Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 118: Do business with a mind

The reason is simple, but it is also complicated.

The reason is simple because the people who are attacking our city are actually my customers, so the more they are, the more I earn. The reason is complicated. Naturally, the person who hit me will be my customer. The relationship among them is quite complicated.

If you want to know why the people who attacked me are my customers, you have to start with the guild forces in the United States.

In the United States, the main guilds are divided into several large guilds. Among them, the Paladin Alliance and Yusina's Rainbow Alliance are the leaders in that type of guild. Top fighter guild. It goes without saying that the status of the three guilds in the United States, and its influence on American players is also amazing.

Because of the sedition of these three guilds, many "freedom-loving" American players have picked up the weapons in their hands and waged a battle for freedom against our "evil oriental organization". As for how many people in this army composed of scattered players and small guilds are really fighting for freedom, how many are for racism, how many are for American sovereignty, how many are just for fun, That is not what we need to care about. In short, these people gathered for a variety of purposes, and then, with the unhappiness of building a city on American territory like a Chinese guild, participated in this protracted and progressless war of attrition.

The war seemed meaningless at first, but it was of different significance because of the participation of the three major guilds. On the bright side, the significance promoted by the Paladin and Rainbow Alliance is that their battle prevented the further expansion of evil Chinese forces in the United States. But secretly, the only benefit of this war is to promote consumption. That's right, it is to promote consumption.

Fighting costs money, and the Paladin and Rainbow Alliance naturally cannot completely contract this cost. Of course, as large-scale guilds, they cannot afford to pay a penny, or others will certainly not pay. Therefore, the final publicity of the Paladin and Rainbow Alliance was to support the war at a loss. All the materials consumed in the battle are produced by the Paladin and Rainbow Alliance, but for the players participating in the battle, only the cost of manufacturing materials is charged, and the two major guilds revert to investing in personnel to contribute to the war against the invasion of our guild.

This kind of publicity can be said to be full of motivation, and the materials sold by the two guilds are indeed much cheaper than those sold outside. At this price, many people will come to buy these materials and participate in the war. As the first strong guild in the United States, the Sea King's Hall was naturally the first to stand up and respond to the call. A large number of purchases of materials were sent from time to time to participate in the war. This pioneering role model naturally attracted a large number of people to participate, so that the scale of the battle became large and protracted. But what is the truth of the facts?

The truth is that the Paladin and Rainbow Alliance have not produced any kind of war materials at all, and everything is made by our guild. In other words, those American players used to hit our shells, bows and arrows, scrolls, and their healing products, etc., are all made by us. Of course, we are not made in vain. Aren't those players paying? Although the price is indeed much lower than that sold outside, it is not so low as to lose money. Although calculated based on the price we sell to the Paladin and Rainbow Alliance, our profit per item is only about 8%, but we are awarded to the Paladin and Rainbow Alliance anyway, and we do not want to sell it ourselves, 8% Low profit is a little low, and that is also profitable. Moreover, although the profit margin of this project is not high, but the victory is large and the demand is stable, it is still very profitable.

As for why the Paladin League and the Rainbow Alliance are willing to help us with this matter, is this unknown? Our guild spends the cost of crystal coins to produce things, add an 8% profit point to sell directly to the Paladin Union and the Rainbow Alliance. They take things and add 8% directly, and sell them at a price of 116%. 8% of the cost of the sales channel is removed, and they can fall between 5% and 6% anyway. They didn't make things, but they made a profit of 5% to 6% when they changed hands. Why not do such a good thing? As for the matter of leaving our own production and eating alone, no one with brains will do it. It seems that you can get 8% more profits from your own production of materials, but are the materials changed by yourself? Does it require equipment and labor to produce those things? Don't people manage these things? Don't you need to pay for hiring? Our guild already has several levels of production bases. In terms of cost control, the Holy Lance Alliance and Rainbow Alliance are much stronger. Our production can get 8% of the profit, and their own production can be 2%. Besides, the fundamental reason why these materials are consumed so quickly is the war against the starting city. The starting point city is our industry. If we don't cooperate, they won't be able to carry on this matter. Even if they solved all these problems, wouldn't they be afraid to offend me? Fuck me for that profit, Frost Rose League, fools do that kind of thing.

Because our guild has such a cooperative relationship with the Paladin and Rainbow Alliance, so for me, the group of people outside the city is not siege at all, but is helping our guild to generate income. They are to me Not the enemy but the customer. Of course, this kind of customer can never be publicized, otherwise the customer will really become the enemy.

Of course, some people may say that our guild will also lose and consume in battle, so it is not cost-effective to do such things for the 8% profit. However, what I want to say is that this is actually a good deal, because it needs to be calculated separately.

