Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 502: No bones

The reminder of Lao Shangjun made us here have to treat the body of this head hunter carefully. Although the fighting power of this thing is not much higher than ours, the fighting method of this thing is really too fucking. To put it bluntly, the attack mode of this thing is similar to a sniper. It does n’t matter if you miss it, but as long as you hit it, you will be dead. This kind of battle is what I fear most. After all, it does n’t matter if the player is dead. Ah!

Although we have taken 120,000 points of caution on our side, the head hunter is really an ancient alien, and the attack method is weird and elusive. Just when we thought that the head hunter in the smoke and smoke would come out to attack one of us, this guy did something that surprised us a lot.

Just as we carefully watched the head hunter, there was a sudden surge of spatial fluctuations in the other person's body. At first we sensed this kind of energy change. We thought this guy was going to transmit it. I suddenly felt that spatial fluctuations appeared behind us, and not behind someone, but a space opening appeared behind each of us, and if we were not all senior staff here, we would n’t have found this. Space exits, because these openings are as large as the bowl openings.

When the space channel is opened, the magic of the space system will be released. This is an inevitable phenomenon. There is no way to hide or eliminate it, but the size of this magic force is proportional to the area of ​​the space opening and the transmission quality. In other words, if you open a stable space channel, the smaller the exit area. The lower the spatial fluctuations, if the spatial opening is relatively large, the magic fluctuations will be very strong.

The head hunter clearly understands this phenomenon, so it opens an opening the size of a bowl. The area of ​​such an opening is too small, so the fluctuation is very weak. If ordinary people are a little slow to the magic, they will not feel the fluctuation, especially if the guy's own side is much larger than this. It's as if someone is yelling in front of you, while another person is approaching from behind you lightly, and normal people are unlikely to notice the person behind you.

The channel opening that the head hunter opened beside him was, on the one hand, the entrance to the space channel, and on the other hand, it also produced a huge interference. Let's ignore the small exits behind. This trick is very clever. Unfortunately, we are not ordinary people here, so that guy's plan did not succeed as expected. At the moment when the space channel was formed, we sensed the sudden exit of the space behind us, and everyone immediately evaded sideways at once, without even looking back to do it. Because we know that going back will delay time. Better to dodge first. Avoid the blow and see what happens next.

Our choice was actually the most correct method, and the effect was good. The first raid did not have any impact on us at all.

After successfully flashing off the attack behind me, I was the first to confirm what attacked us. As a result, I immediately saw a white object rolling towards me. This thing is milky white, the surface is extremely smooth, and some faint reflections can be seen. It should be a slime-like surface solution, so it will look shiny.

After seeing this thing, I immediately reacted to this thing. The eight achievements are the tentacles of the head hunter that I saw before. When the chrysanthemum-like head was cut off before, we have seen many such things stick out The neck of the head-crawling beast, but at that time we did not know that this thing actually grew on the body of the head-heading worm.

Looking at the tentacle rushing in front of me, I didn't intend to continue to dodge. There are enough of these things to form a deterrent. If there is only one, a sneak attack is okay, but it is unlikely to threaten us. So, after seeing clearly what this thing was, I immediately ushered in it, and then, when I was about to collide with that thing, I waved it from the bottom to the bottom in an eternity.

I was going to cut off the first half of the thing just like this, but after all, the thing is a tentacle instead of a whip, so it can be bent. However, this thing did not bend to avoid it this time, but suddenly burst out in front of me just before it hit me. Of course, this explosion did not mean that the gadget had exploded, but that it looked like an explosion and suddenly dispersed into dozens of tentacles about the thickness of a finger. Although these new tentacles are thin, there are too many. I cut them with a single sword and cut off only a few of them. The remaining tentacles stabbed at me from different directions. Suddenly, I slammed on the ground and kicked my body. I followed the wings to open and forced forward. The body quickly receded, and I heard a continuous sound of crickets just after I left the place. And again, the place where I just stood was poked like a sieve by a row of tentacles.

