Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 149: Is this planet going to explode?

Just as I and the pets rushed up to prepare to bring this guy down, he suddenly roared to the sky, and then the whole body suddenly flashed with thunder, and the black flames and luck were almost like thunder bombs. He flew out, and other nearby pets also hurriedly retreated without being rushed to half. There was only the one Brigitte who was not afraid of thunder and leaned forward, but before she took any action, the northern monster in front of it suddenly trembled again, and then suddenly opened two larger launchers to align Brigitte.

The pair of launchers opened behind the monster is almost like the difference between a light private car and a large truck pulling earthwork on the site compared to the previous two. Not only is the diameter more than doubled, but even the middle structure has become It's a lot more complicated. Before, the two small emitters only had a red crystal at the center, but now the two large emitters are densely packed with a total of 17 red crystals on each side, forming two concentrics on the two emitters. Circle and a red dot in the center. Of course, in addition to the red crystal, there are a lot of yellow crystals on the small emitter, and because the area is relatively large, the total number of crystals is only a lot.

As soon as I saw the two launchers standing up, I knew that the situation was urgent, and I felt notified that Brigitte would flash away before she said. Fortunately, Brigitte is a constructed creature. Compared with ordinary creatures, although her ultimate speed is not fast, her explosive power is quite amazing. Suddenly, two blue ionizing vapors spewed out from under her, and she snorted away hundreds of meters away as if with a firework bomb.

Almost at the moment when Brigitte successfully flew away, two beams that were N | thicker than before | instantly swept the area where Brigitte flew. Fortunately, Brigitte was fast enough, otherwise Those two beams were rubbed to a point and it was estimated to be fatal. However, even though the monster failed to hit the target, it surprised us. The power of the two rays before has made us astounded. I never expected that it would not be the strongest attack. Just now, although these two rays do not know how powerful they are because they did not hit the person, but referring to the previous two rays that can shoot the crystal shield holding the Holy Shield ||| if they are directly hit by these two rays, Definitely can easily kill any creature here except melanitis, steel teeth and tanks.

"No, that guy's attack is too high!" Ling shouted at the magic pets who were about to pounce again, and then calmly commanded: "Fastly attract him to attack, and those who have long-range attack power stand far away. Neither of them is good at seeing whether they can make a defensive attack. If they can, they will rush. If they don't, just don't join the war. "

Although Ling's words were brief, the effect was immediate. With her instructions, the faster birds, darts and Bailang all rushed up and began to disturb the sight of the monster at high speed, and constantly created opportunities for the guy to attack them. However, these three are all super fast masters, all of them are slippery like loach. Even if the big guy beats the rays there and flutters, but there is no one that can hit them, even wipe them. No point or edge.

While darts and spears attracted their attention, the pets who would attack long-range were not idle, and various spells fell on the monster like raindrops. However, unlike darts, which successfully attracted the monster's firepower, the effect of the long-range attack group was very small. The carapace and skin of the monster didn't look good, but the anti-magic properties were terrible. No matter what kind of spells were thrown up, it seemed like the sea was sinking into the sea. It didn't even take a bubble and it was completely lost. As for the princess's mental attack, this does not need to consider the magic resistance, but the fact proves that the monster's spiritual resistance is also outrageous. All the princess can do is to let it appear briefly for a few seconds and then recover quickly. . And the price of this loss of mind is that the princess must release the skill every one minute every time. After all, this is already a powerful skill and cannot be used continuously.

Long-range attacks do not work at all, and ultimately we still have to see the results of us as combatants.

Taking advantage of Ling commanding a large number of remote personnel to launch intensive bombing opportunities, Lingling and I and the king finally successfully broke through to the monster, and then we rushed together without waiting for the monster to recover from the continuous magic bombing.

That monster's defense cannot be able to stop the eternal attack, but as long as eternity can cut a gap and the rest is easy to handle.

When the monster found us approaching, we had jumped to its back, and stumbled towards the sad eternity that had been stuck in it before. The monster knew that the weapon that hurt it before was relatively powerful, so it struggled desperately and hoped to get me off its back, but neither the king nor Lingling ate lunch. Just when the monster turned back to bite me, Lingling suddenly lifted the holy sword from top to bottom and slashed the monster's neck and pulled out a cut of more than two meters long. The green blood immediately resembled a waterfall. Just sprayed out.

