Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 118: Blood Pool Completed

It seems that we underestimated Xiao Chun's power. Six people could not hold her back! In the end, there was really no way. The ten demon knights joined together, even using a rope to barely fix her. I don't know Xiaochun's strength is so strong!

I came over with a gold needle, and slowly approached her. As the needle tip approached, her resistance became more and more fierce. Although she kept shaking, I finally caught her hand, but because she did n’t Stop struggling, but accidentally twisted!

恩 "En!" The demon knight next to him snorted, and my gold needle was stuck in the hand of the demon knight who helped me to hold Xiaochun's arm!

"Don't move!"

"Why don't I do it! I don't want it!" She was still struggling, but I couldn't find the right place!

Finally, I came to the conclusion that as long as she didn't cooperate with me, don't even think about putting her blood on! Ordered the demon knight to put her down, and she immediately hid in the corner as soon as she landed.

"Why don't you support me with some blood? This blood will not affect you!"

Xiao Xiaochun looked at me and waited for a long time before saying slowly: "I ... I'm afraid of pain!"

gosh! It's so boring for a long time! I walked over and said, "Rest assured, it won't hurt too much, it's over in a minute!"

Su Weina came over and stopped me, she motioned for me to stop and went to Xiaochun herself. She gently put one hand on Xiaochun's shoulder. "Actually, the blood draw is not painful. You goddess should be stronger, isn't it?" Xiaochun nodded, and Wei Na took her into her arms and patted her on the back. "There is nothing to be afraid of, just a little blood!"

Xiao Xiaochun was about to say something suddenly screamed, but the call did not last, and soon the call became soft and weak, and it sounded like a kitten in the spring! At this point, Wei Na's mouth was clinging to Xiao Chun's neck, and the fool knew what she was doing! About ten seconds later, Wei Na left Xiaochun's neck, and Xiaochun, who lost her support, lost her eyes. I waved to Ling for her help, and she immediately ran up to help Xiaochun.

Wei Weina turned Xiaochun to Ling and turned towards me. "It is not necessary to use a needle to take blood! Let's say? Where do I need to drop it?"

I do n’t know how to answer with my mouth open, I can only point my finger at the statue. Wei Na went to the statue and said, "Should I just sprinkle it directly on it?"

恩 "Well!" I nodded quickly!

Gao Weina opened her mouth to reveal two long blood-sucking fangs, and a drop of red liquid emerged from the tip of her fangs, which was Xiaochun's blood! The blood flew out of Wei Na's mouth and formed a small ball floating in the air in front of her. As the blood continued to flow out, the small ball became larger and larger, and soon the blood flowed into the small ball. Under the control of Wei Na, the blood cells slowly flew over the statue, and then burst suddenly. The blood covered the statue all at once and flowed down the surface of the statue into the pool.

Wei Weina quickly left the pool and stood beside me. The statue in the middle of the pool stood there without any response, and the blood was still flowing down the surface of the statue. At first we thought it would take a while to start, but after waiting for a long time nothing happened. Ten minutes had passed, and there was still no change in the pond, but two people, ruthless and poisoned, ran in.

"What are you doing?" Relentlessly looked at us in a big room and didn't know what they were doing.

"I'm repairing the blood pool, but I don't know why it didn't work!"

The reader suggested, "Is there something left? Is there anything to add?"

"In the beginning, it only said that the blood of the goddess of light and the goddess of darkness was needed. Now both of them are available, and they should be ready for use! But it has no response at all!"

"Will there be insufficient blood?"

"I don't know! It should only be a few drops!" I turned to Ling and said, "Go ask Alni and see if she knows anything!"

"Okay!" Ling turned around and ran out, I had to circle around the statue to see if I could find some clues! Unfortunately, I didn't find anything wrong until Ling returned.

"What does Alni say?"

"My sister said that the blood pool originally relied on Duling City ’s long-lost gloom and the magic pipes that spread throughout the city to get its power. The pipeline is not yet complete, and energy replenishment is difficult! And ... "

Listening to Ling said that so many are insufficient. What I need now is a solution! "Just tell me directly if there is a way to make it work!"

