Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 60: Join

After completing all the preparations, Isinger hovered quietly in the sky, and the undead beast still rushed towards us. Cristina and Lasana chased the guy behind the undead beast, and kept a distance. I sent a member out to tell them not to be too close. Isinger would use powerful weapons, and it would be best to avoid involving them.

On the face of it, our action plan is perfect, and to be precise, we are very lucky. This luck is not the luck given by the system, but the real luck, because no one can predict in advance that the route of the undead beast escapes will have a meeting point with Isinger in motion. It is also because of this accidental luck that I made the temporary plan absolutely abrupt.

Although everything seemed perfect, my plan eventually failed. This is not my fault, but because I don't know the details of this undead creature. He was brought by the mysterious man from the Dark Temple, and it has been clearly stated that this is a transformed undead, not a naturally formed undead, so many of his characteristics are not the same as normal undead. I never dreamed that this undead would actually react to the magic crystal energy. Seeing that he was about to reach directly below Isinger, I naturally ordered the second-level energy accumulation of the order-level weapon, and the energy was activated in the city tree While compressing the system, the undead beast running below suddenly stopped suddenly and looked up at Isinger, which was suspended at a height of 10,000 meters.

It was obvious that he felt an abnormal energy response in the sky, otherwise he would not stop suddenly to look at the sky. After confirming that Isinger did indeed gather energy, the undead beast suddenly made a turn and ran in the other direction.

"Fuck, don't you!" I was very depressed when the undead turned suddenly. "Hong Yan." I shouted back.

Hong Yan and the four other epic dragons already knew what I meant, and I just shouted and they all rushed down. These five heads are the top fighting power of the dragons, and the main reference for distinguishing the strength of the dragons is the volume, which means that all five are rare giant dragons. Especially Hong Yan, this guy was the main fighting force of the Dragon Guardian. This strength is not ordinary, and the figure is more than three times that of luck and plague, even if it is more than one circle larger than the four epic dragons around it. Such a big guy fell from the sky, even if the undead creature was blind.

The undead creature jumped agilely to the side. After a few dozen meters of rolling and slipping on the spot, one turned around and bounced. Hongyan is an old-fashioned dragon clan with top-notch combat skills. He now reacts almost at the same time after the undead turned. There was no case of hitting the ground. Hong Yan just glides out on the ground as if he was on the ground without weight. The undead beast originally thought he was very clever in playing with his hands. He thought it should be safe to jump so far, but when he bounced off, he immediately saw that the red bone dragon that should have been emptied had actually arrived in front of him. In the panic the undead beast rolled to the side again. But Hong Yan was even more exaggerated. He made his front paws a bit on the ground, flung it sideways like a car flicked, and rushed up again.

Undead beasts failed twice in a row to avoid any action. Hong Yan rushed to his side effortlessly, two front claws smashed the shoulder of the spirit beast, and then rolled forward with the help of the impact of his body. Because Hong Yan's claws clasped on the shoulders of the undead beast, this tumbling must have been rolled with the undead beast. As a result, the undead beast that had wanted to fight back was frightened and was thrown out. Hong Yan just turned around and landed firmly on her limbs, while offsetting her inertia. But the undead beast was thrown out completely. Hongyan's trick is purely to transfer all the inertia that is unfavorable to the undead beast. This high-level skill is not available to ordinary dragons. As the dragons who are close to the low-level gods' fighting ability are actually not excellent in fighting skills, they are very strong mainly because of their physical talents rather than technical issues, but once a dragon among the dragon members has learned advanced fighting skills, Will become a terrible existence like Hong Yan.

The undead beast that was thrown out somehow fell to the ground, because of the friction with the ground, it just rolled over and slipped out of the ground for more than 200 meters before stopping. Although it seems that the impact was serious, the outer body of the undead beast is a set of metal armor, and since the armor can be deformed, it certainly does not care about the problem of tearing. Soft metals are not afraid of physical damage. As for the core of the undead in the armor, that thing is strange if it is afraid of falling! For these reasons, the undead beast that seems to have fallen very quickly climbed up and stared at Hongyan fiercely. His dark blue inferno began to transform into dark red, which is the manifestation of the undead entering a combat state.

