Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 156: Arrogant

"Is it three to one? Ziri, you have fallen!" When I jumped to the rock where Matsumoto Masako was, Matsumoto Masa made a cautious look and carefully looked at each of him. The gold coins and the shadow spring behind the diagonal, and then said such a word to me.

Matsumoto's meaning is certainly not to insult me, after all, we are now our own, not to mention that I am still his boss. There are only two cases of employees abusing their bosses. One is to change jobs and the other is to find death. Of course, Matsumoto Masawa didn't want to change his job. Besides, he couldn't change his job. Of course, he was not trying to die. The sole purpose of speaking like this is to create an opportunity, an opportunity to challenge me.

It is said that we and Matsumoto Masako were wearing a pair of pants at all, so in fact, we can end the fight immediately after Kojiro Koto hangs up. However, in addition to attacking the confidence of Japanese players this time, we also wanted to raise the status of Matsumoto Masa by the way, so we finally had to play with Matsumoto Masa. Of course, the purpose of raising Masamoto Matsumoto is a tactical action, which cannot affect our overall strategic layout in Japan. Therefore, raising Masamoto Matsumoto and raising Masamoto Matsumoto, the final victory must be ours, or else we will The strategic intentions are in place.

If we want to elevate Matsumoto Masa, we must let Matsumoto Masa win, but our strategic intentions have determined that we need to win. These two clearly conflict. So we came up with a compromise, which was to fight with Masamoto Matsu by myself, and then let me defeat. Because of my status in the hearts of Japanese players, once Matsumoto Masa defeats me, his status will definitely be greatly improved. However, I will not be scolded as the loser, because the current situation is clear, Matsumoto Masa inherits as many as 21 Japanese players including Nobunaga Nobunaga and Kenjiro Koto. The attribute value of the master, that is, even if the attribute points of these people are only at a normal level, the current attribute value of Masamoto Matsumoto is at least 22 times that of normal players. Although Matsumoto Masa may not be able to fully wield the combat power generated by this terrible attribute point, after inheriting so many attributes, Matsumoto Masa's strength is greatly improved after all. Although Japanese players will be a bit concerned about Matsumoto's victory over me, but Matsumoto's victory over me, after all, the goal of improving Matsumoto's status is basically achievable. As for me, because Matsumoto's strength is not normal, then my failure becomes logical. After all, I am fighting a collective of twenty-two people in name. Even if I was defeated in such a battle, who could say anything to me?

After Matsumoto Masahiro made these remarks in accordance with our arrangements, I immediately responded: "I thought that only Americans like double standards, but I didn't expect that you Japanese also have this hobby! You have inherited Nobunaga's hand They did not say the attributes of twenty-one people, but actually started to complain because the three of us hit one. Your double standard is too exaggerated, right? "After I said this, Matsumoto Masako immediately I made a gesture of refuting with my mouth open, but I reached out and stopped him first. "Okay, since you said that, then I don't care about you. To tell you the truth, it has been so long since I ranked first on the combat list. I am really annoying. The master is lonely! But just so, since you have absorbed it today They have the attributes of twenty-one people. I don't think they can beat me, at least, it makes me feel refreshed at all, right? Come on. Let me see if you have inherited so many attributes and have a fight with me Strength."

Immediately after I spoke, Matsumoto sneered and said with a sneer: "Master is lonely? You are so embarrassed to say! OK, since you have a tendency to be abused, then I will satisfy you. This kind of pain will flatten the world first, but there are not many what!"

Matsumoto rushed to me almost at the same time as I finished speaking, and I greeted the gold coins and Yingquan as I greeted them, "To protect the rose, don't worry about it here."

"It is estimated that within a short time, the Throne of the Seal of God wants to control us." The gold coin said that someone had jumped off the rock where we were, and then saw her turn over in the air, with the sword in her hand gently. In the area, a giant mouse that had just jumped was immediately opened by her, and internal organs and blood and water were sprayed everywhere.

