Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 3: Underground world

Volume 13 Chapter 48 Underground World Underground World When I heard the reminder, I felt a strong wind blowing, the enemy's size was obviously quite large, and according to the feeling of this airflow, the other side was using his mouth to Bite me. I rush forward

Back in the cave, there was a booming sound from behind. The rock at the mouth of the cave was bitten by something. I just felt that my feet were loose and the whole person rolled out.

"Catch you." Ye Yue's tail caught me in the air.

"Pull me up." I was seeing a big red mouth flashing forward, and I had to be bitten in later!

Yeyue threw it hard and threw me out: "Master, please be careful yourself." She retracted into the hole after speaking. The big mouth didn't seem to be too flexible, biting into the opening, and the passage became shorter again.

cut. I spread my wings in the air and made a half circle before stopping.

"What the **** is it?" I settled down before noticing the attack on us. If you think of a dragon as a small winged gecko, this thing is not bad

It's a five-meter-long python, so you can imagine how big it is. However, this is not an ordinary python, but a Yan snake. The so-called flame snake is a snake composed of rocks and flames

, Similar to the Fire Giant, but the shape of the Yan snake is a snake.

The Yan snake that attacked us was as big as he imagined, and the black flames emerging from the cracks in the rocks on his body looked like magma blocks that were about to condense. Very


"Perhaps we should consider using bigger creatures against him." Yeyue shouted at me.

"You don't know, none of us is older than him. Oh, bad!" Just shouting like this, Yan She's attention turned to me again. I quickly flew backwards, but suddenly

I felt something coming behind. Quickly closed the wings and fell sharply.

A huge jaw rubbed my head and flew over, then slammed into the flame snake rushing forward.

"Another one?" I summoned Ye Ying to ride, and he was much faster than me. We retired a long time before we got around the mouth of the cave. After recovering the night shadow, I directly drilled back into the hole. Collapse other

The magic pet, leaving only Yeyue and the princess, and the princess's elf Runa.

The two outside pythons were entangled and biting each other, and the sound was like thunder on their ears, and the shocked people's hearts were jumping along with them. The war between the monsters is like demolishing a house

Then, the surrounding rocks were constantly cracking like they were hit by shells, and large pieces of rocks fell down.

The two snakes originally relied on their bodies with large stalactites hanging upside down on the top of the hole in this underground space, but the stalactites were constantly broken during the battle. According to this degree, soon they

Will fall. It doesn't matter if you fall. We are saved anyway. We just have to wait.

Yeyue suddenly patted me: "What sound?"

"What sound? Everywhere is ringing!"

"Don't you feel?"

"What do you feel?"

"We are also shaking here," Yeyue reminded me.

I closed my eyes for a moment, then suddenly realized it was bad. "Unlucky, run back!"

I shouted a little bit late. The passage where we stood with a large section of rock above it fell off the top of the cave. A crack instantly separated us from the ceiling of this underground world

Cut it apart, and then I felt the feeling of weightlessness.

"Come out. We will fall to the ground in this place," the princess cried.

"You go back to Fenglong Space first. I'm going out." Withdrawing the magic pet, I quickly climbed out of the passage. Summoned the night shadow and rode up, and the night shadow kicked on the falling rock, and we immediately left and fell.

Rock, but we still maintain a falling posture, I always have to look at the environment from below!

The ground is very far away from us, we have been falling for a long time before the throne of the Seal of God to see the ground. I have always been curious

strange. It stands to reason that if there is a cavity below the surface of the planet, then the upper part should be supported by some kind of force. There are usually three types of forces that can accomplish this.

The simplest is the direct support of solid matter. Like pillars or walls. However, the span of this underground space is too large. If it is supported by these things, the rigidity of the ceiling will definitely not support it.

Live, it should just fall down. The second type of support should be buoyancy. The earth's surface crust floats by virtue of magma buoyancy. But this power needs to be fluid,

And the specific gravity is large to support the crust. But I am now in this underground world. There is no support for any high-specific gravity material at all, and the surrounding area is full of gas. If it is sealed

space. It is not completely impossible to support the upper ground by the tension of the gas. This is not the case. We did not experience any changes in air pressure when we punched holes, so

It could be that the gas is supporting the ceiling, otherwise the moment when we break through here, the air pressure should blow us all out of the burrow, and the ground above it will collapse.

