Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 12: Unexpected guest

Volume 19 Chapter 12 Unexpected Visitor

Faced with the terrifying hypnotic sound waves of Crystal Princess, the Japanese player on the charge was really powerless, and in the end he could only step back and climb over the city wall, hoping to bypass the range of sonic interference. Unfortunately, their efforts were not as easy as imagined. Although the city gate has been blasted down, because the princess Crystal blocked the collapsed gate, so for Japanese players, they are actually no different from the previous one and still have to climb the wall. If you have to say something different, it is probably that there is no dense arrow rain cover on the upper gate of the city gate, and their pressure is a little less.

Helpless Japanese players can't get through the city gates and can only be appointed to continue working towards the city walls, but to their surprise, the pressure on the city walls seems to have increased significantly than before. The main change is that there are many more guilds on the city walls Senior player. Originally, many Japanese players could barely climb the city walls by virtue of their own strength, but since the fall of the city gates this time, they have become more and more difficult to climb the city walls. Even if some people were able to climb the city wall, they were beaten as soon as they stood up, and they were unable to stand on it.

"This is not okay." Looking at the corpses piled up under the city walls, Japanese players who are siege began to hesitate. Although they came this time with the determination of dying, but dying is valuable, and they did not come here to bring the body. Except for the first one, the previous walls were all rushed through, there were no such casualties, and this last wall has killed so many people in just ten minutes since the Japanese players contacted. At this level, the number of casualties in half an hour can pass the sum of those killed on the outside walls.

"Damn, why are there so many experts in the Frost Rose Alliance?" Said a Japanese player who was holding a broken arm for treatment and looked angrily at the city wall. Just a few minutes ago, when he touched the city wall, he met an expert from our guild. However, it was no surprise that he had cut off one arm and kicked him out within three strokes. Outside of the wall, if it was just a Japanese player jumping up and catching it when it fell, he should now go back to resurrection.

A player next to this player who was waiting in line was also helpless and said, "Yeah, it seems that it is not enough to have Matsumoto-kun alone. Matsumoto-kun can only hold Ziri even more powerful. Too much"

"The angel angels who were just outside were also very good," said another younger-looking player.

"Those three angels are indeed good, but unfortunately not enough." The priest who was treating the broken arm player interjected after completing the treatment: "The masters of the Frost Rose Alliance include purple sun, Christina, true red, gold coins Many, four of them are just very famous. Don't you remember Hongyue, the vice president of Frost Rose League? That woman is not easy to deal with. And Ziyue's sister, Ziyue, is also a high-level combat power. Also do n’t forget, the women we have to climb the wall behind the city gates are not easy to deal with. ”

The young player held his finger for a long time and said, "This is indeed a long way off."

"It's not a bad problem. The main problem is that the masters on our side are not united." A Japanese player couldn't help but interjected: "Onizuki Nobunaga and Honglian Phoenix and that Koto Kenjiro, that is Are ordinary people of ordinary strength? If they can unite with Matsumoto, our masters are actually quite a lot. Not to mention others, even the ghost-handed Nobunaga, although this guy has a problem in his head, it is still possible to be a pioneer Right? He ca n’t beat Ziri, is it okay to deal with those women who play musical instruments? "

"Hey, those things are big men, what use are we talking about?" Said a player next to him.

They were talking there, and suddenly they heard a bang, and a huge fireball suddenly flew over them, and then landed on the top of the last wall of the fulcrum city with horrific heat. With a bang, a small mushroom cloud suddenly rose from the top of the city wall, and a large number of players in the guild were blown from the wall.

Seeing that the top of the wall was bombed, the Japanese who were climbing the wall immediately began to climb up excitedly because they knew that it would definitely be in chaos on the top of the wall and it was a good time for them to land .

The Japanese players in charge of this wall are busy climbing the wall. The players below are not busy. They look back in the direction of the flames and look for the person who shot the flames, but they have not seen anyone for a long time. However, while they were trying to find it, they suddenly heard a boom, and a huge fireball appeared again on the rear wall, and then the huge fire group fell across the distance between the two walls and fell. Above that wall.