Hong Yan himself is now an undead creature, and when he sees the change of the opponent, he naturally knows that the opponent has entered a combat state. Just listening to the sound of a blast, Hongyan's body instantly burst into a layer of red flames of flames, and in the middle of the flames there were some golden stars flying. The flame on the surface of an undead creature is not a natural fire. That thing should be regarded as a negative energy. It is just the opposite of natural fire. It absorbs the surrounding heat and converts it into its own energy, instead of releasing heat. However, it should be noted that although the color of the fire of the undead is many, it is not the amount of heat released to release energy. However, it should be noted that although there are many colors of the Undead Fire, most of them have a black background in them, so basically dark red, dark blue, purple, black, and dark green are the main ones. It is bright vermilion, without the common dark red, and more particularly the golden light spots. This represents only one situation in the undead, that is, the undead transformed through special rituals or preserved by strong willpower Complete undead.

General creatures lose part of their consciousness after being transformed into undead, especially those lower-level zombies and skeletons, even higher-level undead usually lose some of their consciousness. This is that undead is usually more evil and cruel than when it is alive. Two exceptions. Undead transformed with special rituals can retain 99% of memory and consciousness, which means that there will be little change in thought. There is also a strong-willed soul. They can use their own willpower to make their souls. No, but they will only remember one of the most persistent memories, such as the ghost dragon guard of the dragon cemetery. They only remember the most persistent protection of the dragon cemetery, and nothing else.

The golden light dots represent the characteristics of a high-level undead conversion ritual. Those golden light spots are a manifestation of magic, and there is no such golden light spot around normal undead. As for the undead flame without a black background, it represents a pure soul, so the fire of life does not appear with a black background. The flames on Hong Yan's body did not have a black background. There is also a golden light spot, which means that he has dual characteristics at the same time, that is, he is directly converted into undead through a large conversion ritual, and his willpower is extremely strong, ensuring that he will not lose purity after death. Faith. The combined effect of the dual attributes is 100% absolute undead creatures. Such undead will not lose any strength during their lifetime. It will only become stronger and not afraid of divine magic. Divine magic harms the fallen components of the undead body, not the undead creature itself. The undead with this pure flame is not afraid of sacred magic, which almost represents the top existence of the undead system.

The undead beast felt a little timid immediately when she saw the flame of Red Flame. Running out of the Beast League, he has always shown the fearlessness. That is not that he is really brave, but that this guy knows that we can't hurt him. At the time, like everyone in the Beast League, there was no full-time combatant targeted at the Undead Department. It was difficult for a little pure man to control the undead, but this guy had a set of anti-magic armor. And there is a certain probability to reflect magic, and as a result, Xiaochun is simply useless.

Hongyan is an undead creature. He can directly damage undead creatures by using physical attack methods. The drop just now is because he did not destroy the armor. If he penetrates the armor and attacks the soul body directly, it must cause powerful damage. Just like the best anti-tank weapon is the tank itself, the best undead destroyer is undead.

"Do you know that you are scared?" Hong Yan stared at the undead beast. "It is okay to surrender now. I have no intention of destroying you."

The undead beast stepped back slightly, and after a pause of two seconds he spoke suddenly. I thought this guy couldn't speak! "We will not surrender. Without liberty, we would rather be purified."

"We?" The epic dragon Yinxue gently fell beside Hong Yan. "Are you a synthetic soul?"

With a bang, three other epic dragons landed at the same time. I stood on Ken's head, which had a stronger melee ability. "Does Yinxue know his origin? You were a rare undead fairy dragon before. Should you have a more research on the soul?"

Yinxue said very seriously: "Synthetic soul is an area that even the undead mage dare not touch. No, let alone an undead mage. Even if it is a god, I am not referring to a low-level **** like the **** of darkness and light. What is called is the existence of all gods, including the superior **** such as the Mother Earth who has a good relationship with the president. You dare not touch this field. "


Hong Yan said: "Let me explain. This is actually caused by the protection of a strong person. We can destroy a soul, or a soul, but we must not transform a soul. The undead mage can transform, but dare not There is only one reason to transform the soul, that is, the creator of the soul is the founding star. "

"What are you talking about on the Wheel of Discipline?" We currently have two disciplinary beads. At that time, Wei Na once said that this thing is one of the equipment that generates the law of the system. Just find all the Disciplinary Pearls and inlay them on the Disciplinary Wheel to summon the founding star. This game world is built by the founding star. He has the power to decide everything in this world, including the laws of nature. After all, this game world is virtual. Everything is stipulated by the founding star. If he wants, he can even cancel the law-like attributes such as the law of gravity or the law of inertia.

