Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 141: Excuse

From the beginning 141_ Volume 20 Chapter 141 Chapter Evangelism Volume 20 Chapter 141

"Well, let's be quiet first. I have two important things to tell you now.

"Please, we listen." August smoked out.

After seeing the other side quiet, I said, "The first thing is to trouble you to clear us a no-man's land in Japan."

"No man's land?" Matsumoto, who was standing aside, asked in confusion: "Do you want the no man to fight or do missions? How long does it need to last?"

"None. It's a spaceship just made by our guild."

"Spaceship?" I obviously heard the four people across the room screaming together, presumably they understood the flying ship as a spaceship. However, they themselves knew that that kind of thing would not appear in the game, so they reacted quickly. Matsumoto Masako squeezed directly to the screen and asked, "You mean the kind of ship that can fly in the sky?"

I nodded and said, "Yes, it's just like an airship, but without airbags, it's a spaceship that really relies entirely on power units."

Sakura Yushin asked on the side: "This kind of thing should be hidden when it is created. When it's not used, it can't be seen by anyone. Why run to us? If it is found, it will be kept secret. Sex does not exist. "

"That's why you need to clean up the uninhabited area!" Hongyue couldn't help but said: "You just need to help us set up an unmanned passage in Japan. We don't stay, we just borrow a way."

Matsumoto Masako asked me a little puzzled: "Since it is a spaceship, shouldn't it be slow? Isn't it better to bypass the Japanese islands? Why have to cross?"

"Do you think I think? It ’s not the technicians. They do n’t care about anything except technical research. I just used the energy when I tested the performance two days ago. Now we have only enough energy to go straight. Bypass. Without Essinger, he had to fall halfway into the sea. "

"Isn't it? You're really accurate enough." Blazing Dragon Ji said, "Otherwise, we'll send someone to send you some magic crystals in the past. It's easier than crossing Japan directly, right? "

"It's useless. This thing consumes a lot of energy, not just one or two magic crystals. I'll fly back to Isinger to get it myself. In fact, you don't have to worry too much, this thing is also with us The battleships in the guild are equipped with the mirage system. You only need to ensure that no people appear within the scope of the spaceship. If we can't handle it, we will use the mirage system to disguise it. Although the thing consumes energy, it is the same as the spaceship. Compared with the power consumption. "

Masamoto Matsumoto thought that the fleet of the Black Dragon Society immediately agreed to our plan. After all, he had experienced the power of the mirage system. Although it is quite rude compared with stealth, as long as it is not too close, or if you look closely, it is really hard for ordinary people to notice. This is like if there is a large sky blue drawing board flying from the sky, even if the thing is only ten meters high from the ground, it is estimated that under normal circumstances, few people will notice the thing, after all, the color is too close. The same is true of our mirage system. Although we can find such and other flaws when we look closely, we can easily confuse them without paying attention.

"If that's the case, then I'll help you clear a route. Where are you now? I'll find a route for you that is less than humans."

I directly posted a map of our location, then marked our location, and marked the maneuverable range allowed by the energy.

Matsumoto looked at the map and studied it for a while, and then found a few helpers I sent to him as a rough helper and turned over the map of their forces over the end. "I have seen it, you can start from Longyan Mountain landed here. We have a sub-fleet nearby. I immediately let people from China take over this fleet, and blocked the nearby waters to prevent other Japanese ships from approaching under the name of a special mission. Longyan Mountain is an abandoned mine. There are no resources and no Warcraft, and basically no players will come near. I will send someone to clear it up. "

"How does the next route go?"

"You will follow this route for the rest." Masamoto Matsumoto sent me a map directly. A red line has been drawn on it, which is clearly the marked passing route. After sending the map over, Matsumoto waited for a while before continuing: "Most of the area on this line is uninhabited. It is not a super advanced leveling area that players dare not approach, or areas that have no value at all. I believe that there are very few people, and the vegetation in these areas is very lush. People are covered by tree canopies on the ground, and you can't see the complete sky. So you should be safe from the sky. The remaining few are human areas. I will send credible personnel in the past to block the reasoning and cleaning personnel in advance. Anyway, you are spacecraft, and the speed of passing should be fast. I think the problem is not big. "

"That's good."

I was just at ease here, but Matsumoto Masako continued suddenly: "But this is a little troublesome to keep Heshan."

"Why? Isn't it a mountain here?" Hongyue asked, turning the map.