Previously, because the fireball was relatively late, we didn't notice the specific problem of the fireball, so we never found the target. Now we see the fireball appearing in front of everyone, and everyone finally shows the fireball.

"It's Miss Honglian Phoenix." A Japanese player suddenly yelled.

"She actually came to the war?" Several Japanese guild presidents under the city wall looked at the Red Lotus Phoenix on the top of the city wall with a little surprise. Unlike ordinary players, the presidents of these guilds are old foxes whose interests are the first criterion. Naturally, they will not be as simple and **** as ordinary people. In their opinion, this battle is the embodiment of Masamoto's value and the foundation of Masamoto's dominance in the future. For Nobunaga's Nobunaga, this battle is the identity card of Matsumoto Masa. In such a battle, the ghost-handed Nobunaga suddenly appeared. In the eyes of ordinary players, it was for national justice, but it must be some kind of conspiracy in the eyes of these presidents, otherwise they would never appear here.

The so-called nature of Jiangshan is easy to change. How can they be the kind of people who can give up their personal interests for the sake of national justice, they would not have done so many things at first. Although the current ghost-handed Nobunaga has done something that looks great, it is definitely not because he suddenly repented.

No matter what the guilds of these big guilds think, in the eyes of ordinary players, the red lotus phoenix can appear here, which represents that the senior players of the two major camps have finally joined forces. This is for Japanese players. Just like the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party during the Anti-Japanese War, no matter what it will eventually develop, at least it now looks like an improvement.

With the bombardment of two fireballs, Xun was cleared of two open spaces on the city wall, and then behind the red lotus phoenix suddenly opened a pair of huge fiery red wings and jumped away from the city wall, fanning the pair of huge wings Fly past the last city wall ahead.

"Honglian Phoenix, do you think that Ziri can be arrogant without Ziri?" A clear voice suddenly struck the last city wall, followed by a huge black lightning bolt across the space, and the red form of the gods before was red. Lotus Phoenix went down in a hurry. The crowd only saw a flash of light, and then Red Lotus Phoenix turned over and planted the ground, leaving only a large piece of red feathers dancing in the sky.

"Hmm, have you finally appeared?" Another voice suddenly appeared on the battlefield, and everyone saw a blue light and shadow suddenly shoot from the rear wall onto the last wall and knocked out the person who had just flashed lightning.

"It's a ghost-handed Nobunaga" Japanese player familiar with the ghost-handed Nobunaga saw the blue light and shouted in excitement immediately.

A small group of Japanese who have climbed up the city wall excitedly saw that the red moon that had blasted the Red Lotus Phoenix down the city just now was blown out by the ghost hand Nobunaga, and they almost ran away in excitement Go up to cheer Nobunaga's hand. However, they also knew that it was not the time to celebrate, so they just cheered a bit and were surrounded by the members of our bank who were surrounded by the front again and had no time to speak.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga stood on the last wall of the city wall and watched the red moon that was hit and flew out by himself: "I know that Ziri has arrived and you must have arrived too. Hehe, although I am not Zilu's opponent, I deal with it You still don't have much trouble. "

"Oh? Do you really think so?" Another beautiful voice appeared beside Hongyue, and after seeing this figure, Nobunaga's hand laughed wildly.

"Hahahaha ... I didn't expect it. It seems that Frost Rose League is really anxious, even you have appeared."

The visitor is not someone else, it is our wife. The beautiful women's winter coat m is equal to the wisdom, but only Miss Rose, who is more rude. As a gold medal assistant and a senior housekeeping officer of our bank, Rose rarely appears on the battlefield. One is because she is not the main combatant, and the other is because her status really does not require a charge. However, not appearing on the battlefield does not mean that she is useless on the battlefield. In fact, the opposite is true. Rose not only has a very serious impact on the battle situation, but also has a pretty good attack ability.

"It seems that you are so happy as if you have defeated us." Rose said one-handedly pressed on the back of Hongyue, and then saw that the master's robe on Hongyue was rapidly deforming to the naked eye, the whole The robe gradually tightened and deformed, and finally turned into a set of dark red armor covering Red Moon's body. However, unlike other armored soldiers, this set of armor on Hongyue's body is closed tightly, even the face is covered by a slightly protruding parrot-like armor, and the holes required for the eyes and nose are not left on it, and The weapon she held in her hand was also strange. It was actually a giant battle wand in her left hand and a rune sword in her right hand, which looked exactly like the image of the previous mage.