Those tentacles that didn't hit were not given up, but immediately pulled out thinking about my side rushing again, but this time I didn't think about playing with this thing to hide from cats again, but directly grasping the eternal The hilt crossed it, then twisted the wrist, and a new blade quickly popped out from the back of the eternal hilt. Looking at the tentacles flying in front of me, I rushed up directly holding this double-headed sword. Although the tentacles launched a death attack against me very fiercely, it seemed to enter under the rotating two-handed sword. Meat grinders are usually cut into pieces by the ground in an instant.

In fact, I can't deal with these tentacles of the headhunter so easily because the tentacles are very weak. On the contrary, this thing is actually very harmful. Look at Hades and Radamantis next to them. They were forced to jump up and down. You know how powerful this thing is. The reason why I can solve it so easily is because the eternal restraint of this guy's tentacle is in my hand.

Since the head hunter used these tentacles to hunt the heads of other creatures, and those creatures are obviously unlikely to actively take the head hunter away, so these creatures attacked by the head hunter will inevitably fight back. . In the process, if these tentacles are not tough enough, they will be easily pulled into chaos. In that case, it is impossible to grab the opponent's head. However, in fact, the success rate of headhunters in grabbing heads is not only low, but very high, and it is almost almost 100%. Such a high success rate is certainly not the cause of luck, but because this tentacle is not only extremely flexible but also very tough. It is difficult to hurt this thing whether it is pulled or cut. The layer of mucus on the surface seems to be ordinary Mucus, in fact, has many functions. First of all, the gadget itself is a lubricant that can make the surface of the tentacles extremely smooth, so that it is not easy for the enemy to grasp the tentacles. And even if there is something sharp cut into the tentacles. As long as the angle is slightly deflected, it will slip due to the lubricating effect of the mucus, and it will not cut in at all. In addition, the slime itself is a magic absorbent, which means that magic attacks have little effect on this thing. Once the tentacle encounters a magic attack, you can use the slime to offset some of the damage. Also. If the opponent comes with a magic shield. These mucus can also directly absorb a hole in the magic shield for the tentacle to penetrate because of its own magic absorbent, which means that the tentacle is almost equivalent to a magic weapon. In the end, this mucus is actually a therapeutic anesthetic. When the head worm's own tentacles are cut, the mucus can promote wound healing and rapid growth. This is why these tentacles can't be chopped. Moreover, once this thing attacks other creatures and ruptures its surface, the anesthetic effect will be exerted, and then gradually begin to affect the opponent's ability to move, that is, as the battle continues, the more wounds on the enemy's body, the combat effectiveness It will fall faster, and finally be captured directly until the total loss of action.

With so many tentacles, the combat effectiveness can be imagined before, but after it meets my eternity, it is not useful at all. For nothing else, it is because the eternal attribute just uses its attribute. All restrained.

Although the tentacle is extremely tough, the eternal cutting rule can cut off all existence in the world, so this tenacity attribute has no effect on eternity. As for the lubricating effect of mucus, it is equally useless in front of eternity. The eternity with its own magic flame can directly evaporate the mucus and then easily cut these tentacles, so the tough properties before those tentacles hit eternity have all become furnishings, which can only be chopped into pieces easily by me like radish. . As for the self-healing ability of that thing ... eternity seems to have deepening wounds and incurable effects. That is to say, without purification spells, healing alone is useless. Not to mention regeneration, the wound can't even stop bleeding, but it will continue to ulcerate, so those tentacles that meet eternity are completely suppressed. Of course, the flexibility of this thing and the anesthesia effect are also very good, but unfortunately neither of these is useful to me.

Because I am a dragon, the reaction speed is more than ten times that of humans. This gadget is as flexible and fast as my reaction speed. As long as my body keeps up with my consciousness, the gadget cannot touch me. Moreover, even if it blocked all my retreats and forced to touch my body with the advantage of quantity, my Dragon Soul suit is a full-coverage super-heavy armor, and can be used as aerospace in space. of. As long as the mask is put down, this thing becomes a fully enclosed structure, and there is no place for the body to contact the outside world, which is more exaggerated than a three-proof suit. If the tentacle is to anesthetize me, then I must break through this layer of armor. So, for that tentacle, I am a canned iron can, and my attack is a great threat to it, and it is completely crushed. Beat the rhythm.

