Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 54: Confession and Target Determination

I don't know if it's because Victoria is my magic pet, anyway, my wish was soon realized. The quarrel between the gang and the Saints soon turned into a brawl. what? You say that the saints can only be beaten alone? Yes, one can only be beaten up, but what if you add people around you?

Is it true that Victoria has hidden lucky attributes? Otherwise, why is my wish fulfilled so completely?

Immediately after the fight with the gang, some of the people around him saw the silver bottle on the stone behind the holy warrior. The stuff was filled with a pot of unknown liquid, but this is actually no problem. Everyone longs for it, because every time someone turns in the beetle shell, the saint will **** a few drops of liquid from the stuff with a dropper. Drip into each other's mouth. After drinking this, as long as you think about the attribute you want to strengthen, that attribute will immediately change, and it is a drop corresponding to it, very accurate.

Before, there was a genuine Olympus protoss guarding there, so no one has dared to let go, this will be different. As the Olympus protoss was also affected by the group of people fighting with the Saints, the people around them could no longer hold their eager desire for the thing and extended the greedy hand to the bottle. Then things got better. There are not many people who dare to steal the Protoss, but the players who dare to grab other players are grabbing a large number, so after the bottle is in hand, the thief is brought down for the first time, then others start to rob, and finally completely This event caused a melee.

Looking at the crowd that has completely disrupted the set, I directly asked Emerson to use the real mirroring skills to copy three identical bottles, and then quietly sneaked into the crowd.

Although my appearance looks like a normal player after using camouflage, camouflage does not actually change my actual attributes. So in the crowd, I simply separated all attacks and snatched the bottle like a tiger into a flock. of course. Immediately after I snatched the bottle, I was sieged and "knocked down", and then the bottle was snatched by an unfavorable egg. Then the guy was also put down by the crowd and the bottle reached the next unfavorable egg.

Seeing that the crowd was gradually away from me, I immediately got out of the group, but it was not a big deal not to go out, because the battlefield had been roughly divided into several areas to fight each other. It wasn't just one bottle that was stolen when I pretended to fall, but three. Because everyone is just staring at the one they see. So no one noticed that the bottles had actually been made from three to three, and they were all fakes. The biggest advantage of Emmys's real mirror is that it has a physical body, except that it has no attributes and is relatively weak. Unfortunately, this skill is not available in the real world, otherwise it would be cool to let Aimeness copy some antiques. Nobody would use antiques for any purpose, that is, put them in there, as long as they look exactly the same, they are usually not found. Of course, all the equipment and props in the game are used, so if anyone uses them, they will be found immediately.

While the melee crowds gradually shifted their position, I quickly approached the foreigners who were being beaten. Since the bottle is not here. In addition, the Greeks knew that the protoss were not good enough to mess with, so there were no other people in this circle except the few foreigners and the two Olympians. Although the number of those foreigners reached more than ten, the rivals turned out to be protoss. The attribute conversion of one to ten determines that the protoss who are not garbage are not so good for ordinary players. Not to mention the genuine Olympus Protoss. That saint warrior alone can already achieve a state of picking eight without losing the wind, let alone a genuine protoss next to it.

It is because of the huge gap in strength that the group of foreigners who have the absolute advantage is the one who is being beaten. However, this group of people is stiff enough. Even if they are beaten, they are still fighting and fighting. Many people really caused a certain level of damage to the Protoss of Olympus and the nearby Saint. of course. This injury is at best a skin trauma. Didn't you see that the Olympus Protoss was too lazy to brush it?

Just as the two Olympians on this side abused several foreigners there, I quietly touched them. Originally, in the normal order, I should use the advantage of sneak attacks to lose the strong Olympus Protoss first, and then go to that saint, but I need to inquire about Aphrodite's situation, so I have to take that The protoss stayed, so they had to attack that saint first. Reform to the strength of these two. It's basically impossible to run away from me.

The two protoss are focusing on the foreigners in front of them, and the hordes of foreigners who were beaten are so incomparable. Both sides didn't pay much attention to the situation around them, so when I suddenly broke out, there was no response on either side.

The holy warrior punched a soldier's shield out of a fist-shaped pit with a punch, and the soldier fell to his knees and was directly hit by a huge force. Then the holy warrior lifted his leg and kicked his shield away, and the soldier was kicked, and then he clung to his head desperately because he knew that he would be attacked next. However, the expected attack did not fall. Just as he was panicking to protect the vitals and his companions rushed forward to prepare for rescue, a hand suddenly protruded from the back of the saint fighter and pulled it directly around his neck and pulled it down. On the ground, following a blade with almost invisible shape across the holy fighter's throat like lightning, his struggle stopped in an instant.