For me as a player and Vina who has been to the real world, we know that the existence of the founding star is only the core command of the main program of the system, which is the core structure of a program. . For them, the founding star is the founding god, the ultimate invincible existence. The soul here comes from the founding god, that is, the founding star. Researching and trying to transform the soul is equivalent to stealing the power of the founding god. Players may dare to do this, but they are absolutely afraid. Even the mother goddess of earth or the son-in-law of China, they are just a powerful existence established by the founding star. Even their power comes from the founding god. Naturally, it is impossible and dare not to dare to create the power of the god, let alone these little undead mages.

Hong Yan may also be afraid of this topic, he just nodded and looked at the undead beast. "Are you really a synthetic soul?"

"Is this important?" The undead beast looked at us. The hostility is obviously reduced a bit, of course, there is a component of the power of jealous red inflammation in it. Even if he is strong, he won't be able to run away from so many epic dragons, and his big goal is really difficult to hide, and he has to be found out wherever he goes.

Yinxue nodded: "Your existence directly affects the respect for God in this world. Dare to modify the existence of the soul is blasphemy for all races and protoss. He is blaspheming our common mother. This is an unforgivable crime. . "

"That's great." The undead beast laughed. "We also hate the guy who made us, but we only know that he is a member of the Dark Temple, and he is responsible for some undead research. He is a very strange guy. We do n’t know his specific appearance, he always brings Wearing a mask, even the sound of talking is strange. By the way, the guy has a lively and cute dolphin ring on his left middle finger. Such a ring seems very uncoordinated on his hand. Besides, we have nothing. I do n’t know. After all, we are just experimental, not his men. "

I nodded. "Thank you for providing this news, but I still won't let you go."

"We guessed long ago." The undead beast said: "We would be happy to make that guy unlucky, but we won't be alone, you must have the ability to leave us."

I smiled. "Actually I don't think you need to resist."

"Did you underestimate our strength?" The undead beast said to me: "We admit that the possibility of running away from these five men is unlikely, but it is not absolutely impossible."

"You misunderstood what I mean. I'm not saying you can't run away, but I don't think you need to run."

"It's worth doing anything for the sake of freedom. Why isn't it necessary?"

I transformed a way and said, "So what do I say, where are you going after you leave?"

"Where I go is counted, there is always a place for us in such a large world."

I immediately poured him from head to toe with a basin of cold water. "You are wrong, but there is no place for you in the world."


"Don't worry, listen to me." After clearing my throat, I continued, "You are the undead first, and you know something. The souls think that we are undead, but you are the undead. Do you really need to add anything? "

The undead beast immediately stopped talking. When the undead is able to move, it must consume energy. If the light is not added, will the undead not be a permanent motive? In fact, the source of the energy of the undead is the absorption capacity of the fire of the undead. The fire of the undead can absorb energy, but that is only driving this flexible activity, not the energy that actually protects its own survival. What the undead really needs is evil spirit, which is the special evil energy brought by the black underworld flame on me. This is the important force to keep the souls of the undead. As an undead beast, he knows exactly what he needs. He also knows that the concentration of evil gas on this ground is very low, and it is not suitable for the undead to survive.

I saw that he continued without answering: "Your soul is so powerful, obviously there is a great demand for evil spirits. Zombies and skeleton soldiers can basically get a small cemetery, but you must have a strong supply of evil spirits to be at ease Survive. Are you sure you find this kind of place? It seems that the place where the conditions of this kind of condition are left is the dragon cemetery and the abyss's hometown. Do you go in these two places? Well, even if you find one It has a strong evil spirit, and there is no one to grab the place. What about it? Do you squat there and go to jail? You have to come out occasionally? Undead do n’t sleep, and you ca n’t just stay at home all day? The big man will not hide his breath. People with a little power can feel your strong sense of oppression. The undead creatures in this world are some discriminated races, and your powerful creatures are also in various guilds. The scramble to catch the target, even if I let you go, others will not let you this big cake running around, whoever sees you will want to come up and take a bite to take you for your own sake, Are you sure you can block all these forces? Let me remind you first, I am talking about guilds, not one or two people. Guilds are groups, and even they may come to several guilds in the form of alliances. You are very powerful, but you are not going to kill hundreds of thousands of people? Besides, many guilds have large guardian beasts. "I stretched my hands. "You have also seen that our guild will have five combat forces that are stronger than you, and other guilds will not have this lineup. Find two or three weaker Warcraft than you will not be a problem? By that time, we will play more and less. Do you think you have a chance? "

"We can run, can't we run the head office?" The undead beast is still trying to justify.

