Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 187: Big search

I didn't answer the question directly, but handed him a list. After he was puzzled, he took a look at the list and found out that it was the two guilds agreed on the storage of liquefied magic crystal steam = use information notice. Because at present our guild can produce liquefied magic crystal steam, and the liquefied magic crystal steam itself is a high-risk strategic material. Therefore, we require that all guilds using the liquefied magic crystal steam produced by our guild must make detailed tracking records from each cubic meter of liquefied magic crystal steam purchased by us. And this is the record sheet I just handed to Yanyu.

After Yan Yu saw the record, I have been watching him, and after seeing that he has not seen any changes in his expression, my heart finally let go. Being able to react after seeing this doesn't indicate that he should be unknowing, or he will definitely have a guilty reaction.

"Isn't this a track record written by our guild? What do you show me?"

I slammed my finger directly, and then the two mobile angels who followed me kept the cloth-wrapped thing down. Before that, Yanyu had been wondering why I took two mobile angels, and it was still the boss's thing, and now he was even more confused when I asked them to put it down. But after the canvas covering the Liquefied Magic Crystal Steam Storage Tank was uncovered, his expression was completely calm.

"Damn, Ziri, why did you move this thing to our guild headquarters?" Suddenly I saw that the liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank almost didn't jump directly from the table directly behind me. Not because he was timid, but because he knew the power of this thing to explode. The liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank is naturally filled with liquefied magic crystal steam. Think about the power of the pen-sized liquefied magic crystal steam missile? If a can of liquefied magic crystal steam with a diameter of more than one meter and a height of two meters is exploded, can you imagine what it is like?

I didn't explain anything to him when he saw such a big response, but let the two mobile angels turn over the liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank, and then beckoned like the rain and rain that had already retreated to the corner. "Look."

Yanyu walked over in doubt and looked at the location of my finger, then he suddenly took the record in his hand again and aligned the number on the bottom of the bottle one by one. After three consecutive times to confirm that there is no difference between the two, Yan Yu looked at me in surprise: "What's going on?"

"This is exactly what we want to ask you." Hongyue began: "According to the records submitted by your guild, this thing should now be in your warehouse, but just this afternoon we attacked a guild city , And then accidentally discovered that this stuff was piled up in the corner while robbing the guild. Now we come to you to explain. "

"This ... can you let me find someone to investigate first?" Yan Yu is not the kind of person other people say, but he also knows that we should not make fun of him with such things, so he put Posture was low to prevent him from speaking well in case it was really their problem.

We are here to investigate this matter. Of course, we must let Yanyu investigate, so after he took the initiative, I immediately said, "You can certainly investigate, but I hope you can find as many credible people as possible, and it is best Don't let the warehouse guards know. "

Yanyu is not stupid. If something is really lost in him, the other party must have an internal response in the warehouse or the transport unit. If they openly investigate, they will surely fight against the snake, so I reminded him immediately and nodded to remember. Now that he understood, we didn't stop him any more, but let Yanyu go first, and we were waiting for him here.

As the president of the Northern Alliance, it is no simple matter that the language wants to investigate the warehouse of its guild, even if it wants to covert investigation. Directly send the order to let the people in the warehouse transfer the guard to take advantage of the opportunity, and then line up a player who is good at sneaking in the bank and sneak in. Under the premise of having someone to cover him, this kind of thing is really not difficult.

Because things were simple, the results came out quickly. We only did ten minutes in the room and saw Yanyu walk in with a sad look. Before we asked him, he consciously said, "The corresponding storage tank in the warehouse is really gone, and my people also found that there are only two other empty storage tanks that should be put together in the warehouse."

"What?" Hongyue immediately stood up and asked, surprised, "Do you mean that besides this bottle, there is a liquefied magic crystal steam outside?"

Yan Yu nodded painfully. It was their fault anyway, so we have to put up with him now even if we point at his nose and scold him. The power of liquefied magic crystal steam is really terrifying. To say that this exaggeration is simply a nuclear weapon in the game. You said they lost two nuclear warheads in their guild. Isn't this a serious problem?

When I saw Yan Yu, I looked like a defeated cock. I quickly pulled away the red moon and turned to comfort Yan Yu. It ’s the right thing to fix. ”

Yan Yu nodded and said, "I understand that this time it is indeed our fault that we have nothing to do. Although you speak, I will cooperate."

I nodded and turned around and gave Rose an eye to signal him to take over, Rose immediately took the words and said: "Zi Ri is right, now it is important to try to recover the loss. To minimize the loss, I think we should first Do three things well.

\\\ "You said, I'll do it right away. \\\" Yan Yu said seriously.