Ling Ling paused and said, "Pile!"


恩 "Eh! Stack up! We can collect it ourselves without anger, and we can find ways to add it without energy! As long as a little stack up to a level that is sufficient for operation, the blood pool can be restored to work!"

"I have a lot of energy for energy, anyway, we have a pile of magic crystals, there is no shortage of energy. But what is Yin?"

"This is also simple to say. According to the accepted view, light is yang, and darkness is yin. This theory can also be applied to various other things, such as living things. Usually men are yang and women are yin. As long as we collect enough The blood of women is fine! "

I rely! After a large circle, I turned back! "How much blood do we need?"

"Fill enough to fill the pool!"

"It's okay, not too much!" The only thing we don't have in the Rose Alliance is more than MM. This is not difficult! "Let's go and collect blood!"

Helpless, took everyone out of the blood pool to collect blood. Although the blood pool is not deep, but the area is not small, if it is completely filled, the thousands of girls in our guild may not be enough. We still have to go to the God League! Leaving everyone in Isinger, I ran to Dedication City by riding a night shadow. As soon as I came out of the teleportation array, I felt that the atmosphere in the city was not right. The whole city looked like a wild soldier. Many players were running around and wondering what they were doing!

I ran all the way to the headquarters of the League of Goddess, the door was still the same, but the previous guards were gone, and many people were running out holding large and small things! How do I feel more and more like a big collapse here!

I walked out of the gate of the conference headquarters, and Hongyue and Rose stood on the square, seeming to be talking about something. I walked quickly. "Rose, Red Moon! How's it going?"

Hongyue pointed to the side: "You saw it! The tree fell down! I didn't expect my Goddess League to look like this! Usually I always felt that Goddess League is the second guild of the game, how glorious, but ..."

Rose tightened around her neck. "Don't be sad, it's better to find out now than at a critical time!"

Su Mei came to me and said, "We took a false news and said that the League of Gods was disbanded due to high debts. In order to reduce losses, those who do not want to stay can apply to resign, and the Alliance will accept the transferees. Application Players are not punished after the resignation is allowed. If the guild is forced to dissolve, all players will follow the downgrade, so many unsteady people leave. "

"How much is left?" I am more concerned about whether there is enough blood or not.


"I don't know yet!" Rose said: "In order to look a little bit like that, Hongyue has already transferred the guild chairmanship to Binger. She is no longer a member of the League of Gods. Binger is still busy with resigning. Procedures, so I do n’t know how many people are left. After Binger merges the Goddess League into our guild, you can see the data! ”

"Okay!" I was suddenly hearing the system notification. "The Goddess League has applied to join the Frost Rose League in a collective way. May I accept it?" It seems that Binger has already been busy, and those who should not stay have been cleaned up. I hurriedly chose to receive it, and the system asked me to confirm it again. I confirmed again that the system notification sounded again, this time for all Rose League players, including the newly merged Goddess players. "The League of Goddess has officially merged with the Frost Rose Alliance, and the New Bank will inherit all the rights and responsibilities of the two guilds."

Notice that the guild channel fry immediately after the end of the announcement. All the newly joined players of Goddess League are asking what happened. Me and Rose and Hongyue quickly connected to the guild channel. With the prerogative of the president, I could block the speeches of the players in the meeting and turn the entire guild forum into a one-way broadcast. All the former Goddess players who joined us and the original players of our Rose League also saw a video broadcast on their guild channel. When they opened, they saw me, Red Moon and Rose. People on both sides understand that we have important things to announce, and they are quiet immediately!

I cleared my throat and started speaking: "All players, hello everyone. I am the President of the Frost Rose Alliance, Zi Ri. The one on the right is Rose, one of the former vice presidents of the Bank; the one on the left is The current president of the League of Goddesses, Hongyue, the vice president of the Rose League. I know everyone feels weird, but do n’t worry, let me explain it all!

