Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 297: 1 side down

Chapter 297

"What's wrong? Are you proud now?" The Thunder Tooth King didn't show any excitement after I said it, but was rather quiet. This situation generally represents three possibilities. First, this guy has a mental problem. It belongs to Qingtou Qing. I don't know how to write dead words. Of course, I think this possibility is not high, after all, they are already the existence of the demon king level, and it is impossible to lose their mind. Second, this guy is pretending. He knew that the more he panicked, the more his win rate would decrease, so he forcibly suppressed his emotions. Third, he did not worry that he would lose if he had any post moves.

The probability of these second and third situations is very high, but I vaguely think that the other party should be the third situation, that is, there is really no fear. The reason for such speculation is mainly because the attitude of the other party is too easy. Even if it pretends to be calm, some small details in behavior will unconsciously reveal some flaws, and this tooth is now showing a very relaxed state. Therefore, either this guy is a film emperor, or he is really fearless.

"Does it seem that you can still beat me under this kind of comparison?" Although it is estimated that the opponent has some other cards, I can't investigate it in this case, so the best way is to Let him speak out directly.

Sure enough, Raya seemed quite confident at this moment, so he didn't mean to conceal anything at all, and he said directly to me: "I know that you feel like you have an advantage when there are more people on your side, but don't you Have you forgotten what this place is? This is my site, don't you think I will not put in some protective measures in my hideout? "

Originally, I still had some doubts about the performance of Ray Teeth, but after hearing this explanation, I immediately believed that what he said was true. Indeed, no demon king would not set up something to sign up near his old nest, as if we were installing various defense facilities outside our guild to repair the city walls. It is purely a matter of course, and it is normal behavior. Previous experience told me that all the demon kings have this habit, so it is not surprising that the site of the Thunder tooth demon king must also have such a setting. Therefore, although it seems that we have a lot of people now, once we really fight, the result is really unknown.

"It looks like I'm missing something." I looked at Ragnarok seriously and said, "But this has nothing to do with the hostility between us, but you took the initiative to pick it up. I I have given enough sincerity to do business with you, but you have to do nothing. I do n’t want to be robbed, I can only resist. Besides, how do you know that your defense measures will be able to check and balance our number of people here? What ’s the advantage? The difference in the number of people between us is not a small star, right? What defense method of yours will not be able to confront several demon kings at the same time? "

My words reassured the demon kings who had trusted me. The demon kings that I had seduced me to make it plain were for the benefit, so it was taken for granted that they did n’t have a chance of winning. of. It's just that what I said just made them want to understand. Regal's words are clearly problematic. Because even a demon king sets the ultimate defense method for his old nest. It is absolutely impossible to compete with the strength of several demon kings. This defense method is generally equivalent to the strength of the Thunder Tooth King. Even if we are divided into two demon kings, we can win the Thunder Tooth King steadily. In this way, regardless of the defense facilities What the **** is it, but at most it can block two demon kings, and we actually have thirteen more people than them. Even if two demon kings are removed, there are still eleven advantages. This advantage cannot be said to be obvious. This is almost an overwhelming advantage.

"Whether you can fight so many demon kings at the same time, you can give it a try, but no matter what, I will attack you first. So no matter who of us wins or loses, you are dead."

This tooth is obviously rarely dealing with players. He didn't even know that players are not afraid of death. At least relatively speaking, the characteristics of the player's resurrection determine that the player is much braver. After all, the player's death is just a level or two, and death is really death. Therefore, the two attitudes towards death are naturally different.

As soon as the Thunder King Demon King said this, the demon kings on our side immediately laughed. And the remaining demon kings over Lei Ya also held back the laughter, but only his direct subordinates did not have the slightest smile.

Reggae King seemed rather doubtful about our response, but it was not easy to ask questions at this time, so he could only stare at us angrily, but he didn't know why he didn't rush up to start immediately.

Generally speaking, fighting on the battlefield at the pace of the enemy is very disadvantageous, so the best way to take advantage of it is not to fight at the pace of others. The Ragnarok king now does not show that he should wait according to his rhythm, and I only need to reverse this rhythm to break this rhythm. Since the other party doesn't want to start the war immediately, I will start the war immediately, and I will chase after him, and it is necessary to make a situation that I want to make a quick decision. The purpose of doing this is not to beat the opponent quickly, but to make the opponent's rhythm go wrong. As long as he cannot fight at his own pace, he will not be able to exert his maximum combat effectiveness. Although the opposite is not necessarily good for yourself, at least it is even worse for the enemy, so this method is very effective in combat.

