Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 21: Lazine

"Okay!" I reached into the space and pulled out a turquoise, two-ended fork-like thing. That's right, this is the drop magic pestle dropped by the Yin and Yang division in Japan. Anyway, it's just that the things in Little Japan are melted out, and they won't be able to grab them back in the future.

"Isn't this Japanese weapon? Why is it in your hands?" Clark looked at the thing in his hands and turned it over for a long time in surprise.

"Do you know?" I wonder how Clark knew Japanese national instruments!

Clark took the thing in front of me and pointed at a square groove on the handle of the magic devil's pestle. "Look."

立刻 I immediately put my eyes up and looked. This groove seems to be a seal with words in it, but because it is the grip of the hand, the text is very worn and is almost flattened! It took a long time to realize that there were four traditional characters: "Tianyang real person? Who is Tianyang real person?"

"Tianyang real person is the ancestor of Taoism, this magic weapon is his magic weapon."

"I'm dizzy! Isn't Taoism Chinese? Why did a Japanese Taoist priest have such a powerful weapon?"

谁 "Who told you that the real person in Tianyang is Japanese?"

"Tianyang is not a Japanese? Then why does his weapon become a Japanese weapon?"

"This magic demon pestle was originally a real weapon of Tianyang. Later, a demon nine-headed sea snake appeared in Japan ..."

"Is Hydra not a Japanese god?"

"Don't interrupt, listen to me! The nine-headed sea snake later attacked China's ancient beast Bi Ling ..."

"Bi Ling is an ancient beast? I thought he lied to me! It seems ..." Clark made a move to hit me. "Okay! You say you say!"

"I said ... oh, what did I say?"

"Speaking of Bi Ling being attacked by sea snake."

"Yes, Bi Ling was attacked and killed, the Chinese Protestantism. Oh right, there was no Buddhism at that time, and Taoism was not called Taoism. These people are collectively referred to as Protestantism. The Protestant was very angry about the death of the beast, so he chose Tianyang. Real people went to Japan to calm down. But I did not expect that the Japanese people ’s intelligence has not been civilized, and there is no way to understand the knowledge of the religion. As a result, they regard real people as demons and worship Hydra. The real people are compassionate and do not care about the Japanese. He didn't know the good or bad, he used a magic pestle to calm the Hydra, and then he used his sword to suppress the volcano. "

I quickly pulled out the sword of heaven. "You're not talking about this sword, are you?"

"Ah! Why even Tianzun sword is here with you?"

"Hee hee! Am I a disaster star! Something needs to happen everywhere, how can I come back without the volcanoes of Little Japan everywhere!"

"You!" Clark returned the sword to me and continued: "Later, the Japanese set off a vigorous salvation movement and took out the magic drop pestle, but the Hydra came back to life! And the magic drop pestle was so powerful It was used as a weapon by Little Japan. In fact, the Japanese did not know the ability of the magic magic pestle to suppress monsters. The real ability was to attack. They always thought that the magic magic pestle was used to suppress monsters, so they always used it. Suppress the enemy's power without using it to attack directly. "

"The national treasure of Japan is still made in China!"

"of course!"

"By the way, how did you know? You don't seem to belong to Chinese theology?"

"You don't know that European theology, which is our group, is antithetical to Chinese theology. Taoist priests in Chinese Taoism have a good relationship with the dark forces of the West, and Chinese monsters have a good relationship with European temples of light! "

"It's okay? Is it because they are opposite the earth that even their beliefs are reversed?"

"Well, no matter what, repair your sword first."

"I'll help!"

Clark heard that I was going to help shake hands quickly. "You still have to take a break! I almost demolished my house last time. How dare I ask you to help me again!"

"Then I'll go elsewhere?"

"Well, let's go!" Clark kicked me out of the room very politely.

Isn't that just breaking your stove! As for being so cruel? I don't need any help, just go elsewhere. Out of the room for a while I really didn't know where to go, the weapon was not good and it was not good to level up! By the way, go to the Dark Temple and get the land permit!

