Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 146: Top configuration for top scene

Although the end of the world did not happen, the system also taught us what a supernatural disaster is. Immediately after the meteorite hit the ground, the horrific kinetic energy it carried was converted into heat energy, and then we felt that a hydrogen bomb exploded at the horizon not far from us.

The first thing I did when I saw the horrible meteorite exploded was to turn around and step into the shelter. We can still think of ways to dodge a simple volcanic eruption, but I ’m completely ridiculous when such a meteorite hits the earth. Do n’t say that the dirt that has been lifted up is just the explosion shock wave directly generated by the impact. Irresistible. Fortunately, our sanctuary has only been open for more than two minutes. By the time it reaches the end of its useful life, our side should be safe.

After I hid in the shelter, Kenjiro Koto and Masaru Matsumoto quickly moved. However, they did not have our refuge available, so Kenjiro Koto could only take Matsumoto to send to the air again and again. After all, as the height increases, the intensity of the shock wave transmitted by the thin atmosphere will be relatively low.

Almost at the same time as Kenjiro Koizumi ascended to a sufficiently safe height, the first shock wave generated by the meteorite hitting the ground whistled past our location, and then behind it was a sky full of flames and The horrible rubble group, if we were not hiding in the sanctuary now, would have been * off.

It took almost two minutes for the entire shock wave and gravel rain to completely pass our location, and what was left in front of us was an ocean of lava.

"What's the situation?" When she was really red from the shelter, she cried in surprise. Although this land has been a scorched earth since we first saw it, it is still a place where people can stand. But now, the area under our feet and what we can see is basically magma except for magma. The entire ground is covered with large patches of orange-red, and the black rocky land has become a rarity.

Following True Red, others also left the shelter. After hearing the words that were really red, Rose said: "Judging from the volcanic eruption of such a large scale, this area under our feet should be completely covered by the lava tube. The impact of the meteorite just now seems like a stone hit On a sponge that is saturated with water, all the water in the sponge is squeezed out due to pressure and floods the entire surface portion of the sponge. "

Zhenhong said immediately after hearing: "I don't want to know how the lava came, I just want to know when I can stand next."

"You don't have to think about this." I replied instead of roses: "Just now the rose is like an analogy, after all, lava is still lava, it is not water, and it cannot flow back into the gap in the ground so quickly. Besides, there is no ground Isn't the sponge so resilient? And even if the ground re-expands and **** back the lava, do you think the temperature on the ground can stand in the throne of the Seal of God for a short time? As for waiting for it to cool ... at the rate of change of this **** scene, It is estimated that before that time we will be fortunate to witness the end of the world. "

"Speaking of the end of the world, have you ever noticed above our heads?" Ying Quan said while pointing at the sky, and only then did we think of looking up at the sky. It's obviously daytime now. Even if we want to see the stars, it's impossible to see the Throne of the Seal of God at this time. Besides, we have been busy fighting since it was sprayed out of the lava pipeline, and we have no time to watch the sky. Now after listening to the words of Yingquan, we looked into the sky in confusion, but unexpectedly we saw something different.

"Two suns?" The first one could not help but scream.

Yingquan added indifferently: "If you look closely, there are actually five large planets next to it."

"It's six." I said directly: "There is also an extra large planet behind the two suns. Using remote observation skills, you can see a faint ghost."

"Are we not on Earth?" Zhen Hong asked in surprise.

I nodded. "The system only says that this is the most difficult scene, and it doesn't say that this is the earth. Even if we have good eyesight and a good angle, it is possible to see six planets, but how do the two suns explain?"

"That means that we are actually on a planet where the system is re-established?" Rose said as she thought about something, and then she exclaimed as if she suddenly thought of something: "No, this planet is Our scene. "

"Wait, what do you mean? What planet is the scene?"

We didn't understand Rose, and quickly explained: "Before, we always thought that this was a small area created by the system on the earth as a special duel scene to use hungry, but now it is confirmed that this is not the earth, that is to say The system doesn't have to worry about the consequences of destroying the planet. "

"Do you mean ... if we don't defeat Kenjiro Koizumi as soon as possible, the last trick in this scene is to destroy the planet under our feet?" Zhen Hong asked in surprise as she looked at Rose.

"I'm afraid it's not the last step, but the next step or steps." Rose explained: "We were blown out of the lava tube before. At best, that can be considered a geological disaster, but such a large-scale volcanic eruption can already be regarded as A regional disaster. As for the meteorite just now, if it happened on the earth, it is already a global disaster near the end of the world. If the next step is to upgrade, it should be a world-end disaster. I think that disaster will be counted The planet cannot be destroyed, and the power is not small, and even if we survive the disaster, the next step of the disaster should be the situation of the planet breaking, etc. In short, we can only support it for half an hour at most. Ruined."

"This **** ghost system seems to be deliberately trying to push us to the end of the road." Zhenhong said suddenly, "Well, since the natural disaster has happened, what about monsters? Not every fifteen minutes Has the number of monsters doubled? After the previous monster was dropped, the two monsters at the time of the massive volcanic eruption and the four monsters after the meteorite did not appear? "

"very red."

"What are you doing?" Zhen Hong asked me, looking at me.

"Sometimes you really have the potential of a crow's mouth."

"what do you mean?"