The monster that was in pain did not care about me on the back, and turned directly back to his head and waved a huge sickle-shaped forefoot and chopped it down to Lingling, but what he didn't expect was that its paw had just been lifted and the root of the paw suddenly hurt Turning his head and seeing that it was a man in black armor, he didn't know what to do when he ran into it and inserted a black spear into the gap of his forelimb joint. The advantage of the arthropod structure is that the defense is relatively strong, but the disadvantage is also obvious. That is, the joint part is often much weaker than other creatures. As long as the strength is slightly large, it is easy to break, and once there is a foreign body stuck to the joint The outer shell will cause the entire limb to be unable to flex freely. For arthropod limbs, which have little flexibility in the limbs, this is simply a waste of one of its legs.

The joint was stuck, and the monster immediately realized that he could not attack without pushing the person on his shoulder, so it immediately gave up Ling Ling and bit the king, but there were only three people on our side. It dealt with one at a time like this Obviously can't keep up. The king didn't bite here, and suddenly felt a pain in his neck again. While Ling Ling's attack this time, he actually went to the other side of it and pulled away from everything under his (it) bun There was a huge wound much longer than before. What makes the monster crazy is that the blood on its neck did n’t come out and the back was sore. It turned out that I had just rushed to the eternally inserted position with the cover of King He Lingling. It dragged out, and the eternal wound caused the monster to feel another great pain.

The monster that was attacked in three places knew for a moment that it could not be attacked in a random way, or sooner or later we were killed, so a little balance it locked the target to the king. After all, the king among the three targets on it It has the lowest mobility, and it seems to have the lowest attack power, and it also seems to have the lowest attack power. Therefore, in the principle of picking up persimmons, the monster did not hesitate to set the king as the first target of attack. However, it thinks that it is true, but unfortunately the king is also a hero, whatever the combat experience is, it is almost the same. Fighters like him don't say basic attack power, but their terrible battlefield experience is enough to cause headaches.

The monster chose the king as the target and immediately asked for it, but the king suddenly pulled the spear out of the monster's joint, and then kicked the whole person backwards in the sky and hugged it in the sky. After a dozen turns, the figure splayed out and stood upright like a javelin inserted into the ground, without even shaking it.

The king jumped and the monster bit a bite directly, but the king did not stop. As soon as he landed, he immediately rushed to the front of the monster and began to stab the monster's stomach with a spear. Although the monster has six support legs and two blades, it has no eyes to judge the target hidden under it, and it is not easy to step on it. In desperation, the monster had to choose to lie down on the entire body. I hope that the king will be crushed to death with the help of his body, but what disappoints him is that when the king suddenly lay down suddenly, he jumped forward suddenly and rolled smoothly, then rolled under him on the occasion of a stern moment. Go out. This is not the end. The king who got out of the monster turned back and gave the monster a shot. Although the shot was not deep enough, the monster was completely enraged. It felt that the king was playing with it, but it was angry and angry, but there was no way to attack the king.

While the monster was trying to solve the nasty little thing of the king, a sharp pain came from his back and right neck almost at the same time, and at the same time, the monster felt that the launcher on his back seemed to be knocked out. One, because the energy transmission pipeline over there is obviously no longer accessible. It hasn't had time to determine the specific cause of the pain here, but the king there again drilled to his side and waved a spear is a stab. Although it was not powerful, it still hurt the monster's stinging neck. The only thing that makes the monster depressed is that if it wants to manage the sting on the neck side, it must bear the cutting injury on the other side, and I obviously can't stay on its back, otherwise it will lose its strongest attack method after a while, Then it can only wait to be torn apart by our group of ants.

After thinking about the current situation, the monster doesn't care what it is, it just rolls down smoothly, and wants to fix the three of us once and for all. Moreover, even if this big turn can't get us all, as long as it can push me off its back, it's good, at least it can keep a launcher? But immediately after it turned over, it regretted it, because it wasn't until then that it figured out that all this was a conspiracy, and we intentionally forced it to turn over.