I smiled and said, "You don't want to run without you, but what about the evil gathering point? Assuming that you can find a place like this is already 1 in 10,000, you run out of such a place and find it. What is the possibility of a place like this? Well! I plan to find it, but if someone chases it again? You have no background and no one supports you, and anyone can bully you. There must be many people who arrest you I plan to run away again and find a place like this. Of course, we are almost sure that this is impossible, but if he is possible now, after that? Is it always the case that you plan to be chased and chased like this? Live on? "

The undead beast said: "To tell you the truth, we are transforming the soul, and our demand for evil spirits is not great. The small cemetery you said is enough for us to use, and we can directly absorb the needs of the creature's body and soul to strengthen Ourselves, so we wo n’t find a place to gather evil spirits. "

I immediately applauded: "That's great. Congratulations on becoming an enemy of society. Now even those who don't want to arrest you as a magic pet will hunt you down. In fact, it is normal for a guild to hunt you down. But you want to Considering your identity. You are a composite undead, a very rare existence. Both the Light Temple and the Dark Temple will be interested in you. They are even more powerful than my organization. They have at least one level of combat power. Strengthen the company, want to catch you is not the same as catching a chicken? "

"Isn't we going to die as you say?"

"Good point."

"Don't you mean that we want to work for you? But haven't you lost your freedom?"

"Freedom? What do you think is freedom?"

"Freedom is wherever you want to go."

I smiled again, but it was a mocking laugh. "Do you think so? Then I tell you, there is no one who is truly free in this world. It looks like I have resources here. In fact, I want to count the stars with my wife on the top of the mountain, but I can't do that. My guild needs to grow. You are a powerful creature. Keeping you is good for our exhibition. So we came here. Do you think this is freedom? There are five of them. The red undead over there The dragon is called Hong Yan. He is my employee. I pay for it. He helps us to solve all difficulties. Do you think he is free? He lives in our vault every day, and there is almost no place to move. Counting his space of activity, they are helping us now, but that is conditional. They need me to influence the decision of the Dragon for them. This is a helpless exchange. Do you think this is free? According to your own ideas, I think they are more willing to fly up to the blue sky and search for their favorite gold coins and gems. That is the life of the dragons, not working here. Do you think anyone here is free?

The undead beast was asked by me. Such a philosophical question really needs a good mind, otherwise it is easy to be dizzy, and my purpose is to bring him into the pit. When he fainted, I was able to abduct him to join our guild, wait for him to board our thief ship and then think about it ... hehe hehe hehe ...

Seeing he was stunned, I hurriedly set fire. "The absolute freedom you think is impossible. Don't expect true freedom to live in this world. Even a **** doesn't have anything he must do even if he doesn't want to do it. This is life. But that's not to say We can only be passively controlled by life, we can choose to let ourselves be free within a certain range. Although Hong Yan does not leave often, but that is because he likes to sleep on gold, and I have not actually restricted his actions As long as I need him, he can be there. The four of them are the same, and they still have some freedom. There is a limit to freedom. This is our way of freedom. "

"You want us to join you, but isn't that the same as leaving?" The undead beast began to loosen.

"Of course it's different." I pointed to Isinger in the sky. "That is our city, Essinger. The undead creatures living here are very powerful. Essinger has a gathering tower, and that thing is an evil gas concentrator, which can absorb all the evil spirits in a large area. Although You only need a little evil to survive. But a lot of evil can make the undead creatures more moist. Do n’t you know this? No one makes more money, and no undead feels too evil, right? In addition, the sun It will burn away the evil spirits, so the undead almost do not like the sun, but our Isinger is protected by the cloud of death. There is no sun at all, which is the favorite place of the undead. Moreover, the sphere of influence of our guild is all over Everywhere in the world. Although freedom must be freedom within a certain range, but the huge sphere of influence of our guild means that we have greater freedom than others. Is this more comfortable than hiding in a cell of your own painting all day? Yes, we are there, neither the Dark Temple nor the Light Temple will move your mind, as for those small guilds. Do n’t think about it. Follow us for you. No harm, as long as you pay a certain amount of work you can change to this beautiful creature, not a disadvantage, right? "

"I ...!" The undead beast hesitated and didn't know whether it was promised or not. The conditions I offered were indeed tempting, but he suddenly felt like something was wrong.