Seeing that the Ragblade Demon King was waiting there, I looked directly at Song Zhenghe, then nodded a little, and then rushed out without saying hello to others.

Although I rushed out suddenly, Song Zhenghe had already got my hint in advance, so the movement was not slow, and I rushed out almost half a second later than me. As soon as the two main personnel on our side moved, the rest of them could only rush along, and the group of people opposite to the Ragblade King couldn't be idle, so they rushed up the same.

Both sides are masters, and the distance is not far, so we hit each other almost at the same time. However, the fighting on both sides is slightly different than imagined.

There are a total of four demon kings standing on the side of the Leiya demon king, but after the war began, these four and the four demon kings on our side stood outside the battle circle to watch the battle. I can understand their behavior. And in this case, it seems reasonable to use this method of fighting.

Because the fighting power of these demon kings is actually not much different, and is different from us and the Thunder tooth demon king, these demon kings should actually be regarded as foreign aids, so they don't need to work as hard as we do. Then, since the enemy and himself are on a line of strength, and there is no need to desperately on either side, it is better to stand side by side to watch the excitement, even if they really fight. The impact on the overall war situation is the same as both watching the excitement. Anyway, there is no way to help others, it is better to stand aside, this can also reduce meaningless casualties.

I can understand the lazy behavior of those demon kings, and I don't care. Anyway, as they thought, whether they really played did not affect the root of the battle, so I defaulted to this situation. As for the King of Ragweed ... he and I have a slightly different idea, because they are not as many as we are, and now this is equivalent to one-on-one fighting, but the numbers on both sides are wrong Wait, it's obvious that they are losing.

but. Even if he felt that this was wrong, Reggae King could not say anything. Those demon kings are not under his control. It is already benevolent to be able to resist the temptation to continue helping him. What else can he expect? Besides, even those who belong to him. You can command whatever you want, that's useless. Because he doesn't have the time to control others. I just rushed straight over and it wasn't someone I was looking for. The goal was his mastermind, and I didn't keep my hand as soon as I came up. Just posted it and started melee combat. Although this type of fighting is not as harmful as throwing a big move at each other, this method is actually the most dangerous. Because when attacking at a long range, both sides almost support their defense skills, and they can also use their armor and shields to defend, but in contrast, many defense methods in close combat cannot be used, even if they are on their bodies. The armor may also be fatally hit by enemies in melee due to seams or weak points. Therefore, melee combat seems to have a low lethality output, but in fact it is a very fighting method.

At this time, I was sticking to the side of the Thunder Tooth Demon King, and constantly changed various attack methods at lightning speed. He continued to attack, making the Thunder Tooth Demon King powerful and unable to play, only to be dodgy. My attack.

In fact, I was forced into such a large part by the weapons in my hand. At the beginning, Raytooth also considered that his demon body's defense power and health should be dominant, so he initially planned to deal with I slammed into a trade for injury, but after my first move cut off his main weapon and left a wound about half an inch deep on his shoulder, he immediately changed his strategy. He has realized that my weapon's attack power is too high. If I really don't care about the defense and my chop, the biggest possibility is to put a few wounds on me and then chop me into a pile of meat sauce. The eternal attack power and cut-off rules are too abnormal. Even if they are stronger than me, they must not fight with me, because as long as I hold eternity in my hand, the opponent will be chopped into meat sauce before me.

There are four demon kings on both sides withdrawing from the battle. On our side, there are sixteen demon kings left. These demon kings also choose their goals according to their own judgment.

The fastest of these rushes was not the real red or the cherry rain gods brought by Song Zhenghe and me, but the eight demon kings who temporarily transferred. The reason these eight people rushed so fast was not because they were so active in this matter, but because they had their own considerations.

First of all, because they came after I gave out the power of faith, this nature is inferior to those demon kings who have stood by me before, so if they do n’t work, they will probably I was disgusted and refused to pay for the power of faith, so they had to fight.

