Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 58: Alternative members

We could n’t explain her to Jiu Jiu ’s understanding, but fortunately, we did n’t have to explain to her. Seeing that she did n’t ask us again, she just started the advent operation. M

When everyone was preparing for Lei, the supervisor also told me about the situation of Lei. According to the director's introduction, Ray should be the first biological weapon with nuclear fusion capability of our Longyuan Group. Although this technology was found in the Fourth Special Zone long ago, it is like throwing a set of cars to the primitive people. Design drawings, they can't make cars. Controllable biological fusion is an advanced technology that many people find absolutely impossible at first sight. You can imagine how far this is from our current technology?

Before the invention of the steam engine, you had to tell people that there is a car that can run without pulling animals. Others definitely say that you have a problem in your head. Before the First World War you had to tell people that humans can fly into the sky, and others will still say that you have a problem in your head. Before the successful launch of the first artificial earth satellite, you have to say that humans can run to the moon, and there is still a group of people saying that you have a problem in your head.

Just like those things, controllable biological fusion technology is such a technology that advanced to ordinary people simply cannot accept. As a pre-control technology for controlled nuclear fusion, one technology that must exist is cold fusion technology.

Normal nuclear fusion needs to be carried out at a temperature of tens of millions of degrees. Human beings currently have no control over this high temperature. So what we can finally get out of is nuclear weapons, because that stuff doesn't need to be controlled. The one-off detonation is done. But for nuclear fusion to become an energy source rather than simply used as a bomb, it must control these tens of millions of degrees or even higher temperatures. The problem is that humans can't find any materials that can withstand high temperatures of tens of millions of degrees. And, even if something can withstand this temperature, that's useless. The first is that tens of millions of degrees is just the starting temperature of nuclear fusion. Once nuclear fusion starts, the energy emitted by the atomic fusion will continue to push this temperature upward, and it is normal for the temperature to exceed several hundred million degrees. In this case, materials that can only resist high temperatures of tens of millions of degrees are obviously not enough. They must resist high temperatures of hundreds of millions of degrees.

Except that the high temperature resistant materials do not meet the standards. Another problem is the ignition device.

When the hydrogen bomb explodes, it only needs to react all the nuclear materials at once, so it only needs to be ignited once. However, if it is used as an energy source, it cannot be ignited only once. If you are building a large nuclear power plant, then the nuclear fusion reactor can certainly be turned off for a few years or decades, but the problem is that we do not want to build a power station, what we need is conventional portable energy.

For an organism. There is so much energy generated by nuclear fusion that it is impossible for us to carry out nuclear fusion all the time. Otherwise, the energy exceeding the upper limit will only overload the organism's energy and be burnt. therefore. Biological nuclear fusion technology should actually be a single-atom fusion. Only one deuterium and one tritium atom are used for the fusion reaction at a time. The energy generated in this process will be the minimum energy release allowed by nuclear fusion.

Of course, this energy is still huge and amazing, so even if only two atoms are used for the reaction, the organism has to perform intermittent reactions to ensure that its own energy is not overloaded. Then the problem came. In terms of biotechnology, it is easy to output only one deuterium atom and one tritium atom at a time. But how do you light them?

The nuclear fusion reaction in a hydrogen bomb relies on a small power atomic bomb to perform the fission reaction to generate high temperature to ignite the fusion reaction, but the organism cannot use a low-level nuclear fission to ignite the fusion reaction each time? Besides, even if it can be done. The organism's body can't withstand such high temperatures. This is why Yin Jiu did not believe us. In her opinion, we couldn't protect the organisms from that high temperature, so she felt we couldn't do it.

but. Just as human beings believed that they could land on the moon after the first satellite was successfully orbited, as long as they saw an understandable fulcrum, the latter things could be imagined.

The technology fulcrum we have is cold fusion technology. According to the name of cold fusion, it is known that it is a type of nuclear fusion performed at normal temperature, or slightly higher than normal temperature, but at a temperature that can withstand the range.

