Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 143: Complete break

The heavy siege artillery brought by our guild and a super heavy artillery just sent from Isinger were erected. A guild player is not likely to be dictated by the NPC at will, even if we rely on the NPC, but we are players after all. If the NPC is controlled, then it is not that we are playing the game but the game is playing us! The Eagle conveyed my order without hesitation, and the players in the guild did not hesitate to execute it. Not to mention that the composition of our guild is screened, even a relatively loose guild will not threaten NPCs!

All the weapons were put up. The siege gun has been exposed in Sky City. Although it has no lethality to the moving crowd, it is a dark canyon. We only need to aim at the canyons on both sides to launch it. It has a very good effect. Of course, the eagle, who knows my intention well, will let the cannon hit the cliff above the temple intentionally or unintentionally! As for that heavy cannon! That thing is scary. Four heavy carriages supported the four corners of the cannon. After deployment, the carriage was pulled out, and the cannon touched the ground with its base. Above the base larger than the basketball court is the gun barrel. A gun with a caliber of 1300 mm and a length of 14 times. This heavy gun, known as the Beast, was designed to test the quality of Isinger's cannon base, but for this war, players dismantled it and shipped it here and reinstalled it. Each of this guy's shells weighs 7 tons, and the warhead alone is more than 3 tons! The Dark Canyon is not very deep, at least not for this monster. The beast of the monster is adjusted to an 80-degree angle, and the target is bombarded with a large angle!

Let my magic pets do not move first, I ride the night shadow alone to the front of the position where the two sides meet. Directed with the guild channel: "Test the gun!"

轰轰 轰轰! A series of explosions exploded on the cliffs on both sides, and the whole mountain collapsed and buried a large number of troops into the soil. It took a long time for the shells of the giant beast to fall. The angle of this guy's shot was too high, and the shells flew too high! Because this is a game, windy magic can stabilize the landing point of the shell, so the shooting accuracy of the monster is still quite high. If such a large cannon in reality, the accuracy is difficult to guarantee!

The giant beast shell fell less than 10 meters in front of the gate of the temple. The shell penetrated directly into the ground because of too much kinetic energy. boom! With a muffled sound, the whole ground bulged and fell again. But when it came back, the land did not return to a flat state, but fell completely. A large pit with a diameter of more than fifty meters and a depth of forty meters appeared at the landing point of the shell. The front door of the Dark Temple suddenly lost its support, the door post was crooked a few times, and finally collapsed and collapsed by gravity. The remaining buildings began to collapse without support. The building has also been deformed. If it weren't for the better materials of the temple, it would be gone.

I gave an order on the guild channel: "Siege gun keeps firing angle, firing at intervals of 5 minutes! The behemoth pauses firing and reloads!"

I cut off from the guild channel and contacted my large magic pets with personal contact. "Come here to help!"

The puppets immediately took off and chased after us, and we flew into the dark temple together. The angels almost went out to resist the attack of the Dark Legion, and the temple became empty! I originally called the large magic pets in advance to cover me, but I didn't expect to encounter the enemy! After landing, directly call the space gate again, the space gate of the canyon mouth will automatically close and open again in the temple! Facing the door in the space, said: "Like me, the Temple of Light, all evacuated me!"

Humph! Ah Ni! This can't blame me! Let me give you a little favor. If you don't, I have to do it myself! No one can ever let me work in vain without paying for labor. My dad's adulterer has to give me some blood for help, not to mention you are just an NPC!

Suddenly thought of a very important thing-the dark star! Xiaochun couldn't get the power because there was no way to get the star of light. Alni certainly needed the star of darkness. The return of the Dark Star to her last time was forced by the form, but now it is different. The Temple of Light and the Temple of Dark have suffered a mixed defeat. I don't have to flatter her anymore! Make you stingy, I'll take what you feel most distressed!

When I entered the dark temple, I realized that it was not alone, but it was rare. With the help of the avatar and the magic pet, these single enemies can not pose any danger to me. Killed all the way to the storage location of the Dark Star, opened the door and rushed in. I've been here last time, but this time I'm familiar with the road. I got the dark star and left immediately. Because of the limited time, we can't carry it too carefully. Anything that seems more valuable in the temple is taken away. There is Ling's inner traitor, what is valuable in the temple is not clear at a glance!

After simply carrying useful things, we quickly evacuated. After flying high, we used the guild channel to command the giant to advance the impact point forward for another 20 meters and shoot! A heavy artillery shell accurately landed in the center of the temple after the shelling began. After a loud noise, the once dark temple that was once glorious was completely ruined, and the only remaining wall was turned black in the flames.