Secondly, after all, they are a group of people with the most unstable tendencies. They are unwilling to ask them to fight against the King of Leya, so the best way is to find some easy and easy work. So they rushed out first, because then they could choose the target, otherwise the easy-to-hand enemies would be selected, and the rest would be difficult to handle.

In fact, the four demon kings who withdrew from our battle were all of the eight men who came last, and the remaining four final apostasy guys respectively found the four subordinates of the demon tooth king. The four targeted targets were three of the five guards I saw outside the house, and the old man who took us there.

I estimate that these guys' one-to-one choice must be the best one to deal with, but in the case of such a large number of people, being able to drag an enemy one-on-one is already a victory. So their behavior can be said to be the least effort and will not be said to work.

After all the eight demon kings have chosen their goals here, we have only twelve demon kings and true reds. Four of them are female players plus Song Zhenghe, and because I and Thunder tooth demon king have been the first to be a ball, Therefore, the remaining targets opposite them were only two subordinates of the Ragblade King, and his sister and Nobunaga.

Compared to the eight demon kings in the last apostasy, the remaining groups of ours are considered to have a more targeted existence, so Song Zhenghe gave a little command to these people. When Lin Chong went up, Song Zhenghe shouted directly at the cherry rain **** and Blazing Dragon Ji: "Sakura, Chi blocking the princess."

The Sakura Yujin has been working with Blazing Dragon Ji and Song Zhenghe for some time, so the first time they switched to the target according to the order. The fairy princess saw that I was fighting with his brother, so I wanted to come up and help his brother to deal with me, but as soon as I ran halfway, she was inserted by the cherry rain **** and the blazing dragon Ji from the side. Came down.

The fairy princess was blocked here, but the ghost-hand Nobunaga was still rushing to my side. His goal is also very clear, that is to kill me first, because the power of faith is with me, as long as this thing is gone, the demon king on our side will not help us to fight again. but. Just like the fairy princess, he was blocked just halfway through, and the natural thing that blocked him was real red and gold coins. After all, I have been mixing with me for so long. The battlefield smell of true red and gold coins is still very sensitive. I can see the key points that I should cut into.

Both the fairy princess and the ghost-handed Nobunaga were trapped, and they were two-on-one. These two opponents obviously felt powerless against the two enemies in front of them. Although the enemies in front of them are not afraid of one-on-one, the two-on-one can obviously be crushed and beaten.

After the two are controlled, there are only two remaining Ragnarok kings, but we still have Song Zhenghe and twelve other Ragnaroks who have not found a target. In this case, Song Zhenghe shouted directly to the demon kings: "Get the two first."

Upon hearing this, the twelve demon kings understood Song Zhenghe's intentions and immediately surrounded them. Twelve to two. And the twelve demon kings deal with two senior thugs, the gap is really too obvious. On the other side, Song Zhenghe was not idle, and rushed directly into the battle team between me and Thunder King Demon King.

Sensing the threat behind him, Leiya Devil hurriedly turned aside. As a result, he avoided the attack of Song Zhenghe but did not avoid me, and I was kicked in the waist. The whole person flew out horizontally, and Song Zhenghe and I immediately ran after the turn and ran after the Thunder King Demon King.

Even the one-on-one Ragnarok demon might not be my opponent, not to mention that there is still a Song Zhenghe, the gap is even more obvious. As soon as he got up and kicked, Leiya Demon King saw a flash of light flew over his neck. He hurriedly leaned back on an iron bridge, and the white light immediately flew across the tip of his nose, and instantly cut the forest behind him into a corridor more than two meters wide and several tens of meters deep. All the trees and stones on the road became dust.

The Raytheon Demon King who just flashed a sword here suddenly felt that the hairs of his body had stood up before he had straightened his waist. He almost turned over. Although he fell on a horse, he managed to hide. He opened a swordman flying upright, and if he just reacted more slowly, this inconspicuous red light would definitely turn him into two pieces of raw pork after slaughter.

"Two hit one, Lai Pi!" The Ragblade King who just got up unexpectedly yelled at us, and the answer on our side was the two sword horns that flew over one after the other.

"What kind of fairness do you talk about at this time? Do you think this is a competition or exchange?" I stopped while taking advantage of the opportunity of the other party to stop, not because the other party was talking, but because I also need to be a little bit forever. Adjustment.

