Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 93: 3 Archmage

Volume Nineteen Chapter Three Three Divisions

Anyway, this guy is an outsider, and even if what he said makes sense, I ca n’t believe what he said just by listening to his unilateral speech, so after listening to this guy ’s introduction, I took He went to construct the biological opening center together. Jia Ha's body has been moved here since we were last seen.

"The output here is too high. Reduce the power a little. In this case, you have to twist the general bearing a few times. There is also the transmission group. What are you doing? The output power of others is high, and you will not change it a little Always? "

"But the type B general contract price is too high. If it is a mass production machine, we may not be able to bear this cost!"

"It is the guild management's job to bear it. We are the research department. Our only goal is to design the strongest constructing creature. If we can't afford it, it will be a mismanagement of the guild.

As soon as I entered the laboratory, I heard a quarrel, and Jia Ha's voice was obviously the loudest. "I said Jia Ha, although I said that you can not limit your research funding, but you have to be considerate of us, right? We can't make too much exaggeration!"

Hearing my voice, Jia Ha immediately turned around. After seeing me coming in with a puppet, he didn't pick up my words immediately, but focused on the puppet in my hand. "What is this? Why does it look so familiar? But it doesn't seem to be the model I made after I came here?"

"Don't you remember me, old friend?" Hearing Jia Ha's words, the guy I mentioned also spoke.

"It's you!" Jia Ha's voice was obviously several times louder. The entire laboratory of Zhen was shaking, and many researchers covered their ears.

Looking at the trembling researchers around, I pointed to the following: "Isn't it convenient here? Let's talk about it below?"

Jia Ha also probably felt that this was not the place to talk, so her huge body immediately moved up and headed for the special elevator. Originally, Jiaha's body has become a large instrument similar to a giant computer. However, for the convenience of experiments after our guild, he designed a thing like a tank chassis for himself, which can make his large The head turns on this thing and can move on it. Of course, as a research madman, he did not forget to install sixteen robotic arms for himself, which makes it easier for him to start some more important experiments.

After Jiaha stepped on the special elevator, the elevator automatically started to descend, and soon we reached the underground Jiaha special workshop. This is not the main laboratory. It is mainly used to verify some theories and other things for Jia Ha, so the equipment is not too much, and no one comes except him, and it can also be used as a guest room.

After I was carried into this room, the puppet was rude. I grabbed a metal ingot next to it and merged it into my own body. Then I changed into two tutu, so I do n’t need to carry it Ran.

I didn't care about his change, anyway, even if this guy wants to do something bad, I can stop him. Besides, seeing the meaning of Jia Ha, they should be very familiar, so this guy's previous words are likely to be true.

After we all entered the room, Jia Ha first said to me, "Where did you find this guy?"

"A little surprise." I simply took the present puppet thing, and then asked directly: "Listen to this guy, neither you nor him is really Jia Ha, but just a copy of Jia Ha himself. Product? "

After a little silence, Jia Ha suddenly said, "Yes, neither he nor me is the real Jia Ha."

Suddenly hearing this answer made me and the puppet stunned. I thought Jia Ha would deny what I said, but I didn't expect him to admit it. Originally, according to my thought, if that demon was telling the truth, then this Jiaha should think that he is really Jiaha, and thus deny my words. However, if this puppet is telling lies, then this Jiaha is really Jiaha, then he will still deny me. In other words, no matter what the puppet said is true or false, Jia Ha would certainly not admit it. What surprised me, though, was that he admitted it. He actually said that he was not really Jia Ha.

At the same time I was surprised, the puppet called out in surprise. "What did you say? I heard you right? Didn't you always say that you were really good, but you almost destroyed me because of this? Why did you admit it suddenly?"

