Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 95: Treasures that should not appear

Volume 19 Chapter 95 Treasures That Shouldn't Appear

"Heart, something rushed towards us." Ariana yelled as soon as she entered the water. Because the 1ang head on the other side just rose under the water when she raised her head, she did not see the raised 1ang head.

"I've seen it." After receiving a sentence, the dragon girl suddenly stood forward and rushed forward toward the water. We only saw two huge figures slamming together in the water, following the current of the entire river. After being blocked for a moment, the bursting water 1ang directly lifted me and Aona out of the way, but it seems that the two of us have good underwater stability, so we rushed back after the 1ang head passed.

However, although we rushed back, it was only limited to the place where we stopped before. It is simply a delusion to get closer to the front. The Dragon Girl didn't know what had been hit. The two big guys turned upside down under the water. The river was full of mud and rocks that were lifted up. The underground river, which was so clear, became instantly clear. Something similar to mudslides.

"I rely on, what exactly did you hit to make such a big noise?"

"I don't know." Ariana tried to hold a rock to stabilize herself and replied, "The sound over there is too much, my sonar doesn't work at all."

"It's really troublesome." I looked at the battlefield in front of which was still splashing with water. In the end, I had no choice but to release Victoria. At this time, it was the most appropriate choice to find a helper for the dragon girl. However, the river is really not wide, and the dragon girl and the thing are not bulky. Even if I release the lucky ones, they wo n’t even get started, but The creatures are not useful in this kind of battle, so in the end I can only choose the assistant of the auxiliary department as much as possible.

After the appearance of Victoria, she was surprised to find that she was soaked in water for half of her body, and then reacted. She should first help to increase her state. The Victoria who responded immediately put on her classic shape, stretched out her left hand to grab the bow of fate that suddenly appeared, followed by the right hand to pull on the non-existent bow string, and quickly pulled back, an arrow of fate shining with golden light instantly Appeared between her fingers, and then saw the entire underground river shine brightly, a huge golden magic wheel appeared in front of Victoria, and the huge golden magic array shone with gorgeous golden light and illuminated the entire river. A golden splendor.

After posing, Victoria's right hand suddenly loosened, and her mouth shouted at the same time: "Go to the arrow of destiny." Following the arrow of destiny, it passed through the wheel of destiny in front and turned into a golden light and shot into the water.

She didn't even look at the Golden Dragon Girl from the rear. She knew that the arrow of destiny belonged to xìng, so she didn't even care about it. But the monster opposite her was startled by Jin Guang, twisting her body desperately and struggling to take the price of the Dragon Girl's claw, and using the Dragon Girl's body to help him block the Golden Light. However, what surprised him was that the golden light passed through the dragon girl's body without any impact, and then hit him accurately and instantly made him feel a sense of weakness in the whole body.

Victoria sneered scornfully when she saw the light shining into the creature. "Hum, trying to escape the arrow of my destiny is purely dreaming."

"What the **** are you doing so proud of?" I asked Victoria, looking at Victoria.

Victoria quickly answered my question and said, "Good luck, netg."

As soon as I heard, this genus also relaxed a lot. The disease of the arrow of destiny is xìng, which can cause all the target's skills to fail, and also cause the target creature's attack power and mobility to decrease by% at the same time. Although I haven't figured out what kind of creature it is, I can't beat the Dragon Girl in the water if I want to be stronger, so before they killed them, it was a close match. Now the creature is suddenly weakened by %% and attack power, and its skills are blocked. If it persists, it is a miracle.

Sure enough, just when Victoria was ready for the second arrow to give the Dragon Girl an arrow, the creature suddenly flung the Dragon Girl and ran away towards the upper reaches of the river. Although it ran away, Victoria's arrow did not stop, hit the Dragon Girl directly, and then shone a golden light.

I originally saw that the target escaped. The Dragon Girl was going to chase. I did not expect that I suddenly got an arrow of destiny. What was more depressing was the arrow of fear. Although the decline of this destiny was not serious, but The key is that the degree of weakening is too great, and now I have no hope of chasing it.

"I'm sorry, Dragon Girl, Oolong is out again today!" Victoria apologized as she watched the Dragon Girl resurface.

The Dragon Girl reluctantly waved her hands to expose it, anyway, Victoria's fate arrow shooting probability is not reliable and not a day or two, everyone is used to it. To say that this skill is weak, sometimes it will have an adverse effect, it is indeed weak enough, but to say that it is strong, in the event of a netg against the enemy, the special **** xìng who is below the top **** is absolutely strong and abnormal. Except for the top ten gods, even if there is such a level as the leader of Hong Jun or the **** Zeus, once hit by the arrow of death, it is a direct death, and the arrow of fate cannot be hidden or blocked. If Victoria can The precise control of this genus is simply the first skill below the superior god. It's a pity that this roulette wheel of fate is really unreliable, and it is better to count on its sword to double the crit when it comes to death.