After trying for a long time and finding that I was okay, this tentacle finally gave up the plan to continue attacking me and immediately began to evacuate. As soon as I saw these tentacles retracted, I wanted to turn around to help others. After all, I alone have them, and others deal with them. It can be said that the tentacles still need some effort to get done. However, as soon as the idea on my side appeared, I suddenly felt an abnormality under my feet. A responsive wings flew up, followed by the ground suddenly exploding, and three or four tentacles slammed from my feet. The ground slammed up and kept chasing me to stretch high.

"Everyone beware, there are also under the ground!"

My reminder can be said to be very timely, because I just reminded Taishang Laojun that there was a lot of tentacles and attacked his order directly. Thanks to hearing my reminder in advance, I noticed this. aspect. Otherwise, too old Laojun this guy must understand what is called "egg sadness"!

After Tai Shang Laojun was attacked, others were also attacked by the tentacles of the head hunter, and this time the head hunter probably did not want to hide his ability. It not only released a lot of tentacles on the ground, it was still in us. The openings of the space one after another are constantly opening, and their tentacles protrude directly from us to attack us.

Obviously, the head hunter can open a large number of space channels in a certain range around it and reach out for direct range attacks. However, this thing does not open the space channel quickly, especially when there is more than one target, it Although it really did make us mess in a short time, this guy's strength seems to be like this. After we got used to this guy's rhythm, the battle obviously entered a deadlock phase.

The head hunter's fighting style was suddenly very strong. But as long as you get used to it, you can find a lot of loopholes. For example, the guy I just said is very slow to open those channels. Only one channel port can be opened per second, and colleagues cannot open multiple channels. Only one by one. And because it takes time for this channel to open. So the best way to deal with these tentacles is to keep moving. As long as we leave a certain distance from those open positions. The head hunter had to reopen the channel closer to us, so that constantly opening and closing the channel port would take up its cd time, forcing it to keep the channel port at a very low number. And although the guy had a lot of tentacles, the passageway was large and there were not many open tentacles, which made it obvious that there were spare tentacles but could not help at all.

Originally we thought that we could start to fight back after entering the stalemate. After all, we have gradually adapted to this rhythm, and on the other hand, the gold coins and Christina have worked together to create a special space cage to temporarily all those heads that have fallen off. Put it in, which means that we will soon have two new troops joining us. In this case, our counterattack seems to be a matter of course, but the head hunter once again made us understand what is called Jiduo. That guy actually has other abilities besides this weird space system ability.

Just as we were about to fight back, the headhunter suddenly took all the tentacles back, then opened a huge transmission channel under himself, and then his entire body fell into it. In fact, this is also the first time we really see what the head hunter's body looks like. The body of that guy has been hidden in the smoke before. After the attack, we patronized the tentacles. Where can we go to see its body? Now that guy has retracted his tentacles and let us find a chance to observe The body shape of this thing.

Originally we knew that this head hunter was a bug, so we have estimated that the shape of this thing must be very strange, but after we really saw it, we found that although this thing did look strange, it did not. It's weird in the imagination, because this thing is basically like a meat ball with tentacles. Its body is a huge sphere, densely covered with white tentacles. However, during the movement of the tentacles, it is occasionally found that there are still some red crystal-like things hidden in the tentacle gaps, and it is initially estimated that they may be organs such as the eyes. In addition, we found an object similar to the mouth on this body. This is the only area on the body that is not covered by tentacles. However, the shape of this part of the mouth is closer to the mouthparts of insects. Not only does it carry a large pair of pliers, it is also long. With mouth full of teeth, I feel very scary when I look at it, so this thing is basically not a weakness. Besides, with the number of tentacles in that thing, it's too simple to guard your mouth.

Although we saw the substance of this thing, we now feel that this stuff is more difficult to deal with. There are too many tentacles on it, and any attack will be blocked by the tentacles. This tentacle is not only difficult to break, but also can be infinitely regenerated, even if it is cut off, it is not very useful. As long as the attack is paused, it will give you all Long time back, there is no way to hurt the core inside.

We just had an intuitive impression here and saw that huge head hunter actually jumped into the huge space channel that he opened directly, and then the next thing popped up directly above my head, and was actually directed at I'm coming.