Jia Ha paused for a while before responding slowly to the words of the puppet. "In the beginning, I really thought I was Jia Ha. After all, my memory told me that. However, because of your firm denial, I also had a bit of doubt about myself. Later, after the two of us separated, I I used the puppets around me to help me build a secret experimental base. Although the equipment there is not as good as here, after all, after so many years of the Seal of the Throne, I still came up with some research results. The most important of these One thing is-my soul is now a personal soul. "

The so-called artificial soul is an artificial soul, such as the body of a mobile angel is an artificial soul. Of course, in response to the existence of artificial souls, the natural souls naturally formed in natural organisms. Generally speaking, the artificial soul is very close to the natural soul. This will become more difficult to distinguish after the intelligence of the artificial soul is improved. The soul used by Jiaha is originally used to assist the experiment, even the artificial is very flexible. He has the creativity that is difficult to reproduce, which makes his soul more difficult to identify. However, although it was difficult to identify, Jia Ha eventually proved that his soul was a personal soul. However, in Jia Ha's memory, the real Jia Ha is personal. He had parents, wives and children, as well as his own teachers and friends, and eventually died of physical exhaustion. All this shows that the true Jia Ha is a natural person, and his soul should not be an artificial soul.

The Jiaha in our guild itself is a thinking system created for research, and its intelligence is definitely not low. With his intelligence, when he realized that he was not a natural soul, he naturally knew that he was not a true Jiaha. After all, even if the real Jiaha did try to transplant his soul into the current Jiaha, but since the natural soul has not been transplanted successfully, now this Jiaha is definitely not the original Jiaha, at least for the original Jiaha I don't think so.

Seeing that the answer was quiet for a long time after hearing the answer, Jia Ha said: "I have simulated the situation after my soul is not a natural soul, and I finally concluded that even Jia Ha I really intend to transplant myself, and he will never make himself like me. After all, Jia Ha is a personal person, no matter how his mind changes, his subconscious will consider himself a personal person, so even if he wants to transplant himself I will definitely choose the shape of a humanoid puppet rather than a thinking machine that can hardly move like me. "

I patted Jia Ha's iron arm to comfort him: "Anyway, you have your own soul, so you are you, even if it is not the original Jia Ha. What about it? Are we because you are not the real Jia Ha? Change your attitude towards you? "

Hearing what I said, Jia Ha also responded. "Yes, I am Jia Ha, not the Jia Ha who died, but me, Jia Ha."

"Hey, big head, you're Jia Ha, what am I?" The demon called out immediately when he heard Jia Ha. "In the beginning I said I was Jia Ha. You had to fight with me. Now I say I'm Jia Ha, and you fight with me again. Are you sincerely looking for it?"

"Come here if you have the ability. Don't think you have the ability to integrate, I'm afraid of you. Tell you, as long as I want to, my mind power field can instantly turn you into a pile of fly ash and tear your soul into pieces . "

"Can't you two just fight?" I stopped Jia Ha, who was arguing like two children, and then said, "Now I'll name you." I said this Jia Ha, pointing to our guild: " Do n’t call it Jiaha, you ’ll be called Jiaha in the future, so everyone will get used to it. ”Then I turned to the mochi and said,“ You still use the name of your Jiawa, Jiaha. No need to argue. "

Two Jiahas agreed to hear what I said. After all, Jiaha is now a member of my team and naturally shows minimum respect to the boss. Besides, giving him the name Jia Ha, he did not suffer at all. As for the puppet Jia Ha, once this was his own name, and second, he was still a captive now. Of course, he knew that offending me was absolutely no good.

"Now that you have accepted the name, let me know something now." I said and looked at the Jiao Jia Jia Hao: "You said that Jia Ha had wanted to transfer his soul to your body. , But you also said that you are not the original Jiaha, what about Jiaha's soul? "

"The real Jiaha has only survived for a year after transplanting the soul into my body, and it has disappeared." Jiaoha said.


"Yes, it dissipates because of the unstable energy." Jia Ha, the puppet said, "It turns out that my structure is still not suitable for carrying a natural soul. Jia Ha's soul cannot be preserved in my body for a long time. Because there was a year of buffer time for the Seal of the Seal of God, Jia Ha finally completed my improvement plan before dying, but unfortunately the final process was too late and he failed to catch up. "

"So how did you appear?"