Now that the thing has run away, it's no use chasing it now, I simply took back Victoria and took the Dragon Girl and Adana to move forward. Although the Dragon Girl's arrow of fear was much slower, but the victory was large enough to threaten some nights without problem. Besides, Victoria's arrow of fate can't be lifted, but Victoria can shorten the action time of the undesired genus of throne of the Seal of God. So after a while, the dragon's genus xìng will probably return to normal.

Upward along the dark river, the channel in front began to gradually **** downward, apparently entering the deep underground. Although it is said that the water flows to a lower place, it is supposed that the upper reaches should be higher than the lower reaches, but the underground rivers may go the other way. Unlike open surface rivers, underground rivers are often completely closed, and a pressure equilibrium system similar to a U-shaped pipe can be formed inside. As long as the highest source of the river has a relatively high terrain, the middle part is no problem even if the dive is deep. The water pressure caused by the difference in upstream height will naturally cause the downstream water to flow from low to high.

The river channel started to become horizontal after it went down for more than 50 meters all the way, but the width of the river channel started to decrease linearly, and the relative fluidity was also obviously increased. The dragon girl was seriously affected by the water flow here because she was too big. I simply took her back. Because Ana and I were relatively healthy, they were affected a little bit, but now even we ca n’t counter current in the water. On the other hand, you can only crawl by grasping the ng wall with both hands and crawling upstream. The thrust generated by the wings or tail movement can only guarantee that we will not be washed away. It is not necessary to move forward. Possible thing.

After crawling forward with hands and feet for a while, the river finally reached a narrowest slit, and the river here was shrunk into a ng with a diameter of more than one meter. Do not think that ng with a diameter of more than one meter is no longer available. That's right, if you want to drill through a person, one meter in diameter is really impossible. Even if it is half a meter in diameter, as long as it is not a fat man, it will be squeezed in the past. However, you must know that the downstream river is more than 50 meters wide and 30 meters deep. Such a large river has been reduced to pass through a ng with a diameter of only one meter. Even if the original river flow is not fast, this The water flow at the ng mouth will never be much lower than the high-pressure water gun flow of the fire brigade. In addition, even if we can continue to move in such a flow, we absolutely cannot wear that ng, because once our body enters the ng, it is equivalent to blocking half a ng mouth, and the water flow will become more turbulent at that time. Even if I use the eternity to grapple into the rock, I don't expect to fix myself. Therefore, trying to squeeze through this ng is simply impossible. And ... "Where's that big guy?"

Just now I didn't see exactly what it was like to be in a ball with the dragon girl, but I can still see that it is a long creature with a snake-like body, and the volume of the thing is not more than that of the dragon girl. How much is the body. So how did the big guy squeeze the ng less than one meter in diameter? Could it not be done with a sponge?

"No, there must have been a turn ahead for us to miss. Ariana, check with sonar."

Azona answered directly without even checking: "I have been checking the surface of the river on the way, and there is no fork. The creature either changed its shape and passed through the ng entrance, or just entered the fork Then I closed the fork with something, so I couldn't check it. "

I also thought of this possibility when I heard Ariana's words. After all, sonar is no better than human eyes. If the creature seals the ng mouth with a large stone, then it can't really detect it. However, as the most powerful animal trainer in the game, I can naturally wield the expertise of the animal trainer's all-rounder. Although Arona's sonar doesn't work, I have other magic pets.

"Chilli." With my call, Chili immediately appeared next to me, and at my request she began to explore the nearby ng wall mentally. According to Chili herself, her mental strength can penetrate to a depth of eight to ten meters in the rock, which means that unless the guy can block the front section of the real fork with a column plug of eight to ten meters, otherwise Count on being able to avoid the mental power scans of Pepper.

Sure enough, after we drew back more than ten meters along the river, the pepper immediately pointed at the ng top ten meters away: "There is a fork over there."

As soon as I heard Chili ’s guidance, Aona and I immediately swam there, but after two rounds around ng, I did n’t see where there was a fork.

"Chilli, where is the fork? Why can't you see it?"

Pepper pointed at a slightly protruding rock above our head: "This is the thing, it plugs the ng mouth."

I heard the words of hot pepper and pushed up quickly, but unfortunately I could n’t use it in the water. The thing did n’t even shake.

Chili said that when I couldn't push the thing, "This stone is very big, and maybe they need to be lucky to help."