Because all this happened too quickly, the few foreigners present didn't react much to what had happened. The battle had ended, while the saints on the ground had lost their breath, apparently dead. However, although the foreigners did not respond, the Olympus Protoss reacted immediately, but his reaction was a bit negligent.

Originally, if he turned and ran away immediately when the saint was killed and lost, his chance of surviving at least more than doubled, but unfortunately, after discovering the death of the saint, he not only did not run, but rushed up. This is a bit self-destructive.

Just as the guy rushed towards me, I had already got up to meet him. As soon as the Olympus Protoss entered the scale of attack, it immediately raised its hand and made a punch. But I squeezed his wrist and pushed it up faster than he did. Followed his right hand and grabbed his neck. The guy waved his left fist to attack my temple to force me to loosen his neck, but what he didn't expect was that I suddenly took a step in front of him and lifted up the right arm holding his neck. , Holding his arm with his elbow position, and at the same time as his arm hit my elbow, I immediately followed the force of his hit and suddenly squeezed his neck to the left and pressed it hard Go on. The guy immediately felt that he was out of balance, and the whole person fell out sideways, and then I fell to the ground. Half of the bang was trapped.

Although it was miserable this time, but the impact was far from being able to lose a Protoss, so I didn't pause at all and dragged the guy who was a little stunned by me from the soil again. Get up, and then wait for him to come up and lift his leg in the middle of his stomach, kicking him all up and flying up, but because the neck is still pinching in my hand, he didn't really fly up, It was after I flattened my whole body that I suddenly changed my hands and squeezed his back, neck and face down again.

boom. Accompanying a circle of cobweb-like cracks that spread out, the guy was stunned. Not because the protoss did not fight, but because I suppressed him too strongly. God Stone has given me the power to suppress divine power. What's more, the strengthening effect of the property of Tushen makes me obviously more fierce than usual when facing the protoss. Think about how I could take down the attacks of Aphrodite and Athena. How could such a little **** running legs be my rival?

In the stunned gaze of foreign players, I dragged the Olympus Protoss' neck from the big pit on the ground like a dead dog, and then walked away when they did n’t exist. Go past them and walk to the next leveling area. As for the group of foreigners, it wasn't until I disappeared into my sight for a long time that I swallowed and spit and calmed down my nervousness. Of course, I couldn't hear the group's discussion after slowing down, because at this time I was interrogating the captive in a small cave in the leveling area.

"Name, identity, which deity to belong to, and the mission of the Nether this time, tell me everything, immediately."

"I won't ..." A loud slap in the back of the cave echoed, and the guy flew out of the wall just over two meters away before hitting the ground again.

"I'm actually not a patient person. But if you refuse to cooperate, I don't mind playing with you slowly."

As I said, I took out a suitcase and opened it in front of him and placed it on the ground. When the box was opened, the protoss, who was originally a heroic face, was scared like a maggot and moved back.

"You don't have to say, that's your right, but I can torture you to the fullest, this is my right."

"You demon, Zeus will avenge me." Although the guy was afraid to die, he still refused to compromise.

"Zeus?" I intentionally laughed as evil as possible and looked at his fingers. "Maybe he can do it. But you must have died miserably before that. Of course the premise is that you continue to be so heroic. But then again , I'm curious what can you get for this? No one will be sad for your death, and they won't even remember someone like you missing. "

"Nonsense, I have a mission at hand, and if I haven't gone back when the time is up, Zeus will know that I have crashed."

"No no no, if it is normal as you said, but I ca n’t tell you a very sad news that we are preparing to launch a large-scale operation against your Olympians, so Zeus It will be very busy soon, as for the disappearance of such a small sesame **** ... will anyone remember? "

"You ... you you ..." The guy pointed at me for a long time without you being there.

I deliberately continued to wickedly smile and provoked: "What are you? I want to know what great title I have. Don't use any demon, murderer, abnormal, etc., that's all It's been used by people. Something new? I'd love to get another title. "

"You **** guy!" The helpless Protoss who was fooled by my evil words can only curse such a powerless word, but I'm quite happy about it, because it just shows that the guy is about to Can't stand it.

"Why? Still don't want to say it?" I said, taking out the tools in the box piece by piece, although the guy didn't know what kind of tools it was. But it was trouble-free, and he was scared. See his gaze following my movements after scanning the items I took out. I suddenly took one of the small bottles and shook it in front of him, and then said, "Do you know what's in it? Needless to say, it's the water of the silent sea." I said Then he put down the bottle, and then suddenly asked, "What do you know?" Seeing the other person's lips trembled, I said with satisfaction: "Very good It seems that you know. Well, I think you must also know what I want to do with this tool? "

"You go to death!" Because I didn't imprison the guy's body, the guy broke out completely after thinking about the possible result. He rushed up in anger. Then he wanted to attack me, although it turned out that he was punched a few more times.

