Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 13: Really hung up?

Volume 19 Chapter 13 is really dead?

"Well ... actually missed." Seeing Fei She Jian Mang was blocked by Blazing Dragon Ji, I snorted intentionally.

"Haha, isn't it the best in the world?" Blazing Dragon Ji laughed arrogantly.

I twitched slightly at the corner of my mouth, then turned around and glanced towards the magic sound teachers in the city wall. After confirming that the other person's gaze was on me, I slammed at them. "Qun Rui."

"Yes." Qun Ruixun responded to my call.

After Qun Rui answered, I turned my eyes to Blazing Dragon Ji, and then slowly said, "It's time to dance faster. It's time to dance."

"Oh? Do you like duo dance too?" Blazing Dragon Ji seemed to be licking his lips with interest, and the enchanting look was like the following male Japanese player who was only ready to eat humans and swallowed drooling collectively .

"Dual dance? I'm an expert. You can't keep up with the rhythm." I said that I suddenly waved eternity to the side, and a red lightning flashed out instantly. Matsumoto Masako, who had just climbed out of the city wall, again. Boomed into the city wall, followed me and dived down like lightning.

After seeing me move, Blazing Dragon Ji immediately moved. Red Lotus Phoenix only saw two silhouettes crashing together like lightning, followed by a series of dense metal impact sounds. It also flashes endlessly like a firecracker's electric light flame. Even if we can't see our action light and see how dense the flash is, we can guess how fast our degree is.

"Purple's enemy is me." Matsumoto Masahiro, who climbed out of the city wall again, waved his hand with a light sword, followed the whole person and slammed into the battle group entangled with me and the Blazing Dragon Ji. It turned into a three-player melee. The surrounding players only saw three figures ramming together, but the specific action was unclear. The only thing I could know was that the three men were fighting fiercely, but whoever took advantage of them lost. They were completely confused because all three were moving too fast.

The battle group was fighting well, and suddenly I heard an "ah" exclamation, followed by everyone and saw the fiery dragon Ji flying backwards from the battle group and smashing on the ground. It stopped more than ten meters away, and immediately after the blazing dragon Ji was blown away, the battle group in the sky was completely separated after a loud noise. Matsumoto and I glared at each other, covering the base of the thigh and the face. At each other.

Matsumoto carefully released his hand carefully and looked at the wound angrily and said angrily, "Purple ..."

"Huh." I'm the first to say this before Matsumoto is here. "You're embarrassed to say it. Don't you yell at people, don't slap people, or beat your face? Have you ever slapped people on the battlefield?" what?"

Wow, the Japanese players below all slapped me when I was slapped by Masamoto Matsumoto. Of course they are not angry, but excited. It can be said that the minds of my players in Japan definitely belong to that kind of big villain, and Matsumoto Masako can slap me in the face of the Japanese.

When someone heard our conversation, they immediately rejoiced and said, "Haha, it's no wonder that Ziri covers her face as soon as she separates. It took a long time for Matsumoto to give a fan."

The other person laughed after hearing what he said, but soon asked strangely, "Strange, what is Matsumoto holding up there?"

"Yeah, wouldn't it ..."

The following players are guessing, and I heard Matsumoto shouting at me above and cursing: "I ’m slap in your face, you are not despicable. You are the president of a frosty rose league, the world ’s most powerful player. Cut off the roots of other people, do you want to kill me? "

"Well, I'm sorry you are kind to you. If it weren't for your flash, I would have cut you into a Beijing roast duck and sliced ​​it."

"Want to cut me? You dream it." Matsumoto Masako threw the hand light magic sword suddenly to the side, but then he suddenly darted at me.

I patronized here to see where he threw the sword, but he did not expect that he actually rushed towards me. When I saw that Matsumoto was close to me, it was unambiguous that I threw Eternally at will, followed by the double blade claws, and the person had already flung forward.

