Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 47: garden

Because it was transmitted according to Mei Mingzhi's coordinates, we stood directly in Mei Mingzhi's flowerbed as soon as we came out! What kind of flower garden is here? It's a huge flower house. I really admire him! But what he said surprised me even more. "This flower house is all auxiliary flowers that can be planted in the city. Besides the beauty, it basically has certain benefits!"

"Not all plant species here?"

"Of course not!" Mei Mingzhi looked at me strangely. "Do you think there are only so many kinds of plants? Here are just the more common plants, and they are just ornamental plants in the city. There are defensive plants, economic plants, and a special plant. And by the way Say, all the plant species I have here are less than one-tenth of what can be grown! "

"so much!"

"of course!"

I walked a few circles in the flower room to find a rose-like stamen. "what is this?"

"This is a bauhinia rose. Its aroma has a stimulant effect, which can improve the combat effectiveness and blood recovery speed of the soldier, but it is useless to the mage!"

"Doping? If my people smell this thing for a long time, there will be no side effects? Doping is not a good thing!"

"Of course not! If there are side effects, would I dare to list it as a helper plant?" Mei Mingzhi came over and pointed to a white flower next to him: "In fact, I personally recommend that you re-weight this plant, of course you do not If you like it, forget it! "

I took a look at this small white flower, which looks like a starry sky and is very small, but the flowers are quite dense, and this thing seems to be climbing vines! If it is planted in the city, the entire city will not be fully covered!

"This thing is pretty good, are there any special features?"

"This thing has a very good smell. It smells pretty good, and it has the function of calming the soul after smelling it. The mage in the city can increase the speed of magic recovery and the attack power of the mage. But this thing has no effect on soldiers! "

"What if the two plants are mixed together? Will the effects of the two aromas interfere with each other?"

"Unclear! No experiments! But there should be no problem!"

"Then I want to plant these two kinds of plants on the streets of the city! By the way, if the outer walls of the city are also planted with this thing, will my soldiers become very powerful?"

"No!" Mei Mingzhi shook his head: "We don't need to plant these two flowers on the exterior wall to get the effect. Although the effect comes from plants, but this is a game after all, some things are not as strict as the city, as long as the city Plant these flowers here, and the soldiers in this city can be supported, but the enemies fighting with them will have no effect! "

"Well, there are 3 botanical gardens? Take me to see!"

Zhimei Mingzhi immediately took me to visit the economic plant cultivation area with enthusiasm. The plants here are all things like medicinal materials. No wonder they are called economic plants. The so-called economy means that you can sell money! Really relevant! Next is the defensive plant area. The things that are planted here can be complicated. Although there are few species, this plant area has the largest area. Because the plants here are dangerous, they have very different areas. Large spacing to avoid death by attacking each other.

"What is this?" I asked Mei Mingzhi, pointing to a plant with a huge yellow bud.

"Oh! Be careful !!!" He pulled my hand back, just a few seconds after my hand was retracted, the yellow bud suddenly blossomed, to be precise, it opened its mouth! After opening the bud, I saw two huge rows of teeth instead of stamens. The bud stretched out of my head and clicked and bite a bit. If it wasn't for Mei Mingzhi pulling me, my hand would be bitten off.

"Oh my God! Isn't this cannibal flower?" I didn't expect such a fierce plant! What kind of plant is this? It should be more appropriate to call a monster!

"This is a dog tooth flower, because the teeth in the mouth are more like dog teeth, so they are named!"

"Who would want such a terrible thing!"

"That's not necessarily true! To be honest, the flowers here are the best selling ones of this kind!"

什么 "What? Who would buy this kind of flower? Someone would dare to give it away! If you give your girlfriend such a firm gift on Valentine's Day, don't want to see her in your life!"

"Who said it was a gift? This thing is for you to plant as a fence! You think! If there is a row of this stuff on the fence, who would dare to turn over the wall of your house?"

This is true. I don't know anyone else, anyway, I won't go through this kind of courtyard! "Are the plants in your flower room all the same dangerous plants?"

"Yeah! The plants here are very dangerous, and the non-dangerous plants will not be planted here!" Just as Mei Mingzhi's private chat rang, he asked me to visit it, but don't approach any plants, then I went to the corner to pick up a private chat!

