Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 142: Psychic Succubus

"Did you make a mistake? Why do you fight the master?" I climbed up from the ground and looked at the succubus, who had just been accepted as my pet, by surprise.

Just now the princess and I used a joint skill, which is actually very simple to say, that is, the princess let the target creature give up resisting my call through her invasion of the mind, so that the forced capture can be turned into voluntary follow. According to the system settings, the forced capture of the pet will be washed away most of the memory and turned into a pet of the pet. Afterwards, not only will it need to be retrained, but many of the battle experience of this pet will be washed together. This is undoubtedly a huge loss to the strength of the magic pet. Therefore, the princess and I figured out a way to invade the target creature's soul and thought to make it actively become my magic pet, so that according to the system settings, the creature that actively becomes the magic pet can save all the original memories and battles. Experience, and its level will be retained at the same time, there is no need to re-cultivate. This can save a lot of time and experience and is definitely a super practical skill. However, this first experiment seems to be going wrong.

"Well, I don't have a master, and you can't be my master. My master can only be myself." The succubus roared angrily at me like a freedom fighter.

"Hell, why is loyalty negative?" The first thing I did after being beaten out was to look at loyalty. The results showed that it was unexpectedly low, but I didn't expect the value to be negative. . In fact, as far as I know, loyalty does not seem to be negative at all.

The range of loyalty settings in Zero is zero to one hundred, of which sixty is a dividing line. A loyalty pet with a loyalty of 60 or more can basically command to a certain degree. Although the range of less than 60 to more than 30 is not very obedient, at least it will not resist, and less than 30 is a dangerous range. A pet within this range may escape at any time. As for attacking the owner, it seems that only the magic pet with loyalty below ten can do it, and that does not happen often. The description of the system is that a pet with a loyalty of less than ten may fight back if he is scolded or abused by the owner, but he does not say that he will actively attack, but this negative number of loyalty is really special.

It was only after I asked here that the princess had already climbed up with Xiao Chun's help. "Master, I forgot to tell you before. She is the mutant succubus queen who shot sky-high prices."

"What? It's her?" It seemed that someone had told me about this succubus a few days ago, but I didn't expect to see it so soon.

The princess shouted at me through the succubus: "She is very strong, her previous master has been unable to hold her back, and she has to do everything she can, helping her to make a mess, but then the guy is really There is no other way but to lose a magic pet and sell her. The guy who was just killed by Mira is her current owner, but that guy is also not sure about her, and she also got one The special ability is called the heart of freedom. "

"Freedom? What is it?"

"It's similar to Sister Ling's loyalty, but the effect is reversed. Her freedom can keep her from listening to her master's orders, and she is as unaffected by her master as Sister Ling. She can continue to fight when her master dies. , Her level is not limited by the level of the master. By the way, it seems that the experience value obtained during her battles does not take the master, all of her is exclusive. "

"I rely, isn't this like a monster?"

"Not exactly the same. She has at least one pet position."

"Fuck, don't you say it earlier? I ca n’t waste so much magic pets!"

"I think you are the best animal trainer in the world. Should she be obedient. And the ability of that free heart is not fixed. If she recognizes you, she can decide to take you to share experience. What's more, if she accepts you, she will naturally listen to you, with or without contract enforcement effect. "

"You said lightly."

The succubus heard us say so much and suddenly stared at the princess and several other pets behind her: "As a higher-level creature with free thought, you guys are willing to be slaves to this guy, you do n’t Do you feel ashamed? "

Well, this succubus not only didn't listen to me, but also wanted to provoke my other demons to rebel. The so-called natural anti-bone probably refers to her type of person. However, for my magic pet, her countermeasure is totally useless, because not only are all the loyalty of my magic pets full, but also Ling, a super loyalty and leadership skills The magic pet is calm, so it's impossible for me to say things like magic pet rebellion.

Sure enough, just after she finished speaking, Ling directly bombarded the last Warcraft and landed in front of my other magic pets. Then she put her wings and looked at the succubus and said, "I don't know how you lived with the previous master. Yes, but here we are different from what you think, so please do n’t insult our master or insult us. Otherwise, although you are also the master's magic pet, I can still beat you. ”

"Yeah, yeah." The princess also exclaimed, "The host is very kind to us. Don't say bad things about the host, otherwise I will bite you."