Looking at the new image of Hongyue, the ghost-handed Nobunaga thought of the way that Kristina had transformed into a second-order form, but he still resisted worrying that he was pretending to be indifferent, and said, "Well, have you changed? Are you frosty? Would n’t all of the Rose League belong to toads? Are you still playing perverted? Xiaoying, you should go home and find your mother. Hahaha ... "

boom. The laughter of Nobunaga's hand stopped suddenly as if he was holding his neck, because the sudden shot by Hongyue had just shot. Just as Nobunaga's Nobel laughed there, Hongyue suddenly waved the sword in his right hand forward, and then Nobunaga's largest flashed the old one to his side. Although he has been laughing at each other before, Nobunaga's ghost hand has seen Chris Tina's transformation. To say who knows the second-order form of Chris Dina best, this person must be a ghost-handed Nobunaga, because he has personally experienced the horrifying process of power enhancement, so she knows the situation very well. Because of his understanding of the transformation into the second-order form, although the ghost-handed Nobunaga mocked and satirized Hongyue in his mouth, in fact, he had been straining his body and always alert to the sudden difficulty of the other party. The facts did prove that his preparation was right. Just now, he had been staring at Hongyue's fingers as soon as he saw that the hands of Hongyue began to clenched, he made an evasive action, but even so, he still couldn't flash off. In the eyes of outsiders, the result of Hongyue's recent blow was just a crack in the wall where the ghost-handed Nobunaga had just stood, but the ghost-handed Nobunaga knew that his arm was scratched. Not scratched by a sword, but by air waves. With the attack power that can split the city wall with one stroke, if it is directly cut to the body, Nobunaga's hand is very sure that his armor and armor will not be much stronger than tofu.

"If you have time to talk big, you might as well raise your strength first." Rose patted Hongyue's shoulder and said, "Although I am not very good at participating directly in the war, I can turn others into people. Then ... now you will Let Hongyue take a good look. Since she became the vice president of our guild, she has never had a cruel addiction. "

"Oh, rose, what are you talking about? I said the same thing as the queen." Although Red Moon said so on her mouth, the weapons on her two hands gradually melted and deformed as her words finally turned into Got two whip.

"I'm x, President Hongyue is so sturdy. Is it all whiplash?" A guild player couldn't help but tease when he saw the new weapon that Hongyue had created.

"Want to die?" Hongyue turned to stare at the other person, but unfortunately, the other side couldn't see her eyes, but the same murderous spirit made the player feel a chill from the tailbone. Spreading to the top, he couldn't help but took a nap and hid in the crowd.

Hong Yue, who had lost the target, looked at the ghost hand Nobunaga opposite and shook her arms excitedly. Two leather whips made a loud noise in the air, and the place where the whip was drawn on the ground left two focal points. Black marks. When I saw the black seal ghost hand Nobunaga, I noticed that a layer of blue electric light was flashing on Red Moon's whip, which looked abnormally scary. This thing is not an ordinary whip at all, that is exactly two wires without a protective layer.

"Do you know how I generally educate disobedient children?" Hongyue watched Guizhou Nobunaga with a whip once again, and said without waiting for the other party to answer, "I usually hit him until he obeyed . "With the last word popping out, Hongyue suddenly disappeared in place, and the whole person rushed to the vicinity of the ghost-handed Nobunaga.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga who had been staring at her with a strength of 120,000 was already flashing to the side as soon as he saw the red moon moving. He had better flash back now, but unfortunately he was behind the wall, so he could only move in parallel without wanting to be driven down. However, this movement is obviously very dangerous, because running along the city wall can not pull away at all. You must know that there are people everywhere on the wall, whether it is our guild or the Japanese, in short, the wall is almost all human except for the vacant land blown up by the Red Lotus Phoenix. It is impossible for Nobunaga to overlap with others, right? The master must have somewhere to stand.