Excluding two possibilities, the third type of force is only a force field. But I want to find out whether the force field is supporting

Ceiling, this is more troublesome. This is the game world, and the possibility of systematic fictional laws and rules is not excluded. So this ceiling may be supported by magic, only

I think it's unlikely, after all, no fool will consume so much magic to support the ground, after all, it doesn't make much sense. If it wasn't magic, the remaining power wouldn't be determined. But one

This kind of power is more likely.

I reopened the Fenglong space, and then said to Yeyue standing at the door: "Help me find an iron product. I want to do an experiment."

"What's the matter now?" Ye Yue took an iron scoop from Ling's back and handed it out. However, as soon as the iron bun was out of Fenglong's space, it sank violently, Yeyue almost didn't catch it. "how

Did it? "

I smiled: "No need to give it to me, take it in. It seems I guessed right."

"What did you guess?"

"I was just thinking about how this underground space was formed. Now it seems to be formed by magnetic force. Remember when we broke through the iron plate of the ground before? The thing is actually highly magnetized

, And its magnetic pole is exactly opposite to the ground magnetic pole here. The entire crust of all this planet is actually floating above the core of the real planet, without any contact at all. "

After listening to what I said, Ling followed: "No wonder the planet's surface has no life."

Yeyue turned and asked Ling: "Does it matter?"

"Of course." Ling explained: "Because the entire earth's crust floats on the real 6 lands like the city of the sky, this surface cannot accumulate water. The underground space is discharged by magnetic

Repelled, but there must be a lot of holes in the iron plate, so the water will flow down. A planet without water. Then it is unlikely that there will be life, at least there will be no carbon-based life. and so

The creatures here are all concentrated in the underground world with water, not the desert surface. The layer of red desert on the surface was probably part of the iron plate, but it turned red later.

Iron oxide desert. In this way, there have been no major events on this planet before, because the current environment does not seem to have formed naturally. "

"The thing below doesn't look like it naturally formed." Yeyue said pointing at us below.

When I looked down, I saw a pile of rocks below, but it was roughly morphologically that this was the remains of the two snakes. Falling from such a high place, they are made of stones again

Object, so it fell very hard. It now looks like a pile of debris. But we found two strange things in it. According to the distribution of gravel, it can be judged that these two things should be snakes.

In the head, but now the snake head has been crushed, so these two things fell out.

This is a fairly regular-looking thing that looks like a rugby with an iron ring in the middle. Of course, it is much larger, almost as big as two elephants. This thing

The ground surface is mostly black. The texture is much like pure silicon. There are also some green lines in these blacks. These lines are very regular and crisscross, dividing the black ground silicon crystal surface into

A lot of regular areas. These green substances are light, feel like glass, and are still warm.

We all went down to the ground. Ling made several laps around this thing. "Don't you think this thing looks familiar?"

Everett floated in midair: "Much like my mechanical core."

"Don't tell me that the two snakes are mechanical creatures!"

Everett shook his head. "Obviously that's not possible. It's almost the same as saying that they are golems. Mechanical creatures must have power devices. Such creatures driven purely by magic are not mechanical creatures.

And this thing just looks like the mechanical core, whether it is yet to be determined! "

"At least I know this thing should be very valuable." I tapped and said to Yeyue, "Move in, and return to Norin to study."

"Wait a minute." The princess cried suddenly. "You all come and see, there is a number, it's still moving!"

"Numbers?" As I walked by, I saw the princess lying on the ground pointing at the bottom of the thing for us to see. I walked over and got down and noticed that a similar monitor was pressed below

Crystal block. And there is a string of numbers on it that are beating fast. "Oh my God!" I jumped from the ground, lifted the princess and carried it on my shoulder, and shouted:

"Fast-forward the space door."

The gate of the earth was summoned by me, and then everyone shouted and threw it in. I jumped in myself. After I closed the space door, water appeared under that huge object

The number on the crystal finally jumped to zero. Then a beep. The dark underground world suddenly became bright, and then a terrible storm spread frantically around. That **** thing is actually a piece

The bomb, and the prerequisite for its detonation is the death of the burning snake.

By the time we came out of the gate of the earth, the place was calm again, but the ground had become a very flat iron plate. The heat of the explosion apparently put this iron-rich ground

It melts into molten iron and forms a flat iron mass after cooling. We are standing on this iron block now, the wreckage of the two snakes from the ground before was slag

Nothing left.