Rose nodded: "The first thing is to send someone to find the missing liquefied magic crystal steam immediately, it is best to find it before the other party uses it. The second comprehensive inventory of all the warehouse inventory of your guild, just found the loss The warehouse is only the third warehouse. It is difficult to guarantee that other warehouses have no similar situation, so you must check all the warehouse materials of your guild as soon as possible. The focus is on the warehouses related to the liquefied magic crystal steam, but other warehouses and materials cannot be ignored. It ’s for all of us. It ’s not a good thing for them to get anything. We have to confirm as soon as possible what ’s missing. The third thing is to find the inner ghost of your guild and control it immediately. He will also be killed and expelled from the guild. This kind of person staying in the guild is a great threat to us all. "

"You can think about what happens if the other party detonates a liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank in your warehouse?"

As soon as Yan Yu thought of the explosion of the entire tank of liquefied magic crystal steam at the guild headquarters, he immediately shook his body, feeling that the hairs of his whole body stood up. However, he suddenly realized what and turned to look at us and asked in surprise: "Wait, do you mean the jar is not empty?"

"Nonsense, what did the other party do with such great efforts to steal an empty jar?" Hongyue pointed to the jar we brought and said, "This bottle was almost full when we found it."

When Yanyu heard this, the face that had not looked good became even more ugly. He said to himself: "If the empty tank is stolen or it is only a warehouse problem, now the tank is full and the record says it is empty, that is"

Hongyue Road: "Yes, your guild ’s liquefied magic crystal steam canning and transportation department must also have internal ghosts, and even the guards may have their people, otherwise the full bottle of liquefied magic crystal steam cannot be stolen. An empty bottle sealed record sheet was also issued as usual. "

Rose followed: "Thanks to our accidental discovery of this bottle of liquefied magic crystal steam, otherwise the other party will return the empty jar to your warehouse after using up this bottle of liquefied magic crystal steam, and you will wait for the next shipment. Give us the empty cans, and we will ship them to you after the guild is irrigated, and then they will steal them for use. This will become a cost for you to ask us to help them produce liquefied magic crystal steam. You said that we have to How much is lost? "

Almost all of what Yuyan said about us was crying. While leaning his head up, he desperately held back his tears and said, "I thought we were very good and powerful in the Northern Alliance, and it turned out to be so riddled with it already! Blindly expanding the scale did not work. ?"

Su Mei interjected suddenly: "Large-scale expansion has the advantages of large-scale expansion, and the elite route of our Frost Rose Alliance is not a perfect route. At least our initial expansion is difficult, but we have to survive the initial difficulties and wait for the scale. It is much easier to grow bigger. Your large-scale expansion can quickly gather resources and develop rapidly to occupy the living space. In the early stage, it will be much stronger than us, but in the later stage, as the guild grows, various internal forces will restrain each other. There will be a lack of ability to expand, and the guild power will be gradually consumed in the internal fighting. Like this time, the problem is actually a good thing. However, the form of your guild has been fixed, even if this time you can quickly develop for a period of time However, similar events will definitely happen over time. You can only keep doing internal cleanup to ensure that the guild develops steadily, but overcleaning will in turn hurt your own development potential. It is up to you to master this. "

Yan Yu looked at Su Mei and said, "If only we could have a think tank like you!"

Su Mei said with a smile: "If the annual salary is more than 5 million crystal coins, I can also consider changing jobs. It is also possible not to work part-time. I don't mind taking extra money."

"Ha ha ha ha", the smoky rain that had almost burst into tears, was laughed at by Su Mei, but his expression became serious after he laughed. "Just rest assured, this time I will definitely clear out the maggots in the guild."

I nodded and said, "In addition to telling you this thing, we want to assist you in this investigation. After all, the theft of liquefied magic crystal steam is also a huge threat to us, so we hope that you can temporarily open permissions to us and let us Investigate in your guild. Of course, you can retain the confidential permissions of your guild, we only need some permissions related to this time. "

Yan Yu nodded and said, "This is what it should be. I'll open it for you."

After obtaining some guild authority in Yanyu here, we briefly discussed some of your division of labor, and finally decided that I and Hongyue would go and track down the missing tank of liquefied magic crystal steam. Rose's task is to stay and assist Yanyu to check the warehouse supplies. After all, Rose is in charge of logistics in our guild. She is familiar with these tasks and should be much faster than the average person. What's more, the Northern Alliance can't figure out what those people can believe now. Rather than risking to use these people, it's better to look at it from an absolutely reliable outsider. In the end, Su Mei's job was to assist Yanyu in investigating who was inside their guild and how they worked. With Sumei's intelligence and understanding of human behavior and popular psychology, dealing with such things should be much better than amateur investigators in the Northern Alliance. In addition, the hungry people also specially reserved two mobile angels to Su Mei for the Protoss, in order to prevent some of the traitors from mastering the sudden attack and fled. There are two pairs of protoss using mobile angels around Sumei, as long as they don't run into the top one hundred of the world ’s most powerful players, they can usually be done.

