Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 7: Snow hidden elite

Volume 19 Chapter 7 Snow Elite

The coin barrel vacuum cleaner of gold coins is still working. After easily hanging the last member of the elite team, the remaining Japanese players are stabbed. Those horrible sword barrels swept from the ground like a huge vacuum cleaner. After that, there was a **** road filled with red viscous liquid. Any area swept by these things, whether it is human or rock, everything that moves can become a powder, except for the armor on some personnel. And weapons can still leave a bit of twisted and deformed metal at all. Full text novel (see novel)

Watching the dozen or so vacuum cleaner-like sword tubes sweep the elite team and flew over to the portal, all the Japanese players below were startled, and many people started running outwards before the sword tubes approached. But because the portal has been transmitting according to the maximum number of people, the crowd near the passage is almost full of people. Even if you want to run, only the outside can run away, and the people inside need to move away from the surrounding people. Before, everyone was moving in the same direction because of order, and the speed was still faster. Now the chaos is moving more slowly. Without saying that, some people are pushed back into the portal.

"No, this is not the way." Looking at the chaotic crowd and the sword barrels that are flying closer and closer, the presidents of the Japanese guilds have begun to suffer.

A Japanese guild president said, "If it doesn't work, let's just get some money for support?"

"Pick up money to buy reinforcements?" Another president said a little bit embarrassed: "Don't say that our money is not enough, the key is that Matsumoto Masahara has greeted us before and don't waste money on those foreign aids I will spend as much as possible on the purchase of soldiers. If you can still use the money to buy foreign aid now, isn't that just saying to Matsumoto that we didn't do our best before? Even if the trouble in front of us is solved by then We ca n’t make it over there either. I do n’t want to participate in things that are not human inside or outside. ”

"Not doing this, what about our people?" The player said, pointing to the battlefield over there, "Look, how many people have we died in this way?"

Several chairmen here are discussing here. The sword barrels of gold coins have not stopped for a moment, and they have been crazy inhaling nearby Japanese players and into the sword barrel, and then twisted into a blood mist and spray it out. At this horrible speed, let alone another hour or two, as long as there are 20 or 30 minutes, it is estimated that there will be no living people on the portal side.

Seeing such terrible killing scenes, the other guild leaders also scratched their heads and didn't know what to do. Buying foreign aid means not courting both inside and outside. If you don't buy it, the people below will be dead and their great cause of reunification will have to be finished together. When that happens, it will be more than reputation and money.

Just when the presidents of the Japanese guilds were killing Zheng Shuang, they suddenly saw a white light flash on the battlefield, a dazzling white sword light suddenly fell from the sky, and a smash of a high-speed rotating sword barrel was broken. The flying swords that were interrupted in the rotation cycle collided with each other, and instantly collapsed and flew everywhere, and some Japanese players who had been sucked up by this sword tube and were also shocked to fall to the ground.

"what happened?"



As the white light flashed, the crowds concerned about the war immediately stirred up. Although I didn't see anyone doing it, if I can split the horrible meat grinder-like sword tube in one blow, then it can never be ordinary people, because when the horrible thing flew to the crowd, there were already Countless people have experimented with their skills, and all of them were swallowed by the horrible sword tube without exception, and then hanged by nowhere. Since the white light was so sharp just now, the sword tube that had swallowed an unknown number of skills was split, and the person who released this skill must be even more terrible.

Just as the crowd was busy looking for the person who gave the skill, a white light cluster suddenly lit up in the sky. With that burst of white light, everyone saw a stunning beauty wearing bright silver armor, with a pair of huge snow-white wings spreading out from behind.

Just as the person below was deterred by the imposing presence of the angel on the beautiful Taobao Women ’s Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao ’s Women ’s Winter Jacket, the beauty suddenly raised the white light sword held in her hand toward the bottom. She waved a dozen times, and every time she waved, she issued a white sword awn. As soon as the blades that flew out of the blade left the blade, they flew straight into the ground like lightning, and then hit the other dozen sword barrels that had not stopped, and then they were all scattered without exception. Come on.