The advantage of this type of fusion is that it does not need the high temperature environment of tens of millions of degrees, so there is no need to worry about material problems. Although the biochemical cells used by our dragons are more than N times stronger than human cells, we are still flesh and blood, and the intensity is indeed much stronger than humans. We can persist for a period of a few hundred degrees of heat, which is thousands of degrees It can also be burned for ten or twenty seconds, but the problem is that nuclear fusion is not thousands of degrees or tens of thousands of degrees, that is tens of millions of degrees. At this temperature, we do n’t even need a second. Directly gasified.

In short, we cannot use thermonuclear fusion technology in living organisms, at least not now, unless we solve the problem of high temperature resistance of thermonuclear fusion in the future.

The controlled biological fusion technology used in Thunder ’s body is such a super-reaction system based on cold fusion technology. This system relies on a set of special organs to store a certain amount of nuclear fusion reactants and then output them in two atomic quantities at a time. Atoms enter the reaction chamber, and then the reaction chamber uses super-strong electromagnetic activation technology to let the nuclear material enter an active state at low temperatures, and then nuclear fusion. After that, nuclear fusion will generate ultra-high temperature and full-band radioactive energy, but the inner wall of this reaction chamber will be covered by a thick layer of deposits, which are actually a special chemical substance.

The energy of human cells comes from the breakdown of ATP, and this substance will take effect in the body of thunder instead of ATP. No, it should be said that the decomposition of this substance will replace ATP to generate energy. When nuclear fusion occurs, high temperature and full-band energy radiation will be absorbed by this substance, and then this substance will be decomposed by absorbing these heat and radiant energy, and the products after decomposition are two liquid substances with different specific gravity.

Both liquids will be absorbed by the outer wall of the reaction chamber. Then it is delivered to cells throughout the body, and the two substances will play the same role as ATP after entering the cells separately. They undergo a chemical reaction in the cell, release energy, and then change back to the original magic compound. They are recollected through the circulatory system and sent back to the reaction chamber to wait for the next fusion reaction to release energy and cause it to break down again.

This circulation alone is obviously not enough, so in fact there are a total of eight such reaction chambers in Thunder ’s body, which together are just a little larger than the entire human digestive system. Considering that Ray's body size is larger than that of a human, this volume can be placed in his abdominal cavity. Anyway, after having this thing, Ray ’s digestive system only needs to retain the most basic digestive ability. All the energy used by the body comes from fusion reactions. Eating is only used to supplement material loss. If it is matched with the Dragon ’s ultra-efficient autocirculation system, In fact, Ray may not need to eat for decades.

After explaining to me the special features of Thunder, the supervisor told me carefully: "Shenlin. I have told you about this situation, so please take care of it. Be careful to use your subordinate's ability. Because There are eight nuclear reactors in the body, so you can imagine how powerful his energy is. And this is the first time we have officially used this kind of thing. So it is not sure if it is really safe, you must pay more attention to him, In the event of a leak or abnormal response, you must first find a way to keep him away from the crowded area. Although in theory, even if the reactor has a problem, at most it is a small-scale radioactive leak, after all, fusion The radioactivity of the reactant is lower than that of the fission reactant, but we are not afraid of 10,000. We are not sure that the nuclear material stored in his body will not react unexpectedly during the battle, especially to prevent him from being subjected to After an attack and injury. Pay special attention at this time. "

"I know this. After all, Lei is basically a walking nuclear power plant, no matter how careful you are, it is not excessive."

The supervisor was relieved after hearing this. At least I didn't take this issue seriously, but took this issue seriously. However, after talking about it, he quickly got excited, and then said with a smile: "Although the eight reactors are very worrying, but also thanks to the powerful output energy of these eight reactors, your subordinates will You will have tens of gigawatts of directional energy weapons that all of you have not equipped so far. "

"What do you say? Ten billion megawatts of directional energy weapons? You you you ... did you put the positron on the killer satellite on him?" The supervisor almost didn't scare me to sit on the ground. Ten billion megawatts! What is that concept? Remember that secret American base that was found in the Pacific last time to help the Japanese make neutron stabilizers? At that time, I shot the island with a killer satellite, and the entire island was evaporated. This was also knocked down from space, and more than 30% of the energy was scattered in the middle by the atmosphere. What would you say if this power opened fire in front of the enemy? I do n’t think you can count on blocking this kind of attack anyway. One shot can penetrate from the city to the other side. Everything in the middle that blocks the road is gasified, and nearby things will evaporate together, and the rays may still It will shoot through the atmosphere and hit space. It ’s hard to luck, and you can take a few passing satellites along the way.