The monster's anti-magic properties are almost full, which means that magic and various long-range skills have almost no effect on it, and the only way left to hurt it is close combat.

However, we are not stupid. Although this guy's defense is not outstanding, but his carapace is too thick. Although Lingling and I both have super-weapons, but with our size, the weapon cannot cut into that guy at all. of. Don't watch us go back and forth as if we cut the monster's body all over the body, it's actually the same as when we cut our fingers with a knife. Do you say it hurts? Of course it hurts, but I can hold it back. Do you say it will bleed? Of course it will bleed, but it is all subcutaneous blood, and looking at terror will not endanger life at all. So we need a way to attack this guy seriously, instead of letting me and Lingling add small wounds to it back and forth, otherwise at this speed, we will first let the natural disaster caused by the system scene to toss at the speed before the monster dies died.

Because of the imminent throne of time, and the power of our attack is too small, the only attackers who really meet the requirements are my large magic pets. However, although the number of my large pets is enough and the attack is very sharp, the power of the pair of ray cannons on the monster's back is not covered. It would be able to bombard Mila into a state of serious injury and dying. My other pets would certainly not be able to withstand it, let alone two more launchers now. Therefore, we must find a way to make the monster's ray cannon obsolete, at least we can't let it arrogantly fire everywhere, otherwise we can't hold it back. Because of this, we came up with the method just now to force the monster to turn over with our harassment tactics. Its ray cannons are all on its back, as long as it is not allowed to turn its back up, it cannot fire. Now that so many of us are preparing by the side, it's easy to turn over, but it's not so easy to turn it back.

"It's now." Just as the monster turned over, Ling suddenly yelled, and then saw a large white thing suddenly fell down and smashed on the monster. It was not easy for a monster with a stomach to turn over. It was suddenly struck by a white object and immediately struggled, but it was surprised to find that the group of things was a very sticky gelatinous substance. In short, the thing Immediately after dropping it on his stomach, he glued his legs to one piece, making it difficult for a monster with a disability to turn around. However, if there is no one to interfere, it is still very simple to think back with its physical activity, but unfortunately we all plan so well. How can no one care about it and let it turn itself back again?

Just when the guy was struggling to turn around, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sink in his body, and his body that had to be turned back finally recovered his balance and turned into a quadruped.

The little dragon girl flew in the air and looked at a monster like a belly-turned turtle who couldn't turn back for a long time and laughed: "Hey, ten times gravity, I see how you turn it back."

The monster here is still fighting its own weight, and the fastest red owl has fallen to the monster's head like a red lightning bolt. At first seeing a small fox that was not as big as his own eyes fell to his side, the monster did not respond, but as the fox began to grow larger, its mood began to become more and more tense.

After landing in a miniature form, Hung Hom immediately began to grow larger. In less than two seconds, she changed from a pocket fox to a giant sky fox that was 100 meters long and looked larger than that monster. After completing the transformation, Hung Hom immediately raised one claw, and then only heard the sound of Haw, the furry claw suddenly popped out four sharp sharp claws, followed by Hung Hom and waved at the monster's neck . A snoring four blood ditches appeared instantly on the side of the monster's neck. Unlike the superficial wounds we cut out before, each of the four wounds caught by this paw has a width of more than one meter and a length of more than five meters, and the depth is close to two meters. Piece.

If you were violent just because of the anger of injury, this time the monster is really crazy. Although the kind of trivial troubles before can also kill it, but the time required for the Seal of the Seal of God is too long, it does not think that it takes a long time for the Seal of the Seal of God to deal with our small group, but it is different now. Hung Hom's grasp let it know that our side can also destroy its existence.

While the monster was still struggling and did not fully recover, Hung Hom immediately seized the time and put the two claws on the throne of the seal of the throne together, and immediately scratched a thin piece of the monster's neck, feeling like it was dug by the guy Big hole. However, this is not the worst. Just as Hung Hom was digging down the meat desperately, the steel teeth also fell from the sky, and then stepped on the monster's belly with one claw, and bit the monster's leg with a big mouth and began to exert strength. The monster felt his legs bitten and wanted to fight back, but his sharp claws were stuck on the steel teeth, and he couldn't penetrate the other side of the body except the splash of Mars. As King Kong Unicorn, King Kong's King Kong is not bad, but genuine King Kong is not bad. Unless you have the ability to generate more than twice the total attack power and the total health over the steel tooth attack power at one time, otherwise it is absolutely not to break defense, at most to withdraw blood a bit, want other effects is basically a dream.