I have discovered the general characteristics of this guy in the previous battle. Maybe because it evolved from Warcraft, this guy's body is very flexible, and the reaction speed is more than twice that of normal people, although it is not as fast as mine. But for ordinary players, unless you use range attack and calculate the advance, as long as you are still a human, a single attack will definitely not hit him. After all, people's reaction speed has exceeded the human limit.

In addition, judging from the occasional encounters I had with him a few times before, the defense of this tooth seemed not very high. Of course, his blood volume is unquestionably high. But the defense is average. My eternity is known for breaking hair and defending, and the opponent ’s defense is very low, so my ability to break defense is not very meaningful, so I directly gave up the high-defense sword-breaking eternity, but It became a liquid directly attached to my blade claws and the blades around my body.

While using Bladeclaw, my attack range will decrease. The damage output and defense ability will also decline significantly, but in this state, my attack speed is the highest, and in this state I can give full play to my physical skills, most people do n’t say defense, even me I can't see the movements, let alone block.

Just knowing that the opponent is very agile and has a low defense. That's why I changed the eternal form, and although the opposite tooth demon king saw my eternity deforming, he didn't know the significance of doing so.

Song Zhenghe knew my intention when he saw that the eternity on my side was deforming, so he also made some adjustments. However, his equipment is not as convenient as my eternity, and can almost be used as a universal weapon. All he could do was slightly lengthen the hilt of the Lightsword.

In fact, the light sword is also deformable, but it is incomparable with my eternity. Its deformation range is limited to the length of the handle.

The Light Sword has two different forms. One of them is a sword shape with a short hilt, and the other is a power sword shape that is now extended by the hilt. Quan Jian is actually a magic sword. It is actually a deformed magic wand, which means that the body of this thing is a staff, but it can only be used as a sword.

When I put on a short weapon here, I have to prepare for a close range close combat, and at this time, if someone is crowded with me to attack, it is obviously only interference. Therefore, Song Zhenghe directly replaced the power sword, the purpose is to change from melee to long-range attack, using magic to support me. In this way, the combat effectiveness of the two of us will not interfere, but will overlap.

They all said that they were not afraid of the same enemy as God, but also the teammates who were like pigs. From the response of Song Zhenghe, you can see from the response of Song Zhenghe.

The Thunder King Demon King has been quite embarrassed by us since he saw that we are all changing weapons, and he is a little uneasy, but it is easy to get a respite and he will not let go. While intentionally holding one hand behind his back, the Ragblade King said to us: "Although this is not a competition or a competition, you all have a name and a surname. If you work together against me today, then I ’m afraid it ’s not good to hear it? ”

"Ha ha ha ha, you are really interesting. Okay, well, anyway, my preparation is complete, and I won't joke with you. We don't care about reputation or anything, since you dared to use your brain to take the consequences Ready. Okay, now it's time for you to bear the consequences you caused. "I said no longer waiting, but rushed up again. I was waiting for the eternal transformation just now. Now that I've got everything done, what's the delay?

Immediately after I started, I rushed towards the Thunder King Demon King over there, almost in the blink of an eye, but when my blade was about to wave toward him, unexpectedly happened.

The wrist that I swung out suddenly was pinched by a big hand when I was about to hit the Thunder Tooth Demon King. This hand not only pinched my wrist, but also responded instantly, grabbed my wrist directly and followed my strength, and threw me over his shoulder and threw me over him, then smashed to the ground Go on.

Feeling that I didn't panic at all after being vacated for a moment, the whole person turned over in the air, his legs twisted, and his feet fell to the ground first. However, the guy who caught me was reluctant to stop. Seeing that I was standing still, he immediately grabbed my wrist and dragged it forward, dragging me directly to the ground.

As soon as I was pulled to the ground, the King of Thunder Tooth immediately saw the opportunity and slashed at me from the back, but he heard Dang at half of his knife. His knife was directly held up by Song Zhenghe with a light sword.

After hitting the Thunder King Demon King, Song Zhenghe quickly turned around and hacked at the figure holding me, but the other person's reaction also wanted to be an exaggeration, and he directly raised me as a shield and blocked Song Zhenghe. Attack line. Seeing this, of course I would n’t sit back and wait. The whole body rolled up with a force on the waist, locked the guy ’s arm with both legs, and tried to twist the guy ’s arm with force.