This guy wasn't my rival at first, and there was a big difference in strength. In addition, I was fattened just now, and now he was obviously injured. It would be strange if he could still run and lose in this state. That's why I didn't tie him up.

Throw the guy back to the wall again, but he will run again as soon as he hits the ground, but I move faster than him, stepping on one of his palms, and squatting down, pulling out a dagger around his waist, and piercing him His wrist nailed one of his arms to the ground. Even the Protoss will hurt. It's just that they are less likely to get hurt, so they usually have less pain. However, when I suddenly pierced my arm, even the Protoss still rolled in pain. of course. Because his arm was fixed, he didn't dare to move that arm even though he struggled and twisted inexhaustibly because it would hurt even more.

Seeing that he usually jumped there with the fish on the shore, I kicked him directly on his chin to make him face up to the sky, and then pulled out a dagger and took him before he reacted. His other arm was also nailed to the ground.

"Ah ... you devil ... time to go to hell!" The guy was now pumping in pain, but couldn't move because his hands were fixed. I can only open my mouth and scold me to ease the pain.

I didn't care about the insult to him, so I quickly pulled out a dagger and pressed his leg to the ground to pierce it. Then I quickly felt the fourth dagger and pressed him The remaining leg said, "Don't move around, cooperate. I will give you a try of the sea of ​​the silent sea in a moment. That's a lot better than this, you just call and kill Like pigs, what do you do in a while? Come on. Be stronger, show your heroic spirit. "

"No no no, I said I said, what do you want to know? I'm not a hero, can I say it's not enough?" The guy finally disintegrated under my threat. I am not satisfied with this, but according to previous experience, in fact, the Protoss is the best race to force a confession. Compared with other creatures, the living conditions of the Protoss are the most superior, so they are also the most afraid of death. In addition, they are basically not injured, so their resistance to pain and the like is very weak. Basically, in addition to being more powerful and being extremely proud, the Protoss can actually be defined as a weak creature that bullies and fears hard. It's really amazing to me that this guy can insist on confessing now instead of coming up, so it's not surprising that he begged me now.

"Very well, it seems that you have realized the true meaning of life." Looking at that guy's horrified face, I turned and sat directly on his stomach, and then took a dagger and gestured on him while saying: "So Let's start our conversation officially. First, the first question ... "

After the psychological defense disintegration, the torture became quite untechnical. It took me only a few minutes to get everything I wanted to know, and then I took out a dagger to prepare his life.

The guy immediately saw my intention, and immediately struggling violently to escape, but instead drew in pain from the dagger on his arm and leg, and he screamed again. When he found that he was unable to struggle, he asked me in panic: "Don't you say you let me go as long as I say?"

"Did I say that?" I asked.

When he heard me, the guy froze. Indeed, I never said he would let him go, and he was just misled by my actions.

"You you you ... you can't do this! I have explained all the information, you should let me go."

"Ashamed. I didn't leave myself a habit of suffering later." I said, holding his neck to kill.

The guy screamed at the sight, "No. Don't kill me. I surrender, is it okay for me to join you as a thug?"

"I'm ashamed, I'm not interested in scraps of your strength." I said that I was going to pierce. The guy wanted to say something for mercy, but I didn't stop planning. The guy saw that I was determined to kill him, and knew that he could no longer feel pain, so he worked hard to pull out the nailed arm with a dagger, although the pain was dying. But he didn't dare to be distracted at all. As soon as his arm was free, he reached out and wanted to hold my arm. Unfortunately, he was not as fast as me, and his pain was affected by his speed. So, When he finally grabbed my wrist, the dagger was already in his throat.

Normally, after being destroyed, the protoss can still be separated by the spirit, but the one in front of him is obviously weak, so his spirit was pulled by me as soon as he flew up. I was also worried that the attributes of the cloak would cause this guy ’s spirit to be directly absorbed by the dragon soul suit. I did n’t expect that after I caught the guy ’s spirit, a purple and black breath came out of the body and penetrated into my armor. in. In this way, it seems that Hades is not absorbed by the soul, but by other tools.

Hadith ’s faith-collection plan was overwhelmed. I found one in front of me. I simply stuffed that guy ’s spirit into a container that he carried with him.

After I lost this guy, I left the cave. But after I went out, I blasted the hole again so that no one would see his body. I don't want to make the task negligent because of a little negligence.