On the other side, Yingquan was not idle. She jumped from the rock where we were, and after a few ups and downs on the nearby rock, she rushed to a rock with a few giant mice and hit the mice. As for Chris Dina and Rose, their situation is almost the same. Although the giant mice can't fly, they have amazing jumping power. They jump and bounce around in these rock groups suspended in the air, moving very fast. But after all, the system just wants them to give us some trouble, and doesn't really intend to kill us with mice, so these mice are nothing special except for their fast speed and large number, at least the combat performance is mediocre and unimaginable. So powerful.

While Kristina was fighting the rats, Matsumoto and I were already fighting here. The first attack was Masamoto Matsumoto. His degree of assassination was amazing, but he hadn't exceeded my reaction limit, and even if I could n’t do anything in this battle, I guess he would reduce or change the attack direction and let me flash The past.

After throwing away Matsumoto Masaru's heavy knife sideways, I went directly to his back with a short step, and then slammed a punch into his back. Although the fists of ordinary players are not powerful, my fists are different. You know there are three blades on my arm. Generally, as long as my fist hits the target, the blade claw will quickly pop up on the opponent and then poke three holes out, so it is not as simple as punching me. However, Matsumoto Masaha didn't expect to take my fist. He didn't evade or block, but continued to rush forward along the previous strength, and then jumped up when he reached the edge of the stone platform.

Matsumoto's goal is another rock close to us, but compared to this big guy, the rock is less than the size of a refrigerator. After Matsumoto jumped up, I quickly followed up, and finally jumped out of the rock with his front and rear feet. After all, Masamoto Matsumoto took a step ahead of me. After arriving there, he immediately turned around, then took a step and made a lunge, and at the same time a right-handed light sword sharply swept over.

I can't dodge in the air, but my body can move. When Matsumoto Masa came across the sword, I quickly rolled over in the air and kicked one foot out. After hearing a ding, the back blade on the back of my calf turned directly under the foot and turned into an ice skate. Following Matsumoto's sword, it was cut directly on the blade of the ice skate.

There is a bug in Zero that is not a bug, that is, the collision between weapons and weapons basically does not produce damage, which is also the basis of the concept of blocking. Classes like Assassins, although poorly defensive, are often close to battle with blood-bull warriors in battle, relying on this weapon to block. As long as the assassins can accurately support each other's weapons with their own weapons, the system will not calculate damage no matter how weak their defense is. Of course, due to the huge gap in strength, assassins generally use dodging instead of blocking, because in the collision of weapons and weapons, the stronger side can often have a shock effect on the smaller side. Of course, I'm not a weak assassin, and Matsumoto Masa is not a blood bull warrior, but because Matsumoto Masa has inherited many attributes, his strength now has actually passed me a lot.

The Chinese and Japanese players watching the game only saw the ice skates under my feet and Matsumoto Masako's magic sword slamming together, and then they saw me as if they were stepping on Matsumoto Masa's sword along the blade to the Matsumoto Masa Sliding past, a bunch of mars was drawn between the ice skates under my feet and the light sword.

Seeing that I rushed to him in front of Masaru Matsumoto's sword, all the Japanese players watching the game consciously held their breath and became worried for Matsumoto Masa. However, just as I stepped on Matsumoto's sword to the end of the blade and squatted on one leg, the other leg swept away towards Matsumoto's throat, but Matsumoto directly raised the other leg. I came in a standing position like a ballerina and used the raised leg to hold the leg that I swept across.