Matsumoto explained as he used the communicator's synchronized icon to explain to us: "This area is all in the area of ​​Moriyama, but this area near Moriyama is rich in resources, and is close to two very popular leveling Area, so the number of people is a bit overwhelming. Worst of all is a medium-sized city on each side of the mountain. "

"I rely on, how do we get there?"

Matsumoto Masahiro said, "I suggest you go straight over this line." Matsumoto Masa said that he drew the lines on the enlarged map and explained the terrain on both sides. "This place is a valley, As long as you lower your flying height, you can pass through here, and the mountain peaks on both sides will block your boat, as long as no one in the valley sees you, it will be fine. "

"But this is the leveling area. How could there be no one in the valley?"

Matsumoto said: "I will make excuses to clear the field and minimize the possible presence of people, and the area below is virgin forest, people can not see the sky below, as long as no one is bored, climb to the top of the tree and bask in the sun The sun should not see you. "

My side was about to nod, but Hongyue suddenly asked, "Have you ever measured the width of this canyon?"

"Huh?" Masamoto Matsumoto stunned for a moment, then responded and asked in surprise: "Hey, how big is the spaceship you built?"

"1228 meters long, 378 meters wide, about 308 meters high, and an empty weight of 458,000 tons. How is it? Is it OK?"

After we reported the data here, Matsumoto was congratulating them, and there was only a sound of inhalation, and I had been stunning for a long time before I heard Matsumoto shouting: "I trust, why didn't you say this thing is so big? I thought it was a boat of ten meters long and two or three thousand tons! "

"Can't I get through?" I asked, worried.

Matsumoto thought about it and asked me to wait first, then ran out and flipped something, and then ran back and said, "It's a pass, but is your driver technically reliable?"


"Most of the valley area is very good enough for your two ships to be side by side, but there is a place called Wan Yao Gorge in the middle. The narrowest place seems to be more than 300 meters close to 400 meters wide. Your spaceship Just a little shake of the iron will definitely hit the mountain, so ... "

I thought about it, "Are you sure it is wider than our boat?"

Matsumoto nodded and said, "It's quite famous to get the canyon. I have accurate data here. It's only about twenty meters wider than your hull. However, because the canyon is slightly curved before and after, you may not be able to walk straight when passing. That's not enough width. "

"Is that going through?"

"It's not necessarily. The curvature there is very small. In theory, it should be passable, but your helmsman must be good. If you take the angle of the corner into the narrowest place, you can only have a gap of one or two meters to cushion."

"I can't guarantee this, you still have to wait for a while." I thought about it and pulled the captain over. After all, he is professional. I can't afford it if he can't live.

Capable of commanding the first spacecraft secretly built by the guild, the captain player is naturally a senior member of the guild, and the reliability is not low, letting him know that Matsumoto's affairs are not too dangerous. Under my repeated emphasis, the other party promised not to tell what I saw for a while, so I dared to take him into the room that was temporarily requisitioned by me. However, don't be surprised even if I have told him for a while before, but he was shocked when he saw Masaru Matsumoto opposite the communicator. After all, the other enemy was our guild's number one enemy before, and the captain seemed to have been with the Chuang Wang before the Anti-Japanese Federation turned around. In other words, Matsumoto was still the captain of the Black Dragon Society. He was already the captain, and he personally commanded the battleship and the Black Dragon Society battleship of Matsumoto Masaka to cross the sea. You can imagine how your enemies, who were killed and killed, suddenly become your comrades one day and react to them.

"Matsumoto Masa?" After seeing Matsumoto Masa in the picture, the captain's adult almost didn't jump up ~ ~ If I hadn't responded quickly, he would have broken the communicator.

"Do you know me?" Matsumoto Masako across was also curious to see this response so great.

I was going to persuade, but who knows that our captain suddenly congratulated Matsumoto: "Do you remember the small gunboat whose last shot sank the Winter Day?"

Matsumoto was still wondering why this person was so excited to see himself, and now he cried immediately. "You are the lunatic captain?"

Well, not only do they know each other, they seem to be quite familiar, but it is also right to think about it. After all, both are not ordinary people. As the personnel of the opposing sides, it is normal for them to meet each other.

"Okay, well, the past things have passed. Now everyone is our own. Unity. Do we have to pay attention to unity." I was afraid that the two would turn their faces and quickly stabilize the emotions of the two sides. Don't all be confessors!

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Chapter 141 from the beginning of the twentieth volume.

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