Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 107: Strange combination

Volume 19 Chapter 107 Strange Combination

"Zi Ri, come back soon. Something wrong with the ng mouth that you had guarded!"

Immediately after receiving the notice from the army god, I immediately threw all the floating mountains to the Polaris King and asked him to help me to drag it to the heaven, and then I left Wanshan Forest and returned to Isinger.

I just came out of the Teleportation Hall of Isinger, and immediately saw a large group of people rushing towards the Teleportation Hall, carrying large and small items, and the two running behind seemed to be the puppets. Jia Ha and Noreen.

"Well? What are you doing here?"

When Noreen saw me, she immediately ran and said, "I just heard that there is a powerful living body attacking us on the other side of the underground river. Our new mobile angel research just needs a class creature as a sample. Come with us. "

Anyway, I came back because of this matter, and now of course I have to follow along. Moreover, since I was here, no one needed to move the equipment, all of them were thrown directly into the Fenglong space, and then all the assistant researchers who were tired and humming were beaten back. I held Nuo in one hand. Lin, carrying a puppet Jiaha, jumped directly into the teleportation array and reached the exit of the underground river in an instant.

"This is where the accident happened?" Noreen hadn't been here, so she didn't know the structure of the underground river. As soon as she was out of the teleportation array, she thought she had arrived.

When I heard Noreen's words, I quickly explained, "No, this is just the entrance. The place where things go is at the innermost part of the river."

"What are you waiting for?" Noreen squatted and listened only to the sound of mechanical rotation. A small door opened behind her, a pair of mechanical flying wings popped up, and then the thrusters on both sides of the flying wings spewed out instantly. More than one meter long blue and white flames, and Noreen herself and the missile rushed into the river and jumped in a wave of flying dogs.

Looking at Noreen who rushed out, I had to look at Jia Ha, the puppet, and summoned the flying bird to jump up. As soon as Asuka caught me, I opened the afterburner and dragged four long tail flames into the river. Seeing that I was flying in, Jia Ha also quickly ran in two steps and jumped up. After waiting for the landing, a pair of thrusters were also launched and rushed into the river.

The wide river was originally very safe for our volume, but if you go through it at 200 meters per second, it is completely different. As quickly as possible, Asuka has not yet reached his limit, but on the back of Asuka, I still feel that the walls in front are squeezing towards us, as if I would hit them at any time, and even more terrible is on the top of the back of the river. The bell and ocher have n’t been cleaned up yet. The birds have to shake to fly around to avoid those obstacles. I feel like I'm playing a roller coaster, and the feeling of going up and down can shake out the internal organs. Although I can fly myself, flying with wings cannot simulate the up-and-down feeling brought by jet engines, so this flight mode is still very exciting for me.

Although the length of the underground river is not short, our degree is too amazing, so we reached the forefront of the river after a while. Although the flying bird rushed in for the second time, but because they had four thrusters, they were much faster than Noreen in terms of degrees, and when they got here they rushed to the front. Seeing that the end was at the end, Asuka suddenly played an oblique backflip in a narrow river channel, and dropped his direction in one fell swoop. Then four combustion chambers started at the same time, and a huge reverse thrust pressure appeared on the river. Four big pits, and the moment we were about to touch the water surface finally ended and the forward rush stabilized. At the moment when the bird was completely lost, I would take back the bird and jump into the water, and Noreen and the puppet Jia Ha rushed into the water within one second after I entered the water, as if the bomb was throwing the river water. All up in the sky.

"Where is it?" Noreen looked around as she entered the water.

"Come with me." I fluttered my wings and swam towards the ng acupoint, while Noreen and the puppet Jiaha walked directly along the bottom of the ng. Although they can fly, that's because they have powerful thrusters, and the two are okay in the water. After all, they are structural creatures, and they are made of metal. They weigh more than humans and can't float in water at all.

After rushing to the entrance of the ng acupoint, I struggled to go upstream, but before I reached the surface of the water, I suddenly heard a bang and fell directly into the water. I swam quickly to catch the person, and then turned around to see that it is actually a guard of our guild, but now this guy is no longer breathing, although the heart is still beating, it seems to have only Half a life left.

Struggling to flap the wings two times, holding the guy directly to the water, then shot a zipline towards the ng and pulled myself out of the water. As soon as I landed, I called Xiaochun to throw the injured and dying to her, and then three Stepping and doing two steps rushed into the ng acupoint from the sound of fighting.

I just arrived at the ng mouth and saw a person flying upside down from the ng acupoint. After reaching out to catch the player who is now our guild, I put him aside and asked Xiaochun to give him some treatment, and then I stood by myself Put in ng.

The ng acupoint here has already been broken into a patch. On the ground, there are a large number of monster corpses lying on the ground and a few of our guild players who can't get up next to the g mouth of our guild. In the center of the ng acupoint, four guild players and a dozen plus two advanced mobile angels are joining forces to fight one against three monsters.