"Wow ..." When I saw this angel before, those Japanese players were just attracted by her shiny shape. Now I see this beautiful angel of Taobao Women ’s Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao ’s Women ’s Winter Jacket m. Even when they raised their hands, they wiped out the horrible sword tube that almost wiped them out, and everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

"Does the Frost Rose Alliance only bully ordinary players? You don't feel embarrassed when you use such powerful skills against ordinary people?" The angel in the sky stopped falling when he landed a few meters above the ground. Suspended there, then she suddenly looked at the gold coins in front of them and questioned them.

True red and gold coins are naturally undefeated. As soon as I heard what the messenger said, the gold coins immediately came out and said, "Of course I also want to find a close opponent. You know, play chess with the stinky chess basket Technology will go backwards, but I really ca n’t help it. You said that you guys in Japan must also let me find a talent that can be compared? Then what kind of ghost Nobunaga and Kenjiro Koto are all waste, okay? It's easy to make a fight with Matsumoto, but he can still play a little bit, and it was snatched by our boss. Who can I call?

"Hum, it sounds reasonable, I counted you wrong before. So now, since I'm here, let's discuss it?"

"Of course I also think that it is a pity that I am relatively low in the meeting, and there is an older sister pressing on it, so you still have to discuss with the older sister first." The gold coin said, beckoning forward, just scattered by the angel's sword tube All the flying swords that came out suddenly flew up, and then, like a missile, all flew back to the gold coins and began to fold again to form a new sword tube in the previous order.

At first I saw those horrible sword barrels being split. Those Japanese players were relieved. Now when they look at the sword barrel to be resurrected, these people are shocked. Some of them even turned around and started to escape.

When she saw the gold coins and began to prepare her super vacuum cleaner, Zhenhong went to the front of the three and said to the angel over there: "Our Frost Rose League is about ranking. If you want to learn, let me try first Right? If I get bored, let them go. "

In fact, the first attack position was assigned to true red, not because we really need to discuss seniority in the guild, but because the attributes of gold coins and real red are different. Although the overall combat power of true red and gold coins is similar, the true red is characterized by a single attack power, and the sword array of gold coins is more suitable for large-scale killing. So if gold coins go to discuss with that angel and let true red kill people, That speed is definitely much slower, but the reverse is not the same.

After seeing that it was really red coming out to meet the enemy, and the gold coins began to gather in the sword barrel meat grinder, the presidents of the Japanese guilds immediately wrinkled into a chuan word, but they could not do anything except worry. help. No matter it is gold coins or real red, there is also the following Kristina, none of them can solve it. To be honest, if it wasn't for the angel who was helping them, but could not figure out the origin of the beautiful angels, they would not know what to do now. However, even if that angel dragged the true red, it seemed to be of little significance. After all, even without her, true red could not kill a few people, and it was a sword machine of gold coins, it was just a slaughter machine. The Nazi cremator was not as efficient as those sword tubes.

Just when the presidents frowned and thought that the slaughter was about to start again, the angel, who was beautiful, suddenly laughed, and then snapped his fingers. Suddenly two more light spots appeared in the sky, and then fell from high altitude to the same height as her. When the two light groups stopped, they found that the original package was two angels. However, unlike the previous war angel with a holy face and a long sword, the two who fell behind were clearly different. The angel on the right-hand side of the first angel was also a bright white armor, but the cute angel with a baby face was not holding a sword, but a three-meter-long weapon like a spear and a magic weapon. Stick stuff. The other angel on the left-hand side of the first angel was different from the other two. The angel not only wore a blood-red exaggerated battle armor, but even her wings, hair, and eyes were blood-red, and she also held a super-epee that was almost longer than her height. And the blade of this sword is also a blood red.

The first angel MM who appeared first waited for his two companions to come in, and then said, "Since your side is out of order, so in order not to worry the other two, let me be the two. Sisters come and play with them? "

Suddenly seeing three angels appear, the Japanese players are all in shock. Although these three are obviously on their side, and it seems that the three are likely to be Japanese, but the key problem is that so many Japanese players present did not even know the three. However, although the origins of these three are unknown for the time being, but judging by the performance of the first angel when they appeared, these three can stop true red and Chris Dina are estimated to be similar. It is enough to know this, at least the Japanese players present are convinced that they are safe for the time being.