Helpless, because of space constraints, Nobunaga's hand only ran a few steps and was forced to turn again to hope to go behind the red moon, but he just felt his ankle tightened as soon as he jumped up and followed him with a huge force. Pulled to the ground. Without waiting for him to get up on the ground, a surge of sore flew across his body with great pain, and from the flashing hands, the ghost Nobunaga knew that he was attacked by the red moon's electric shock whip, but It's useless even if you know it. The high-voltage current not only has the killing ability, but also produces a paralyzing effect. As long as the electric light on Red Moon's side is non-stop, the ghost-handed Nobunaga must continue to pump on the ground like this until he is electrocuted.

Just when the group of Japanese who had already attacked the wall thought that the ghost-handed Nobunaga was about to end this way, an electric light suddenly appeared on top of Hongyue's head and smashed down like lightning. However, just when the electric light was about to fall on Red Moon's head, a long sword suddenly appeared on the top of Red Moon. Just listening to Dang Dang, the electric light was directly ejected.

"Do you guys in Japan don't know what a gentleman is? You have to use a two-on-one formation against a lady. No wonder you can't do one of my seven or eight."

The person who had just seen the light-emitting person was taken aback, but his heart finally let go after the other person spoke, because the person who came was so much like me. If the armor is not the same, and the speaking voice is a little different, it is easy to recognize it.

"Konji Kenjiro, your skills are still so bad." Rose looked at the sudden emergence of Kojiro Ji said, "I remember my husband told you before that fancy tricks are useless, you haven't learned anything at all Lesson "

"Well, fighting is a man's business, and women shouldn't intervene." Xiaojiu Kenjiro suddenly uttered such a sentence, the roses and the players around the country were a stun.

It took a few seconds for Rose to recover from horror, and then said poorly: "It seems that you are not saved. It is shameless for a man to hit a woman. He even said such shameless words, and the man who resigned himself is It's impossible to have a day in its infancy. "

Ziyue took the sword that had previously struck thunder and pulled a sword flower, and then pointed at Koto Kojiro: "Bully my sister-in-law, you are ready to be beaten by me."

"Is it up to you?" Kenjiro Koto showed obvious disdain.

"So what?" Ziyue said, and threw the sword in her hand directly into the space of Fenglong, and then the red electric awn on her body flashed and her body suddenly began to swell and grow. In the eyes of Kojiro Kojiro's surprise, only It took a few seconds for the throne of the Seal of God to change from a beautiful woman to a fiery red dragon shining all over the body.

Looking at Ziyue who suddenly became a dragon, Kenjiro Koto had no idea what to say. However, his surprise did not last for a long time, because Ziyue, who transformed into a dragon, had already attacked first.

When Kenjiro Koizumi saw Ziyue rushing to pat him with his paw, he immediately made a strange pose. Anyone who has seen Kojiro battle knows that this is his instantaneous movement, but this time his skills are no longer useful. When Kojiro was in this pose, he suddenly hesitated, followed by him, and flew out by the giant dragon claw of Ziyue, and the whole person hit a stack of walls like a ball and flew all the way out of the city wall. .

Seeing that Kojiro was photographed flying, Ziyue didn't plan to let him go, but only ran to the wall to spread his wings and jumped out.

As soon as Ziyue left the city wall, she vacated an area of ​​the boss. Although Ziyue was not as big as lucky and plague, she became a dragon after all. small. As soon as she walked up the wall, she immediately felt a lot of space, and at this time Hongyue finally found the opportunity to abuse the ghost-handed Nobunaga. I saw her suddenly grabbing the whip and pulling back, and she was already stunned by the ghost-handed Nobunaga, who flew up from her body, and then smashed through the top of Hongyue's head. On the other side of Red Moon. However, this time is obviously not enough to satisfy Hongyue, so she began to shake the long whip left and right to hit the ghost hand Nobunaga as a meteor hammer, and occasionally she would also have the ghost hand that has more gas and less air intake. Nobunaga sighed with another whip in front of him.

Looking at the ghostless Nobunaga, who was almost human, the previous bank player could not help but said, "Sure enough, the Red Moon President is the most violent in our guild."