Although the monster's counterattack failed to hurt Steelfang by one cent, Steelfang seemed to be angry. I saw him biting the first long leg on the right side of the monster to support his body, and then dragged it down hard, but in the end he hadn't waited for the steel teeth to pull that leg down, but the armor on the monster's leg topped first. Can't stop it. Just listening to the sound of the card, Gangya's mouth was successfully closed together, and the monster's leg was instantly broken into three sections, and the bitten limb was directly detached from the monster.

"Pioneer." Seeing such a good opportunity, Ling immediately pointed at the wound on the monster's broken leg. The Blazer was released by Fenglong directly from mid-air, and then it seemed like a high platform diving towards the monster's broken limb. One head stuck.

Although strictly speaking, the trailblazer is an underground creature, but there is no rule that it cannot appear in the sky, so Ling Jiuzhi cleverly threw him directly from the air.

Without Jia Ke's protection, the monster's soil is not hard. Since the trailblazers can drill holes in hard rock and mud layers to crawl, isn't it easy to make holes in monster meat? After being caught by the steel teeth, the trailblazers were immediately plugged into the monster's wounds by the steel teeth, and then the trailblazers broke through the monster's drill as quickly as digging a hole underneath. Of course, the monster was also struggling hard during the period. The other large magic pets have also come down. With so many creatures together, plus ten times the gravity, do n’t expect to turn it over even if it is a chicken.

Originally, the monster also had a lightning attribute that could be used to expel nearby creatures, but now it is not not intended to be used, but it cannot be used at all. As for the reason, look at Ling and Xiaochun who have not participated in the attack in the air. Light and dark attributes are high-level elements. They are composed of low-level elements such as wind, thunder, earth, and water. In other words, when you control both light and dark elements, you also indirectly control all elements in the air. Now Xiaochun and Ling have teamed up to perform a large-scale peaceful law formation, which has directly turned the nearby area into the standard forbidden magic area. The monster is not an electric eel. His lightning is magic and not instinct, so he ca n’t use it in the field of forbidden magic. He can only watch as so many creatures press him to the ground and let the trailblazers go everywhere in his body. It's awkward to die alive but totally unable to resist.

I was probably aware that I was not saved, and that was strange enough to be decisive. Seeing that it was finally impossible, I forcibly opened the launcher on my back and launched it once under my body. The result was naturally to blast himself into ashes, but the result It ’s not small, at least my magic pets who surrounded him at the time also hurt a lot. Fortunately, there are two super nurses, Xiaochun and Rose, and it ’s not a big deal to be injured. It ’s just a waste. It's just magic.

After killing this big SS, I took the magic pets and re-killed those little monsters at high altitude. When we killed this big guy, several other big monsters were also killed, and now all that is left is the pile of small things. Although there are a lot of these small things, no mobs without SS are no more ghosts, and they do not pose any threat at all. However, when we were planning to reduce the number of mobs first, the situation below the ground again. I saw a sudden bang on the ground that had been completely covered by lava, and a huge lava column several kilometers high was ejected upward. To say that this kind of lava column was originally terrifying, but we have also been adapted to this change after the previous volcanic eruption. However, the current outbreak is obviously a little different from the previous one.

That mile-high lava did not stay in the lava column state, but began to fall quickly as soon as it reached the apex. At the same time, the lava on the ground began to converge towards the lava column erupting position. At first, there were no lava pillars blocking it, but when the lava pillars fell down, we discovered that a huge crack with a width of ten meters and a length of 100 meters cracked on the ground. The nearby lava flowed towards this crack and quickly. Disappeared in the seemingly endless ditch.

We were wondering. Suddenly I heard a scream. Ling, who was flying beside me, suddenly screamed, and then quickly opened the protective cover while flying towards me. When I caught Ling, I realized that almost half of his right arm was almost cooked. Not only was the surface burnt black, but it also exuded a scent of meat. You know that Ling is a goddess of darkness, even if it is not a melee, but people are always gods, right? What can half-bake a god's half-arm without knowing it?