"That was a year after the real Jiaha dissipated. Although the real Jiaha soul has dissipated, my soul carrier has been transformed into a structure that can adapt to and nourish the natural soul, and then in this year In the throne of time, the vacant soul carrier automatically absorbed the free soul energy, and eventually formed my first consciousness. I do n’t know if Jiaha himself left his soul characteristics in the carrier, As soon as my first body of consciousness was formed, most of Jiaha ’s cognition was learned, and I can continue to learn new things after that. After that, my soul was accidentally out of the body twice, but as a result, I am now It was just a copy of my personality that left me, but I still am. "

I asked in amazement: "So it ’s a fake puppet of your soul that we left before?"

"No, you did have a soul, not a fake, but that soul only possessed my superficial consciousness and all the soul energy, but my body was fine. After that, as long as the carrier absorbed enough free energy, I would wake up Even if I am taken by the soul many times, I am just going to sleep and will not really disappear. "

"That's the case." I nodded, and then paused for a moment to express a rather solemn expression. "Now I have a very important problem that you need to solve, you have to think about it."

Jia Ha and Jia Dou Jia Ha were both stunned, then looked at me together and asked, "What is so serious?"

I thought about it and asked, "Who made Norrin anyway?"

"Norin?" Both Jiaha apparently froze.

Seeing that they were all silent, I added: "Norim said that she is Jia Ha's daughter, but then we now see that she is actually constructing a living body, and then we speculated that she should be a demon made by Jia Ha. It ’s just that it ’s so perfect, so it ’s been kept by Jia Ha as a daughter. Later, Jia Ha introduced me to Norin because I did n’t know about you at that time, so I did n’t think too much. Now, it seems that Noreen may not have been made by the two of you, so ... Anyway, I do n’t want her to be harmed. Although Noreen is only constructing creatures, her mental state is completely innocent, if you let She knew that the real Jia Ha was gone, and I think she would be very sad. "

After hearing what I said, the two Jiahas really fell into a long silence, and they waited for a long time before Jiaha said: "Strictly speaking, Noreen should be our three daughters."

"What do you mean?"

Jiaha interface explained: "Norin's design idea was proposed by Jiaha himself, but it was not completed when Jiaha died. Later, because I and this guy competed for the original sound of Jiaha, he was given more I rushed out of the knowledge, and Noreen built it to my almost completion under my attention. But ... "

"But his research on the soul only stayed in the part before Jiaha died, and the last year that Jiaha transferred to me was the time when he truly studied the mystery of the soul thoroughly, and the throne of the seal of God, so the soul part only I know, but he can't. At last, he sent Noreen helplessly to the disguised Earth Mother Temple, which is the lair I built after being kicked out of Jia Ha's original laboratory. Noreen was finally in mine The soul was given to the hand and the construction was completed. But at the time he had no humanoid head, so he didn't want Noreen to see him, so ... "Jia Ha, the puppet stopped here, but He didn't say what happened later, I also understand.

I testified: "In other words, Noreen has never seen the real Jiaha. She always thought that Jiaha should be your demon Jiaha. But from a construction perspective, both of you and the real Jiaha are actually Are you involved in making Noreen? "

"It should be like this."

I nodded and said, "It's easy to do, at least it won't hurt Noreen's feelings, you can tell her the truth. Anyway, she has no feelings about the original Jia Ha. But you better I can still think of myself as the real Jia Ha when I saw her, then she may be happier. "I said to Jia Ha.

Jia Ha, the puppet nodded, "It's natural. In terms of feelings for Noreen, the three of us are actually the same. But to shape that human form is actually t 麻烦 ng troublesome, and I need more energy. And metal. "

"As long as you don't make trouble with me, this is fine."

Jia Ha followed, "President, you can rest assured, I can guarantee the credibility of Jia Jia, the three of us are trustworthy people."

"I don't doubt this. Oh, by the way, in addition to Noreen, but also Lund and Yurina Fanka, both of them said that they are apprentices to Jiaha, who are they apprentices?"

"It's me," said Jia Ha, the magic puppet. "Because I don't have a fixed nest, I often walk outside and have more contact with people."

Jia Ha also said: "My appearance is not suitable for going out, so I have hardly left the laboratory in these years."