I didn't answer Zhenhong, but pointed directly at her back. Zhenhong followed my finger and looked dumbfounded. I saw in the direction of my fingers, a large dense black dots rushing towards us at a very fast speed.

"I'm not saying that you can double it at once? What's so much?"

The gold coins pointed to the six black dots that were significantly larger in a circle above the black dots: "The number that is doubled probably refers to the few, the following may be included."

There is a gift for shopping, but the monster has never heard of the gift, but the system can buy us one for one thousand regardless of whether we have heard it or not. The black dots in the distance were extremely fast, and soon reached a distance that was visible to the naked eye. Because the volume is relatively large, the first thing we can see clearly is the six largest monsters. According to the system, the number of monsters doubles every fifteen minutes, so the previous two waves of monsters should be two and four respectively, but we did not expect that the two waves of monsters would merge together and there are still six. Creatures of the same species.

This creature looks very strange. Its main structure looks like a barracuda crab, but unlike the barracuda crab that grows horizontally, this guy grows vertically, that is, it is longer than its body width, like most mammals. In addition, in addition to having a body that is very similar to pike crab, this creature also has arthropods that are very similar to crabs, but the number is not the same as crabs. This guy has only three legs on each side of his body, and it's not the same as the slender legs of a crab. Although this guy's legs are not short, they look unusually stout. If it hadn't forked the tips of its six legs, it would look like the pair of large pliers in front of the crab's body. In addition, this guy has a pair of long legs that are obviously not used for walking in front of those six legs. The structure of the long legs looks very similar to the mantis' scabbard, but it is not as long as the ratio of the mantis's scabbard. Feeling of power. In addition, this guy's body has a big head and a pair of wings in addition to these eight different arthropods.

This guy ’s wings are similar to the elytra on the outside of the ladybug ’s body, but it ’s strange that the elytra of the ladybug does n’t provide the power to fly. They are just a shell to protect the ladybug ’s real wings from damage. of. When the ladybugs fly, their elytra just spread out and they will not fan, because they do not provide the power to fly anyway. But the creature in front of him was even stranger. The pair of wings that resemble the elytra are almost as immobile as the ladybug, but just flattened out, but there is nothing bare under its elytra. In other words, this guy does not rely on wings to fly at all.

After seeing these structures on this guy ’s body, if you do n’t look at its head, you will definitely imagine it as an insect-like creature that looks like a slender unicorn, but if you see Its head, you wouldn't think so. In general, arthropods' heads are either completely integrated with the body, or they have only a short neck that is almost invisible to connect the body. In short, their necks are not obvious. However, the necks of the six creatures in front of them were very prominent, and almost reached one-eighth of the body length. Although this guy's structure is relatively short and thick, considering his body size, his length is at least 70 meters away. In other words, this guy's neck is at least eight meters long and looks quite stout. In addition, in front of this thick and long neck there is a head that can be regarded as a triangular pyramid. The structure of this head is very similar to that of the dragon. At the front is a long, slightly pointed mouth with two rows of densely growing cavities in the mouth. On the upper part of this big mouth is a whole piece of smooth skull, which grows oval in shape as a whole, but the front end is slightly thinner and the rear part is relatively wider. However, unlike most creatures on the earth, this guy's head has not a pair of eyes, but four pairs of eight red eyes, and these eyes are like insect eyes. Without eyelid protection, it feels like eight large red light bulbs are stuck to the head. Finally, there is a skull extension at the end of this guy's head, which looks like a spine, which makes it difficult for other creatures to attack his neck, which is also a protective measure.

"I'm really sure we're not on Earth now," Gold Coin couldn't help saying after seeing the shape of the thing.

I nodded in agreement: "This thing is really too different from our common creatures. Such a long body does not have a tail to maintain balance. It can fly but cannot find wings. The body is like an insect, but its neck and head are It ’s like a reptile. It ’s not clear whether the carapace or scales on them. The whole monster is a dream. ”

"Actually, compared to this guy's evolution, I care more about what's going on with the little things behind it."

Rose's words are exactly what we are worried about. Although it is not clear now, the small things brought by the six big guys obviously have exactly the same outlines as they are, but because the distance is too far, and the small things are not bulky, so it is not too great for the time being. Clearly ~ ~ However, although it is not clear yet, we can probably guess the situation. If nothing else, it should be the case that the six big guys played with a group of offspring, that is to say, the six big * OSS were not challenged individually, but played collectively.

Do you know what SS is the scariest? It is not their smashing attack, nor the range of the map artillery, and of course it is not that terrible blood. A really scary thing in SS is actually those little monsters we usually don't look at. If the SS combat power of a single order is 20,000, then after giving him ten young boys with a combat strength of 100, the overall combat power of this group of monsters will definitely exceed 40,000, because as long as you are dragged by those mobs, even In one second, the SS next to you can instantly drop you together with that little monster. Although we usually think that dropping a mob is nothing, in the SS battle, you can drop a mob in one second. SS can also drop you in a second and change a mob with your own life. You Do you think it's a good deal? Anyway, SS people think it's a good deal.

It's because we know how scary SS with the younger brother is, so we are so scared now. Previously, the SS that had placed a single order was more bullied and less overcast by me. Now it seems that the situation is about to reverse. Even if I have more magic pets, it's impossible to compare them with the monster's younger brothers. If they surround us, then we will be close to death.

[Niu Wen without advertising novel dedication]

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