& t; Be careful, enemies attack us. & t;

"No ... not the enemy ..." Ling said with pain. "It's rays, invisible radiation."

"Invisible radiation?" I first heard Ling's words for a moment, and then I was scared to throw Ling out. "You mean ...?"

Ling nodded and said, "Probably."

Rose quickly flew over and he treated Ling's burn on his hand and asked, "What the **** are you talking about?"

Although Rose is also a high IQ officer, after all, she has a specialization in the art industry, and she is clever and she is not good at anything, and now she is not good at this knowledge. But now is not the time to literate her, so my knowledge simply introduced: "We suspect that the crack in the ground should pass through the mantle, that is to say the entire crust has cracked."

"Crack of the earth's crust? That doesn't mean that the core layer of the entire planet has been exposed?" Although Rose didn't know anything about it, she probably had common sense, so when we said she knew it.

I nodded and proved Rose's conjecture. "It ’s not bad to see what we had guessed before. This planet is part of the scene, and now it is about to collapse. The cracking of the ground is only the first step. Next, a lot of dangerous radiation will leak from the center of the earth. It is full of radioactive material, and the lava will flow back to the ground first, and then it will erupt periodically. If the lava erupted can seal the gap like blood coagulation, then the planet will be saved, but if the lava is not cooled fast enough to stop the gap, Then the lava will gradually melt the surface of the planet, and the gravitational field of the entire planet will be disordered, and the planet will start to collapse and decompose. Of course, in reality, this process may take several days to completely end, but this is a game. It will change some rules according to its needs, so this crash process can be very fast. "

"How fast?"

"Fifteen minutes, or half an hour, who knows? It depends on the mood of the system. Maybe it will give us a supernova big explosion in the next second. Who knows the main system is the game time. Where is the master? "

"No, we can't sit still like this." Rose said: "Once the planet collapses, the atmosphere will immediately collapse. Although we have a breathing helmet, that thing is filtered and ventilated underwater, not oxygen. , We will all be suffocated here as long as the throne of time seals the throne! "

"No, you can't, I can't." I said, "My helmet is not an air filter, but it can supply oxygen automatically, so even if I enter a vacuum environment, it will have no effect on me. Besides, even if the planet collapses the atmosphere around the planet It may not completely disappear in the first place. The process should take a long time. In short, do n’t worry about being strangled instantly. But you are definitely not suitable for fighting in such an environment. Just hide into the gates of the earth, and I will handle the battle alone. "

"Since you can enter the gate of the earth, what else do you want to hide?" Zhenhong suddenly interjected: "Let's dive, we will enter the gate of the earth to change our breath after a while."

"Well, that's what it is." The gold coin said: "The better soldier helmets usually carry half an hour of oxygen. Even if we don't have so many high-quality goods, ordinary soldier helmets can provide oxygen for at least ten minutes, right? Do you still plan to have a long-term battle with Kenjiro Koizumi here? How long will it take for the whole planet of the Seal of Throne to collapse, and if we do n’t know about Koujiro Koizumi within an hour, I think this galaxy will explode. We will never live that long anyway. "

"What are you waiting for? Find them out and solve them!"

Thinking of this, I quickly connected to Matsumoto's newsletter. "Where are you exactly?"

"I don't know!" Matsumoto's voice sounded quite breathless, and it looked like he wasn't very relaxed now. He paused for a while before continuing to answer: "I knew we were surrounded by a large group of little monsters that looked like crabs coming across. There were monsters everywhere, and we couldn't see anything far away!"

"Are you in the monster pile?" After I said it, I looked at the small monster group that was still fighting with my magic pet group, but when I looked ahead and covered the sky, all these little monsters could not see it. Figures of Masaru Matsumoto and Kenji Koto. "You try a big trick with a stronger light and shadow effect. I can't see where you are!"