"That's clear." I said, "But it's better to call them all later so that you can make things clear, so as not to make any trouble later. Of course, you must strengthen your body first. "I said to Jia Jia Jia Hao:" What do you need to strengthen the body in addition to soul energy? As long as it is metal? Any metal can be made of different materials or different metals will affect the body's property? "

Upon hearing this, Jia Ha, the magic puppet, explained to me that he would strengthen his body and quickly excited: "My fusion ability is based on the energy of the soul. The more energy, the more metal can be fused, and the change is faster, but regardless of energy No matter how much it affects the body ’s genus xìng, in theory, I can use any metal, but the synthesized body ’s hardness and strength genus xìng need to depend on the absorbing metal genus xìng, so the absorption of the The better, the stronger my body will be, and if there is a formula, it will directly allow me to absorb a variety of metal elements, and I can also automatically form alloys according to the formulation ratio. If there are more formulas and metals, I can even change the alloy ratio of my body at any time as needed to achieve the purpose of changing the body ’s body. For example, I can change my body into a very elastic metal, or a solid metal with a high hardness, or even a rigid metal. Cold or heat-resistant metals. In short, as long as I let me know the ratio and ensure that the required ingredients are available, I can freely change the metal ratio in my body. "

"Then what happened to the weapons you ng out before?"

"That is the same as the metal formula, as long as I understand some kind of mechanical structure, I can imitate it. The reason why I imitated the mobile angel of your guild in the ground there was because I contacted and tried the mobile angel. The structure is now very reasonable, so I borrowed it. "

When I heard that guy, I suddenly thought of a problem. "So what, if I give you a pile of metal, then provide you with energy, and then let you condense out of the body according to our needs, and then take down your soul carrier and replace it with an artificial soul, so I can use you Production capacity to mass-produce puppets? "

Jia Ha, a puppet, said very surely: "Yes, if you say that it can be done, and all the puppets synthesized by me can be seamlessly spliced, if anyone wants to take it apart, they can't find a seam. Also, in fact, there is no need for me to synthesize a puppet one at a time and then remove my soul carrier and replace it with a new body. That is too much trouble. As long as the soul energy is sufficient, I can form hundreds or thousands of them at once. Body of the puppet, after they are formed, I just need to cut off the parts connected to them. In this way, I can produce thousands of puppets in just a few minutes. Of course, just like many people ca n’t do it with two hands at the same time Different actions are the same. Although I can make many puppets each time, they must all be the same. I ca n’t produce a thousand different puppets at the same time. Also, this production method is at most for you. Save the production time, the Throne of the Seal and the materials that should be consumed, but nothing can be saved. "

"Of course I know this. You can help us to quickly produce the puppets. I'm very satisfied. As for the energy and material problems ... wait for me to take you to see the Juling Tower and the veins of Steel City in our guild. I think that's not a problem. "

What Jia Ha, the puppet needs, is nothing but soul energy. What is the work of the Juling Tower? Isn't that gathering soul energy? Therefore, soul energy may not be good for other guilds, but it is too much for us. ~ As for steel materials, let alone worry. If that big steel mule in Steel City is completely melted into metal to make a puppet, then it is estimated that our puppet army can go from Isinger to Washington, even if we only take one tenth to produce the puppet we The guild is absolutely inexhaustible.

"Well, now that the problems have been solved, then we have to sign an agreement before we can help you formally strengthen your body."

Although Jia Ha, the puppet, has said to join, but it is an oral agreement after all, so I still have to sign an agreement in accordance with the rules. I can rest assured. Jia Ha, the puppet, probably knows my worry too. After all, his body is really dangerous after strengthening, so he didn't refuse, and signed the "sell deed" very easily. After getting this thing, I no longer have reservations about him. I threw him a bunch of metal formulas and mobile angel design blueprints for him to remember clearly, and then dragged him directly to the tower.

"Is this ... is this a miracle?" When seeing the soul energy condensed to the point of being almost directly accessible by hand, the magic puppet Jiaha had moved and didn't know what to say. He used to be like a resident in the desert craving for water. Occasionally, he would be excited for a while in a puddle. Today, he suddenly saw a turbulent river. What do you think he has in his heart? After a few seconds of stinging, Jia Ha pounced on the Juling Tower, and at the same time shouted, "I decided, I will never leave here again. This is heaven!"

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