After the task was arranged, Yanyu arranged for two groups of trusted people to come to appraise Sumei and Rose first, after confirming that these people had no problems, Yanyu told them, and then assigned them in the shocked expression of these people. Task. Most of them were assigned to Rose to help her check the guild inventory. After all, this matter required a lot of manpower. One of the remaining people assigned me and Hongyue to be in charge of communication and exchanges in the guild, and the rest of them followed Sui Mei to catch in with Yan Yu.

After the task was arranged, our group immediately separated and started to go their separate ways.

I was assigned to Red Moon and I was a very sunny boy. The occupation is a very common Paladin, but his level is very high, and the equipment is good, as long as you do n’t run into my level of existence. You can go sideways.

"President Ziri and Chairman Hongyue, I'm the Prince Charming, I can help you with the real thing."

"Well ..." Hongyue laughed and heard this guy's name. "what's your name?"

The guy was embarrassed holding his hair and said, "Hey, when I first built the number, I wanted to pull the wind a little bit, and I didn't read the instructions at the time, I thought I could change the name at will, so I just named it like this now It turned out to be a joke! "

I also laughed: "You are pretty good, we will have a sè wolf in all respects, the conditions are good, but it turned out that this name made no girlfriend until now. By contrast, you are lucky, At least Prince Charming is not tempting. "

The guy smiled helplessly and didn't say this again, but turned to the topic: "It should have been in warehouse three, but it's not certain whether it was lost after shipping to the warehouse or only the storage records. The link before the thing It has already been transported away. Do you think we started from warehouse 3 or what should we do? "

When it comes to business, we are all serious. I thought for a moment and thought, "In any case, check warehouse No. 3 first. If it is confirmed that it was not lost in the warehouse, then push forward. Otherwise, such an aimless chaotic opportunity is even more remote."

Red Moon also nodded in agreement with my opinion, so we went straight to Warehouse No. 3 under the leadership of Prince Baima.

The No. 3 warehouse of the Northern Alliance is actually a transit warehouse, where all the materials to be transferred are stored, so the flow of goods is relatively large, which is quite troublesome to check. What is more annoying is that the warehouse and the transfer hall are actually in the front and rear streets. There is only an alley less than three meters wide and two courtyard walls more than two meters in the middle. This has caused an abnormal outflow of goods. Become more. Moreover, since the other party has so many internal responses within the Northern Alliance, the supplies may not be removed from abnormal channels. The advantage of guarding theft is that you can pull things out fairly without being suspected. Of course, for the sake of insurance, the possibility of the other party choosing to transport in a troublesome way is not excluded. In general, it may be too much xìng, and I can't find any clue when I check it.

"President Ziri, how do we check so many mobile material records?" After arriving at Warehouse No. 3, Prince Baima looked helplessly at the in and out records of the mountainous materials and asked helplessly.

I didn't directly answer the question of Prince Charming, but told him what to do by action. As the earth door opened, the swarms of unicorn warriors ran out of it, and then I released the guard of death. Don't think that summoning creatures can only be beaters, it is better to break the fixed thinking as soon as possible.

With such a large group of subordinates helping to turn the data, the speed is absolutely amazing. As for myself, I don't have to look at anything, just stand on the top of a pile of boxes and give orders.

"So people pay attention, and pull out the records of materials I entered and exited three days ago and the manual records of the day."

With my order, the summoned creatures immediately moved, and soon the information I wanted was turned out. Set aside the other data first, and then I said, "Compare the records of the day, and calculate whether the transportation volume and the material input and output records of the day are consistent."

It's been a little longer this time ~ ~ After all, comparing things like numbers is quite troublesome, even if there are many people, it won't be fast. About half an hour later, a unicorn warrior finally reported: "Report, records are not right!"

It wasn't just me, and even Prince Charming responded. The record doesn't match that someone played a trick in the middle, and this is our clue.

I quickly jumped out of the box and ran to the unicorn warrior. "What's the situation?"

"The entry record of the same day's cargo transportation showed that four liquefied magic crystal steams were imported, but the record of entering and leaving the vehicle was only twice."

After listening to the report, Hongyue said immediately: "It seems that our liquefied magic crystal steam has never entered the warehouse!"

The liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank uses a special transport vehicle. Only one can of liquefied magic crystal steam can be transported at a time. Only one vehicle participates in the transportation on that day, and it only enters and leaves twice. This means that there are only two cans of liquefied magic crystal steam The storage tank arrived, and the other two tanks out of the newly recorded liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank did not exist.

"Check the transportation records immediately. Who was responsible for the transportation on that day?" @.

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