"What are you talking about? How did the boss react so much?" Skott found out my response here and asked.

Sooner or later, they have to know about this. I didn't intend to hide it, and I looked up and said, "They installed eight fusion reactors in Thunder and they were also equipped with 10 billion megawatts of energy weapons."

"Hundreds of tens of billions ... Gigawatts?" Scot and I didn't respond to much investigation, and they all stunned. "You guys are going to use it for melee? Are you sure you did n’t use it for satellites? Is this something a conventional weapon? Is it his planet grand defense gun, okay?"

"Oh, don't you guys react so much. This thing is 10 billion megawatts when it comes to talking, but it's not as scary as you think. The one I said is the ultimate power. You can really play with your companion once It ’s drained. Normally, it should be launched with normal power, which is tens of thousands of megawatts at most. "

"A few tens of megawatts? That's acceptable."

The tens of thousands of megawatts sounds like a very large number, but in fact, this series of energy weapons is slightly more powerful than ordinary kinetic energy weapons. If you want to have an intuitive understanding. It can be said like this. A multi-megawatt energy weapon can completely burn a person within one second. For metal, it can penetrate through a thickness of about ten centimeters. If you continue to irradiate, you can go deeper. On the battlefield, it would be very useful to have a tank and a plane. Because as long as the aircraft is continuously irradiated for more than 0.3 seconds, don't even think about flying again. The tank is a bit skinnier than an airplane, but it can carry up to three or five seconds at most. As for warships, it depends on where you fight. If you want to sink the ship, it will take a few minutes, but if you just want to make the warships lose their combat power, it will be simple. It is OK to illuminate the antenna area at 0.1 second. Ensure that the other person becomes deaf and blind immediately.

Anyway, this energy weapon on Lei is definitely a very powerful weapon, and it is best not to use it. After all, the power is too great. The collateral damage is definitely not small, even for directed energy weapons, there will still be diffuse damage after the output reaches a certain level.

After calming down a bit, I asked what kind of energy weapon the weapon on Xia Lei ’s body was, and the other party said that Lei had installed more than one energy weapon, and the power was great, so let ’s try it ourselves later.

Since we tried it ourselves, I didn't ask again. Started the most basic guidance work directly.

First landed the game to find Ray, and then told him something about taking him to the real world. But not the same as the previous two. Ray's intelligence level is not very high, and it is also very different from human appearance. It can be said that it is a state between humanoid and non-humanoid. In addition, Lei's personality is also relatively stable, but it is easy to become violent when excited, but I can control his emotions, so there is no problem.

Because Ray is relatively quiet when he is not fighting, so I didn't say much, just reminded him for a while to keep him from struggling, and then quit the game and wait outside for him.

The people around me knew that the preparation was complete, so they started the download process, and then saw the armored plate around the cubicle in the middle of the room surrounded by a pile of reinforcements began to sink to the ground. As the armor plate sank, the inside was actually the second layer of armor, and depending on the color and texture, it was actually ceramic armor. No wonder the electromagnetic induction before was weakened and could hardly penetrate.

After the outer armor sank, the ceramic armor layer also expanded like a flower with the help of a set of robotic arms, and inside this ceramic armor was a round glass column. The diameter of the glass column is about four meters, but the inner diameter is about two meters, because the thickness of the glass column is more than one meter.

As the ceramic armor unfolded, the last layer of strengthened glass insulation began to rise slowly, and the thunder inside finally finally appeared in front of us.

In reality, Ray's body still maintains a humanoid shape, but the body structure feels more like a werewolf, because his legs have a reverse arch, and it looks like there is one more joint than human legs, but that's just because of the standing posture The illusion caused by the different length of some bones. In fact, his legs have the same structure as humans. The extra anti-arch should be the position of the heels of humans, and when he is standing, he is on the same foot as a human, only The toe is just on the ground. However, don't think that he is so unstable. The structure of Ray's feet is different from that of humans, so he is actually more stable than humans. Moreover, this structure is more conducive to sudden speed bursts, and it will be better in motion ability than human leg structure.