"Actually you don't need to hesitate so much." I continued: "Think about how our big guild will not treat you badly, and you can enjoy such a large backing after joining, isn't it great? Do you like to be bullied? Oh, by the way, I also have a space channel that leads directly to the Nine Nether Palace. When nothing is going on, you can go for a fake or something. The dark power there is pure enough to condense naturally. .Can you find such a pure source of evil? "

"Will it condense naturally?" If the undead beast could slobber, it is estimated that his mouth must now be like a waterfall. "Is what you said true?"

"There were still fakes, Hongyan went in." I immediately pulled out the witness.

After all, Hong Yan has lived for so many years, and his mind is much better than these young people of thousands and hundreds of years. At that time, he began to say, "Where is that place? To be honest, I do n’t like it a lot, the evil spirit is a bit too strong, every time I go in The throne of time can not be long. Otherwise, the black crystal card will condense on the body when it comes out. The density is a bit too high. I think it is like Isinger, it is too strong but not good. "

Hongyan's remarks seem to say that the evil atmosphere of the underworld is a bit overdone, but it is actually a show off. Think about it, if someone says they have more money and do n’t know how to spend it, what would you think? Therefore, the words of Hong Yan will only make the undead beast yearn for the extremely pure dark power of the underworld.

"We join." The undead beast finally compromised. It is biological instinct to take advantage of harm, because all creatures without this instinct are extinct. All the creatures in this world are working for the environment suitable for their own survival. Undead beasts are naturally no exception. Our guilds display such great benefits, and the terrible fate of the beasts behind them. If he doesn't decide, he is really close to destruction.

"Ok, thank you for making such a wise decision." My sacred expression matched the appearance of Ziri a little bit, but this does not hinder the feeling of happiness in the soul of the undead beast.

Dealing with ordinary creatures may be more difficult, but I have never been afraid of undead creatures. Creatures that can become undead have the same characteristics, that is, loneliness or unwillingness. This emotion is the driving force behind the existence of undead. As long as you grasp the main points, you want to abduct an undead. It's actually easier than kidnapping a little girl. Of course, there must be a certain hardware foundation in actual operation. After all, abducting a little girl is unsuccessful and it is not a big deal to change a target, and abducting undead is unsuccessful. Then you will be busy!

Seeing the undead beast seemed quite satisfied with the decision to join, I immediately continued to ask, "I want to join, let's talk about your work intentions first, and then consider your treatment based on this."

"Intention to work? Treatment?" The undead beast is completely stupid. He fights very well. He knows nothing about these things.

I smiled and took out the leaves of the city tree. "Let Essinger down. We have guests. Don't rush to collect the weapon system." After the explanation, I turned to the undead beast and said, "Now please go up to our city first. It's not suitable for talking here. And by the way, do you have a way to make yourself smaller? "

The undead beast hesitated before he said, "The soul has no volume. Our attributes are special. We can attach to any inanimate entity and manipulate it to move. It's like this steel armor, in fact, it is not with us. Without a direct connection, we can take him off completely, but we will become quite vulnerable after losing attachment. "

I immediately laughed and said, "That's okay, you can still wear this thing in normal times, I just thought I would talk to you about salary. I can't take you into the meeting room if you wear it so big, and don't you want to visit Is our facility? This is the largest mobile fortress in the world with the largest scale, the most complete facilities, the most powerful firepower, the longest battery life and the most complete defense. "

Undead creatures are very persistent. So as long as you join a force, you rarely hear of rebels. Although the undead beast transforms the soul, this basic characteristic is still maintained thoroughly. He immediately said: "Since it is not necessary to wear this armor in the city of his guild, there should be no enemy in the city."

Actually, I ask this question for a purpose. Making him smaller and easier to enter the city is just one of the deformations under control. This armor can deform under his control. And with magic reflection and resistance, this ability is obviously not brought by the undead beast, but the ability of the armor itself. I want Woma to study this armor. If you can replace all the demon dolls in this guild with this kind of shell, it is equivalent to adding self-repair ability and magic reflection ability to the demon doll, which are all super attributes !!