First of all, for the original Rose League players, this is just a simple merger. You only need to know that we have a new friend! Players of the former Goddess League notice that you may be wondering why the Goddess League with infinite scenery will turn into a phoenix overnight. What I want to tell you is that this is a test! All the news you heard yesterday about the dissolution of the League of Gods is false, it's just a test. The fact that you can choose to advance and retreat with the guild in the most difficult period demonstrates your collective love for the guild. The Rose League is one such group. We have no suspicion and we have no internal fighting. The original League of Goddess needed to merge with us to improve our strength for a series of reasons, and we did not want to bring in some of the bad things of the League of Gods, so this test was only available!

Now, you have passed the test, and from today, from this moment on, you are part of the Frost Rose Alliance. welcome! "

I closed the information blockade, and there was a burst of applause from the guild channel. It seems that everyone accepted the merger. After all, this was a collaboration and there was nothing emotionally unacceptable. Besides, the players of Goddess League know that Fengxian City was sent by Frost Rose League, and the impression of Rose League in their hearts is still very good!

I saw the applause getting smaller, and then said, "I now announce a new appointment! I will still be the president after the guild merger. Hongyue will become the vice president of the bank's internal affairs, and will govern the internal affairs of the guild! The eagle will become this Guild Military Vice President is responsible for the guild's military strategy. Former Vice President of the Rose Alliance Rose is now officially appointed as the Vice-President of the League of Goddess Finance, subjecting the funds flow of the Guild. President. For other appointments, please refer to the internal notice of the Bank! "

It's finally over! With the guild channel closed, Rose thumbs up to the book. "You're getting more manly!"

"It's for you!" I turned and said, "Hurry up and bring everyone to Isinger, I still have something for them to help!"

Hongyue went to gather everyone to Isinger, I hurried back to the city, and by the way looked at the management interface of the conference. My dear, the League of Goddess is indeed not small. Although more than two-thirds have gone, the remaining number is still several times our guild! Now our Frost Rose League has become a large guild! The statistic is that our bank now has 773 male players, a lot more than before, but it still doesn't seem to be much! However, the number of female players in this bank has increased to 13,914, which is 18 times better than that of male players. The ratio of male to female is seriously imbalanced!

原来 Our guild used to have more women than boys, but the proportion is not as exaggerated as it is now. However, the League of Goddess happens to be a guild with more women and more boys. Almost all men left in this test. It's not that the male compatriots are not loyal enough. The main reason is that men have a more positive personality and don't like to stay in one place. This time, I had the opportunity to join the League of Blood, almost all the male players ran away in a hurry, and the rest were extremely rare. As a result, the Goddess League merged with the Frost Rose League in this situation, and almost all the female players brought in. Now Essinger is really going to become a daughter country!

The moving speed of the Goddess League is fast enough, and the whole process is basically over at noon. The League of Blood took over the city of consecration from the League of Goddess. Of course, the money was indispensable! The new players who came to Essinger were all fascinated by the size and beauty of Essinger. Everyone admired the architectural style on the street and the flower gardens on the roadside, even the glittering crystal walls. Let them see for a long time! In addition, besides the buildings, what attracted the little MMs more were the soldiers of the Mist Regiment and the troops transferred from the Dark Temple. These advanced NPCs have two unified advantages, that is, they are good in size and cool in equipment. Almost all NPCs are in black armor, and the knights even have a cloak behind them. The cloaks behind these NPCs running around the city on horseback are fluttering in the wind, making them more chic and refined. The little MMs who are fascinated are running with stars behind their eyes!

They're fascinated, they're fascinated, I still have to do my business. I used the guild channel to convene blood donations for free. Vinda sent me several NPCs responsible for collecting blood, all of which are the ghost knights of the Mist Regiment. The demon knights are all vampires who transfer. They won the helmet and they are either handsome men or beautiful women. As a result, the blood donation team is exhausted for two miles! All afternoon I was busy collecting blood there, but anyway, I did collect hundreds of barrels of blood!

