Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 45: Find the target

Chapter 19 Chapter 45

I took the fruit that had been trampled and looked at it suspiciously, and then said, "What's so suspicious? Isn't it just a fruit that has been trampled?"

Thort took the fruit from my hand and asked, "Do you know the name and special characteristics of this thing?"

I shook my head and said, "There are so many plant fruits in Zero. How can I remember them? Is this something special?"

"It's not special elsewhere, I don't know, but it's really special here." Sauter said, "This fruit is called fragrant fruit, which is a fruit of a plant called perfume tree, because the fruit itself It has no taste at all, so it is named fragrant. "

"What's the use of this thing?"

"For players and most creatures, the only effect of this kind of fragrant fruit is to eat it as food, but although it can supplement the hunger value, this kind of thing is completely tasteless, so unless you do n’t choose it, most people will not Those who eat this kind of fruit. In fact, the perfume tree itself is actually relatively rare, so this kind of fruit is generally difficult to see. "

Suddenly I realized something when Sutter said that. "Wait, does the perfume tree that you say smell like?"

Suo nodded, and then said, "Sure enough, it's President Ziri, so it's here soon. There is no perfume tree nearby, and the fruit appears here to indicate that something must have brought it here. But, in the jungle Most of the creatures have no interest in this kind of fruit, so, ... "

"This thing was dropped by a player?" I finally understood what Soth said was the doubt. This kind of ordinary people have no interest, and even if Warcraft is too lazy to touch something that can appear far away from its origin, then the only possibility is that someone picked this thing and fell here halfway. But here comes the problem. The presence of players in the national barrier is already very strange, this person actually somehow picked this kind of fruit that no one needs. What is he going to do? Although this fruit is edible, Sotte just said it. This stuff is tasteless. Unless it ’s really hungry, most people wo n’t try to eat it. So, what is the purpose of the player passing by here?

As I was about to make Bai Lang follow the trail of the person who left this fruit based on the smell, Sutter suddenly said, "In fact, no creature here is not interested in this fruit. As far as I know, this area should be There is a creature that likes this fruit. No, it shouldn't be said to like it, it should be said to be needed. "

"Is there something I like to eat this stuff? What kind of creature? If it is really the fruit brought by that creature, does it mean that it is not a player?"

Sauter said: "The problem is here. There is only one creature nearby who likes to eat fragrant fruit, but the demand is not great, and this creature has no habit of hoarding. They are used to going when they want to eat. Eat some at the location of the perfume tree in memory, and never take away the fragrant fruit. If it's that kind of creature, don't say you lost one, even if it was someone else's, they passed by here. I will definitely eat this fruit. "

"Then it must be a person." I said, calling Bailang over, and then handed the fruit to his nose and said, "Smell, can you track the smell of the person who carried this thing?" "

Bai Lang came over and took a few hard nose blows, then sucked **** the ground, and suddenly straightened up and said, "I smell the fragrance."


Sott immediately said: "Perhaps the perfume tree."

Bai Lang shook his head, then grinned at the corner of his mouth, 1ù gave a rather scary smile and said, "It's a woman's fragrance."

"Can you track it?"

Bai Lang nodded: "Although the taste is already very weak, it should still catch up."

"Then follow up and see."

Anyway, I came here to find clues. Since the existing players appear here, it is likely that they are Russians, and since they will be active in this dangerous area, they must be planning a bad idea. After all, the other side of the national barrier is the place where the Russian soldiers showed me the elite gathering of Russians. They rushed to the dangerous national barrier area with such great fanfare that they could not come for collective tourism?

With Bailang's nose, as long as the other party does not enter the water, the smell of the time God's Throne a little longer will also smell. At first, the lighter part of the smell sometimes required Bailang to check back and forth several times to find the right direction. But after a while, the taste suddenly started to thicken. Bailang didn't even need to find the taste on the ground. Just go forward. Rush, we can only rush to keep up to keep up.

"Wait a minute." We were chasing well, and Adu suddenly shouted.

"What's the matter?" Both Bai Lang and I, who ran ahead, made a sudden brake, then looked back at A Duo, waiting for her explanation.

For a moment, A Duo sighed because he was running too fast, he couldn't answer me at all, so Sott quickly rushed to explain, "Can't chase like this anymore"


"Front ... front is the death zone"

"Death zone?" I don't have any knowledge of this terrain in my memory, so I can only ask Sauter, who calls them a guide.

Sutter probably also knew that I could n’t understand, and explained directly: "Death Zone is the saying between our guides, which refers to all places where death and darkness are relatively heavy. Entering such places, unless it is a dark profession, otherwise Other people will slowly lose blood, and their recovery ability will stop. There is also a place where it is relatively easy for undead creatures. Now this death zone is just in the national barrier area, so it will definitely not be an ordinary undead, so ... ... "

I did n’t wait for Sauter to say so, I interrupted him directly: "So we can let go of our hands and feet now." I said directly with a ring finger to release the night shadow and the steel claws, and then did not wait for Sauter and When Aduo reacted, the steel claws directly rolled the two of them onto his back with the tentacles on his back, followed by me and climbed up to the back of Yeying to direct Yeying and Steel Claw to follow Bailang. Previously, Bailang had not run all the way up due to our degree limit, and it started to smell light, so I couldn't track it too fast. But now that we have a mount, the smell in front is also much stronger, and the degree of Bailang was raised immediately.