Xiaochun walked to Ling and said, "Do n’t be so fierce. People have been wronged by their previous masters. It is understandable that we did n’t accept it at first. Our internal solidarity is a good thing, but it will only make her independent. Even more intolerable in our big family, let's be more forgiving to her. "After speaking, Xiaochun said to the succubus over there:" Although we know that you have suffered before, we are really here with your former host. It ’s not the same, you will slowly understand it later. Even if you ca n’t accept it for a short time, please do n’t blame us first. Use your eyes to see, use your ears to listen, when you find something different, Please think carefully. If after some time you still feel that we are no different here than before, then it will not be too late for you to make trouble again. "

Xiaochun said something about the succubus over there. No matter how much freedom it is, this succubus is always just a succubus. Although her attribute clearly says the succubus queen, this queen is just a special designation that represents an evolved individual, not that she has ever served as the queen in the succubus race. In fact, when it comes to psychological growth, she is at best an ordinary little girl. Compared with Xiao Chun and Ling, who have been goddesses and led the power of a country ’s temple, her life experience is really too far away. It can be said that Ling and Xiaochun were with that succubus, it was like two politicians who deal with conspiracy every day and met an ignorant girl. It is estimated that it would give them two more days to sell them. You have to help them count the money.

In the end, the violent succubus was completely quieted by Ling and Xiaochun's two-way pinch with a black face and a white face. Although her loyalty still showed a negative increase, but at least she did not look like her It was a great improvement to the former host to deal with the host specifically.

Without this succubus and those WoWs, the players around them are simply a group of tofu residue. After Ling shot and these people did not run away, all were caught. According to the agreement I signed with Amanda, find out which of these people need punishment, and then feed the three principal offenders. The heaven court upgraded me to elixir. Of course, the set level of elixir has been significantly lower than those of those guys. So, after eating, they did n’t upgrade but downgraded, which also fulfilled Amanda ’s requirements.

After the principal offender is settled, the offender's affairs are better handled. First knock down a few pieces of equipment on these people using the eternal special attributes, and then kill them all. Subsequent killing work will be given to the correspondent bank of our bank here. Anyway, it only needs to kill each of them a few times, which is not too complicated a task.

After solving these people, the main members of the guild can be said to have died, and destroying the guild logo of the guild headquarters will be dismissed. My agreement with Amanda has been basically completed so far, and as long as the profits of the mining area are distributed.

After finishing the work here, I didn't immediately fly to the guild's correspondent bank in France to talk about the matter, but handed the work over to the **** of war and let him send someone over to talk, but I took it with me Only the succubus began to move in the direction of Tianyu City. Because of the problem of loyalty, the succubus could not enter into my phoenix space or training space at all, so I didn't even ask, lest another conflict erupt.

Because that succubus can't be stowed, I can't fly back with a bird right now. After all, she can't fly with me on a bird, and I can't leave her here. I now understand why her first owner would rather sell her a pet position. This magic pet will not only bring any benefit to the owner, but will also cause you a lot of trouble. When dragged by her, she can't move quickly, and it's not good to leave her, because although she doesn't admit it is your magic pet, the system defaults that she has the privilege of magic pet. In other words, if she hacked a player casually outside, the system would judge that I maliciously pk that player, because the target killed by the magic pet is counted on the owner. You said that if I left her in France, how messy would her character be to me? So I didn't dare to leave her at all, even if she wasn't useful, I had to tie her around, at least not to let her cause me trouble.

I ca n’t fly with birds, and I ca n’t ride the night shadows. I had to fly with that succubus with wings. Of course, in order to prevent any other moths from happening halfway through her, Ling and Xiaochun must also fly with us.

This place is quite far from Tianyu City. I just took the opportunity to improve her understanding with her. The barriers are mostly due to the lack of understanding of each other. With more communication, most barriers can actually be eliminated.

"Do you have a name?" I asked out loud while flying with the succubus. When I saw the other person, I just glanced at me but didn't answer, and I said, "No matter what, we will stay together for a long time in the future, know that the name is always good?"

After listening to what I said, the succubus began to think, and Xiaochun and Ling were keen to find each other's hesitation. Xiaochun resolutely inserted into the dialogue to explain her: "What you want is freedom and equality. Individuals do n’t even know their names, so how can they talk about equality? Besides, equality is also a social relationship. If you do n’t communicate with us, then you are not even part of our small society, so what you call equality is fundamental Nowhere to talk. "

Probably because Xiaochun's image was too deceptive, the succubus finally said, "Linglong. My name is Linglong."