Because that thing allows the body to pass through the opened channel is very large. So the speed is slower than the opening of the passageway used by the previous tentacles. I found the passageway and quickly dodged to the side. Who knows that the body of the guy did not come out after the passageway was opened, but the overwhelming tentacles from It popped out and rolled over to me. Although I can easily cut this guy's tentacles with the eternal sharpness, but so many tentacles appear together, even if I can cut a bunch, it is useless! With so many tentacles, I can't cut them all off, and as long as I get entangled with any one, I will be bound. After that, there will definitely be more tentacles rushing up and stumping me completely.

What I can do in the face of this kind of thing is to run, but the opening of the channel opened by the head hunter is unusually weird. Generally, after the transmission channel is established, it will be fixed at a certain location and will not change. Even the kind of channel that the transmission device opens. After its activation, the device itself can never be moved, but the space opening of this huge black hole is actually movable, and it seems that it can be controlled at will. It not only chases me. And you can adjust the direction. Keep the opening at an angle that always points at me.

Although I move fast. The surrounding Taishang Laojun also helped me to block, but that thing is because the body is no longer the main space, and those tentacles outside can be discarded at any time. So it completely ignored everyone's attacks, and the tentacles that were interrupted by most of them still chased me.

At first glance, I had no choice but to cut it with eternity, but the result was extremely bad. That thing was very simple, forcibly broke through my eternal sword net, and after fighting a lot of tentacles, at least fifty tentacles successfully reached in front of me.

When I found out that these tentacles still broke through the defense, I knew that I would suffer. Unfortunately, it ’s useless to know. People do n’t play with you at all. A swarm of bees rushing forward without dodging, I can't react even if I can move faster.

The tentacles that successfully approached me really burst immediately and turned into countless tiny tentacles and pierced my body. I have seen this trick before, so I did not deliberately dodge, but was preparing skills.

With confusion and jingle, though those tentacles eventually hit all of them, there was no other result than a jingle on me. Although the thing is very thin, it is made of meat after all. It may be okay to deal with the armor of ordinary people. Unfortunately, my armor is too high. If it is easily broken, how can it be the name of a growing artifact? In fact, the tentacles of the headhunter did not penetrate my defense, and even inspired a series of automatic counterattack properties. Then the tentacles were instantly frozen for a large area, and then directly shocked into a place by the subsequent flame ring. Crushed ice dregs.

The head hunter also knew how to learn the lessons. After the tentacles were split apart, they were directly coagulated without using it. Soon the tentacles around me were twisted into a twist pattern in groups of three or five, and then the front end was gathered into a drill and inserted into me while rotating.

I can ignore the small tentacles before, but these tentacles will not work. Seeing those tentacles thicker than my thighs suddenly stabbed, I immediately released the skills I had prepared before. I saw a faint white mask suddenly spread out of me. At first everyone thought that this was a protective cover, but when the tentacle of the head hunter touched this thing, nothing changed, and it was so directly worn, but just as those tentacles passed through this expanding After the mask, only a few meters forward, it suddenly turned into a fly ash and scattered in the air. With the continuous expansion of the reticle, more and more tentacles were continuously powdered, and they were quickly pushed all the way back to the gate of the space channel, and the head hunter realized that he could not carry this thing on his face. So, the entrance to the space was closed decisively, and even some of the tentacles on the outside were cut off to the outside.

After closing the passageway near me, I thought that the headhunter would run to find someone else, who knows that this thing actually opened another passageway below me. When the massive tentacles swarmed out, I immediately started to climb up, but unfortunately I haven't escaped this thing before, and the climbing speed is naturally not an opponent. Soon those tentacles all caught up behind me. Then he yanked over me frantically.

Learning from the previous lesson, this time the headhunter confidant twisted all the tentacles into the thick super tentacles that they held together, and then slammed my body with these huge tentacles, it seems that they want to push me to the ground first Meaning of going up. It ’s a pity that although the twisted tentacles have greatly increased the attack power, it is a pity that the number has decreased a lot. Although it looks like a large number of dense, but at least I can see this number clearly, so I keep on these tentacles Wearing them in and out just doesn't let them touch me.