No matter what the ghost hand Nobunaga left, Ziyue who flew out of the city wall was chasing after Xiaojiu Kenjiro who was shot by himself, and suddenly saw a huge fire dragon below suddenly vacated and rushed towards himself. She tilted her head fiercely, twisted her wings to make a large angle turn, and flew past the fire dragon.

Ziyue, who came back in a circle, quickly saw the person who released the fire dragon below, which was exactly the Red Lotus Phoenix that had just been beaten by Hongyue. After seeing her, Ziyue did not go after Xiaojiu Kenjiro, and swooped down towards Honglian Phoenix.

Seeing the dragon in the sky rushing towards herself, Honglian Phoenix immediately gathered a huge fireball and shot out at the dragon. Because she had been under the city wall before, she did not know that the dragon was actually Ziyue changed.

Seeing another fireball fly, Ziyue did not escape this time, but just slightly bowed his head and slammed into the fireball with a hard front bone, and then hit the fireball directly with the surprised look of Red Lotus Phoenix. Its worn in the past.

In fact, dragons are basically not afraid of fire. Unless there are a few special attributes such as the Ice Dragon, most of the dragons have more or less magic resistance, and fire resistance is almost the basic ability of the dragons, and few don't have this ability. In the past, avoiding the fire dragon was actually only Ziyue's instinct reaction. It seemed as if I suddenly saw a huge impulse hammer hit your head. Most people would dodge or close their eyes in fear. This is purely instinct first. reaction. After confirming that the opponent's ability was fire, this second shot of the fireball Ziyue simply did not flash, and it was directly scattered, anyway, she was not afraid of fire anyway.

I originally thought that even if I couldn't blow down the dragon with the fireball, at least I could force the other side to turn around. Honglian Phoenix never thought that the dragon would have directly penetrated the fireball and rushed towards itself. The unprepared red lotus Phoenix I could only watch Ziyue rushing in front of her and opening a huge fire group with her mouth open.

Like fire resistance, most dragons breathe, and most of them exist in the form of dragon inflammation. Although this dragon has just been transformed by Ziyue, her ability is not to transform into a dragon, but to transform into a human figure. Strictly speaking, Ziyue is actually a dragon, her body is a dragon, and her human form is just a form of transformation. This ability is similar to the transformation of Zhuyue's Dragon clan, but it is not exactly the same, but anyway, Ziyue's dragon form is real, anyway, at least she will do the trick of Long Yan, so she directly passed through the fireball. This came to Fenglian Phoenix.

Honglian Phoenix didn't expect to encounter Long Yan suddenly, but she was a master at all. She was surprised and surprised, but the reaction was not slow. Although it was too late to dodge, she also had a pair of fiery red wings that she could use as a shield. It can be seen from the fireball that Honglian Phoenix shot before that she is obviously better at the power of fire, and the pair of wings just happens to be fireproof. Although Long Yan is more powerful than ordinary fire, it can still be a fire in the final analysis, so it is not completely impossible to stop it. Besides, it is too late for the flash of time to seal the throne of the Seal of God. Red Lotus and Phoenix can only fight one.

At the same time that Honglian Phoenix had wrapped herself up with wings, Ziyue's Dragon Yan covered the ground. Long Yan, who hit the ground, was unable to move forward and began to spread along the ground in all directions. Originally, this was nothing, anyway, Honglian Phoenix is ​​in the heart of flames. Long Yan's expansion does not affect her at all, but you must know that the current city walls are densely packed with Japanese players, and this large dragon inflammation has spread. Now, the scope is not one or two people.

Although Honglian Phoenix kept herself, she couldn't protect the people around her. The spread of Long Yan instantly turned all the people around her into black human-shaped coke, while those who were further away were instantly caught by the dragon. Yan Yan turned into a personal torch screaming and running around.

After the flames passed, Red Lotus and Phoenix opened their wings to see such a scene of **** on the earth. The surrounding ground was covered with scorched corpses and still burning flames, and farther away, the screaming fireman . She glared angrily at the purple moon just flying above her head, then suddenly put a handprint in front of her hands, and then pointed towards the sky, a reddish ray suddenly shot into the sky.