My power attributes are definitely the most amazing among players. Even those power fighters are significantly different from me. The root reason for this is that my basic attributes are unified, that is, all the basic attributes will be Change based on the single attribute with the highest value. Basic attributes obtained by others are added to all attributes separately. And because I will copy each other's attributes, I simply throw all my attributes into power, so my single attribute of power now is equivalent to the sum of all the attributes of other players.

With such great power, as long as there is a place where I can use it, I can even break the dragon directly. So I am confident that with my waist and leg strength, I can definitely break this guy's arm. However, when I suddenly exerted my strength with confidence, I suddenly felt a loose hand, and immediately followed the whole person, and I felt weightlessness and fell towards the ground.

Song Zhenghe was all ready to attack, but I suddenly fell off and just blocked his attack line, and forced Song Zhenghe to stop his attack with a sharp brake. Otherwise, it will definitely be cut on me.

"Rely on, what are you doing?" Song Zhenghe stiffly pulled me back and pulled back, and the other Rage Demon King ran quickly to the guy who just grabbed me. .

It wasn't until this time that we could see clearly that it seemed that the monster standing next to the King of Thunderfang was not an ordinary monster. It's a strange looking guy.

This guy wore a samurai armor and a mask on his face. He couldn't see his face at all, but it was certain that he was a fairly tall guy. And from the perspective of the armor's components, this guy's body should be all muscles. It is estimated that the whole is a demon-like flesh.

However, although it looks very burly, this is not what makes him special. There are more people than he is strong, he is nothing like this, can only say that he is very good. What really surprised us was that this person was actually translucent, giving a sense of nothingness.

"Is this ... the Lich?" Looking at this strange thing, I said with uncertainty.

Song Zhenghe stood beside me with a question mark in her head, but she finally shook her head and said, "Shouldn't it? Isn't the Lich Western stuff? This is obviously our local product!"

"Who told you that foreigners can't wear Japanese Samurai armor and then become a Lich?"

"But this is also ..." Song Zhenghe thought for a while and said, "It should be the hero."

"My king is the spirit. The temperament of the two of them is much worse, certainly not."

"Is that a ghost?"

"Have you ever seen such a strong ghost? Isn't it too?"

"You don't have to guess blindly," the Thunder King Demon King opposite said suddenly, "This is my father. He is indeed a Lich, but he was a bigger monster than me during his lifetime."

"Lich?" Although I guessed this way in the first place, I was really surprised when it was confirmed. A big monster wearing a Japanese samurai armor turned into a Lich. This combination of Chinese and Western is really a bit scratchy, and this guy looks very powerful, obviously not in the state of an ordinary Lich. Besides, things like Lich are generally not legal. How come you have a lich from the physics department? Is this the wrong one? Maybe he's a zombie. No, that's not right. Zombies can't be translucent. I haven't heard of the classification of jelly zombies.

This strange guy said to us after Reggae King introduced himself: "This time, Regga has already told me this time, this time it is his fault first, so I will not hold you accountable. .We are here to stop the truce and you can leave at will. "

"Hmm ... hahahaha ... you are even more funny than your son. Who is the rest now? It sounds like we are the one who put us down. I do n’t know if we almost got killed by your son! "

"Hum, shame your face." The pale yellow Lich snorted suddenly and rushed towards me, apparently trying to teach me.

Looking at the other person rushing over, of course I couldn't stand here and let him fight, but it was a shame to run away, so I hit a finger directly. Lingling suddenly appeared next to me, and the holy sword in her hand suddenly glowed, and then slashed past the old guy with a sword.

Since it is a Lich, it must be dark. When it comes to a light attack, it will double the damage. Lingling's attack was exaggerated. This doubled again. The old guy had a few guts and didn't dare to bump into it. However, this guy is also very powerful. When he failed to do so, he turned Lingling's holy sword with a sharp turn, and then rushed to me from the side.

I didn't expect this guy to be so stubborn. Lingling's big move was too hard, and she couldn't collect it for a while, so she couldn't count on her this time. Of course, my favorite thing is that Lingling can't help, isn't there Xiaochun?