The following Japanese players were still wondering why we both threw out the main weapon, but they soon found the problem. The weapons that were thrown out by us did not fall off the ground after flying out like ordinary weapons, but flew up in the air, and then each deformed.

The blade in front of Matsumoto Masaru's Mitsui sword suddenly retracted into the hilt, followed by the hilt to spread out like a folding fan to the sides and finally formed a circle. After the completion of the circle, the blade of the light sword suddenly lit up again, but at this time the blade was not a circle but a circle. With that suddenly lit blade, the entire light magic sword revolved high like a flying saucer and rushed towards me in a circle.

However, at the same time that the light sword was transformed, eternity suddenly changed into two, two, and four into a twelve double-headed flying swords, and then these flying swords also spun and hit the light sword. .

The twelve-handed eternal sword wheel in the sky collided with the bright sword wheel of light like a small sun, and then there was a dense metal crash, followed by the separation of the two weapons, and then each took a large After the circle, they collided again.

The following Japanese players watched our weapons clamoring in the sky, and couldn't help arguing: "Fuck, the master is a cow. You can even fight with your own weapons. Our weapons can be thrown out except to be able to Flying knife makes it estimated that it can only be garbage. "

"Go, what weapon are you holding? What kind of weapon are they? You need to be able to get a growth artifact to ensure that you can play flying swords in the same way as they do. Now you don't have to dream to climb your wall. People are dying, it's our turn. "

We, the masters in the sky, can't deal with you. Ordinary players on the ground and they are trying to attack or defend for their goals. The battle on both sides does not look very optimistic. The Japanese have suffered a lot of casualties, but they have been advancing steadily. Not many people have died in the country. Unfortunately, the transport capacity of the transnational transport line is limited. Obviously, such a large number of casualties have already passed the transmission line. Can be back and forth. Now almost the entire line of defense can hardly be seen in this entire section of the city wall. There are Japanese people running on the corpses and Chinese people working hard to stabilize the front.

"Let me lie down." A Japanese player waved a giant mace and smashed the shoulder of a national player and flew it out, followed by him as a god, because he suddenly found himself in front of him. People. After staying for a second, the man suddenly responded and laughed wildly: "Haha, we broke through, the Chinese people's defense line was penetrated by us."

Before that, Japanese players kept rushing forward without paying attention to where they hit. The sudden blank space in front of them immediately made these people realize that they had hit the inside of the city wall. As long as they jumped from the edge of the city wall, they were inside the city of Fulcrum. The excited player howled and stepped on the edge of the inner city wall to jump down, but unfortunately before the others jumped up, he was fanned back by a sudden wind.

"Roar." A dragon with red light shining all over it suddenly landed on the edge of the city wall as if it appeared suddenly, and the huge wind pressure generated during the landing actually forced many Japanese to fly.

"God, what kind of monster is that?" A Japanese player saw the red dragon shining all over his body and even started talking. It's not how much they are afraid of the dragon, but the guy in front of him is a little bit imaginative. As the most hated by Japanese players, my monster pet dragon is naturally a kind of creature that Japanese players know very well. Generally, a dragon with a length of 100 meters, such as lucky or plague, is already a large type of dragon family, but compared with the guy in front of him, it is nothing at all. The dragon's body is at least 300 meters in length, and he stands behind the city wall, but his front paws can easily step on the top of the city wall, and the huge head is almost as big as the city gate tower, let alone attack Now, as long as he breathes out, he can't stand on the top of the city wall.

Although Hong Yan doesn't go out much, it doesn't mean that no one in Japan knows him. As the bank's special guard in Isinger, Hong Yan's identity has been thoroughly studied by Japanese players. There were not many people who knew Hong Yan at the scene, but there were definitely many. The shouts of other players surprised those who knew and immediately explained to the others: "This is one of the god-like guardians of Hongyan, the Frost Rose Alliance. It is said that it is a ghost dragon transformed by an epic dragon. The combat effectiveness is not clear. , But certainly not low. "

"Fuck, so many perverts in Frost Rose League?"