Except that the leg looks like a werewolf, Ray's body and retracted arms are almost the same as humans, and the head shape and position are roughly the same. The only difference is the details.

Ray has no skin, or human skin, and his body has an exoskeleton like an arthropod. This layer of exoskeleton is golden yellow and looks shiny, as if wearing gold armor on his body. In addition, Ray's palm and toe discontinuities have sharp claws that extend from this layer of exoskeleton. In other words, Ray actually tends to be a predator's body structure and has sharp claws. Of course, as a predator, there are no shortage of fangs.

The thunder in the game actually has no oral cavity in the true sense, but there is obviously such a design in reality, and I guess it may be left intentionally considering the eating problem.

Ray's head looked like an exaggerated eagle helmet. The entire face is a whole shield-shaped golden yellow exoskeleton with a smooth surface, and you can see your own reflection near it. The bright one can almost be used as a mirror. The shape of Ray's head is longer than that of humans, similar to the structure of a wolf's head. This face armor probably starts from the tip of the nose and extends upwards and backwards. It stretches across the top of the head and spreads a large piece of spiked wings from the back of the god. It feels a lot like an eagle's head. So I said it looked like an eagle helmet.

Below this mask is the nostril, but not two but four, and it is only hidden in the lower part of the mask, which can not be seen from the front. The mouth is a bit below the nostril and is the same as the wolf, but this mouth does not extend forward beyond the face armor, but extends backward. If you can't figure it out. Imagine putting a face armor on the wolf's face, and the lower part of the face armor is on the tip of the wolf's nose. The upper part is on top of the wolf's head. The position of the mouth is under the mask.

Although Thunder's mouth is a moving part, it is also protected by a hard exoskeleton. It will be separated up and down when it is opened. The closed lower jaw and a part of the surrounding exoskeleton will be surrounded by a slightly larger exoskeleton around the upper jaw. , The mouth will not be exposed.

The overall look of Thunder is like a werewolf wearing an eagle helmet and gold armor, although it looks slightly leaned forward. It's like a humpback, but even then it has a height of more than two meters. And even at that height, it doesn't look slender at all. Instead it feels very honest. This, of course, must be thanks to his horrible muscles. Although the exoskeleton is solid, it grows against the muscles after all. Compared to real armor, these exoskeleton are more like tights, so the muscle lines of Thunder are particularly obvious.

"Well? Why don't you have eyes?"

Yin Jiu, who had not spoken since he made it clear that he didn't believe us before, suddenly noticed a detail that Lei had no eyes. If you look at the body structure of a human or werewolf, the position where Ray should grow his eyes is covered by that integral facial armor. So I can't see my eyes at all.

We didn't explain this, because that's what it is in the game. Ray had no eyes at all. In the game, he relied on the induction of biological energy to discern the surrounding environment. As for the thunder in reality, the eyes are actually there, just not visible from the outside.

In fact, although Ray's face armor looks as a whole from the outside, the thickness is actually different. There are only two layers of cartilage and membrane structure in two of them. This layer of cartilage is completely transparent, while the outer film has the same characteristics as one-way glass. From the outside, it is golden and looks like a mirror, but when it is viewed from the inside, it is basically transparent.

The advantage of this design is obvious, that is, the average person does not even know where Ray's eyes are. Even if you want to find weak points to attack, his head is so big, do you know where the eyes are?

Because we all knew it, I did n’t care about Yin Jiu ’s doubts, which made her sulking alone, but we did n’t care about her at all, but excitedly watched the progress of the stream of consciousness implanted on a nearby display . This progress bar went fast, and it came to an end in less than a minute. Then I saw that the thunder suddenly yanked suddenly, and then the whole body bowed up, shaking the metal frame that fixed him. .

In fact, thunder is not soaked in liquid. Inside the glass cover is a gas environment, and there is also a metal shelf like a torture device. There are several fixed locks on this shelf, which respectively lock Ray's wrist, ankle and neck, but now it seems that this thing is in danger of breaking at any time.

Just when we thought Lei would mess up the thing, Lei suddenly stabilized, then turned his head, and then turned to look at his fixed wrist.

Seeing this action, I knew that Thunder should have completed the transfer of consciousness, and quickly used wireless signals to access Thunder's thinking.


