Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 326: Magic Edition Nuclear Weapon

The so-called element bomb is actually a kind of extreme use of magic energy. This method is similar to the annihilation reaction of positive and negative matter in reality, except that different positive and negative matter are not used here.

According to the settings in the game, there is a general resistance similar to the atomic repulsion between different elements. This resistance determines that different types of elements are difficult to really touch together. Although they may collide, they actually collide with the repulsive field around the element, not the element itself. Of course, nothing is absolute. Although the element repulsion is very powerful, as long as a greater force is applied, different elements can make real contact. And this three-dimensional magic array is used to complete this.

When this thing starts, it will absorb energy first, this energy can be self-contained or space free energy. When this energy has gathered enough value, the magic circle will use this energy to start compressing the elements to bring them into real contact. When these elements with different attributes come in contact, they start to react. This reaction is similar to the annihilation reaction of positive and negative matter, it will release huge energy, but they are different, because this contact reaction will not make the element disappear, but will fuse it. In other words, after the reaction of multiple elements, a new kind of element or substance is generated, and energy is released at the same time.

This magic principle is very simple. Some people have already researched it in our guild, and according to my understanding, it seems that the protoss also know this. However, no one has done it to the extent that the elements have been brought into contact and fused. The repulsive force between that element is very large, and as the distance between the two elements approaches. Their mutual repulsion will add value in the form of geometric series. In this mode, it is very simple to compress the distance between the elements, but it is difficult to get them into full contact because the energy required is too much. Huge, and this energy is hard to control. After all, what you want to compress is the invisible element, let alone how to operate it, there is a way to control it, but it is almost impossible to apply such a large force to such a small existence. Do it. It's like making it easy for you to break a toothpick. But if this toothpick is only one millimeter long. Can you still break it? Your strength can definitely break the toothpick, but you can't use a toothpick with a millimeter length at all, so you keep it. This element is the same, they have no entity. Second, the energy range is too small. Couldn't help it at all.

Facing such troublesome things. Normally there should be no way to compress them. Of course, using some magic means to make the elements densely aggregate is actually very simple, but this aggregation phenomenon is only spatially aggregated. Not to say that the elements really come together. In fact, they still keep their basic repulsion ranges stacked together, and the distance between each two elements always exceeds the minimum repulsion range. The energy required to break this law will make Protoss prohibitive.

In fact, in addition to the problem of bringing different elements into contact, there is another problem of element contact, that is, the product of the mixed repulsion force of multiple elements will appear. To put it simply, if the force generated by the two elements in contact is 10, then the force required to bring the three elements into contact with each other is ten times ten, which is equal to one hundred. The force demand when the four elements come into contact will be multiplied by ten, which is one thousand. As the number of elements increases, the demand for this force will continue to increase, so the energy required to contact multiple elements will be extremely scary.

Of course, the contact reaction of multiple elements at the same time will be very scary, because the energy burst generated by the contact of two or more elements is accumulated exponentially. In other words, if the energy released by the explosion of two elements is 2, the energy generated by the explosion of three elements is the power of 2 and the explosion of four elements is the power of 2 and then squared. If it is five elements, One more square, and so on.

You can see from this feature that the speed of this powerful explosion is very scary. The more the multiple elements contact the released energy at the same time, the more scary.

According to the reorganized magic array decomposition structure of the God of War, the information we obtained shows that this bomb can gather seven major elements for fusion at the same time, which means that its power is equal to the seventh power of the dual element fusion power.

The best reference for the energy that erupts when two elements come in contact is the contact between light and darkness. This is the most intuitive element explosion, and the power generated by the contact of seven elements is equal to the power of the two elements. Of the seventh power. Based on this ratio, the final conclusion is that if only a single element is fused, that is, each of the seven elements has only one element, the power of its final explosion is basically equal to the explosion of a large fireball Power, and the big fireball itself is actually regarded as the advanced magic of fireball. From this we can see how terrible the explosion of the elements after the seventh power is, just that each element can generate the power of the big fireball, and if it is in contact with thousands of elements?

The data read from this three-dimensional magic array shows that after starting, this thing does not work according to the number of gathered elements, but works according to the total energy contained in the gathered elements.

Because the energy contained in a single element is fixed, by calculating the total energy and dividing it by the total energy of a group of seven elements, the final result is the number of element groups that actually participate in the reaction.

Originally this calculation was quite complicated, but since we have the army god, this problem is not a problem for us. We soon got the final calculation result ~ ~, and the result showed that the value was actually-10 billion.

This value represents that when this magic array is activated, seven kinds of 10 billion individual elements will be fused at the same time, and each group, that is, the seven basic elements will be fused and released when the element bursts. Energy is approximately equal to the energy of a large fireball. To put it simply, the explosive force generated by this magic is equivalent to detonating 10 billion fireballs at the same time.

What is the concept of 10 billion fireballs? If you compare it with actual explosives, the explosive power of a large fireball should actually be equal to the power of 50 grams of strong explosives. Then, 10 billion large fireballs is 500 billion grams of explosives, which is converted into tons. That's half a million tons.

The explosive power of this magic array is equal to the explosive power of 500,000 tons of explosives. It seems that the explosive power of early nuclear weapons is only tens of thousands of tons of explosives. Hundreds of thousands of tons are conventional tactical nuclear weapons. Million tons are strategic nuclear weapons. It belongs to a real map cannon. Where to throw one, it must be redrawn on the entire world map. You can imagine how terrible it is. And this little magical array in front can actually produce the power of tactical nuclear weapons, which is simply cheating! Now I finally understand how the second Korean support fleet that blew up was me. It is affected by such a thing, no matter who it is, it must die once, after all, this power is really terrifying! (To be continued ...)

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