I nodded and let Ariana and Pepper back, and summoned fortune. Because of his size, he was lucky to step his hind legs on the river netg and use his shoulders and forearms to top the stone. Even if the issue of strength is not considered, this method of force alone is more convenient than mine.

With the violent force of luck, I only heard a bang, and the boulder was lifted up. We immediately felt a stream of water flowing out of the gap around the rock, but luck got stuck there again. Can't push it up.

"Fortunately, lift the rock away? What are you stopping to do?" Looking at the luck that re-assured the rock, I asked suspiciously.

Fortunately, before explaining and answering Aona, he explained to him: "Master, this is not open at all. The passage above is a straight pipe, and this rock just seals the narrowest pipe at the bottom of the pipe. Exit, if you want to remove the stone, you must push it all the way along this tubular river channel, and wait for the open river to remove it. "

"What? How can there be such a river? How long is it then?"

"Almost three hundred meters."

"So long?"

Azana nodded: "The nearest open water is three hundred meters away from the ng mouth. You can lift the rocks as soon as you get there."

It was only after finishing here, and then she said fortunately, "I said, boss, there is no place for this 300 meters to push me alone!"

I looked fortunately and looked at Ariana, and finally said indignantly: "This **** monster, I am doing my best! You all go back to the training space first, and I will blow up this **** stone."

Although it is not easy to push this stone to the end of the passage with my strength, it is too simple to dismantle it. After taking back the magic pets, I directly opened three holes in the stone with eternity, and then plugged three magic crystal steam bombs into it. Finally, I hid far away and brushed myself a bunch of defense skills before taking Gently press the explosion crystal.

Boom, the players along the entire underground river saw the river slamming upward, and many people standing by the river were instantly poured, but no one complained, because these people thought it was me and The monsters that attacked the exploration team got up and made such a big movement.

After the river water stabilized, I quickly swam back to the fork. At this time, the rock blocking the road has been blown up most of the way, but the strange thing is that the last piece is obviously much narrower than the passage, but it is still not Drop it down. I was suspicious when I swim to the half of the rock before I was surprised that a rock chain was actually hit on this rock, and the other end of the chain extended to the top of the channel. Obviously, this thing cannot be natural, that is to say, the stone that blocked the road was prepared intentionally, and the other party even designed a chain to tie back in order to prevent the stone from falling.

Although I knew that the monster would block the road with stones, I didn't think about the high intelligence of this thing, but now it seems that this thing is not just high intelligence. The ability to process a stone-made chain has shown that this thing has the ability to use complex tools. At least the chain is different from ordinary clubs and swords. Its structure is more complicated, and it is not something that can be created by low-level intelligence. Of course, there is another possibility that the monster's intelligence is actually very ordinary. Something is made by others. It just uses ready-made items. However, although this assumption may also be made, I think it may not be very large.

Anyway, you have to find that guy first to find out why. Bypassing the half of the rock left, I suddenly opened my wings and fanned the flowing water to force my body upward.

Although the channel blocked by the rock is more than 300 meters long, its angle is inclined upwards. If the vertical drop is calculated, the top of the channel may be 70 to 80 meters higher than the bottom. Counting before The inclination of the underground river, the top of this channel should be exactly at the same level as the water level of the underground river over the city of hún1uan.

Swimming along the passage to the end, the waterway suddenly expanded to the surrounding area to form a pond-like area. However, the area of ​​this area is not too large, just wider than the passage below.

When I floated to the top of the pond, I found myself re-entering into the air. The water around the pond is not the water environment ~ ~ but a 6-hole ng cave, but because the pond water is more than four meters offshore High, so I can only see the ng top in the water, there is nothing at all on the shore.

Raise your hand to shoot a dragon's tendon on the ng top, and then use the thread retractor to lift yourself off the water. When my height passed the rocks on the shore of the pond, the scene inside the ng cave finally came into my sight.

"I depend, this is the money!" I just felt the pain of my eyes flashed when I was on the ng top. There are crystals everywhere in the whole ng acupoint, white, black, and colored. Almost all crystal varieties I know can be found here. Although many of these crystals belong to the kind that has a large output and is relatively cheap, the special crystals alone are definitely more profitable. But ... what I call rich is not the crystals, but the things that make these crystals shine brightly.

I said before that my eyes were hurting when I just reached the top of the ng. Although the crystal reflective ability is very good, even if there are crystals everywhere in this place, there should be no reflection, and now these crystals are indeed reflective, then there must be a light source here, and when I really see that When was the light source specific, I felt like my whole body was shaking.

"Sun, how could such a ghost place have such a thing?"

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