Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 168: Chase

Chapter 168 Pursuit

The place where the woman got into was a small hole like a dog hole, but fortunately I could get in. Behind the m-hole entrance is not another room, but an almost vertical downward passage. As soon as I entered this passage, I felt my body sink down, and then I started to fall. After falling for a short distance, I quickly felt that my feet jumped to the ground, but at this time the passage was not over, but the inclination became smaller, but I still couldn't control my body to stand up.

Sliding all the way down the channel, I soon saw the light appearing in front of me. Immediately after that, I left the channel and flew out from the exit in the middle of a cliff. I still had my wings spread in the air while searching, and it took only 0.1 second to lock the target.

The other party was running away, but she was moving in a strange way. Except for the cliffs behind me, this place is surrounded by an empty darkness, and no margins can be seen, but in this darkness there is a row of blue magic formations suspended in the void. These magic arrays can basically be said to be round, but the edges have jagged protrusions, and the internal structure is quite complicated. The diameter of the magic array is about one meter, which is not very large, and the thickness is almost invisible, because this thing is composed of light, not a substance.

These magic arrays are all suspended horizontally in the air. Although there are some differences in height, they should basically be aligned in a line, but the distance between the arrows of the two magic arrays is a bit large, and they ca n’t fly. , Normal people can never jump over. but. What surprised me was that the woman in front of me was jumping on top of the magic arrays as if she were playing a jumping grid. Some of them were more than a hundred meters apart, but she was Leaping across easily, it felt as if her body had no weight.

Because the woman's condition was abnormal, I took a closer look, and soon I discovered the secret. It turned out that every time the woman landed on a magic array, the magic array would shine as if she did not rely on her own strength to jump over it, but the magic array bounced her. These magic arrays are suspended in the air as if they were ejectors. As long as you step on it, it will bounce you up, and the angle and strength are set. As long as you don't move around, you can accurately fall to the next magic circle.

Because these magical arrays are closely connected one by one, the woman is like a rabbit who has always been dexterous.

Although I figured out the jumping principle of that woman, I don't want to follow it. Why do we have to go to the trouble of jumping when we have wings? As soon as I accelerated, I flew forward, but just when I thought I could easily catch up with that woman. The body sank suddenly, although I desperately flapped my wings. But there is no meaning to fly. There is a forbidden area in this **** place!

"I'm leaning!" Feeling my body falling rapidly, I quickly turned around and pointed my fingers at the cliff behind me. With a whistle, the dragon's tendon shot out, and then I nailed it into the wall. The take-up revolving at high speed pulled me towards the cliff quickly, my legs spread out, stepped on the cliff accurately, and then continued to take up the thread. Run along the vertical cliff side all the way.

It took more than ten seconds to run back to the original height and see that the woman in the distance had only a small spot left. I quickly searched for the location of the nearest ejection platform, and then the whole person squatted on the cliff like a big frog. Aiming at that platform, both legs suddenly struck the rock wall, and at the same time, the cable barb of the dragon's tendon automatically retracted and no longer fixed me on the rock wall, and my entire body was back away from the cliff wall and facing towards it. The side platform flew over.

Twist the body in the air. My hands stretched forward, snapping the edge of the magic circle accurately. With the strength of the waist, the body hung under the magic array swayed forward, and then kicked hard to hit the bottom of the magic array. As the body rebounded, it flipped up and down from the edge of the magic array to the magic array.

Fortunately, the Magic Array will immediately eject it when it comes into contact with anything it did not expect. Obviously, this thing also needs to be activated. Because the magic array itself is translucent, the lines above are very clear. As long as I can interpret these lines, I can know the principle of magic array, but the problem is that I do n’t have time to do this now. Reading the magic array in reverse is very time-consuming. Yes, so I can only figure it out by myself. Try to stand on the edge of the magic circle, and then jump forward with force, and I thought the magic circle would start and eject me. Who knows that this thing didn't respond? I jumped out just five or six meters away and started to fall down, scaring me to quickly turn around and shoot the dragon tendon again to wind up in the magic circle. Thanks to the jagged protrusions on the edge of the magic circle, otherwise this thing can't really hang round.

Back to the magic circle, this time I started to change the method test. First, inject magic into the magic array under my feet, of course not much, only a little magic was injected this time, and then I just felt that while the magic was being input, my whole body suddenly bounced, but fortunately, a little magic just let I just bounced up two meters high in situ, and of course, with my physical fitness, it fell steadily.

With this successful test, I roughly understood how this thing works. This time, I adjusted my attitude, suddenly jumped at the next platform, and injected more than a dozen units of magic into my feet. At once, I jumped up and jumped dozens of meters like a rocket. The distance flew over the next magic circle ~ ~ However, just as my body began to fall, I suddenly started to worry again because my flight distance was obviously too large. The body directly crossed the second magic formation and fell towards the blank space between the second and third magic formations.

"His grandpa, this thing doesn't calculate the ejection distance automatically!"

After I figured out the reason, I hurriedly shot the dragon's tendon again, directly entangled the third magic array, and then dragged myself over as soon as I closed the line. Climbing back into the magic circle, this time I will not worry about it. Knowing the specific working method of this magic array, it is easy to operate again. Based on the distance between the two magic formations, then use magic power to convert. One magic point equals two meters, just calculate the distance and divide it by two. Because I have an electronic brain, accurate calculations are not a problem, even if deviations occur. As long as it doesn't exceed twenty meters, I can drag myself over with a tendon.

With this guarantee, I started jumping towards the fourth magic circle, and this time I calculated the strength. The result was very good, and landed accurately in the center of the magic circle.

With this experience, I immediately started chasing forward, and I was not jumping one at a time, relying on the magic power and accurate calculations. I often jumped once in three or five magic formations, faster than that woman Quickly caught up not far behind her. "Haha, see where you are going this time."

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