"I didn't expect many of you." The gold coin looked at the three of them and paused for a moment, then said, "But haven't you learned the rules? Suddenly appeared in front of others, and introduced myself."

"Oh, sorry, this is my negligence." Without forcibly arguing, the first angel who came down seemed to have a good temper, and immediately accepted the criticism of the other party. This frank attitude put her on the tongue. Initiative. "I'll introduce myself first." The silver armor angel introduced: "My name is August smoked, and my profession is the judgment angel. My * on the right hand side is the young bird of Sakura Yu, and my profession is the guide angel. As for my left hand side, A **** big sister ... "

"My name is Blazing Dragon Ji, as for the profession ..." The beauty-like young lady with a smirk and a smile suddenly licked her lower lips and said, "You will know soon."

"Hear no, they are Japanese." Hearing the names of the three angels, all the Japanese players behind were excited. Although I found out that they are helping themselves, but because they have not been able to figure out the identity of the three, the Japanese players present were still a little bit worried, and now they suddenly heard the Japanese names of the three, and they were naturally relieved.

The three angels on the battlefield ended from their reported home, and the gold coins immediately said to them: "Very good, since you want to die, then we don't mind killing you. Hope you don't let us down."

"I'm willing to accompany you." August's previous trial angel, Xun Xun, suddenly showed a very mild smile: "We are very strong, three people don't care."

Although the words of reminder were spoken, her expression was completely harmless, but August's action was not slow at all, almost as soon as she reminded her, she had already flashed out. In a second, I saw a dazzling flash of light bursting in front of Zhenhong, followed by August smoked and Zhenhong, each of them backing back for more than ten steps before they stabilized.

"Is it good?" Really shook her slightly numb hands, and a pretty excited expression appeared on her face.

Opposite to her, August smoked was also constantly moving the fingers holding the sword, and now her hands are passing up and down with a numbness of numbness, and she couldn't wait to rub it with her hands. It was obvious that both of them had suffered a little, but they couldn't admit it. "It seems that our strength can still be compared, then, please take care of it next." With August's unique gentle words, her people have flashed out again, but this time it is really red As soon as they were ready, the two immediately ran into a ball in the middle of the road, and then they fought all the way up to the sky.

After August smoked and true red confronted, the petite figure also had a baby face, and it looked like only 13 or 14-year-old Sakura Yuri suddenly flew out, and then her staff moved, a large piece of six Suddenly, things like crystal chips suddenly appeared in front of her, and then they saw a large number of small missiles suddenly flying out of the crystal chips like a rocket launcher. These missiles were olive-shaped, red, and strange missiles with a blue aperture behind them. As soon as they flew out of those crystal chips, they flew towards Kristina with red flames, but Kristina was not an ordinary person. The missiles just hit her magic missiles and they fell down like rainstorms. They intercepted all the missiles halfway, and the extra missiles broke through the missile array and flew towards the cherry rain **** chick, but in front of the cherry rain **** chick After launching the missile, the hexagonal crystals of the crystals automatically docked in front of her into a huge shield. The magic missiles fired by Chris Dina hit these crystal chips, except that they can stir up ripples like water ripples.

At the same time as Sakura Rain chicks and Chris Dina started, Blazing Dragon Ji also rushed for gold coins. The gold coins saw the other party approaching themselves, and quickly turned the newly completed sword barrel in her direction and covered her. Who knew that not only did the fiery dragon Ji not hide, but instead slammed into the spinning sword barrel. In. However, what happened next was not that the spinning sword barrels twirled the fiery fire dragon ji into a blood mist, but the fiery fire dragon ji smashed the spinning sword tube apart, and the flying sword that constituted the sword tube was taken by her The collision flew wildly, completely unable to control the direction.

"Good strong" saw the results of the battle with the three angels in front of them, and those Japanese players almost fell off their jaws one by one. They haven't seen a master, they have all seen my strength, but they have never seen a master with such strength in Japan. To be honest, most Japanese players don't even believe that these three are actually Japanese. After all, they had never heard such a powerful existence before, or they would not have been so miserable by our Frost Rose Alliance.

So what is the truth?

The facts are simple. In fact, they can be said to be Japanese or not.