Feeling the danger behind her, Ziyue suddenly dodged away from the vital position, but the ray shot through her wings like a layer of paper. Ziyue screamed and planted from the sky, but the dragon family The huge and sturdy body did not suffer much damage. Instead, the Japanese players below were hit and killed a lot.

Immediately after falling to the ground, Ziyue jumped up from the ground, shaking her painful wings, and suddenly felt a sting in her tail. After returning to her head in anger, she happened to see a Japanese player chopping her tail with a Toyo knife there. Seeing only one stupid, Ziyue was too lazy to even attack with his claws, slamming him into a meatloaf with his tail slamming against the guy's head.

"Huh, don't bully ordinary players if you have the ability." Zi Yue just swatted the nasty fly and heard the angry voice of Red Lotus Phoenix appear behind her.

A fierce turn around, the huge tail flew out with the power of rotation to instantly kill a large group of Japanese players, and then Ziyue provocatively said to Honglian Phoenix: "I'll fight, what can you do to me?"

"Okay, I'll let you know how powerful I am." Honglian Phoenix didn't act after speaking, but suddenly shouted at Ziyue's back: "It's now."

When she heard the yelling, Ziyue was startled. She instinctively thought that someone was behind her, but she turned her head in haste and saw nothing. At this moment, she immediately thought that this was the Red Lotus Phoenix cheating, but when she tried again After turning his head back, he felt two killings at the same time in front and behind. Until this time, Ziyue didn't really react. Honglian Phoenix was indeed cheating, but it was not a simple scam, but a series of deceptions. However, at this time, it was too late, and the attacks before and after had moved. Block one side. There is no time for the Seal of the Seal of God to hesitate. Ziyue can only choose to intercept the attack in front of her in accordance with her own posture, because turning again is the same as blocking only one side. It is better to block the insurance from the front. Indian throne.

However, when Ziyue worked hard to support a magic shield in front of her to block the red rays of Honglian Phoenix, the attack behind her did not hit her back as expected, but only a gust of wind blew. In the past, a bang followed by a ping. When Ziyue reacted, he saw the half-dead Kyujirou lying softly lying on the ground on his side. His eyes, ears, nose and nose were bleeding all the way out, and it seemed that he was not far from death.

"Dare to touch my sister, have you asked me?"

The sudden sound made Ziyue turn her head in excitement, and as she expected, I was floating in the midair behind her with flashes of light.


"Focus on the one in front of you." I directly reminded Ziyue that I didn't give her a chance to be coquettish, not because she didn't like her, but mainly because she was not available now. Just after I said that, a white light suddenly chased me and shot on the land between the two city walls, and then I rushed forward and mashed up with that white light.

No need to guess, it must be Masamoto Matsumoto. The only person in Japan who can fight with me is only Matsumoto Masa and the three angels. Other Japanese players basically have to face each other.

Originally, Matsumoto and I were fighting outside the city. The reason why they rushed to this side was mainly because of Nobunaga.

Let the Japanese occupy the fulcrum city and expel the country. This is our plan, but the appearance of the three of Nobunaga and Honglian Phoenix is ​​definitely an unplanned situation.

Because of human inferiority, or human weakness, things that are too easy to get are often not cherished by people. To put it simply, it is best to get what is obtained at a painful price, so that people can value and cherish it. This time, although we plan to use Matsumoto Masa to indirectly control Japan and return Japan to the hands of Japanese players, but if it is too easy to recapture, then Japanese players will surely have some distorted thoughts, which is not good for Matsumoto Masa's rule in Japan in the future That is not good for our indirect manipulation of Japan. Therefore, we must let the Japanese fight this bitterly, so that they will cherish the land that has not been easily restored, and will sincerely accept the leadership of Matsumoto Masaru.

However, none of our plans existed. We didn't expect that the ghost-handed Nobunaga would appear, after all, these guys would not fight for national justice.