First of all, although the defensive war will cause the material consumption and property loss of our guild, this consumption itself is unavoidable. Even without the incitement of the Paladin and Rainbow Alliance, those American players will still not allow a Chinese tour. The city of the United States stands on American soil, which is a serious violation of the national self-esteem of the American people. Because of this, the incitement of the Paladin and Rainbow Alliance has only increased the frequency and scale of attacks, which is not a significant increase for our guild investment.

Secondly, although the defensive war is a war, here is the game, a game with combat as its main theme. Fighting in such a game will not only cause damage and loss, which is different from reality. War in reality will only cause damage. Although many people can pretend that there is no construction without destruction, they also have to admit that destruction precedes construction and is quite serious. However, the situation is not exactly the same in the game. Player death in the game can be resurrected, although the level will decline, but relatively little loss. Furthermore, in the battle, because our guild personnel and American players are not in the same national camp, we kill each other with experience points and various war points. This is why our guild always rotates the players on duty in the starting city, not because the players here are injured or injured, but because the upgrade is fast here. In other words, in addition to bringing us monetary benefits, this war also directly created a large-scale leveling venue for our guild players.

Different from general field leveling points, the starting city defense war is an urban war, and it is also a national war between different national camps. Although its scale is small in the national war, the system recognizes that it is a national war. In battle, we can get various guild points in the battle, we can get national war points to kill players from other countries, as well as city defense points, enemy country killing points, guild comprehensive points, guild kill points, guilds A series of points for war points and more.

In short, the starting point city defense war may only be a small profit if you only look at the consumption of money, and sometimes even lose a little money into it. However, the huge points and experience value it brings are things that you can't buy and you can't buy them. Besides, we can occasionally make some money out of them now. What such a bargain does not do is an idiot.

Standing on the city wall and watching the American players charging all over, I said to the Queen and Ghost of the Blade with excitement, "Look, these people are here to send us money."

"Huh. Ah?" The ghost didn't respond at first, but after that it wasn't right. "President, what do you mean ...?"

"Hey, anyway, you know these people are crystal coins for us."

"Then we can't shoot at these people?" Queen Blade asked.

I smiled and shook my head. "How do you make money without taking a shot? Of course we have to take a shot, just be careful not to overdo it. You can destroy some people or destroy some materials, as long as you don't affect the balance of the battlefield.

"I do not understand."

"You don't need to understand. Now you just follow me." I said, calling out Yeying to stand up and climb up. Ye Ying stepped into the city wall with two hoofs and stepped directly on the shoulders of a famous unlucky ghost. After hearing a bang, the guy was stepped directly into the ground like a stake, leaving only half of his head still on the ground. .

As soon as the night shadow landed, I grabbed Eternity and flung it on my side. The softened Eternity instantly ejected long gun rods and hook blades to both sides. The long heavy hook sickle was instantly formed, and then I was slammed to the side. Immediately, there was a splash of blood and water. Three American players who rushed up with their long knives and horses rushed to the ground, followed by being smashed by the war horses behind.

Seeing that I had gone down, the ghost and the queen of the blade also jumped down, and they were fighting differently from the players. Although they can also shoot various types of skill effects through magical devices on their bodies, under normal circumstances, they do not like to use that kind of skills. For them, slashing with a weapon directly is a common trick, and they have to admit that their common tricks are quite useful.

Although the players encouraged by the Paladin and Rainbow Alliance also have masters, but have to say that such people are rare, so we did not encounter a slightly troublesome person along the way. Of course, it may also be because we are too strong, and we met the masters and immediately killed them.

After easily killing a pair from the American player ’s offensive team, we went out of the battle directly from the back of the battlefield. Although this is a good opponent who earns guild points, it does not require us to kill the enemy here, the city There are naturally many players waiting in line to score points.

Because the teleportation array cannot be used, after leaving the battlefield, we directly used the flying method to directly find the Paladin headquarters. Of course, you must come in quietly. Although many people in the Paladin Alliance know that we have a secret agreement with the Paladin Alliance, after all, this matter can not be seen, it is always good to be careful.

I removed the camouflage after entering the guild headquarters of the Paladin in camouflage mode. There will be no other people here except the middle and senior staff of the Paladin, so you don't have to worry about being spotted.

"Well? Isn't this President Ziri? Why did you come to me at your leisure?" As soon as I took off my camouflage, Gun God took two people out of the headquarters and just ran into us. I glanced at the two people around Gunshen, which meant asking about the inconvenience of revealing our relationship. The gun **** is also a leader of the guild. His brain naturally reacts slowly. When he looks at my eyes, he immediately understands what I mean. "Oh, I'll introduce it to you." The Gun God said to the man on his left: "This is Miller, president of the Magic Research Society."

