Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 41: Origin of the Devil

"You don't want to fool us with any more skeletons?" It's still the woman wearing strange equipment that speaks this time, and now I have 90% certainty that she is the real devil of Hagros. m

Although I did have platinum skulls on my body, the vision of these three was so high that I didn't plan to fool them with skulls anymore. Previously, skulls were used because the wizards here were almost all hunks, and they could not recognize the more advanced things, so they used skulls. But now it's different. Since Hagglos and her two men are both knowledgeable and powerful, they need to be treated like normal people. Therefore, the skull is definitely not working. Of course, if I had taken the black skull before, it would be a different matter. The platinum skull on hand is obviously not enough.

"Of course I know the skeletons are a little lower-level, but compared to the Demon King of Hagros, you know what's going on here. Even higher-end things can't be sold. However, I know that the Devil of Hagros is very knowledgeable. Financially, so I do n’t mind making a real deal. "

"So what do you want to trade?" This time it was the impersonated Haglos demon, and the two women next to him did not speak.

I looked at him and said, "In fact, I don't know exactly what to deal with you, because I have a lot of things in my hand, and I hope you can tell me what you are missing."

"A big breath," said the false demon with a terrifying tone. "Don't we want gods, can you help us?"

"Of course. As long as you can afford the price." I didn't let the other party's plan succeed, and I made the deal directly.

My out-of-sequence card play obviously disrupted the opponent ’s thinking. The fake demon queen did not answer for a long time. Instead, the possible real demon queen responded after a long time and asked, "Are you not Are you playing with us? "

"Do I look kidding?"

My cross-examination blocked the other person's words, and the room fell silent again. After a while, I saw that they couldn't respond at one and a half minutes, so I simply said, "Although you don't know me, my reputation outside is very good. As long as the business I accept, I can certainly do it. To. But .. I also pay more attention to the transaction itself. If you are sure to place an order to acquire Godhead, I will help you get it, but if I bring back things and I do n’t see a reasonable price, I do n’t think you are willing saw."

After stunning for a long time, the false devil suddenly stood up with a slap on the armrest, and yelled at me at the same time: "Crazy! Are you threatening us?"

"A follower should be a little follower, be honest and stay aside. I think it is more appropriate for bosses to talk about such a big business." I turned to the woman who was suspected of the Great Devil of Hagros and asked: "What do you say? Lord Hagros."

The false demon over there and the female mage next to each other were stunned. On the contrary, the real devil did not respond much. She stood up decisively after two seconds of hesitation. Then he saluted me solemnly and said at the same time: "Re-introduction. I am the great demon king, Hagglos Hobbit. You can call me the great devil of Hagglos."

"It's a pleasure to see you, dear King Hagros." I also stood up and began to pay back, and after that, our relationship became obviously more harmonious, because we just used darkness to salute. Etiquette of the temple. Obviously, the Devil of Hagros is not aboriginal here. At least she was once a member of the Dark Temple and was proud of it. Otherwise, she will not use the understanding of the Dark Temple to greet others after leaving the Dark Temple. As for my return, it also shows that I have a bad relationship with the Dark Temple. Otherwise, most people would not understand this strange etiquette that doesn't check much with the connector code.

"I'm sorry before." The fake demon saluted me at this time, and then introduced himself: "I'm Roswell Hubble, the captain of the devil."

"Hello, I'm Cledia Donovan, the first servant of the Devil." The female mage followed her introduction.

I paid tribute to the two in turn, and then we were officially started to negotiate. The previous test was obviously unnecessary after everyone had identified their identities, so it was easier to speak in this way.

"Obviously, your strength is so strong that you may not even be under me." The Great Devil of Hagross asked very seriously: "However, I would like to know what attracts you to a strong man like this. What about here? "

"Don't worry, I came here just because I accidentally learned that there is a dessert chef who can make magic desserts. I think this profession is very helpful to my guild, so I hope to invite This dessert chef joined our guild. No matter how bad it is, at least we must establish a stable supply and marketing relationship to ensure that our guild can buy a lot of magic desserts from this dessert chef. "

"So it is." All three seemed to know the existence of the dessert chef, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"What? You are familiar with that dessert chef?"

The former fake devil, the guard of Roswell, said, "It's not very familiar, but ..." Ms.

Attendant Clydia said a little embarrassedly: "Actually, the Devil and I like desserts very much, so ... you know, we are not very convenient for wandering outside all day, so it ’s up to Roswell to help I bought it, and I knew it more than once. "

"Even if you all like to eat, the taste should be good. But ... you won't stop me from digging him out because I robbed the dessert chef and returned without candy?"

"No no no, we haven't been rogue yet to that point." Attendant Cledia explained quickly.

I interrupted her explanation with a smile and said, "Just a joke, people will not necessarily follow me, maybe I will come here often to buy desserts. Maybe." After I smiled, I asked casually, "Yes. You used the etiquette of the Dark Temple when we met before. But I haven't seen you before in the Dark Temple, I don't know ..."

The smiles of the three people suddenly disappeared. After a little silence, the demon King Hagros finally said, "Speaking of us, we should actually be subordinates of the Dark Temple, but now ... maybe we should be an independent force."

"Huh? Why is this?"

"Have you heard of the name Hoinheim?" Since the Lord of Hagros had not spoken before, the two followers did not dare to say it. Now that the Lord of the Lord speaks first, they need not take care of it. Upon hearing my inquiry, Attendant Cledia asked.