Isinger descended quickly, and the undead beast looked at this behemoth that was n times larger than him. Now he is also a member of our guild. This Isinger also has him in it, so I feel very proud and excited. Isinger in the air just looked big, and when he really landed near the ground, he could realize his intimidating deterrence. The four-headed-level dragon and a strange steel monster have long attracted many German players to observe nearby, but when Isinger landed, their eyes immediately began to shift their targets.

Isinger's popularity is now ranked first in the world, and almost no one does not know her. From a close distance, I feel that the gravitational field disorder caused by Isinger's massive self-weight is a test of heart function. People with a bad heart are likely to faint on the spot. As the small stones on the ground jumped more and more, Essinger was getting closer and closer to the ground. The armor plates below the city slid open to the sides, and huge crawler thrusters slowly extended out. The track thruster was locked by the fixing device just now, followed by a huge crash, and multiple support points at the bottom of Isinger hit the ground at the same time. Everyone nearby felt the ground violently. All the riders were lifted off their backs by their panicked mounts, and even the standing ones mostly swayed steadily. As for those who fell, they accounted for the vast majority.

The soft ground simply couldn't fully support Isinger's weight. Those track thrusters started to sink into the ground, but the compacted ground soon recovered its support. The track thrusters themselves were not falling, but the city remained In the fall, the huge hydraulic support rods that connect the thrusters to the city have been pressed back inside the telescopic device, thereby increasing the time from the ground contact to the complete stop of the city. Too fast a descent for a city as large as Isinger would be devastating.

After Isinger stopped, I invited Undead to Isinger, and quickly ordered Isinger to take off again. The undead beast is like a newborn who is curious about everything about Isinger. Everything around him is so novel, especially the level weapon system that just turned him on. Because there is no shot, the energy in the weapon system is still in a critical state, and huge energy is on the edge of the explosion. This allows the undead beast to easily feel how great the destructive energy will be if it is shot out. Now that he has joined us, the more powerful Isinger's weapon is, the more he can feel how right it is to join our guild.

Let him see it for a while before I walked over to him and said, "Okay, can you take off your armor now? Let's go talk in the city. The deck of this moving fortress is auraless, go in Then you can feel the powerful evil that I promised you. "

Undead beasts are more upright. He immediately said politely: "Actually, I can feel a lot of evil spirits leaking from those gates when I stand here. This place is just a paradise for undead creatures. I increasingly feel that it is a good decision to trust you. "

"That's good, leave the armor now. Come with us, ah right. I want to ask if your armor still has the ability to deform after your soul leaves. Is it possible to repair it automatically if it is damaged? "

"No," said the undead beast. "The deformation of this armor requires a will manipulation. There are a large number of magic arrays painted inside the armor. These arrays have their own uses, one of which is deformed at will by receiving soul signals. If you leave our command, it will not deform itself. As for damage, as long as the part that is dropped is not separated from the main body, and there is energy nearby to provide it for repair, it can be repaired automatically. "

"That's fine." I told the undead beast: "This set of armor functions very well, I want to study it, of course we will not destroy him, just study it."

"No problem." The undead beast generously said: "Our demand for this armor is not very great, anyway, we can attach anything that has no life. The guy who made us in the first place was to give us a stronger combat power. Give us this armor. "

"I see. Come with me, Hong Yan, you can go back to rest." I said to the undead again, "See, our guild management is not very strict, you are completely free when you are not working of."

The undead beast nodded, and then the giant tiger armor suddenly fell to the ground as if it had lost its support. A slightly purple gas burst out of the slightly opened tiger's mouth, and gradually condensed into a small purple cloud in the air. The small cloud floated in front of me, and then began to flash, and the sound of the undead beast appeared along with this flashing light. "Well, let's go. But please don't go too fast. We can't move fast like this."

"You can attach anything, isn't it?" I asked directly.

"Yes what's the matter?"

"That's easy." I flipped a set of ordinary armor out of Fenglong Space and dropped to the ground. "You just use this. Although the defense is not as big as yours, this one can go in and out of the city at will without being affected."