"Hello." The Miller immediately reached out to me after being introduced: "President Ziri has always been my idol, and I finally saw a real person today."

I was slightly surprised to shake hands with this Miller, and then politely turned over, and finally asked: "What, I don't seem to have a positive image in the United States, right? This idol ...?"

"Oh, I'm talking about technical achievements." Miller quickly explained: "The technical level of your Frost Rose Alliance is really fascinating, if I have the opportunity, I really want to go to your research."

I glanced at the gun and said, "I was trying to dig you back, but I was afraid the front foot would take you away, and the rear foot gun rushed to Isinger."

The Gun God just smiled when I heard my ridicule, and then briefly introduced another person. Obviously, this is not a high-profile person, and it may just be Miller's followers and the like.

After greeting with these two people, the gun **** let me wait a moment, then sent them out of the door to a member to continue to send them, and then turned back. "Why are you free to run here?"

"Why are you here to say hello?"

"It just feels like a busy person like you shouldn't be so relaxed."

As the Gun God said, he took the lead to walk inside the guild, and I naturally followed. Seeing me moving, the ghost and the Queen of Blades naturally followed. However, just after we walked through the lobby into the core area of ​​the guild headquarters at the back, the two Paladin players reached out to stop the ghost and the Queen of Blades.

There are not many people who don't know me in the game now, and it is even more impossible for such a person to exist in a guild that has direct contact with us. So the two guards didn't stop me, but they stopped the ghost and the Queen of Blades. Apparently they regarded them as my followers.

It was nothing to be stopped at first, the bad thing is that the blade and the ghost are not good. I have been there since they just showed their own xìng lattice. The xìng lattice of these two guys obviously belongs to the type of unwillingness to lose, and because they have the habit of acting silly in front of outsiders, they are being caught by those two After the interception, the blade and the ghost coincidedly shot and pushed the two people who stopped them.

It ’s okay to just push it by ordinary people, but can ghosts and blades be seen by ordinary people? These two are abnormal. I only heard two bangs, and the two players seemed to have just been nudged, but the whole person flew out as if they were shells, and then smashed into the buildings on both sides.

The Gun God looked back in surprise at the blade and the ghost. Before telling the truth, he also regarded these two as my followers or new magic pets, but until now he has not reflected that these two are definitely not ordinary goods.

Seeing the reaction of the gun god, I quickly turned my head and sneered at the ghost and the blade pretending to disguise: "Turn off the attack mode, do not attack any people and items before leaving here, ask me if you need to shoot."

"Order, confirm." Blade and Ghost really started to play stupid again, answering directly with a mechanical and dull voice.

"Zi Ri, these two are ... mobile angels?" The Gun God was really surprised. I didn't notice it before. Now when I hear their dull voices, and then look at their shapes carefully, they are immediately connected with the ordinary mobile angels in memory. After all, the two still have a lot in common in appearance.

I pretended to be helpless and sighed: "Well ... don't mention it! These two are the new mobile angel technology verification machines that our guild's research department has just come up with."

"Isn't this pretty good? What sigh do you sigh? The mobile angels in your guild are better than the next generation. If the output has not been up, we don't know how to fight with you. This is a new product "The fighting power must be stronger, right?" Said the Gun God, enviously and enviously.

I still explained very helplessly: "The combat effectiveness is indeed very high, and it can be said to be ridiculously high. You know my combat effectiveness, but if the two of them join forces, I can only stick to one without summoning the pet. Hours will be lost. "

"So powerful?" The Gun God was surprised before he suddenly responded. "Why are you so lost?"

"You don't know! These two guys are really powerful enough ~ ~ But I don't know how to do it. The artificial soul used by the original mobile sky will burn as soon as it is installed. Finally I secretly I killed the two Protoss and the two Protoss souls and put them in. As a result, they can be used, but the head seems to be flooded. Not only does the reaction always fail to keep up with the body, And from time to time, there are two mentally retarded children. "

"Fuck, it's really depressing as you say. But technology always breaks through."

"Yes, so shall I come to you now?"

The God of Guns looked at me puzzled and said, "What's the use of you to find me? You don't know, we don't have any research on the technology of puppets in the Holy Ghost League."

"I don't want your technology. I only want the soul, the soul of the free protoss."

"What? You want me to help you?"

I held the gun god's mouth tensely and said, "While quieter, what are you afraid no one can hear? Go, let's go in and talk."

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