When I first heard the name, I was a little bit strange. I compared the electronic brain data and remembered where I heard the name. "I've heard the name Hoynheim several times before. But to say that it's Hoynheim related to the Temple of Darkness, I seem to have heard of only one, that is the previous Dark Lord, the predecessor of Dietans Lord of Darkness. "

The Lord Hagross nodded and said, "It seems that you really know the things in the Dark Temple very well. Yes, Hoinheim is the last Lord God of the Dark Temple, and we are His Excellency Hoinheim. At that time, there were a lot of black witchcrafts on the European road. This is a different magic system but similar to the magic system. On the basis of this system, the wizarding profession has gradually appeared. Before I helped you The referral Grand Shaman is a wizard. "

I nodded and said, "It looks like most of the canyons are wizards. But why did the three senior protoss of your dark temple come to such a place and become the demon king?"

The Lord Hagglos said: "This is actually the order of His Excellency Hoinheim. Because the witchcraft system has a certain impact on the black magic system of the Dark Temple, in order to ensure the stability of the Temple, Your Lord waged a war against the wizards of the time. .Because the war started suddenly, and the witchcraft system was not perfect at the time, many of them were still in the exploration stage, so our war was very easy to win. However, you know. A war alone cannot completely suppress a school The rise of the war, so we were assigned here to pretend to sympathize with these wizards and lead them to build many of these gathering places. "

Although the Lord of Hagross did not finish. But I had already guessed Hoinheim's plan. It's nothing more than holding this witchcraft system in its own hands, no matter how to use it. Still through the Lord of Hagros and two other remote-control wizard systems to keep it from developing for a long time, the end result is actually the dark temple profit. It can be said that this method is similar to our current method of remotely controlling Japan through Masamoto Matsumoto, but it is not as tight as ours, and it seems a little bit leaky.

"So what?" I asked, "Why did you suddenly become independent? Is it because of Ditans?"

The Lord Hagross said: "It can be said, but it is not entirely the case. After H. Heinheim pointed out the mission to us, we were also very successful, and eventually controlled the wizard system, but it was on our side. After getting on the right track, there was a problem on the side of the dark temple. A dark **** led by the fallen **** tried to overthrow the position of the main **** of Hoinheim, and then a century-long war of the gods occurred. The entire dark temple system took place It collapsed. Now the dark temples scattered around the world were split out at that time. Because of internal disputes, some who did not like internal fighting and had relatively strong strengths went out to do it alone. In addition, His Excellency Hoinheim also eventually Instead of holding the throne, it fell. "

"Did it not happen that Di Tans killed him? So you refused to return to the Dark Temple and became independent because of being angry with him?"

"No," said the Lord Hagross. "Ditans' behavior is indeed very abominable, but Lord Hoinheim was not the one who killed him. In fact, Lord Hoinheim and Dietan should be considered one faction at the time. Dieters was actually the main general of His Excellency Heinheim. However, at the crucial moment when His Excellency Hoinheim led the team to fight against each other, Dietans gave up reinforcements, which eventually led to the fall of His Excellency Heinheim. Di Tans led the team again, killing everyone in the opponent and becoming the main **** of the Dark Temple. "

"That is to say, because of the intentional absence of reinforcements from Ditans, Hoinheim was killed indirectly, and you are not willing to return to the Temple of Darkness?"

The attendant Clydia took the words of the devil and said: "Ditans' behavior is too mean and we don't want to be under such a person."

"Is Ditans just letting you go?" I asked in surprise, because I didn't think Ditans was as forgiving.

Sure enough, Captain Roswell said, "He didn't let us go, but he didn't know we existed at all."

"Ah? How is this possible?"

Attendant Clydia helped explain: "Because the wizarding system is scarce after the first war against wizards, and afterwards we secretly took over the wizarding system, but this is a secret task. We only deal with Hoinheim. His Excellency and his first attendant were in charge, and both of them fell in that battle. "

"So no one knows that you are here over the Dark Temple?"

Attendant Clydia nodded: "Not only did they not know that we were here, they even thought that the Wizards had been eradicated, so they never thought of coming to us, because they did not even know that we existed. Although the wizarding system has also developed, under our control, it has always been very low-key and never appeared in the vision of the dark temple. Of course, the main reason is that the existence of the light temple has greatly attracted the attention of the dark temple. Force, the only few contacts we have with the Dark Temple have been taken as the people of the Light Temple, so the Dark Temple has not yet known that we exist. "

I nodded and said, "But you don't plan to return to the Dark Temple?"

"We don't really have any confidence in guys like Di Tans."

"But if you don't want to go back, why do you see me with the etiquette of the Dark Temple? It is clear that you still want this Dark Temple."

Attendant Clydia asked, "Isn't it a contradiction to love your country and hate the bureaucracy in it?"

"I have to say that your statement makes sense ~ ~ I nodded and said," If you don't want to be known by the Dark Temple, then I suggest you don't use this etiquette to receive outsiders next time. I am a reputable businessman, so I will not betray your information, but if others are known again, it is hard to guarantee that they will not tell the dark temple. "

"No, we have our own reasons." The Devil of Hagross looked at me and explained, "In fact, we were also hesitant. We resent Dietas, but we really want to return to the Temple of Darkness, so we decided to use This understanding is to welcome outsiders. If we are found out, then we do n’t have to hesitate and go directly back to the dark temple. If we have not been found, then we will keep the status quo. "

I was really speechless when I heard such an answer. These three are really superb. I can think of such a treatment. However, this is the freedom of others and I don't have to interfere. Of course, I won't miss such a good opportunity. As long as it doesn't affect my reputation, I'm still very active in doing business.

"That being the case, why don't we trade a guarantee agreement?" I suggested to the three in front of me with a smile. (To be continued) RQ

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