The guy just rushed towards me over the holy lightsaber and saw a flash of white light on my side. Then a huge white ball of light suddenly spread out in all directions around us, and the larger it became, the faster the diffusion speed. The old Lich immediately flew back when he saw the light mass spread, but unfortunately the light mass was getting faster and faster. He was caught up within two meters after running out, and the light curtain swept across his body instantly, then it seemed to The same thing happened with Lei, the guy suddenly fluttered out of the arc. The light curtain did not disappear, but continued to spread, sweeping everyone in the immediate vicinity.

At first I saw that the light ball spread out and there was some nervousness of the demon king, but after being scanned, I found that this thing actually comes with its own identification. All the demon kings on our side felt that the little wound on their body immediately recovered. Moreover, his physical strength was also full, but all the personnel on the one side of the Ragblade King were pumped by the whole body of electricity like the old Lich.

It was outnumbered, and suddenly was shocked and lost its ability to respond. Those who fought with us were knocked down without any accident. And because the opponent was knocked down when he lost his resistance, he not only knocked him down. And it's under control. In other words, all people at the site except the King of the Thunderfang Demon and the old Lich are captured.

Although Xiaochun just used a small-powered field control skill, under the premise that our number and combat power are superior, the power of this trick is extremely powerful, which directly brings the battle to an end.

Of course, Ragnarok and his father, the old Lich, are still there, but the situation has now changed to twenty-six to two, and they are dead. So, this battle is actually over.

"How's it? You can surrender?" I looked at the King of Rags and asked: "We don't have 20 demon kings on our side. No matter how powerful your father is, you can't beat three of them. How many can you fight? Two? We have so many besieged you, and the mill has also tortured you to death. How about? Hurry up and surrender? I might not kill you if I am happy. "

In fact, it should not be said that if you are happy, you will not kill, but you will definitely not kill. I am not indifferent. This is the demon king, a god-level existence. It has been very easy to capture the captives and transform them into magic pets. Based on the current price of the pet in "Zero", it is estimated that auctions of tens of millions of crystal coins at the level of the demon king are normal. Therefore, under normal circumstances, I will never kill them. Of course, this means that I can catch them alive, otherwise I would rather let them die than let them run away.

Opposite Ragnarok and the old Lich reacted differently after I finished talking. Ragnarok's previous arrogance is gone. After carefully looking around the demon kings around, this guy started to wince and seemed to be looking for a chance to slip away, not even his sister. As for the pale yellow old Lich, it was another reaction.

"Don't think about it. I can only kill the thunder and never surrender to anyone."

"Courage is commendable," I said directly to the demon kings over there, "Don't hold back, let's go together. Do the work of faith early."

The last force of faith is definitely the driving force of the demon kings. The demon kings who were present all rushed up like the chicken blood, and the demon king who lost the fighting spirit directly surrendered. He is not stupid. Although the demon king here has the strongest fighting power, can one boxing champion be able to have two runner-ups in the boxing competition at the same time? Although he is the strongest one, none of the demon kings on the scene is soft-footed shrimp. Not to mention there are twenty demon kings here. He ca n’t even fight two! Therefore, the cargo surrendered decisively after trying to escape and was blocked.

Another benefit of the demon race is its clear attitude. You rarely see an indeterminate demon, because that character can't be evolved by the demon level and is killed by other creatures. Among the monsters, they are the kind of guys who don't look back and die, or they are completely faceless and skinless. They change, and of course there are some kinds of persistence, as long as they do not involve those things , Other things are easy to discuss. In short, the characteristics of the demons are that they know what they want, and they can quickly judge the situation in front of them. There is absolutely no hesitation, and the more urgent they are, the faster they can make decisions.

The Thunderfang Demon King has clearly confirmed the end of his resistance, so he has surrendered directly. As for the old Lich ... it looks like this is a one-liner, that is, death will not change your principles. And this guy's principle is that my boss, the second elder, and the third elder, all others stand back.

Such a treacherous character. No wonder it hangs up. Although he has become a Lich, his unrepentant character still determines that he has no way out.

After the surrender of Leiya Demon King, the scene became 20 demon kings besieging the old Lich. Of course, in fact, only a few demon kings were shot, and everyone else was watching, because the other party was alone. Too many people on our side will try to interfere with each other.