"This is a good way. The guy who made us was afraid that we would run away and seal the armor tightly, and even sealed our mouths. We couldn't remember that we could use other physical activities!" Undead The beast floated into the armor as he said, and the scattered armor on the ground quickly stood up. Unfortunately, this is a game. If you see such a messy set of armor standing up from the ground, you must scare people out of mental illness.

With this set of armored undead beasts, the activities are much more flexible. I took him to the city to take a brief tour first, but this guy kept yelling all the way. I took him to the conference room after watching the main facilities. At this time, Eagle, Hongyue and Rose were already waiting inside.

It is said to negotiate an agreement with the undead beast. In fact, I intend to learn more about him from his technical information, and I do not need to recruit so many supervisors to talk about the agreement. As a technical director, Woma also certainly attended this conference. We very much hope to understand what this guy has in the end, preferably the ability to produce energy. That is the most valuable thing.

After everyone was seated, I started to introduce everyone to the undead beast, and then formally introduced myself to him, and then asked his name. "Since you want to join us, we ca n’t always call you undead beasts! Besides, there are so many undead in our guilds. One of them is called undead beast, but others are not as powerful as you. You should have A name? "

The undead beast hesitated for a long time and said, "In fact, we each have our own name, but after the integration, there is no name."

"what does this mean?"

The Undead Beast explained: "We are synthetic souls, and this President Purple Sun has seen it. When I fought against the President, I once became a giant eagle, a snake, a tiger, an iron ball, and a giant. This is actually our individual image before integration. .What you see now is produced by multiple souls eroding and merging with each other. I retain the memory of each soul before, but instead make myself confused. My soul includes a thunder eagle, a King Kong dragon python, a moonlight tiger, a paladin, a spirit body. The images of the eagles and tigers seen by the chairman are changed because of the power of the soul. The giant is the image of the paladin, just because The armor is so big, so it is deformed a lot. "

"What about that iron ball?"

"Iron ball is changed after all souls are fused, everyone will work together to transform into a big iron ball."

A Necromancer sitting next to Woma suddenly asked, "How do so many souls fuse?"

"I don't know this either." The undead beast shook his head and said, "We are all just ordinary souls, and we each have our own intelligence and memory. After being arrested, we are fused together one by one, and then we become what we are now. .After synthesis, we no longer have a name. The original name only represents one soul. Now that we have five names, we don't know what to call it! "

"Otherwise, let us help you name it!" I thought and said, "How about calling a soul as you see it? After your soul is fused, it is a huge soul. It is simpler and simpler to call the soul directly."

"Okay, this name works for me. I'll be called soul after that."

I nodded: "Soul! Since you join us, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know what I can do or what do you need me to do?"

I thought for a while and said, "You must not do research. But there is a certain possibility of being researched, but this is not a formal job. In my opinion, you are more suitable as a combat creature. In this regard, your performance is not bad. Yes, otherwise, you usually cooperate with the research department to do some research to let them understand how your soul is integrated, as well as the characteristics of the armor and everything you know about the manufacturing of that armor. To the battle event. If you use it, we will inform you separately. If you do n’t use it, you will be on vacation. Do you think this is appropriate? ”

"Fine, very good."

"Then talk about your treatment ~ ~ Aesinger ’s regular army does not take the army, because we are working for a common goal, that is, working for ourselves, and then taking the army is I'm blackmailing. But there are some exceptions. Hong Yan, which made you jealous at first, is one of them. He is a master, and you should already know how much strength. As a dragon, he doesn't completely agree with us. There is no common goal, but there is no contradiction between our goals, so we are a cooperative relationship. We pay for it, and he helps us to settle our enemies. We are as simple as that. As for the other four epic dragons, I told you before However, they are exchanging our forces. Your remuneration should also refer to this standard. What you exchange is the safe environment and the protection of our guild forces. In addition, we provide you with superior living conditions, which are all part of the remuneration. "You can say what else you need now. If I think it is acceptable, set it as one of your rewards."

"No need." Hun said excitedly: "It is very difficult to have such a good environment. It is also the same hard work hanging out or being chased by someone else. It is safe and enjoyable to live here, really It's comfortable! "

"That being the case, I am pleased to inform you that from now on you are one of the members of the Frost Rose Alliance. Whoever dares to move your idea, you can just beat him and come back to move, but we will beat him for you , Of course, if we need your help, you must also be on call. "

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