The strangulation was useless several times in succession, and the head hunter began to get anxious. The head hunter is very low intelligence. However, the combat instinct is extremely developed. Once you find that the skills are invalid, you will never get into the horns and immediately start thinking about workarounds.

"Be careful!" I was hiding between those tentacles, and suddenly I heard an exclamation from below. Then as soon as I lowered my head, I found that a huge sphere was drilled in the opening of the space channel below. It is clear that the body of the head hunter came out.

"I rely!"

The body of the head hunter rushed up towards me as soon as it appeared. Although I also want to attack this body of it, I need time to prepare for you so fast! Moreover. So many tentacles on this thing haven't been solved yet. In this case, it is not me who hits it but it abuses me.

Knowing this is not the way. I directly turned eternity into a spear and threw it down suddenly, followed by wings and began to climb. The head hunter saw the eternity flying down and immediately mobilized dozens of thick tentacles nearby to form a shield in front of it to try to block the eternal advance. Unfortunately, although its tentacles are amazing in defense, they are in harmony with eternity. The paper is almost the same, and the spear that changes forever seems to penetrate the dozens of layers of tentacle defense in front of the guy's body. It is also capable.

The head hunter saw that the eternal spear had arrived in front of him, and knew that he could not escape, so he formed a space passageway directly in front of himself. The purpose was simple, to let eternity enter the passageway, and then Fly to another place, even if it can not open other exits to make this weapon disappear directly into the different dimension space, this is tantamount to removing the weapon on my side that threatens it the most.

Many people have thought of this method originally, but in fact, most people don't use it. In the meantime, my eternity is not often used as a weapon for throwing, so most people may not know exactly when I throw it. Secondly, it takes time to open the channel. This process is usually not short. As long as my eternity is used by me as a long-range weapon, it must be extremely fast. In this state, it is impossible for the opponent to reach eternity at all. Complete the opening of the space channel, and if I open it in advance, I won't be stupid at all. In this way, no one can successfully open the passageway on the eternal flight path, so naturally there is no way to accomplish this seemingly simple thing.

This headhunter is different from ordinary people. It opens the channel openings very fast. One channel opening per second only happens when it controls a bunch of channel openings. If there is only one channel, the opening speed is completely different. It ’s going to happen. What ’s more, this time it ’s a one-way opening. No need to export. The difficulty is naturally much lower, and it can be done quickly. Coupled with the outbreak of potential between life and death, this guy unexpectedly unfolded a space entrance in front of eternity and body, and then saw eternal and accurate hitting that space passageway.

Generally speaking, at this time, eternity should fly directly into the hole and disappear, but the problem is that eternity is not a general weapon, it has a rule attribute. Since eternity has a cut-off rule, it is said that even causality and the existence of such nothingness can cut off, so the cutting space is naturally not a problem. Therefore, when Eternal hits the entrance of the channel, it does not directly fly in, but directly penetrates the space barrier of this place, and then seems to directly enter the body of the head hunter without any impact at all.

Because I never thought that eternity could pass through that passageway, the headhunter was directly hit without any preparation. Of course, even if it was prepared, it was useless, except for a few special types of weapons. It is rare to be able to block eternity. The tentacles of the head hunter and the space passage just now are the best proof.

Finally, the eternity that successfully hit the head hunter immediately hit the guy's body, and then it ended directly, and then, like a shooting star, shot out from behind the guy, and also took out a large piece of flesh. Do n’t think that the eternity I threw out is a sharp vertebra. It will always fly with this structure. When it passes through the guy ’s body, eternity has actually been deformed several times, although it is afraid to change it to achieve the penetration effect. The high resistance structure releases high damage, but it can turn itself into a sharp shape with a lot of cutting surfaces. This way, the resistance is not great but it can cause a lot of damage. Finally, it will be out of the guy's body because of kinetic energy. Enough is enough, so Eternity also turns its own end into a barb structure. He also took away a large piece of flesh.

After being hit by a sudden blow, the unfortunate headhunter knew for the first time what an injury was. The whole body was out of control and started to fall down. There was no way to chase me. However, this guy did not directly fall to the ground, but fell directly into a newly opened passageway during the fall process, and then flew out of a space opening on the ground to land smoothly. There were no injuries at all.