"You ask me, who do I ask? No, he's going to spit fire, quickly flash"

Shouting in horror from those who know Hongyan Hongyan ’s huge head suddenly suddenly backed up and desperately started to inhale, and then, as those Japanese players judge, he suddenly moved his head forward after being full of air. As he stretched his mouth open, a horrible dragon flame swept across all the people on the wall with a deafening whistling sound like the tail flames emitted by the space shuttle. However, although Hong Yan used a range attack, it was only the Japanese who were unlucky, because the section of the wall supported by Hong Yan was actually completely occupied by the Japanese. Our personnel are not on the wall at all now, even if Some are also corpses, so even if they were sprayed, they were just cremated in advance.

After a large section of the city wall was emptied in an instant, Hong Yan stepped over the city wall in one step, followed by another step outside the city wall. In terms of his body, crossing the wall was almost the same as over a chest wall.

The red inflammation that turned over the city wall completely ignored the frightened farts and the players below, and he directly sighted the location of the red lotus phoenix where Zhangkou opened a spray of dragon inflammation.

Seeing Hongyan and Longyan, the players standing next to Honglian Phoenix ran away in horror, and some people complained, "Don't you say that the dragon can't be attached to Longyan? What is his grandmother's situation? what?"

Ignoring the complaints of Japanese players, Hongyan Longyan pumped towards the crowd like a whip composed of flames. Anyone who was swept away instantly turned into a pile of black pellets and fell to the ground. The main target of the Red Lotus Phoenix was to pinpoint almost two sprints, jump up, then open its wings and fly directly into the sky. but……

But she was unlucky. The red lotus and phoenix that just flew up suddenly felt a huge wind pressure coming from behind. Even before turning back, she felt that she was caught by something, and the whole person following her seemed to be hit by a truck. Directly taken away from the original direction and hit the ground. With the sound of a bang, she was pressed into the ground by the thing that hit her, and the stunned red lotus phoenix who had been hit at this time just now according to her actually turned into a dragon form. Purple Moon.

Now Honglian Phoenix's eyes finally reached the focal length, Ziyue grinned directly at her, and then bit her mouth sharply. Red Lotus Phoenix only felt a large mouth full of sharp teeth biting at herself, and the next second she returned to the system login interface. She smiled bitterly and gave up her plan to log in again. The situation just now could not be seen by ordinary people, but she could see it clearly. The reason why Hong Yan appeared was not because our defense was tight, it was all about her. However, although Honglian Phoenix guessed the cause of Hongyan's appearance, she still couldn't think of why we should target her so actively. It seems that she is now only a more capable role of the Japanese army. It is not necessary to be so **** her. of.

Honglian Phoenix who couldn't understand the cause and effect could only helplessly close her eyes and quit the system, but at this time the battlefield was completely out of order. After the red lotus phoenix was * dropped, the ghost-handed Nobunaga could not persist for a long time, and the red moon strengthened by the rose did not let the ghost-handed Noble grow any moves from the beginning to the end, everyone saw that she was holding the ghost-handed Nobunaga When the punching bag hit, in the end the dead ghost Nobunaga couldn't touch her.

After solving the three troubles, the rest is to get the war process back on the right track. The Japanese side because of Hongyan's participation in the battle finally added some of the casualties. After the entire land between the last two walls was piled up with a corpse for nearly one meter, we followed the instructions to hide the ghost dragon in Japanese players. The members suddenly rushed out and shouted, "Isn't it just a dragon? No matter how big it is? Everyone takes out the spirit of the ant and the elephant, even if the cricket should knock it down, otherwise we all have to die here. Don't Let the comrades who died before die in vain. "

After shouting the slogan, the members of the ghost dragon club took the lead and rushed to Hongyan, and then, under their encouragement, the Japanese players completely crawled towards Hongyan layer by layer like ants attacking large insects regardless of their injuries. Although Hongyan's defense is amazing and its combat power is horrible, such an attack at no cost is indeed scary enough.