The race of the three monsters is 1uan. The first one is just a long monster that looks like a rabbit and a bear. It looks like it is only one meter and six meters in height, but it is amazingly powerful. As soon as I came in, it was already Seen several times in the Bank, the player's attacks were returned by bī.

In addition to this monster, there is also a dog-shaped creature that is nearly three meters tall. However, this dog-shaped creature and my Bai 1ang are completely two types of creatures. Although Bai 1ang seems to be a canine and has a height of nearly two meters, Bai 1ang's body is of a more uniform type. Except for the muscles on the shoulders and other parts, the whole body is full. Slim. However, although the animal looks like a canine in front of it, it looks like a puppy just born a month ago. The whole body looks féi, and with the white velvet, it gives People feel like wanting to go up u. However, although this thing looks quite cute, if you really treat it as a harmless pet, then you are very wrong. It can be seen from the two fangs in this guy's mouth that this is definitely not a cute creature.

The last of the three monsters is a particularly funny creature. This guy is a turtle tortoise, with short hands and short feet, and a long bald head that looks like a turtle and a human. Of course, the tortoise shell is also indispensable for the turtles.

Although the three creatures in front of them look strangely, their combat effectiveness is surprisingly high. The long rabbit was so powerful that even the mobile angel could barely fight against its might. In addition, although the class dog looks féi and shy, but the agility and strength are first-class, and seven or eight people on our side are besieging him, who is still busy. In the end, although the tortoise is not too prominent in combat effectiveness, the guy is obviously a helper creature, constantly brushing himself and our people in various states, and occasionally can explode a large range of magic, and His own defensive power is also astonishingly high, and our people besieged it for a long time.

Of course, in addition to the three monsters, the most troublesome person at the scene actually counted the last one. This is a-savage?

This strange guy looks very smooth. Although the surface is very dirty, it can be determined from the exposed part that his skin is very good, and although he has a scorched yellow 1uan like jī nest, but from his face It can be seen that this guy is not very old, at least looks quite young. However, although he has a pretty face, but because of the jī woto on the other end, and the yellow teeth, so this guy can't look handsome.

In addition to being strange in appearance, this guy's outfit is also abnormal. On his head were a few long—jī? Maybe it's a bird. I don't recognize it anyway, it feels like a feather of some kind of bird. In addition, his upper body is basically naked, with only two yellow and gray tiger skin hoops on his arms, which seems to have not been washed for many years. Follow his body and go down, around this guy's waist is a tiger leather skirt, and the set of tiger skins that Sun Wukong went out to play with is a bit like, of course, this guy is not as clean as a monkey. The apron on the arm was as dirty as if it hadn't been washed for more than a decade. Down the skirt, there was only a bunch of bells left. There was a red rope around the left ankle of this guy, and there were five or six small bells hanging on the rope. In addition, nothing was left on his feet.

In this guy's outfit, it's definitely no worse than saying he's a savage. If it is a normal person, even if it is forced to wear animal skins to live a life of drinking blood, it can still maintain the minimum hygiene, and this guy in a place so close to Juli Water never knew that Washing clothes shows that he did not have such a thought originally, but not without conditions. In addition, this guy's fighting style also fully illustrates his savage identity, because this guy not only does not use any weapons, not even the fighting skills of normal people. The whole fighting method is exactly like the beast, bumping with shoulders, scratching with nails, and biting with teeth, anyway, nothing like humans. However, what is strange is that although this guy has no human characteristics in the fighting mode, he can burst out a cyan light from his mouth from time to time to shake the players close to him. The player I flew from ng before was blasted by this kind of thing.

After initially observing the situation here, I retracted my weapon, and then threw out a mobile angel with a height of more than two meters and thick limbs, giving a rather strong feeling at a glance.

This extremely powerful mobile angel is a 6-war mobile angel produced by the guild. Its design goal is specifically to deal with those ground individuals who cannot fly and have strong combat effectiveness. Because the flight function is completely abandoned, the requirements for self-weight control are greatly reduced, so this type of mobile angel uses heavy-duty power equipment with greater output but greater weight. In terms of external armor, there is no need to worry about aerodynamics and weight because it does not need to fly. The mobile armor of the same model has more than twice the armor thickness and some additional structures, so that it has more than twice the defense power of a normal mobile angel, and some key positions can even achieve more than three times the defense capacity.

In addition, because there are no flying parts and the pair of wings, there is no small area in the body of the 6-war mobile angel, and there is an extra row of weapon racks behind it. Therefore, 6 heavy combat angels usually carry two heavy dual-use battle axes and a multifunctional mismatched wolf tooth chain saw sword that is only equipped on protoss mobile angels. The giant weapon, dubbed the "knife", has the ability to directly split small warships, and for blood u creatures, it is a huge killer.