While the old guy is still stubborn. The banshee who seemed to be in love with Song Zhenghe came to us again, and then seemed to deliberately talk about the topic: "Although this guy has a bad temper, his strength is really good. It's a pity. ! "

"Do you know?" Song Zhenghe asked casually. After all, the old man in front of him is indeed very powerful. Don't let our four or five demon kings move around in the middle to make a shot. He can even go down to the low end. Although he is completely playing as a mouse, you are really not qualified to be a mouse. The joint attack of the four demon kings. Not to mention ordinary people, you would have been shot dead even if you changed into another demon king. of course. His failure was doomed. After all, the four demon kings did not do their best, but he was getting lighter and lighter.

The Lich is not a perpetual motion. The battle always consumes energy. This intensity of the battle naturally consumes faster. The old guy can only extract the energy from his own body before he can absorb the energy, but the Lich's body can actually be regarded as one. Mission energy, so draw it down again, this guy's final outcome is either exhausted energy can no longer stop the opponent's attack and was shot dead, or simply drain the energy to dissipate in the air. He's dead no matter what the outcome is.

"That ..." The gold coin suddenly gathered up at this time and said, "Can you catch this Lich alive?"

"Why?" I looked at the gold coins in doubt. Although the magic pet is very valuable, but this guy has a strong sense of resistance, it is estimated that it is difficult to become a magic pet.

The gold coin also knew that I thought she wanted to catch the magic pet, so I explained directly: "I'm recently refining a magic weapon and need an instrument. This guy seems to meet the requirements. I am afraid of such rare materials in the future. Hard to find. So ... "

Immediately after hearing this, I shouted to the demon kings in front of me: "I was killed, it is useful to keep us here."

"No." I just finished talking here, and suddenly there was someone singing the opposite. Everyone else turned and looked around in surprise, only to find that it was the ghost Nobunaga. Just now Xiaochun didn't escape the trick, and he was restrained as soon as he drew, but he didn't kill him at the time. I didn't expect that he could still be called when tied to the ground at this time.

After seeing us all looking at him, Miyoshi Nobunaga immediately shouted at Song Zhenghe: "Song Zhenghe, you will help Zi Ri deal with the soil of our day. I will not say anything, but you cannot let the Chinese The strength has increased! The Lich must not give them. "After saying this, the ghost-handed Nobunaga smiled proudly at me and said," Haha, Ziri, didn't you think of it? I'm even treated by you Captives will never make you feel better. You, the Lich, have never dreamed of it. "

There was a good reason to help us deal with the Raytheon Demon King before the ghost-hand Nobunaga wanted to come. Although Nobunaga's hand had previously said that Song Zhenghe was treasonous, in fact he knew for himself that Song Zhenghe was doing the right thing. But this situation is not the same now, he is really reasonable, so he is confident that Song Zhenghe will certainly do what he said. But ... Nobunaga's hand forgot something, so he miscalculated again.

Song Zhenghe Gen, who was asked to kill the Lich by the ghost hand Nobunaga, didn't do it as the ghost hand Nobunaga thought, but looked at him with a bitter smile and said, "Hey, don't you want to kill me!"

"What do you mean?" Ghost-hand Nobunaga looked at Song Zhenghe in surprise: "Did you really turn to the Chinese?"

Sakura Yuchi couldn't help but stand up at this time and said, "You have only trusted the Chinese ~ ~ Your whole family has trusted the Chinese. Why do you think these demon kings help us? It is because of Ziri The bottle of faith. In other words, these demon kings are now all Ziri mercenaries. Here are only three of us and you are Japanese players, they are all Ziri mercenaries. Now Ziri is not to us It ’s just because we reached an agreement before, and the two sides kept restraint before the matter was resolved. Do n’t conflict for now. You now want us to destroy the Lich, which is equivalent to letting us break the agreement first. What would you say about Ziri? ? "

"Hmm ... this ..."

Nobunaga's hand is now trying to understand. The demon kings all helped us to destroy the Leiya demon king in the power of faith, but the power of faith is my thing, not Song Zhenghe. In this way, if I and Song Zhenghe are going to talk to each other, who do you think the demon king will help? Is this unknown? Therefore, the words of Nobunaga's hand are basically to let Song Zhenghe kill themselves.

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