Although this guy successfully used space ability to avoid the secondary damage caused by a high altitude fall. But it can avoid the damage caused by the fall, but it can't escape Hades' siege.

The head-hunter just emerged from the space exit on the ground and immediately saw a colorful light cut. Although it wanted to stop, Nai He had just been injured and the tentacles responded a bit more slowly. Instead of completely blocking the light of God, a lot of tentacles were cut off. Although this guy's tentacles grow rapidly, it doesn't always recover instantly, and it takes time. While this piece of tentacles was cut off, a lot of new tentacles have not yet grown out, Christina and gold coins shot at the same time. A blade of flying sword, like a flood, was engulfed in the heavy rain of magic missiles. The headless worms were inhumanely and intermittently bombarded. Although the tentacle of the guy wanted to stop, but the attack intensity was too high, he was cheated in a blink of an eye. The attack was completely surrounded, and even if there were tentacles to block it, it would be cut off and smashed directly on the periphery, while the unprotected area in the center was completely broken through the defense, and the magic missile of the cheats exploded a large pit on the surface. Then Fei Jian followed up and drilled into the body of the head hunter from those entrances, and then was forcibly squeezed out by the muscle tissue, but at this time it had already caused considerable damage to the guy's body.

Kristina and the gold coin attacked here for about seven or eight seconds, and then suddenly gave up a passage intermittently. True red followed and rushed up, followed by the last batch of magic missiles and successfully rushed to the headhunter's body. , Then raising his hand is a big move directly hit the head hunter. Although we did not see the effect of the skill release because it was a close-up move, we can see that the trembling tentacles of the head hunter and the smoky wound are definitely not light. After all, there are so many people on our side. Opportunities created together, of course, really red will not let go of such opportunities, a shot is a super big move. Unfortunately, the duration of this raid is too short. If there is enough preparation time, True Red can definitely use the strongest attack to kill this injured guy in a second.

Although she did not succeed in killing this head hunter, Zhen Hong was not in love. She was more impulsive, but not stupid. When it was time to retreat, she also ran fast. When she finished the move, she opened her arms and was pulled by a black silk thread. Back to Hades. This series of attacks was planned. Some people covered and some stormed, and there was a set of skills that were responsible for the retreat. After the attack, the set of head hunters had no temper, but they wanted no revenge.

The captive half-headed headhunter supported the rest of the tentacles and staggered from the ground, and then pointed the huge mouth at me in the sky. Obviously, its goal was from the beginning. Nothing has changed in the beginning. Although I don't know why this guy is so obsessed with staring at me, but at this time I have to thank myself for this inexplicable ability to pull hatred. If the guy is not chasing me at this time but staring at the peacock or too old Laojun, then I really have a headache. On the contrary, I myself have no fear. On the one hand, Yi Gao is bold, and I am not afraid of this head hunter. On the other hand, if I miss it, it is a resurrection. Of course, the head hunter is expected to change after being robbed. Even worse. But this is not an irreversible thing after all, and naturally I am not so worried.

Seeing the headhunter below aimed at me again, of course I would not let it attack. While fluttering the wings to maintain the height, while slowly reaching out to the side, a rotating space vortex appeared immediately, and then the eternity shot by me in the meantime changed back slowly from the space vortex in the shape of a sword. The handle was turned into my hands. Holding the hilt of the sword abruptly and pulling outward, Eternity was immediately put in front of me again, and at this time the headhunter below had also completed his own preparation. I saw this guy's mouth suddenly open outwards, a red ball of light dragging a beautiful tail straight towards me like a meteor.

Although the speed of that light sphere has not reached the speed of light, conservative estimates are that it is more than a dozen times the speed of sound. The distance between us is only seven or eight hundred meters. Even if the distance is such that the speed of sound is only two or three seconds, this thing can have more than ten times the speed of sound. Naturally, it hits me without using even half a second, but. Although I don't have time to dodge, it doesn't mean that I can't help it.

Waving eternally in his hand, he suddenly slashed against the light ball. Flashed with a streamer. The light ball was split in half by me. And I also entered a dive state. After breaking through the light ball, I rushed directly to the head hunter on the ground, and the light ball exploded behind me after being cut. But because I had already gone through, it blew it up and did no harm to me at all.