"the host?"

"It's me. How are you feeling now?"

"Everything's OK, but it's a little strange physically. I feel like I have a lot of abilities that I didn't have before."

"Did you not feel the weakness of your muscles?"


When I got this answer, I was also puzzled. I asked the supervisor before to know that Ray is not the same as us. When his body was tested, he used a special auxiliary brain to operate those nuclear reactors, so this body has a second consciousness, so this This time is not the first time to wake up. It should be said that it has been started before, but it was similar to sleepwalking. Only the second body of consciousness is operating, and now it is the first body of consciousness being activated, just as if humans wake up awake, it is impossible to have too much discomfort at all.

Now that I know the reason, I won't worry about it, I will directly inform the researcher to open the holder. The thunder on that side stood up from the shelf immediately after the holder was opened, first moved his hands and feet, and then stepped out of the quarantine area, scaring Yin Jiu and Xu Feng back two steps together. Humans instinctively fear things larger than themselves. This is an instinct, anyone has it, just a different degree.

Although I really wanted to test mine's ability, the mine's attack power was too scary. Second, there were still two companions who didn't pick up, so we had to temporarily give up the intention of experimenting. Of course, people still have to introduce. Fortunately, there are companions around, everyone has been living together for a long time in the game. In reality, it is only a small change in appearance. So soon everyone knew each other again.

With Ray, we rushed to the mechanical research zone, and the last two companions were here. Along the way, Yin Jiu and Xu Feng continued to study Thunder, either touching here or pinching there, but Ray's harassment of them was completely irrelevant. After all, Lei had an exoskeleton and the cannonball could be directly blocked. It doesn't feel like being pinched a few times.

Although I haven't been informed which two people are the last two to be picked up today. But since the pick-up place is the mechanical power zone, I also know the general situation.

There are many different types of creatures in my summoned creature. But there are only three constructing creatures, one of which is a spirit. Should not appear in reality, so there are only two remaining goals.

"Everett and Brigitte should be greeted this time, right?" Asked Wina. Obviously everyone has guessed the situation.

Although I didn't have an answer, I still nodded and said, "It should be right. However, I have to see it to be sure."

Because the mechanical area is not far from here, we soon arrived in the mechanical area. This is different from the place we used to stay. It is mainly where we develop technical equipment. Of course, we also manufacture some machinery and equipment, of course, the most are robots.

Longyuan's main business projects are arms and pharmaceuticals. The medical and military robots produced by the group are very popular. Of course, we have only seen military models. Medical ones are not produced at this base.

"That's it." I saw the mark on the electronic coordinates, and pointed at a door.

The electronic door opened automatically when we approached, but after entering, we didn't see the isolation room at all, but directly saw the two companions standing there.

"I depend, it really is Everett and Brigitte." As soon as he saw these two companions, he ran over immediately.

The reason why Scot can recognize these two at a glance is Evrit and Brigitte, the reason is the shape. The shape of the two humanoid mechanical bodies in the room in front of them is exactly the same as those of Everett and Brigitte in the game, and they have not even touched the surface painting, which is exactly according to the game. The appearance is copied.

Everett's bright red coat looks more windy and windy, and Brigitte's golden shape and the ring-shaped moon wheel behind it look exactly like the game. If this is not recognized, we must be counterfeit.

"Actually it was Evrit." Xiaochun went to Evrit and knocked on Evrit's thigh, only to hear Dangdang two metal impacts.

In the game, Everett is a constructing creature. To put it plainly, it is a machine life created by magic. There is no magic in reality. Therefore, Everett and Brigitte are actually two robots, but they are real. One thing that makes robots different is that they actually have electronic brains just like us.

The electronic brain does not refer to the electronic computing part installed in our brain, but the whole body assembled with biological brains and electronic chips, cyclic living systems and basic walking components. This is the electronic brain. The key to identifying whether it is a dragon is not the body shape, but whether there is an electronic brain. This is the core of the dragon. In fact, to us, the body we use now is just like a car, a ship, or an airplane driven by a human being. It is an extension of the body. For us, the electronic brain is the basic irreplaceable body. The outside part that looks like the body is actually something that can be discarded at any time. If necessary, we can change seven sets a week, one style per day. In fact, considering that our dragons often need to appear in some more dangerous places. Therefore, our body always has a set of spares, and even our own spare bodies have been destroyed. As long as the electronic brain is OK, it is actually possible to temporarily use other people's bodies to make up. No matter how bad you are, you can try Lucky and Bailang's body and feel the different feelings of the beast-shaped structure.