In our plan, the first few walls allowed Japanese players to easily break through. This is to show that Matsumoto's efforts have played a role in making Japanese players understand how great the benefits of Matsumoto's plan have been for them. And now the last tenacious resistance on the wall is also to show the role of Matsumoto Masa. Because the more serious the casualties of Japanese players here, the more they will feel the wiseness of Matsumoto Masa, because if it was not for the time that Masamoto Matsumoto fought for them, the throne of seals, not only this wall, each of the walls in front would be so difficult to break through And even more difficult. At the same time, this last tenacious battle on the wall also serves the purpose of planning to consume the strength of Japanese players and make them think that the fruits of victory are hard-won. In the end, this strong last line of defense blocked the mouths of those who might suspect us of conspiring with Matsumoto. Because the previous defense breakthrough was too easy, it inevitably makes people feel that we and Matsumoto Masako seem to cooperate well. However, the fierce battle on this wall can shut up people with that kind of thought collectively, because the defense of this last wall should not be so determined if they are judged.

Such a plan of killing three birds with one stone can be said to be perfect. But now they are here, and the plan is messed up.

In the end, the stubborn resistance of this line of defense was designed according to the strength of Japanese players. In order to find the reason why Chris and I were not involved, we even thought of using Matsumoto Masa and August to smoke them to hold us back. But now they appear. Although the ghost-handed Nobunaga are not their opponents to me and Chris Dina, they are still first-class masters. With their presence, our original defense line will become abnormally chaotic and will not cause enough casualties.

In the end, the reason why this line of defense is three birds with one stone is that it can consume a lot of the living power of Japanese players and make them pay a painful price. As a result, the cost of the ghost ’s hands has changed from painful to negligible. The three vultures also turned into an arrow without a vulture.

How can we watch such an important project as it is destroyed by the ghost-handed Nobunaga? Therefore, in response to the sudden appearance of Nobunaga's Nobunaga and I, Matsumoto and I were also "accidentally" hitting them from outside the city.

Although we and Matsumoto are fighting, they are unable to help our guild players, but we are all known as masters. The attack of masters will inevitably be more powerful, right? With such a powerful attack skill, is it normal to accidentally hurt a few people? So is n’t it surprising that if we accidentally hurt Nobunaga's hand?

The reason why accidental injury is called accidental injury is that it is unintentional. Since it is unintentional, there is no regularity, so ... we can use the specific side of accidental injury to control the battlefield to develop in the direction we want. If you think Japanese players are attacking too hard, then let Matsumoto Masaru "miss" and then let me "injure" a large number of Japanese players to balance their offensive. If you feel that the Chinese player ’s defense is too much, let me “fail” and let Matsumoto “injure” the Japanese player to help the Japanese player. As long as we have such "precise" "mistakes" on the battlefield, it is actually very easy to control the battlefield form. As for the ghost-handed Nobunaga's unplanned products, of course, they must be "injured" as soon as possible.

Because of this "misinjury" plan, we and Matsumoto were congratulating them all the way from outside the city to the city ~ ~ As for the miserable experience of Kotoro Koto, that is certainly our first case of "misinjury" Alas.

"Little Hato-kun" Honglian Phoenix rushed to the side of Koto-jiro nervously to help him, but did not expect that a shout of Matsumoto Masawa suddenly sounded above his head.

"Flick off"

Suddenly hearing the sound of Masamoto Matsumoto made Honglian Phoenix very puzzled. When she looked up, she saw that Matsumoto Masa was kicked and kicked out by me, and the whole person banged into the front wall. , And I took advantage of this gap to throw a red-red swordman in the direction of her.

"Spread it to me." Just as Honglian Phoenix looked desperately at the Jianmang to split himself, Blazing Dragon Ji suddenly flashed from the side, and a sword was chopped on the Jianmang. After hearing only one sharp whistle, the Jian Mang was split in half, and the divided Jian Mang flew out to the two sides.

"Ah," Honglian Phoenix, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, had not recovered from her own salvation, but Xiaojiu Kenjiro, who was not far away, was actually out of place. Although the Jian Mang that had just been split by the Blazing Dragon Ji did not hurt Honglian Phoenix, the Jian Mang that was divided into two sections killed the unlucky young Doku Kenjiro. After seeing this result, Honglian Phoenix didn't know what to say, she was trying to save her. She didn't want to know who to go with.

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