In fact, Masamoto Matsumoto was not the first Japanese to join our guild. When our guild first contacted Japan, I brought back a Japanese guild made up of women from Japan— —Sakura Club. The girls in this Sakura club are all Japanese women who are pro-Chinese, and they dislike their own culture. In fact, Chongyangmei is not a Chinese patent. There are Chinese people who like foreign cultures, and foreigners who like Chinese culture. A country, especially a country with a population of hundreds of millions, is definitely impossible for people all over the country to like exactly the same thing. Of course, there are mainstream ideas and marginalized non-mainstream ideas. The girls of Sakura Club are marginalized in Japan That part exists. They like Chinese culture, they love China, but they are very disgusted with some of the culture of their own people, which is similar to the Bright Alliance in China that we were killed off. The Bright Alliance is a group of Chinese people who love Japanese culture but dislike Chinese culture. This shows that this kind of people who like foreign things are everywhere, not a special product of any country or nation.

Since it was early to join our guild, the girls in Sakura Club were very Chinese, and because they had been out of touch with Japan in the morning, the Japanese did not really know the existence of these girls. Now, the most detailed information about this matter in Japan is that some early players knew that there was a guild called Sakura Club in Japan who turned to our Frost Rose League. No one knows exactly who this guild is. After all, the original Sakura Club was not an active organization, and there were not many people who knew them.

As for the three smoked August who are now in front of everyone, the sakura rain chicks and the blazing dragon girl, they are actually members of the original cherry blossom society. But they did not use these three accounts when they joined our guild. In fact, these three accounts are now trumpet re-trained by three people. Their queen is a member of Sakura Club, but the trumpet has been active abroad as a free person.

However, these three trumpets are different from ordinary trumpets because their three trumpets are actually N times stronger than their large ones. In fact, when the three of them first came to China, the ranks and strength of the three large ones were not high, but at that time we found that the three people had a good sense of fighting. What they lack is nothing more than correct guidance and some external aids, such as equipment and supplies.

Because the three of them had good consciousness, we originally mentioned the three of them separately, and then let them directly give up the large size and practice the small size again. Of course, their trumpet and trumpets are different and are not entirely practiced by themselves. Our guild specially sent them a group of auxiliary personnel to help them brush up the ranks, as well as special personnel to guide them in combat skills and ways of handling tasks, including their behavior etiquette and temperament. Training. It can be said that the three of them were forcibly trained by us according to the standards of perfect women, and even their equipment was specially made for us by using a lot of guild resources. If it were not for our investment at any cost, they would not be able to become super masters within a short period of time, and they would have obtained a full set of top-level equipment. However, the strength of the three of them was hard piled up using the resources of our guild. With such great efforts, it would be strange if the three of them were not strong.

To sum up, in fact, the three of them are the spies of the guild, and their identity is the same as that of Matsumoto Masaru. Of course, when I was training, I didn't think of today's plan, so the three of them were not trained for internal training. But I didn't expect to use it now.

When we first made the Fulcrum City battle plan, we were distressed for the fighting power of Japanese players. We do not have to transfer large troops, we can also make excuses to say that it is too late to transfer back because of the problems of the Russians, but the masters must have come and rushed back using the teleportation array. So Chris and I are bound to appear on the battlefield. However, Kristina and I are too strong in their combat effectiveness. If we appear here, it is impossible for Japanese players to capture the Fulcrum City. Besides, the mobile angel unit of our guild is too strong. Even if the number of Japanese is doubled, it is useless.

Finally, after repeated consultations, we finally figured out a solution. Among them, the mobile angel unit is to take advantage of the weakness of the mobile angel itself, allowing Matsumoto's people to easily break through. As for Chris and I, they are intercepted by Matsumoto Masa, and then they perform a performance battle. Anyway, Japanese players feel that I am dragged by Masamoto Matsumoto and cannot participate in the battle. In this way, neither Japanese players nor Chinese players will guess blindly. Of course, even if I deliberately let the water go, Matsumoto is the only one who can stop me. It would be a bit too fake for him to block me and Kristina all alone. Therefore, the three of August smoked and the cherry rain gods came in handy.