"This weird place!" I sighed.

Ling said to me: "Actually, I think this actually explains the problem here. The two Yan snakes, although they are not universal creatures, are at least not rare. They are just bigger. Press

It should have no reference value to say that this kind of thing, but someone has a bomb of such a mighty power on it, the goal is obviously not to let others get the body of this thing. In other words, the other party is here

The meaning of three hundred and two without silver is obviously overdoing it. "

"What do you mean by the secrets of these two snakes?"

"You can't say that, too," Everett floated out of the space gate. "Maybe we got it wrong. The bomb may not be used to destroy the snake body, or it may be specifically used to destroy that.

Man-made objects. If it is really the work of my father. It is likely that there will be such a setting. "

After hearing Everett's words, I immediately looked at him in surprise. "What do you mean? Shouldn't ...?"

Nodded according to the characteristics of Foley. "Yes, I also have a self-explosive device. When I explode, I can blow up everything within a radius of 130 kilometers, but I will completely disappear by myself.

Don't even think about resurrection and repairs! "

"Good guy. You're a walking atomic bomb!"

"This is nothing to me." Everett said easily, making me almost faint. "Noryn is the biggest one. She can gather her own energy to detonate the holy magic water in her body.

Crystal, and then everything in the mainland of 300 kilometers radius is done. "

"Oh my God! I put a human-shaped nuclear bomb in my own home!" "Wife."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. Now it's Essinger. I just heard Evelitt said that Noreen has a self-explosive device, which can be self-destructing under special circumstances. And it is equivalent to a nuclear bomb. You immediately put

She was sent to Gangcheng, and then set up a special institute for her separately from other facilities. In case something went wrong to blow up my Isinger, it would be over! "

"Don't worry, since it is a self-destructing device, it should not be activated until you have no choice but to make sense. You are not afraid of 10,000 if you are in danger! I will arrange it."

After cutting off the communication, I quickly got up and said to Everett: "Where's your core? Let me see where the self-detonation device is. I'll take it off."

"It's useless. The core of self-explosion is our core of power, and I'm finished when I remove it."

"Then if you are attacked by others, if you hit this core, will you explode?"

"No. The detonating core will explode only if it gathers energy through my own will to recoil the core, and being hit by an external force will not cause an explosion."

"That's okay. Be careful in the future, you will be activated no matter what the situation is. Now you go back to Fenglong Space first, I'm looking for any exit here. You have to find a way back to the earth."

"Why not go through the space gate?" Ling suggested: "Last time in Japan, the exit of the space gate was sealed. We ran from the passage of the Mother Earth to the Mother Earth Temple in Europe.

, And then sent all the way back to China. Now that we can open the space door, can we go back the same way? "

"No, I want to observe the situation here by the way. Sooner or later, I'd better come and watch it all."

After taking back the magic pet, I rode on the night shadow and chose a direction to start running. I couldn't find any sense of direction in this place. This underground world is full of magnetic fields. The compass is simply

Assume. Do n’t even think about how to tell the stars and the sun on the earth, the big iron plate above your head is blocking everything. I don't see the sky at all. As for the reference object, this is not easy to find.

Although the stones on the ground are different, they are not much different under the attention of people. Irregular changes cannot be remembered, so we can't use stones to distinguish directions.

Strange to say. We met so many monsters on the surface, but we couldn't see them in their nest! Riding the night shadow for more than an hour, I didn't see anything except the

Rock is still rock ~ ~ is running, suddenly a bright light appears in front. The underground world has always been dark, and I have been walking with dark eyesight, so I have n’t paid much attention to it, but the sudden bright light is still

Very striking.

The light is coming out from under the ground, straight up like a beam of light. I carefully leaned over to find a hole in the ground, and the light came out of the hole. First send a dart to explore the road,

I walked in after confirming my safety. There was actually a layer of ground below this underground world, and the height of this layer was much lower, at most only fifty or more meters, and branches were everywhere

Supported rock pillars. But it is worth mentioning that the light here comes from all the rocks. The ground and zenith here will be light, and the brightness is quite good, just orange-red single

The light is slightly uncomfortable.

I was walking, and suddenly a hand was placed on my shoulder. My whole body froze instantly.

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