including the fallen leaves on the ground and a layer of soil, were blown away by sound pressure bombs. As for the creatures hidden in it, naturally, no one left was blown out. Fastest update

Immediately after the bird cleared the obstacle, I put it away, and then spread my wings and fluttered to the ground. Just before landing, the night shadow suddenly appeared under my step to catch me, and I put away The wings fell directly on his back.

Just after we landed, there was a commotion in the fallen forest next to it, and a large tree suddenly flew up. A giant brown bear with muscles all over his body stood over six meters from the big tree. He stood up and snarled at me. But the bear didn't rush over immediately. After roaring, he quickly flipped around the other trees, and then the living creatures crawled out from under the tree.

The creatures that were just rescued are obviously humans. Although it is not yet determined whether they are pure humans or not, there is no difference in appearance. Judging by their outfits, they obviously belong to the organization of the army, because not only are their armors exactly the same, but they are also marked with the same marks, indicating that they are organized troops, not ordinary mercenaries.

After rescuing most of their companions, those people gathered quickly, and several of them with obvious strength stood in front, and commanded the remaining personnel to form a defensive formation. Looking at their current behavior, I am more sure that this An army, after all, the general organization will not have such a large battle array.

I did n’t interfere at all with their rescue and placement. Anyway, now I ca n’t ask anything. I ’ll ask them once when they ’re done. “You do n’t need to ask me one by one. -o

Just after all these guys had gathered, one of them with a pale white face was helped by a group of senior armed men, and someone brought him a chair, and they did n’t know where they came out. Spoon's young white face first sat down and sorted out his wolf's appearance before he said to me, "You guy, how dare you attack the King, are you enough?" Wang? "I am a prince, and of course a king-

prince? "I was surprised to re-examine this guy. Although the clothes were broken, UU reads but I can see that the original dress is still very expensive, at least it is that he is a prince and is more reliable." You so Is there a country? "

"Ga ..." The other party was going to watch me tremble because I heard his identity. Who knew that I suddenly asked such a nonsense question, so that all the mocking words he had prepared in advance were all Stuck in the throat.

"You idiot, my king is a prince, of course, there must be a country!" The prince whispered to himself after he said, "I saw him riding a high-level Warcraft before, I thought this guy was a master! I did not expect Turned out to be a fool! "

"Sorry, my ears are fine, please don't tell me bad things in front of me next time. Besides ..." I said a sudden meal here, and then didn't see me, then suddenly flew from my hand A half-moon-shaped sword qi came out. As soon as the sword air appeared, it flew towards the jungle next to it, and then rushed straight into the woods. After a long time, when the other party thought I was bluffing, the forest in front of me suddenly There was a burst of soreness, and then a whole row of big trees suddenly thought about one side neatly, and then fell collectively. Seeing this scene, all the people including that prince there were instantly stupid as if they had dislocated the jaw, and I just said lightly: "Also, I am always a bad temper, so you better not to Pretend in front of me, otherwise I can't promise anything. "

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