转 I turned around and saw a purple flower stamen resembling a tulip in a small flower pot. The plants in this flower room are very large. This is relatively small, and it seems to be safe! But this pot of flowers was placed on an empty lot, and the surrounding plants were far away from it. I walked over and just wanted to study it. The flower suddenly turned in a direction and aimed at me. It wasn't as fast as a plant! However, considering the situation of the rose vine, there is nothing strange, to say that the dangerous rose vine is a hundred times more dangerous than the plants here!

I tried to circle around the flower, but the flower heart can always stare at me, and it seems that it can feel my position. The flower has no features and cannot be seen or heard, then it should be felt. The rose vine determines the target by the vibration of the ground. Of course, the rose vine has eyes, and the vibration sensing is only an auxiliary function, but the flower in front of it must be able to sense the surrounding objects through vibration.

After looking at it for a while, I found that the flower heart seemed to be blocked by the petals. When I tried to see it clearly, the flower heart suddenly opened completely. This time you can see clearly. Under the petals is a structure like a lotus flower, but the lotus flower grows in the lotus flower, and there are dozens of cold steel darts in this thing. I suddenly realized it was not good, and quickly pulled down the shield on my shoulder and blocked it in front of me. When Dangdang Dangdang made a noise, I hurried back a distance. After reaching a safe distance, turn the shield over and see that there are more than thirty steel pins with a length of one inch and more. The power of this thing is too great, or it is so strange that it is placed so far away! I unplugged a steel needle and looked at it, but it was not a steel needle, it felt like something like a nut shell.

Wu Meimingzhi walked over and saw a row of pins on the shield in my hand, and he understood what was going on. "It attacked you?"

"What is this? It ’s the same as a multi-barreled rocket launcher! Thanks to its small size!" My mercury shield was not activated just now, it was just too late! The speed at which this thing launches steel needles has far exceeded the speed of mercury accumulation!

"This is what I got for the mission. The name is Hidden Needle Flower. How is it? The name is very appropriate?"

"Hidden flowers of steel needles! It's a real name! Does anyone attack this thing?"

"I don't know! It doesn't attack me anyway! It is estimated that the planters will not be attacked!"

"The power is good! Unfortunately, it is too aggressive, and it is too dangerous to grow in the city!"

"That's it!"

After choosing for a long time, I still decided not to plant anything outside the city walls. The plants here are too abnormal to bite my own.


The next time I went to the special plant flowerbed, I found a very beautiful tree in it. This kind of tree is relatively high, about 25 to 30 meters in height. The crown of the tree starts from more than 5 meters above the ground. The lush green tree grows a lot, but this is not a strange place. A lot of fruit grew on the tree. Not a normal fruit, but a crystal-clear purple fruit like a crystal glass ball, each fruit is shining, looks like a fairyland, it is really beautiful!

"What tree is this?"

"do not know!"

"Ah?" I was confused. "Don't you know what you plant?"

"I know it is the fruit of the demon tree. It should be the demon tree that grows out of reason, but obviously this is not! And I can't identify its name, so I never know what it is!"

"What a weird tree!" I thought about it in the past, and suddenly remembered the hidden needle flower just now, and asked Mei Mingzhi, "Is this thing not dangerous?"

"I don't know! My profession is a gardener. I have the ability to identify plants in my professional skills. Although none of the plants here attack me, I can identify which plants are dangerous and which plants are safe. This tree Because it ca n’t be identified, I do n’t know any attributes yet! ”

Although I don't know if there is any danger, but I don't think a tree can treat me! Carefully walked over, the huge trees suddenly made a creaking noise, and the canopy shook noticeably. Immediately I kept my stride position and the tree was calm again. I took another step in super slow motion, and the big tree started to ring again. It seems that this thing is responding to me!

I thought for a while and said to Mei Mingzhi, "Do you have any seeds for this thing? In case of death, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I have seeds, and two of them have sprouted! But what do you want to do?"

I did not answer him but summoned the rose vine. "Let ’s go and see if you can communicate with this thing?" Rose vines are also plants, so they should have a common language!

After a while, the rose vine extended a tentacle from the ground again. The phantom helped me translate the meaning of the rose vine. "The rose vine said that the tree had an autonomous consciousness, but it refused to communicate with the rose vine. And the rose vine found that the underground part of the tree was unexpectedly large, and its root system had covered a few kilometers around it!"