To be honest, I was a little stunned when I heard the name, because the succubus is not a creature in Chinese mythology. On the contrary, this creature is definitely an authentic import, but the succubus actually said that she was called Linglong, an extreme Chinese name. It's as if you met a blond Caucasian man on the street one day, and suddenly someone speaks a fluent Henan dialect and tells you that his name is Wang Xiaohu. The contrast is really not that great.

"Linglong? A pretty name." Xiaochun asked again, "But you don't seem to be Chinese, do you have a Chinese name?"

"My first owner was not the one who hatched me. I was hatched by a Chinese in China, and then he asked me to name myself. I said I didn't know what to call, and then he gave me Many names let me choose myself, and in the end I chose this. After that, what you said about my first owner was not actually the one who hatched me. The one who hatched me should be the person who auctioned me. They hatched me out. It was then sold to my first owner. "

Once things like chatting start, it's hard to stop them naturally without interruption. Although Linglong was very cold at first, both Ling and Xiaochun were too big leaders. The level of finding someone to talk to is definitely at the level of the political commissar. Under the guidance of you and me, Linglong finally explained all her previous experiences.

After listening to Linglong's experience, I finally knew why she was so rebellious. In fact, Linglong was not hatched by her first owner. She was hatched by the owner of the auction house with his trumpet. For the auction house, an unhatched pet egg means that its biological attributes are not completely transparent. The complex system settings of the game "Zero" often make some of the data-based attributes less accurate, and some creatures that look exactly the same on the data have vast differences. Therefore, many people do not fully believe in attribute data. They prefer to see the real thing and use their own experience to judge how powerful the creature is.

Because of this situation, a hatched pet is obviously better for the auction house than an unhatched one, and it is easier to sell at a higher price. Because of this, some auction houses are especially underground The black auction house especially likes to incubate the magic pets before auctioning them. In order to make more money in these auctions, they generally use the trumpet of their internal staff to identify and incubate the magic pet eggs. When the eggs hatch, they will naturally become the pets of these trumpet.

Because of their recent incubation, the loyalty of these magic pets is generally not very high, but they are still far from the mutiny. However, in the subsequent auction process, the magic pet will be forcibly transferred to the final buyer. Although the trumpet as its owner will lose a position of the magic pet in this process, this trumpet is only used for excessive , When the magic pet position is used up, they only need to delete the number and re-execute one. Anyway, they want to rise to the 20th level and start the novice village. For the old players, that is just four or five hours.

The people on the auction floor don't care about the loss of the trumpet's pet position, but the sold pets are transferred once, and the original loyalty is not high. After this transfer, the loyalty will further decline. . If at this point you meet an animal trainer who knows more about the magic pet, then this loyalty can be raised again. But it is clear that Linglong did not meet that knowledgeable animal trainer, but met an idiot who just wanted to use the advanced magic pet town. What's worse, there is an extreme alternative attribute in the exquisite special attribute, that is, if anyone and her do things that are not suitable for children, the basic attribute points can be improved, and this promotion is still unlimited and has no side effects. Promotion. As long as the two continue to do so, in theory the other side can be infinitely strengthened.

If Linglong is an ordinary succubus ~ ~ then doing this kind of thing with her is exactly what she wants, but Linglong is not an ordinary succubus, her character is not like a succubus, but more Close to normal women, so in the case of the guy who bought her tried to force her ooxx, her loyalty simply dropped to zero all the way. After that, things are simpler. A magic pet with no loyalty not only does not help the master fight, but also seeks trouble when it is all right. Originally, the other party bought her because she and 00xx can improve the basic attributes. Now she not only does not let the owner touch, but also makes troubles. With the character of her first owner, it is natural that she cannot tolerate such a magic pet. of. So when that guy got burnt out in the end, he could only tolerate the loss of a pet position and sold her to the unlucky egg that Milla had killed before, which was her second owner.

Although this unlucky person is still a little bit familiar with the magic pet, but because the original Linglong at this time has already lost loyalty, coupled with the bad motivation of the guy before, I still hope to be able to and Linglong ooxx, as a result Naturally, loyalty is even worse. Now thinking about it, it's amazing that Linglong didn't kill that guy.

"Since you don't like your master so much, why did you fight with us before? Shouldn't you help that guy?" I probably knew what I was wondering, and Ling Shan helped me ask this Very confusing question.

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