The 6-war mobile angel just called out immediately rushed into the battle group. The mighty rabbit slammed a mobile angel with one fierce palm, and turned back with another claw, trying to kill a person who attacked it, but at the moment when its claw was about to be photographed, a The metal palm met the paw first.

when. With a sound that sounded like a metal impact, the bear's heavy claws were stiffly braced, and the name that should have been slapped with a palm was a chance to cut a near one with a sword. A long wound.

Alas ... the injured bunny uttered a roar of shock, and then waved the palm of the other hand to slap the manipulator that blocked it, but the other manipulator followed closely and held the other one. Only paws.

The 6-war mobile maneuver used his own hands to grab the bear ’s claws, while the bear snarled and desperately forwarded his legs, and the 6-war mobile angel was also unwilling to stand with it. For a while, no one can do anything about them, so they can only stand still.

"good chance."

Although the 6-war mobile angels and rabbit bears stalemate there, after all, there are more people on our side. While the rabbit and bear were being dragged, the next few rushed forward, all four long swords were carried into the rabbit's belly, regardless of the order, and the rabbit was suddenly yelled after a roar. The force exploded, and it was hard against the 6 war mobile angel to make it slide back.

As soon as the 6-war mobile angel felt that he was starting to slip, the nail claws lying on the feet in front of the toes suddenly popped out and nailed them into the ground, but the rabbit stunned its potential with pain. , Even if there are nail claw mobile angels still can not stabilize themselves. Seeing that the 6th battle type mobile angel was about to be overthrown by the rabbit, the senior mobile angel who was shot before suddenly rushed up from behind and jumped on the rabbit's head, then fixed his own arm around his neck On its body, the right arm was waving and desperately slamming the rabbit's head, but despite the scream of the rabbit being smashed, it did not fall, and it became more and more painful.

Seeing that he was about to be unable to support himself, the war-type mobile angel suddenly looked up at the mobile angel hanging behind the rabbit, and then made a strange noise in his mouth. When the opposite Mobile Angel heard this voice, he immediately understood what he meant, and then gave up hammering Rabbit's head, but suddenly extended his right hand forward, and the 6-War Mobile Angel also bowed his head at the same time. He was shot by the slasher knife that was originally hung behind him, just caught by the mobile angel hung behind the bear.

After the sword-knife arrived, the mobile angel immediately slammed his legs on the back of the bear and jumped back in place, holding the sword-knife with both hands at the same time to start the chain saw blade and with the falling gravity of a sword from The rabbit's head split in the middle. Along with the roar of the sky and the blood sprayed around by the blade of the slashing blade that was flying on the slashing sword, the huge slashing sword finally cut down the cervical spine and chest along the rabbit's head, and then The abdomen, finally burst out from between its legs and cut into the ground.

After completing the slash, the senior mobile angel retracted his sword and took a large step back, while everyone around him stopped to look at the rabbit. The 6-war mobile angel standing in front has stopped exerting force, and with the release of his hands, the rabbit bear's arms hang down naturally, and then a large swath of blood and water is mixed with visceral fragments like a waterfall. His legs poured down, until the ground turned into a large pool of blood, the guy's body finally fell halfway forward and halfway towards the middle beach.

"Hmm ..." After the bear hangs up, the savage over there suddenly made a scream of sorrow, followed by a fierce burst of blue light and flew several people around him, and then rushed towards this side come. However, before he rushed to the half, he suddenly felt a black face, and a huge claw slaped him on the body, and instantly knocked him out like a bang ball being hit.

Boom, there was a loud noise on the opposite wall, the entire ng wall was shaken off a layer of gray, and the wall was directly filled with a personal pit, the guy was directly embedded in the rock in.

Seeing that guy be hit by flying ~ ~ I thought this guy was dead, but unexpectedly he got up from the rock suddenly and made an angry roar. Looking at the guy who was in a violent state, I said directly to Mila beside me, "Continue."

Milla glanced down at the guy, then opened her mouth, and a red light instantly blasted the roaring guy again, and the whole person was embedded in the rock again. After finishing the blow, Mira looked at me, and I shook my head. "No killing prompt, continue."

When I heard that there was no prompt, I stumbled for a while, and then shot a laser cannon at the wall at a rate of one second per second. The entire wall was blown out like a tunnel. Deep ng. At exactly one minute and one second, suddenly there was a boom different from the explosion in the ng acupoint, and Mira stopped the attack. After the smoke and dust dissipated, we found that Mira actually broke through the ng wall. The huge space previously connected by the small ng was directly connected to the ng cave where we are now. At least the broken wall in the middle had Twenty meters thick.

"It seems that we are in trouble." While everyone was studying that ng acupoint, I sighed, not because of the explosion of Mila, but because I still did not get experience points, that is, That guy is not dead yet. How can I defend Mila's ray of destruction for one minute? How strong is this defense?

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