I found a large group of swordsmen to help me carry all of this blood into the blood pool, and then poured it down a bucket. In the end, the blood pool was full when there were more than a dozen barrels left, and the remaining blood was reserved for future use! Hurry up and bring the magic crystal powder, 555, distressed! Another kilogram of magic crystal is gone! The magic crystal powder was poured into the blood pool, and finally there was a reaction this time. One kilogram of powder went down, the bubble immediately started to bubble in the pond, a layer of pink mist began to permeate the blood and water, and a strong **** smell appeared in the room.

As the blood and water rolled over, the water level in the pond actually started to drop, but it stopped after just three or four centimeters. The demon statue in the middle of the pond suddenly made a sharp noise, especially in the confined space. The eyes of the devil actually started to glow red and became brighter. The last two demon eyes have become like two small bulbs! The blood and water in the pool finally stopped bubbling, but suddenly a large vortex suddenly appeared, and the blood and water in the entire pool began to rotate at high speed with the statue as the center.

Al Ni came in suddenly from the outside, and she looked up at the blood in the pool. "It seems that the energy is too single. What do you use to supplement the energy?"

"Magic spar powder!"

难 "No wonder! This is not the case. The blood pool needs life energy!" Seemingly I do not seem to understand that Alni continued: "It is the blood of advanced life forms!"

gosh! It is indeed a pool of blood, so much blood will be poured even after it is filled! "What are the higher living beings? Aren't they humans?"

"Of course people don't count! Senior life forms refer to demons, angels, or dragons! If you can get these, you can!"

"A trivial matter!" Angels are not easy to find, but if you say demons or dragons, Isinger now has tens of thousands! Quickly ran out to find the Dragon King to borrow some blood, but fortunately the Dragon family agreed more directly! After taking the dragon's blood and pouring it back into the blood pool, Al Ni actually said that it was not mixed enough. There was no way to increase the number of biological species. All the people in the room were bled and replenished. As soon as the blood of Wei Na and I entered the blood under the blood pool, they started to stir again.

Al Ni said nervously, "What race are you two?"

"Ah? Don't you know what race I am?"

Al Ni said: "I always thought that you were a demon, how could there be a werewolf bloodline inside, and even more outrageous is the vampire's red chain blood. What kind of monster are you?"

"I'm a mixed race, all four races have blood!"

"Don't tell me earlier! This is troublesome!"

"what happened?"

"There are too many different kinds of blood in the blood pool ~ ~ and the blood water starts to be unstable."

"No explosion, right?"

"It's hard to say!" Al Ni said, "Yes, do you have anything with strong magic power?"

"How do I know what's magical?"

"For example, magic items with wishing skills, or knives with powerful upgrades! These items generally have strong magic power!"

"But what kind of magic do you have?"

Al Ni didn't come and replied Ling Ling said: "The wishing stone shown to you by Shura Ziyi last time is the carrier of powerful wishing, and the upgrade bead obtained from the demon cat in Japan is the powerful upgrade knife!"

"Wishing Stone last used up Shura Ziyi, upgrading beads are here!"

拿 "Bring it to me!" Al Ni reached out for beads.

I gave her the upgrade beads and saw her throw them away, and the upgrade beads fell into the blood pool. Strangely enough, when the beads were removed from the blood, the water immediately stopped spinning and settled. Al Ni explained: "In fact, the principle is very simple. The magic of the blood pool is unstable. We can add the items that need to consume magic to neutralize the unstable magic. However, your beads are probably useless. ! "

"That's okay! A bead can only upgrade one magic pet. With this blood pool, my entire city's troops can be strengthened!"

Al Ni hit me again: "I can tell you that the city garrison cannot enter the blood pool, and it will not be useful even if it goes down. You can only use it for your own pets or demon servants and summoned creatures. As for I do n’t know how it works! "

"Let's try it!" I turned to the ghost knight and ordered them to go down to the bubble. The blood pool built after a full day of work hoped to be useful!

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