I was taken aback. What a tree with such a developed root system! It's a cactus, it grows to a root system covering a few square kilometers! After telling Mei Mingzhi this news, he was also shocked. It seems that he did not know that this thing has such a huge root system.

"Give me this seed, right?" Although this thing doesn't know what it's useful for, it looks very good, at least quite beautiful, and it doesn't seem to be offensive. I have been here for so long and haven't seen it attack what!

After I got the seeds, I realized that the shiny crystal ball was the seed, and only two seeds were displayed on the body—seeds, nothing else! When I returned to the city with Mei Mingzhi, there was no one in the city. I stood on the base of the Juling Tower and saw only a large group of workers outside the city. Just seeing Yang Kun running out of the Juling Pagoda, he quickly pulled him. "Are you mining outside?"

"Yeah! I'm looking for you! You don't know! Your city is full of monolithic crystal rocks. The scary amount is really envious of you!"

"Are they mining?"

Boom! A cloud of mushrooms suddenly rose outside the city, frightening Yang Kun and me. Yang Kun looked at Yunwu and said, "In fact, the trouble is not small!"


"Did you not see the exploding cloud?"

"Did that mushroom cloud just come from the crystal chocolate zha?"

恩 "Well! You have blasted N times during this time! The crystal rock is too hard, and it is a whole piece. We cracked for a long time and opened a crack!"

"What are you doing back here?"

"I'm looking for Miss Rose!"

"Rose in it?"

恩 "Well! I just talked to her and we want to buy more zha medicine and blow it up at once!"

"She agreed?"


"Don't use zha medicine anymore! We used to, I have a way to separate the rocks!"

Let Mei Mingzhi first go to the city to familiarize himself with the terrain and then give me a sketch of the planting of stamens. I followed Yang Kun directly to the city. The blasting scene can be described as a mess, the cauldron rice, Wuyu, ruthless, passersby are all here, and none of these people is not black!

靠 "Fuck! Boss, are you finally back?" Cauldron Fan started to complain after seeing my first sentence. "We're almost going to be roast ducks. You actually took someone to enjoy the flowers!"

I wiped it on his shoulder, and the fingers turned black. "What is your kid doing?"

At this time, the same dark gray crystal chocolate came over, and she still had a bundle of zha medicine in her hand! "I asked them to order zha medicine!"

Wu Wuyu shouted, "This girl is just concentrating on us. Every time the fuse is not slowed down once, there are casualties almost every time!"

"The skill level is not high, what can I do!"

"Okay!" I'm afraid that the conflict will escalate again! "You all flashed aside for me." Turned and pulled Xiaoyao. "How do I cut the stone?"

"It doesn't need to be precise, just make sure that each piece is not too big so that we can move it ~ ~ We will deal with the specific polishing. Now it is because this thing grows into a whole piece, so Not easy! "

"I see! This is simple!" I started to gather the crystal beetle under the ground with my heart. The ground around it was turning, and a few beetles filled the ground instantly. Under my command, the beetles all crawled onto the rocks, and the beetles began to sting immediately. Deakin did not lie to us. These things pick up hard rocks like tofu. Rocks that can't be treated by zha are easily divided into cubes.

A few people who saw my little beetle were stunned, but none of them asked me what was going on. People in our guild often saw me running around with all kinds of magic pets, so I was used to it, and other people didn't ask me because they were not very familiar. After dividing the rock, I started to command the beetles to cut down the forest. Is the log also a necessary raw material for building the city! Little beetles cut trees as fast as professional machines. The entire forest fell down instantly. Then I instructed the beetles to clean the branches and leaves, and the rest was bare logs.

When the little beetles commanded the wood, I noticed a strange phenomenon. Just a dozen drops of blood were lost when Mei Mingzhi was attacked by the hidden needle flower. Although it was more than ten for my nearly 10,000 health points. It's trivial to bleed, but because I don't have the ability to recover, my health should always be dissatisfied. However, after the little beetles gnawed at the trees, my life was full! There was no change at the beginning when the stone was smashed, but now the sapwood filled the blood! Can the beetles eat blood for me? And you must also eat nutritious things, eating stones can not make up for blood! It seems that this should be the case, we must find time to study it in the future!

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