The headhunter below didn't give up when he saw his attack was invalid. Instead, he shot a large red light ball like a machine gun at one go, and actually formed a fire whip-like jet in the air. Unfortunately, I was very high in the dive state Mobility, constantly flashing left and right to avoid most of the attacking light ball, even if occasionally can not flash, I will be directly split with eternal.

The headhunter, who was completely unable to stop me from falling, did not sit still, but suddenly opened a transmission channel underneath to run again. Unfortunately, it forgot that it was not just me and it. Just when its space channel was about to fully unfold, it suddenly began to shrink again, and then disappeared.

Christina smiled and looked at the golden chain in her hand, which she could only see. One end of the chain was held firmly by Christina, while the other end was connected to the head hunter there. In fact, this skill is not an attacking skill, and it will not produce any induction after use, so no one else can see this thing except Christina. In fact, the chain itself is invisible, it will not block anyone ’s passage, and it will not restrict the movement of the target creature. There is only one point. Once locked by this thing, you do n’t expect to use a teleport array or a space channel. Because this skill is actually an upgraded version of the space anchor-space lock, is a skill that can completely lock the space around the target.

Although the space ability of the headhunter is abnormal, it can only eat crickets under this space lock. The head hunter who can't open the passageway is too late to try to run in other ways. He can only use the remaining tentacles to block as much as possible. Unfortunately, those tentacles were just swept out by a swept colorful light. Already. The head-hunter, whose defense completely collapsed, could only watch it smashed into its body with the thunderous potential.

There was no slight pause, nor any light and shadow effect, it was as if a bullet hit a brick, and I directly broke through the head hunter's body and went in, and then everyone felt a huge magic wave from that The body of the head hunter came out, followed by a loud noise. The head hunter exploded directly into the sky, and all the personnel saw the position where the head hunter was before the flesh flew out. The last one is the illusion of flowers that are blooming and composed of some very fine fuchsia bright lines.

"His grandma finally got it done!" Take back the dragon muscles that flew away, I turned around in one place and dumped all the flesh and blood I had on, and then looked at Tai Shang Laojun and asked: "Lao Jun Let ’s see if this thing is really dead. Here you know this thing best, wo n’t it have any resurrection ability? ”

"It should be gone." Taishang Laojun's answer gave me a lot of peace of mind, but then he said: "But this headhunter is said to be very good at reclusiveness, so in order to prevent it, I suggest it is best It's better to burn all these pieces. "

"Burn it down?" I looked at the surrounding land in surprise. I just ran into the head hunter's body and cast the "bloom" skill, and then shattered it into countless fragments from the inside, so now, with my center, almost all within a radius of 800 meters is full of dense flesh and blood. Pieces, farther away, are also full of this guy's body parts. As for the tentacle fragments that were interrupted before, they are flying everywhere. If we really want to "disinfect" all these things, then we need to burn out at least the surrounding radius of seven or eight kilometers. How much work is this?

"So what ... can I borrow something from you?" I asked Tai Shang Laojun.

When Tai Shang Laojun heard that I was borrowing something, I just thought about covering my Qiankun bag ~ ~ Then suddenly I remembered that I might want to eliminate this head hunter completely, so I asked: what?"

"It's not a good thing either. I just want to borrow the true fire of Samadhi in your stove. Of course, it would be better if I could borrow the flame banner and the fire shield."

Tai Shang Laojun only hesitated for a moment and then nodded immediately: "The true fire and the flame banner of Samadhi are not a problem. As for the fire shield ... that is not my thing, but I think it can be borrowed."

As soon as I heard the door, I said, "Then trouble Laojun run. We are watching here to avoid any accident."

"Okay, I'll go back as soon as I go."

Tai Shang Laojun ran to borrow things after speaking, and I was here with other people watching the fragments to prevent this thing from resurrecting. We were tormented by this stuff before, but we didn't want to do it again. However, just after we were idle, I suddenly discovered a problem.

"Well? What about Pandora? Bai Lang told me that I had caught up with that little worm, why haven't you come back? I rely on it, nothing will happen?" (To be continued.)

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