"Okay, you look carefully." In contrast, the skills were activated, and everyone around me and I were staring nervously at the sky ahead, for fear of missing the signal of Masamoto Matsumoto. Just a few seconds later, I suddenly saw a white light burst out in a densely populated area of ​​monsters far away from us, but the light did not last long, just a flash and it was extinguished. However, because the volcanic eruption cloud covered the sky before, the light intensity on the ground is now very low, and the flash is very eye-catching in this dim environment.

"Over there." The gold coin apparently noticed the flash, and left and called out.

"Rush forward." I said and called back Asuka and jumped up. But this time I did not lie on the bird's back, but stepped on the bird's back like a skateboard with one hand holding the ever-changing hook sickle gun and ran forward obliquely behind it. The reason for flying out with such a windy shape is not that I want to play cool, but because there are monsters everywhere, otherwise we do n’t expect to rush past.

The flying technology of flying birds is really good, but it's only relative to the huge space in the sky. At present, the density of monsters in the front almost reaches one cubic meter, and the distance between monsters and monsters is often less than two meters. Even in the past, birds in such a narrow area must be very dangerous, and it is better to sacrifice directly. The speed makes me stand on top and see it safe to cut one by one.

Now Asuka has evolved various body structures that cooperate with me. When I lie on his back, he has a hollow body that can wrap me inside to prevent me from being sucked out by the wind pressure, and when I stand on his back At the time, he also had two depressions on his body that could fit my boots into the grooves to ensure that I would not be thrown out during high-speed maneuvers. Of course, this groove is not completely effective. I must also ensure that I actively cooperate with the flying attitude of the bird. Otherwise, even if the card slot is not loose, the pulling force when the bird turns is enough to lose the balance between me and the bird. It's not fun to be a monster. At the speed of flying birds, let alone those monsters have a layer of welcoming guests, even if the soft water surface is installed, it is enough to knock people to death.

After seeing me standing, Asuka immediately turned on the power of the jet. I just felt that my body was pulled back violently. If it weren't for my two feet, I would have taken a half lunge in front and back. I just stabilized myself with a hard push on my leg. I felt better when the speed of the bird was fully raised to enter a constant speed, but it was also thanks to the bird's inefficiency. Now this speed is only a small part of the normal speed of the bird. In part, even the speed of sound is too low. After all, after I stood on him, it really did n’t conform to the aerodynamic structure. I wanted to quickly work hard, and secondly, it was not safe. The wind resistance of such a large personal station is not small. Can we blow it up?

After I and Asuka flew out, they all called out their guardian spears and jumped up. Our Frost Rose League is good at this. All the regular members have guardian lances. Basically, all members can fly, and the speed of lances is basically slower than missiles. Generally, flying creatures can't compare with them. Why not say our guild is the most mobile guild in the world?

I stood on the back of the bird and rushed into the monster group with the hook sickle backwards. My magic pet already knew that I had rushed in, so I made a way out in advance, and then saw a white light flash However, a few monsters blocking the road in front of us exploded into the air in half a long time after we flew past ~ ~ The monsters in the rear also burst like a chain reaction, there was no one at all Exceptionally, the big SS let us get rid of it. This little monster really can't do much except to make troubles.

When I opened the road in front of me, and added a million swords of gold coins to sweep the leaking fish, we instantly penetrated the center of the monster group through a hole and rushed all the way to Matsumoto Masako where they were. I couldn't see clearly from a distance before. When we got closer, we understood why we couldn't find Kojiro Kojiro before them. It turned out that the monsters here actually gathered into a spherical structure to block them all in the middle. Although Kenjiro Koto will teleport, but there are monsters everywhere, he was surrounded by monsters once, and later he was too lazy to teleport himself. As a result, the monsters wrapped them in dumplings. Although our eyesight is good, no one has seen through the eyes, so it is normal to find them. Kenjiro Koto and Masamoto Matsumoto were working hard to resist these little monsters, and suddenly found that a white light flashed on the edge of the monster group that surrounded them, and then the whole encirclement was as short as an apple that wanted to be sipped. Seeing this scene, Kenjiro Koizuki immediately felt a joy in their hearts, because they thought someone had come to save him, but the reality was cruel to him, the gap was indeed penetrated, but it wasn't the savior but me.

"Haha, I finally found you!"

[Niu Wen without advertising novel dedication]

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