As a martial artist, the flexibility of the body is very important. He had inherited the attributes of almost ten people before Kojiro Kobe was still there, and it was numerically scary. But he is still not my opponent, not because his attributes are not high enough, but because he can't do such difficult moves as Matsumoto Masa. Although the physical flexibility of the characters in the game is set high, people are inertia after all. In the real world, you can't do actions that few people will do. Even if you do it, it will appear stiff and rigid due to the physical control of the body. When Matsumoto was consigning to us, he had already come to China in reality. I was proud of his direct contact with me. In reality, I made some minor adjustments to his body. Although I did n’t use Longyuan ’s biotechnology, under my compression training, at least Matsumoto Masawa was able to fully play The physical advantages of the characters inside. It was absolutely impossible to change a character like this just to replace it with the former Matsumoto Masako.

The swept leg was held up, and I didn't stop at all. I directly jumped back from Matsumoto's sword with the force of the impact of the two legs. Matsumoto Masahiro took advantage of the opportunity of my flip to fall to stand on the ground, and immediately moved the erected leg forward and slashed forward. I did not wait for the landing and then took a flip. Originally, on the flat ground, I rolled back two consecutive times to clear the attack range, but the problem is that it is not flat ground. When I turned down from Matsumoto's sword just now, I was already standing at the edge of the rock under my feet, and when I turned it over, it flew out of the range of the rock.

Seeing that I was kicked by Matsumoto's kick, many Japanese players watching the game couldn't help screaming, and Matsumoto Masako also jumped off the rock directly when I turned my head around. When he got up, he held a sword in his hands and slashed at me in the air.

"Kill him!" The Japanese player who saw this scene couldn't help crying again. Now that I am in the air, and I ca n’t fly at all, I should n’t be able to avoid the sword, Matsumoto Masa. However, just as the Japanese players screamed excitedly, I suddenly raised my hand and shot a dragon's tendon at a rock above my head. The barb with a barb dunked into the rock and jammed automatically. At the same time, the take-up device on my wrist began to take up the line quickly. I was flying up quickly under the traction of the cable, and Matsumoto Zheng He's inevitable sword was swept away from my feet. Seeing this situation, those Japanese players who yelled to kill me before also sighed in unison. But even though they really wanted me to be killed by Matsumoto Masako, they also knew that I was the first in the world, and it was not easy to deal with them. Therefore, they just felt sorry for Matsumoto Masagi, and they did not complain. After all, even if they were replaced, the sword would never touch me.

Immediately after pulling myself to the rock above my head with the help of Longjin Suoxun, I immediately turned over and stood on the surface of the rock with my feet, but I actually actually stood on my head and feet under the rock, but because The gravity is not obvious here, so there is nothing uncomfortable hanging there.

Masamoto Matsumoto, who was slashed with a sword below, was not idle. There was a large area of ​​6 lands flying in front of him, and a large plane across the surface of the football field. After Matsumoto landed on it, he immediately looked up at me ~ ~ and at this time I had already jumped off the rock just now and dived towards him.

Watching me dive down, Matsumoto Masaka immediately lifted the light sword in his hand and put it in a position close to the softball, and then saw that his sword began to emit a white flame and there was more Burning trend. Although the magic of this space is unstable now, it does not mean that the magic has completely failed, at least it can still produce a little effect in a relatively close situation. Not to mention that Matsumoto has inherited so many attribute values, even if the magic is weakened, the power will not be low.

Seeing this, I also quickly changed eternity into a sword shape, and then I saw a layer of purple and black **** flames on the surface of the eternity. In the end, the flames were fully extended and wrapped me up. Go in. The players outside only saw me in the form of a huge purple fireball swooping down from the air with half-handed hands, and Matsumoto Masahiro slammed the light sword in his hand immediately before I was about to contact him. The two top-level artifacts slammed together and burst into a circle of terrible shock waves instantly. Just listening to the loud noise, the giant rock under Matsumoto Masa could not withstand the interruption of our two forces into two pieces, and Matsumoto Masa was directly blasted from the middle of the broken rock by my strength. But I'm not that good myself. The sword that Matsumoto swayed up was too powerful, and my whole body flew straight into the sky as if I had been hit by a home base softball.

[Niu Wen's dedication to advertising novels]

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