Although the three are not well-known at present, as long as you check the battle list, you can see that August ’s ranking in the world battle list is as high as sixteen, which means that according to statistics, the world ’s capable There were only fifteen players who passed her, and they included me. The ranking of Yingyu's young chicks is 21st, and Blazing Dragon Ji is 18th. None of the three are ordinary people. If the system is listed on the strength list of each country, the three of them can definitely rank in the top four in Japan. Matsumoto Masa is only with them in the middle of the middle school. Moreover, if you really rely on your strength, I guess Matsumoto has not done the three of them. After all, Matsumoto was strengthened by us, but the three of them have been trained for nearly a year. Although the equipment is slightly inferior to Matsumoto Masa, it may be much better than Matsumoto Masa in terms of combat skills and some on-the-spot response. If the two sides were flattened out, it would be impossible for Matsumoto Masaru to figure them out.

Of course, even though the three of them are already so strong, they are still a bit reluctant to deal with the three of them. After all, gold coins are currently the second in the world ’s power rankings, Kristina is the fourth in the power rankings, and the fifth in the red, which is even better than August ’s sixteenth to twenty-first. cut. However, after all, we arranged to save the scene. Of course, it was impossible for Christina to fight with them. Just like the performance battle between Matsumoto and Masahiro, the three of Kristina and the three smoked in August are just doing a show, and it is for the sake of Japanese players. In this circumstance of mutual tactics, it is too simple to want to fight fiercely without hurting others. Besides, for such a large plan, it wouldn't be a big deal for them to sacrifice for six. Anyway, if they dropped one level or two levels, they would soon be able to practice it. It would be a great compensation in the guild.

The three of Chris Dina and August Xun are not ordinary people. They are well-informed and originally well-rounded people, and August Xun also has special etiquette and Behavioral training can be considered semi-professional in performance. So after meeting these six, the state is almost the same as the first meeting. The Japanese players thought that three goddesses of salvation suddenly popped up, but they did not know that they were actually three super spies.

The so-called play and complete set, since it has been decided to act, naturally, it must be realistic enough. So today the six orders they received were-battle for life and death. Although the six of them have already played tricks with each other before, the purpose of the trick is not to protect their safety, but to try to make their fighting power look a little exaggerated, at least to make the following group of Japanese players think their three An angel is really strong. As for the requirements of life and death battles, this actually does not make them really rely on strength to fight. After all, the ranking is there. Needless to say, it must be that Kristina won three of them. When we talk about life and death battles, we mean that the three of them will suffer losses and let each other have a little life value before fighting life and death. According to our arrangement, when the three of them are depleted, when their health is consumed to one-eighth of the total value, they must sell a flaw to the opponent and be prepared to be killed by the opponent. If they only use Seven-eighths of life killed the opponents, so it was only August's failure. However, under this requirement, we have also added a clause that is that no one party is allowed to die. In other words, no matter whether we are here or the Japanese, as long as two people are defeated on this side, the remaining group will have to fail in turn, ensuring that there are people on both sides, and the results cannot be exaggerated. After all, the words of Kristina's annihilation on the side seemed a bit too fake, and in August, the words of annihilation on the other side would hurt the Japanese enthusiasm, so at least one person must be left on one side.

Under the guidance of this life-and-death command, both Zhenhong and the Sakura Yushin are desperately engaged in performing battles. Because in addition to the specially limited results that cannot be changed, I also promised them that the winner will get the same extra reward. As for what kind of reward I did not tell them. Now for the mysterious reward, these six people have all made use of their milking power. After all, Kristina has been restricted to reduce their health by one-eighth. The fighting powers on both sides have approached infinitely. In this case, who Who wins is really uncertain, so both sides want to fight.

"The stars burst." With the closing comment of the Sakura Yushin, a large number of dense crystals suddenly appeared in front of her, and then these small missile-like things poured out from those crystals.

"Elemental tide." The opposite Kristina did not let it go, almost all the magic missiles in the sky formed a wall covering the missile array in front, and then the sky suddenly lighted up, and the whole night sky was illuminated A piece of light, as if instantly turned into daylight. Until the strong light flashed for a few seconds, the talents on the ground heard the sound of a thunderous sound as if it were a thunderbolt, and the whole earth that trembled with sound was shaking.