According to the account of the guy who was just lost, Aphrodite should have returned to Mount Olympus with a wound, and she has now been cured. As for what she is doing, this elementary protoss does not know Already.

The captive Aphrodite ran back to the Olympus Protoss is a big news. He could hear stories, but the whereabouts of the high-level protoss were not accessible to him. However, I know at least one thing from him, that is, Aphrodite will soon go to a place, and all I have to do is go ahead and wait.

We found out when Aphrodite and Athena were captured last time. At that time, Aphrodite's combat effectiveness was significantly higher than Athena's, and this abnormal gap came from another Olin. Pepsi Protoss Protoss-Vulcan Hephaestus.

Hephaestus is not so much Vulcan. Better to be a blacksmith. Although he doesn't care about making kitchen knives and farm tools, this guy is basically a personal army factory, and the reason why Aphrodite can surpass Athena in combat effectiveness is because she has a set of Hephaestus tailor-made for her. Wait for the Warframe. It was because of the impenetrable armor that Aphrodite gained combat power that he should not have. Of course, the suit of armor has been shattered by me, so now Aphrodite is in a state of extremely low combat effectiveness.

Although now Aphrodite has taken refuge in our chaos and order of the Protoss, but no matter in which force, personal strength is always a very important tool, so since there is such a chance to return, Aphrodite Then he calculated to find Hephaestus to build a set of equipment for her. Anyway, Hephaestus is also her nominal husband. Although it is not real, it is famous, plus Hephaestus is very good to herself, so it is important for her to find Hephaestus to set up equipment Not a problem at all.

However, although Hephaestus would not be able to save a set of equipment, even Hephaestus could not prepare several sets of equipment suitable for Aphrodite at any time, so when Aphrodite returned, You have to wait for Hephaestus to make a set. Fortunately, Hephaestus turned out to be a protoss who specialized in this. Although the fighting power was not available, the skill of ironing was unmatched. One day was enough for him to complete a set of equipment.

If according to this logic calculation, Aphrodite should soon go to Hephaestus to get her equipment, then I would find Aphrodite much more convenient. It's a bit weird to say. I seem to remember that I had asked Aphrodite to bring our guild's crystal communicator to contact her before leaving, but why did her communicator never receive a signal? If it hadn't been for the tool to take effect, I wouldn't have spent so much effort running up to her.

Although Hephaestus is a high-level being in the Olympus Protoss, and the son of the **** king Zeus and the Empress Hera, it is almost the same as the Grand Prince of the Protoss of the Olympus Protoss. On the Olympus. As for the reason ... it's simple, because he's ugly.

Thanks to the good old eyes of Zeus, the members of the Olympus Protoss are basically handsome men and women. They are all qualified to be pulled out as models, and they are all elites in the model. The only thing that is so strange and ugly is Hephaestus. The masculine beauty of Zeus and the noble beauty of Hera actually produced a positive and negative situation on him, but the handsome and beautiful girl was born a monster.

Because of his ugliness, Zeus did not like him very much, and after he was born, he was thrown down Mount Olympus, and he broke a leg. As a result, he is now ugly and camel. Xunzi, basically can be regarded as the best bad.

Hephaestus, who was dropped from the mountain, never returned to Olympus ~ ~ but lived in a volcano all the time, although Vulcan lived in a volcano rather than lived in another place More comfortable.

Although his looks are terrible, Hephaestus is said to be very good. He is gentle and kind and loves peace. This is still the opposite of Zeus and Hera's genes, but this time it is not positive or negative, but negative and negative. positive. Just as the Olympus Protoss could hardly find a long and slightly ugly protoss except Hephaestus, the Olympus Protoss could hardly find a good guy either. The existence of the Shangren charity in the entire Olympus Protoss basically counts two slaps. Compared to the population base of the Olympus Protoss, this ratio is really low enough.

In short, this guy Hephaestus is a heterogeneous member of the Olympus Protoss. Not only his appearance is inverted, but his personality is also reversed. However, this is convenient for me. Being away from home means being easy to approach, gentleness and kindness indicating good flicker, low combat effectiveness means that there is a problem, convenience, and after all, plus this guy ’s ingenious blacksmith craftsmanship, I have to take a test to see if I can do it. Can't dig it up. Although this guy is very kind, but whoever is changed will be thrown down by the father from the top of the mountain, and he will not have the slightest affection for this father after all? So with so many conditions, I can basically ensure Jiucheng's control by digging Hephaestus. Of course, if I really mean something wrong, I might consider solving it by force. Even if he is tied, he will be tied back to Isinger. If this weapon expert throws mold in Isinger ’s prison, it ’s better than putting it on the enemy side. Comfortable.

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