Summon Night Shadow and Ling, then jump on the back of Night Shadow, and we rushed directly to the Temple of Darkness. Ling Haoyu was also born of the Dark God. Although it has expired, it is still somewhat useful. The zombies around the Dark Canyon are monster NPCs. Their role is to kill players to upgrade, so there is no intelligence at all, and of course, the boss of the dark forces cannot be recognized without intelligence, but fortunately, the night shadow is also big strides Zombies can't keep up with our speed. After crossing the zone of the zombie guard, he arrived at Domingue's barracks. The guard saw Ling immediately retreat to one knee on both sides. It's really cool to walk here with the Dark God, and the Dark Samurai and Dark Knight on both sides salute us.

Lao Yuan saw Domingue and a guard discussing something, and I directly directed Yeying to run over. "Second Brother!"

"It's the third brother!" Domingue suddenly saw Ling, and quickly bent over to salute: "Her Royal Highness!"

"What is the second brother busy?"

哦 "Oh! That's it, the new Highness is planning to let us study a new type of hood. But we lack a warlock to train, and I am having a headache!"

"Unfortunately I can't help you!"

"Yeah!" Domingue suddenly grabbed my shoulder. "Are you a player! Come and help me!"

"What?" Domingue baffled me.

"Can you learn manufacturing to help us make a new defensive hood!" Dominger's eyes flashed, as if I didn't promise he would eat me!

"I am a player, but my supporting profession is blacksmith, breeder and appraiser! You want an alchemist, I don't!"

"Isn't it possible to learn! Didn't you know that there are no skills restrictions in the auxiliary career system?"

"No limit? Then why did we let us choose a supporting profession, and we can choose anything but a fart?"

"You really do n’t know? The auxiliary occupations given by the system are just gift skills. Those occupations can obtain skills directly as long as they are certified, but the system does not restrict players from learning other skills, as long as you can get the corresponding skill book. Learn."

切 "Cut! Don't lie to me, I've been killing countless monsters for so long. I need a skill book to explode. Why haven't I seen one for so long?"

"Nonsense, the auxiliary skill book is not a monster. You just have to clear all the monsters on the map. Advanced monsters do have some offensive skill books, but the auxiliary skills can only be used for missions. "

"Don't tell me earlier! Tell me what tasks can get the skill book, I'll learn it!" Learn a few skills for nothing!

Domingue patted my shoulder and said, "You still have to do the task, what am I doing?" Domingue waved to the side, the two young brothers ran out immediately, and two people rushed for two cars. The carriage came back with the hill-like books on it. "Then, without you doing the task, I will teach you directly!"

两 I stared straight at the two piles of book mountains ~ ~ swallowed. "Not so much, right?" Two books, one book and one skill are not hundreds of thousands of skills? Don't say one by one, I can't even remember the name! If you want to use any skills at that time, I am afraid to find an hour in the scroll bar of the skill bar!

多 "How much?" Domingue looked at the two books in the back. "Do you have a lot of skills to learn? Are you working hard for your brother?"

"A skill?" I pointed to those two books. "Do you mean that these two cars are a skill book?"

Domingue nodded. "Or how many do you think?" He suddenly understood what I meant. "Don't you think a book is a skill?"

"But ... but ... a skill is such a huge pile of books, I can't finish it!"

"You can watch slowly after reading, I am not in a hurry!"

"Halo!" You are not in a hurry, I am in a hurry! But I'm still embarrassed to say that people have given me credit for my hundreds of millions of cannons. I'm not good at this and don't help! I went to one of the cars and picked up a copy. "" Learn Alchemy from Scratch! "?" Put down this one and pick up another one. "" 500 Cases of Novice Alchemy "? I started to read one," "Alchemist Introduction", "Alchemy Methodology" , "Teach You How to Alchemy", "Detailed Explanation of Elementary Alchemy", "Alchemy Guide" ... "Alchemy Quick Method", "Alchemy Novice Master", "Selection and Matching of Alchemy Materials"! What a mess this is? "

Domingue immediately ran over to introduce him cheerfully. "This is all the tutorial materials published by our Dark Temple. They will be sold later and will definitely make a profit!" Plop! "Hey! Third brother! What's the matter with you, don't faint! I know my method is very good, but you don't need to faint with excitement, right?"

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