的 The shelling of our guild has greatly increased the speed of the battle, but at the same time we have increased the casualties of both sides a lot. We didn't wait for the battle to end. I let the players dismantle the cannons to return to Isinger when it was more than 8 am, and I returned to Isinger myself.

The first thing after I got home was to bring all the misty legions of Isinger together and move them outside the city. Su Mei, who just went online, doesn't know what happened. She went offline after I went to save people last night. "Brother Ziri! What are you doing?"

I stood on the top of the city wall and told her what happened last night while watching the troops leaving the city: "... this is the case! Now we and the Dark Temple can be said to be completely tearing their faces. The Legion of Mist is sent by the Dark Temple Although the garrison troops are nominally city defense forces, they are still dispatched by the Dark Temple. This time we have completely destroyed the Dark Temple. If we leave them in the city, will we not kill ourselves? While they do n’t know yet, I will transfer the troops first. As long as we rely on the defense facilities to persist for a couple of days, once the floating system is completed, Ischinger can be lifted into the air. Anyway, the Mist Army will not fly, as long as it rises, there will be no problem! "

"That being said, but you still have to bear it!" Su Mei said quickly when I was going to get angry: "But if you do, do it anyway, sooner or later, you have to separate! But since we do, why don't we do things Absolutely? "

"what do you mean?"

"The Dark Temple has no teleporter, so the command is not flexible. Many people don't know the news yet, which means that the guards of Yunxiao City think you are the temporary commander!"

"You don't want to occupy Sky City?"

"What's the use of Sky City that we occupied? We are too busy taking care of ourselves, where can we go to control that Sky City!"

"What do you mean?"

"Sell it!" Su Mei explained like a little fox who was only planning how to steal the chicken: "You can directly transfer the defenders of Yunxiao City from Yunxiao City, and say that the battle over the canyon is urgent, and they need reinforcements. Anyway No soldier in a dark temple in the city can stay. Then let the guild players stand in the temple and wait, as soon as 9 o'clock tonight, the city will be automated to our name! Then you can sell it I think the city of Yunxiao, one of the three main cities, should have great potential, right? It is Hongyue's brother, the first guild in China, and they are definitely willing to pay a large price! "

"Clever!" I kissed Su Mei's small head. "You can help me deal with things in the city. By the way, call Wei Na and let her persuade Vinda. Maybe you can move Vinda. Even if you can't leave the entire army, it is good to be able to counter part of it!"

"Aren't you benzene!" Su-mei started pretending to be an old man again!

"Let's split up and move fast! It's over 9 o'clock now! Less than 12 hours left!"

In order to rush time, I ca n’t even eat the meal, and directly rotate the shaft without going offline. First took a large number of players to Sky City, and then lied to the Dark Legion out of Sky City. Because of entering the state of war, Sky City can't enter other players except our guild players. The ordinary NPCs in those cities were cleared up during the war. The Dark Legion slaughtered the city yesterday. The NPCs will not be added until the city ownership is determined! As soon as the Dark Legion left, the entire city was empty! Such a large city is useless even an NPC, and it is scary and empty!

After the city was brought under control, Hongchen Qiufeng was contacted by the way. The people in their guild had not been screened yet! Tell them directly that our guild and the Dark Temple have fallen out, let them help over to defend, and say things very badly. Facts have shown that there are not many people who follow Hongchen Qiufeng for their emotional reasons. In the end, only Hongchen Qiufeng brought 23 players to join. Although it is poor, but there are still some people who are serious about morality! Anyway, what our guild wants is quality, not quantity, rather than accepting a traitor!

5 At 5pm, everything is ready. Vida and Vina talked secretly, and Vida finally decided to stay in Isinger and no longer loyal to the Dark Temple. I sent Vinda out of the city to carry out some activities in my close friends, try to win as many people as possible to stay!


多 At more than 7 pm, the Mist Army outside the city of Isinger finally received a notice from the Dark Temple, and the entire Mist Army was shocked. To my surprise, the Temple of Darkness did not allow these Mist Regiment soldiers to attack Isinger. Maybe Alni knew that the Mist Regiment had feelings for Isinger and would not really hit Isinger. However, the order of the temple required that the Mist Army evacuate Essinger immediately and return to the Dark Canyon. The disobedience was regarded as a rebellion!