Seeing me not only rushing them but also rushing forward together, Aduo shouted desperately, "President Ziri, we really can't run anymore, there may be very high-level undead creatures in front."

"It's because this is the area where the undead gathers that we can safely run boldly."


"Because I'm here." Ling's figure suddenly appeared in front of me and sat on the back of Yeying said.

"Are you ...?" Sutter stumbled for a moment, then suddenly remembered. "You are the Ling. The most powerful of President Ziri's pets?"

"Who told you I'm the most powerful one?" Ling asked funnyly.

A Duo said: "Every time I watch a lot of magic pets in the video, you are directing, so ..."

"Is the commander better than the soldiers? I am only in charge of the command, and I am not the first in terms of combat effectiveness. If the master ’s magic pet calculates the overall combat effectiveness, it should be the strongest guy," said Ling. It's actually a baby, and his sweet space is already an independent world. This ability to create the world and make rules is far beyond our ability to fight and kill. Of course, confronting the baby may not have done my other magic pets. The strongest is comprehensive strength, not pure. Combat effectiveness.

Sott suddenly responded: "Wait a minute. Even if Miss Ling is here, we can't run around in such a dangerous place? If this happens ..."

It must be the first time that this guy Sutter knew he had the talent of a crow's mouth, because when an undead suddenly jumped out in front of us, his expression was obviously more surprised than us.

"Soul Eater ..." saw the undead creature that suddenly flashed out from behind a black giant tree, and Sutter started to tremble even in a terrifying voice.

Soul Eater is an advanced advanced body in the ghost branch of the Undead. Its attack method has been changed from semi-physical and semi-magic attacks to full-spirit attacks, and this guy has a very abnormal ability, that is, it can Drain the soul of an enemy or companion every few minutes to heal yourself. If it is not injured, this ability to draw will increase its attack power quickly. Of course, it doesn't matter if it **** a companion. The most annoying thing is that it can **** even those who are fighting with it, and when it absorbs the soul to supplement itself, it can also cause the opponent to have negative effects such as dizziness and decreased agility. A standard self-improving skill that is practical on the battlefield.

In fact, if it can just absorb the soul's self-recovery, it's not much. The real feature of the soul eater is that these guys live in groups. You rarely see a single soul eater swim around dang, but as long as there is one, there must be a group nearby.

Sure enough, after the first Soul Eater appeared, a dozen of Soul Eaters suddenly appeared behind the trees and blocked the road in front of us.

With the experience of being a guide, Thort and Ador knew that they would enter the undead creature gathering area after seeing the nearby trees turning from green to black. However, although they knew that they would encounter high-level undead, there were so many souleaters at one time. But still half scared to death. However, just when both of them were sweating down suddenly, something happened to startle their jaws.

The group of Soul Eaters suspended in the air like a weightless hydrogen balloon suddenly landed on the ground collectively after they appeared, and then bent their energetic right hand in front of ng and bent over to stroke us at the same time. ng ceremony.

"Dear Lord Lord, you don't seem to belong to this area. May I ask what's happening here suddenly?"

The words of the Soul Eater made Thort and Ardor nearly fall off the back of the steel claws. When did the soul eater start to become so polite?

Ling nodded slightly to those soul-eaters in return, and then said high above him, "We just came here to investigate some things. Have you seen anyone pass by here recently?"

One of the soul-eaters took a deeper step forward, and then respectfully replied, "Sorry, you are the only group of people we have met in recent months, but our scope of activity is limited to this. An area may be seen by other companions, but if you need to inquire, please contact our master. "

Ling waved directly: "Guide."

"Wait a moment, please." The Soul Eater turned suddenly and motioned, and the other Soul Eater immediately floated over and surrounded us. Thort and Ador thought that they were going to attack us and were frightened, but I didn't mean to appease them at all. They directly retracted the steel claws and night shadows, and finally put away the darts and white waves that explored the road.

With only a few of us remaining, the volume is much smaller. The group of soul-eaters surrounded us hand in hand, and then they saw a sudden screaming sound at the same time, and a diffuse purple appeared at our feet. The magic array of black mist. With the flash of magic light flashing, we appeared in a dark cave next second.

Although this cave is dark, it is not completely dark, because there are still many blue ghost fires burning around, so it is barely bright. Thort and Ardor probably projected with the soul for the first time, and thought we were teleported into the cave. In fact, it is only our soul that is coming over, and our bodies have not left the place.

"I didn't expect to meet the regional master ~ ~ It's a great honor to meet you." A husky voice appeared deep in the cave, and we just watched that voice as we passed by. Seeing a skeleton burning purple sè hellfire walking down the throne of a pile of skeletons.

There is no polite expression for the flattery of the skull, because she is absolutely unnecessary to be polite. "I didn't expect the Lord of Soul Eaters to be a Skeleton Lord. Are you small here?"

The skeleton came to us and said, "Return to the Lord, I am not the Lord of the Soul Eaters. The original Soul Eater was just killed recently. I was the deputy commander here, so I was It took over after the defeat. "

"You said the master was killed?" I asked first before Ling asked: "When? Who did it?"

Although I ’m not a dark god, the body I belong to is the undead affinity group, and Ling is right next to me, so the skeleton lord answered directly without thinking: "Just three days ago, it was a group from the north Adventurer did it. "

When I heard the words of the adventurer, Ling and I immediately looked at each other. The so-called adventurer is the meaning of the player, so we are looking for the right target.

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