"Damn, your skills are too close, substitutions." Zhen Hong suddenly rushed past Chris Dina, pounced on the cherry rain god. And Kristina did not say a word and immediately turned her direction towards the smoked side of August, and the dense magic missile immediately stopped the smoked August that was going to be pursued.

"Don't stop it." August Xun watched the magical missiles coming in densely and slashed at Kristina directly with a sword. Jianmang blasted a string of magical missiles in front of him like a tofu. Then the speed rushed all the way to Kristina. Seeing that magic missiles couldn't stop such a concentrated swordsman, Kristina directly moved his staff forward, and a sudden thunderbolt blasted on the swordsman who was only a few meters above her, instantly Smash that sword.

"If you want to chase, go through my level first."

"Let me guide you, then." When August smoked and said these words with a smile, the man was already behind Chris Dinah, and then slashed with a sharp sword. The long white sword slashed Kristina in half, but August smoked a change of expression, because the sword had no resistance at all, which means that she didn't cut anything at all.

"You're still too tender." Kristina appeared suddenly behind the smoker in the form of a magical elf with colored light wings behind her, and then one-handedly pressed against her back, blowing up the smoker in August. Out.

In the scuffle between Cristina and August smoked, true red has also rushed to the side of the cherry rain god, and then directly punched and hit the cherry rain **** chick. There wasn't any panic about the cherry rain **** chick, and she turned directly and disappeared into the air. The really red punch directly hit the ground with a big hole, but she didn't hurt the cherry chick god.

"Damn, why is it all about speed?" Zhenhong complained, and then immediately turned to look for the target.

"Let's change it." The gold coin suddenly landed and brought true red. "My one is powerful and the attack is too concentrated. We change hands."

"Okay." Zhenhong said suddenly and took off again and rushed towards the fiery dragon Ji, while the gold coins suddenly raised her hand and a group of flying swords flew towards a void in the sky.

As soon as Sakura Yuhin appeared, she saw the dense flying swords twisted towards herself. She was frightened and disappeared again. Then she emerged from another place. Then she swung the staff with one hand and a beam of light shot out instantly, but she was A round shield of dozens of flying swords in front of the gold coins blocked it.

On the other side, True Red rushed to the Blazing Dragon Ji quickly, and then smashed it with a punch. The Blazing Dragon Ji did not escape at all, and a sword was split against True Red's fist. As a result, the two attacked in mid-air. There was a big explosion in the middle of the collision. Both of them were blown out in a loud noise, and they didn't know how many heels they had turned to stabilize in the air.

"Haha, this opponent is suitable for me." Zhenhong smiled and rushed towards Blazing Dragon Ji again. Her favorite is her opponent who fights with her strength, and the most annoying is that she is as slippery as mud loach and completely different from her. The enemy who is in direct contact ~ ~ The Blazing Dragon Ji is a heavy armor, although the speed is not slow, but it is not fast enough to completely catch the track, and she is actually taking the power system route, With strong attack and defense as the development direction. Fighting methods like her are arguably the most orthodox and the most powerful. The so-called evil is not right, not only in terms of ethics, but also in skills. Although partial skills can often achieve amazing effects, in general, the most basic skills are the best in attacking, because everyone is not stupid, and most people can use the most effective combat methods. Partial door skills are called partial doors because they have poor comprehensive ability and are not very popular, so they are called partial doors. Those partial skills, even if they can play a role, often occupy a small number of people. The opponents are unfamiliar or cheap without special restraint methods. We really want everyone to play fair. The partial skills are often not opponents of orthodox skills.

The skills of Blazing Dragon Ji and True Red belong to orthodox skills. What they pay attention to is to use clever power to pursue maximum output and not consider those fancy things. So the two of them fight together. The skill effect is more gorgeous than the battle between Sakura Yujin and Kriszina. I do n’t know how many times, and the Japanese players who trembled almost every time they fought. However, just as the Japanese player watching the six-player dogfight here, a black hole suddenly appeared in the middle of the battlefield of the six-player, followed by two burning figures flying out of it. When the two fell to the ground separately, the surrounding people found that it was me and Masamoto Matsumoto.

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