"Hmm ..." After the chaos sword had only one-tenth of the health value left, Hong Yan suddenly gave out a loud dragon yin, and at the same time, the whole body of the Japanese player hanging on the dense layer of red light flashed all over. Shocked, and then flew open and fled to the city's teleportation array before the Japanese player climbed up again.

"Haha, we drove him away and we won." With the shout of the Japanese player who responded first, the remaining Japanese players screamed in excitement. As one of them, Hong Yan can't be resurrected, so he can't really die on the battlefield, he must retreat after his current health value enters the alert value. Although Japanese players know that it is impossible to kill Hongyan with their strength, it is already a great success to be able to evacuate the opponent.

After seeing Hong Yan's withdrawal, Masamoto Matsumoto, who was fighting with me, whispered to me by using the opportunity of our two tops to fight together, "Is the Japanese player's casualty ratio almost the same? I'm afraid I will succeed here. Tired? "

I nodded my head in a faint manner, and then struck his stomach with a strong kick. Matsumoto raised his legs to cover my feet. The two backed away from each other. At the same time, I also said to him using the crystal communicator: "It's almost , Execute the third phase plan. "

"Understood." After the communicator whispered, Matsumoto Masa suddenly yelled at me: "Purple go to death." With the shout, Matsumoto Masa suddenly reached out and caught a sudden radio shot from a distance. The returning light sword, then lifted the sword above me and chopped down. With his hacking, his light sword continued to grow, and finally turned into a light sword with a diameter of several meters and a tens of meters of light sword hitting the top of my head.

"What the **** is you desperately trying to do?" Looking at the lightsaber, I immediately beckoned. The twelve eternal sword wheels shot into my hand instantly and converged into one, and followed me to slam the eternal sword across I reached the top of my head, and at that moment the sword of light hit me on the eternity above my head. With the sound of a crash, I fell to the ground like a shell.

On the ground, Chrystina is facing the Sakura Yujin, and seeing that the Sakura Yujin is gathering the powerful spells, Kris Dina directly holds the wand in both hands and shoots a shot with a colorful one. The tail light rotates with a special light bullet that rushes towards the cherry rain god.

Seeing that the light bullet was so much faster than her magic preparation, the Sakura Yujin immediately nervously wanted to give up the spell and prepare to dodge ~ ~ but just before she came and responded, I suddenly Falling from the sky, the result was that the magic of Kristina was banged directly on my back, blasting me towards the cherry rain god. Originally thinking that her skills were too late, the Sakura Yujin just saw that I helped her block the light bullet, so she immediately gave up her plan to finish the preparation and finished the spell. Just as I was about to hit the Sakura Rain Godwife, she suddenly pointed her staff at me. An electric snake with shining white light hit my body instantly, and then a flash of lightning thundered me again. Blasted back to Christina.

Photographed by Masamoto Matsumoto from the sky and accidentally injured by Kristina, finally I was attacked by a big move of Sakura Yumi, and even if I was the first in the world, I couldn't stand it. As soon as the person landed next to Kristina, I supported the desire to get up, but just as soon as I spit out blood, I spit again and fell to the ground again.

When Kristina saw me falling down, she immediately wanted to come and help me. Who knew that the Sakura Yu Hina immediately kept up and blocked her back, while Matsumoto Masahiro came down from the sky with a magnificent light and passed me through the sword. Crucified to the ground.

Looking at this amazing scene, the Japanese players who were siege all stopped for a moment. Although there was a coincident oolong situation in the previous battle, I was put down by Matsumoto Masa anyway. All Japanese players stunned for a few seconds before they suddenly boiled and generally yelled, "Zi Ri is dead haha, Matsumoto-kun killed Shiri."

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