Because they are robots themselves, of course, Everett and Brigitte do not need to be soaked in liquid, but are placed directly in the center of the room. However, they did not land at this time, but were hung in the air.

There is a set of rails on the ceiling of this room. Two very strong robot arms extend down from the top. The front end of the robot arm is a huge thing like a gas gun for a gas station. This thing is now plugged in behind Everett and Brigitte. While connecting many pipelines, it also supports their weight and hangs them completely in the air. Now their feet are still one foot away from the ground.

The reason why Everett and Brigitte are not allowed to land is mainly to consider the purpose of anti-static. After all, the main thinking has not yet been loaded. Now it must ensure an absolute zero potential state, otherwise the electronic brain may start unexpectedly. Already.

Because both Everett and Brigitte are constructing creatures. So their thinking is absolutely rational, even in the Dragon race, they are super stable. So guiding them is much simpler.

After communicating well with the supervisor here, I entered the game. Then I simply talked to the two of them, and after they confirmed that they remembered me, I stepped back.

The next thought loading process took about the same time as others, except that the characteristics of the mechanical body determined that they did not have the problem of muscle weakness. The eyes of Everett and Brigitte who had just recovered their consciousness suddenly flashed into two groups Light and shadow, then slowly raised their respective feet to observe, and finally fixed their eyes together on my face. Before I used wireless access, Everett spoke first. of course. Adhering to the design of the game, it is also a pragmatic design. Everett has no mouth installed. His mouth had only a single piece of metal armor and could not be opened at all. The sound comes from the speaker under the mouth armor, it sounds exactly the same as the sound in the game, obviously it is very good.

"Master, is this the real world you say?"

"It feels more suitable for us than that world." Brigitte followed.

I also understand her meaning. As constructing creatures, Everett and Brigitte are more inclined to the existence of science and technology. The scientific and technological knowledge assistance in "Zero" is not the mainstream, but contrary to this, science and technology are the foundation of everything in reality. It is because we now have the ability to look like superpowers, but in the final analysis, this is a technological product.

As soon as Brigitte woke up, she found that the computer and various wires, guide rails, and robotic arms in the room here were of course the first time she liked the real world. To them, this is like their world.

"How do you two feel now?" Although they both asked their questions, I didn't answer them, and now is not the time to answer them.

Everett and Brigitte also asked casually, and when they heard my question, they immediately reverted to the state of the body upright, followed by blinking twice, followed by Everett's reply: "System self-test , 100% complete, I feel very good. "

Brigitte followed: "The completeness of the self-test is 100%. It feels good. In addition, I detected an external signal input. Do I need to defend this?"

"No, that's the detection signal. Don't worry about it. If you're fine, I'll let you down. Are you ready?"


I gestured to the researcher over there, and the other person pressed it on the computer immediately. The two robotic arms immediately began to descend. With Dangdang's two feet, Everett and Brigitte's feet finally stood on the ground ~ ~ After the two of them landed, the robotic arm immediately transmitted There was a squeak-like sound, followed by the robotic arm actively detaching from them and began to retract from the ceiling and slide towards the corner.

"Well, you two are moving a little bit now to see if you can control walking or something normally."

After I said it, I regretted it because I didn't try it at all. The biggest difference between silicon-based life and carbon-based life is the accuracy of silicon-based life. Both Everett and Brigitte are considered robots, and their calculations of forces such as gravity and pressure are all data. These things must have been stored in various auxiliary computing units inside the body in the morning. Try, absolutely no problem.

Sure enough, after I finished speaking, Everett and Brigitte made a few jumps on the spot, of course, they didn't jump too high, and then they made a few laps in the room, feeling everything was normal, and there was no Lilith. He Linglong just came out of the feeling of weakness and discomfort.

"OK, it looks fine. In this case, let's go to the test site to see how your abilities are." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support Is my greatest motivation.) RQ

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