After the arrival of the messenger, he also announced what he wanted to leave, and his relatives collectively expressed their intention to stay. As a result, the troops did not know which side to listen to. It was noisy for nearly an hour, and at eight it was finally decided. Vinda stood on the carriage on the side of the city wall and said in magic: "I! Oscar Vinda, issued the last command under the command of the Mist Regiment in Isinger." Looking at him with excitement, although the undead had no tears, but I believe everyone is crying! "Issinger and the Temple of Darkness are upset. This is not something we can consider. Staying is for your feelings. Leaving is to obey the Temple's orders. I won't blame anyone. Now make your choice! Yes The remaining station will come down to Isinger's walls and return to the temple. Now stand 200 metres away from Isinger's walls! "

The troop began to shake randomly. Everyone was a little hesitant, but as the first soldier stood out of his own camp, the subsequent troops began to stand one after another to the camp of their choice! Standing on the wall, I was about to cry. It took half an hour for the troops below to completely separate. To my surprise, the decision to stay was mostly the majority! I thought the Mist Army would obey orders to return to the temple! It's hard to believe!

Vida excitedly ran to the city wall to report the situation. "Master of the city! The Mist Regiment's troops in Isinger, after voluntary distribution, the total remaining strength is as follows: 2 million blood skulls, 80,000 night seekers, 60,000 shadow monsters, 50,000 demon pupil guards, and 1 demon knight Ten thousand people, ten thousand dark spectators, two hundred blood lords, twenty-five knights of death, and ten agents of death. More than half of the reserved staff! "

I'm happy to pat him: "Good job!" This voluntary assignment clearly shows the differences between various arms. Almost nobody in those high-ranking units above level 900 left. This is mainly because they are high-ranking and popular everywhere, and because they are together with Vinda, they are more affected by Vinda and have stayed for emotional reasons. . The low-level arms could not reach Vinda, and the standard they decided to stay was interest! The low-level skeletons are bullied everywhere, but in Isinger, players are relatively kind and they are more willing to stay in Isinger, so no skeletons left! The arms in the middle have their own considerations, but in general, the warrior class walks less than the mage, because the warriors are more generous, and the mage must be smoother! A lot of the archers left because of the walls of Isinger. For the archers, the walls are more secure! So almost all of them stayed!

Essinger's side came to a successful end. The departing troops followed the messenger to march toward the Dark Temple. The remaining troops on our side returned to the city. Sky City is also safe and sound. Sky City is farther away from the Dark Canyon than Isinger. It is too late for the troops there to receive the letter!

Because we don't have enough troops to defend Sky City, we can't start the city for the time being. All Sky City gates were closed, and the Sky City teleportation station was set to allow only Isinger's teleportation array to communicate with it. Although the east wall of Yunxiao City was completely destroyed, the Dark Legion has repaired a lot in a day. Although it cannot be used to fight, it is enough to just close the city! How can I say that the Dark Legion has also left tens of millions of infantry in Sky City. Although there is not much time, tens of millions of people can do a lot of things in a day! Now Sky City has basically restored its original appearance. Outside the city, only the East City Wall was only piled a dozen meters high, which was five or six meters before it was completed. The gates were not built! Our players finally transported a large number of stones with the teleportation array to temporarily block the city gate. I do n’t think any player would dare to attack Yunxiao City without knowing the situation!

The time has not yet come, I have started to contact! "Wind Yin misty!"

"Zi Ri! What are you looking for? Listen to my sister saying your guild is fighting with the Temple of Light. Is it true? You are too bullish? You have been beaten by Skycity, and now players ca n’t enter Go, the forums are all called heaven and earth! "Feng Yin Piao Miao's video image appeared in my private chat. There is still a row of MMs standing behind this kid, as if the team has grown! Although I am definitely more than MM, I am more than him, but those of me are guild players, but all he brings are confidantes! But I have enough roses, I won't argue with him!

"It is our guild that is playing the Light Temple, but the main force is the Dark Temple. We are only helping!"

"That's good enough! When you meet arrogant people, you shoot your **** and say that our guild will end the main city of the system, you dare to be crazy, how bullish!"

"Hehe! Where is it!" It's really comfortable being ridden by others, or else many people like to be ridden! "To be serious! I want to talk to you about business!"

生意 "Business? You won't have any more boats to sell, right? The boat I bought last time robbed me of a lot of good things. I really regret not buying a few more with you at that time!"

"This time it's not a boat!"

Feng Feng Yin Piaomiao said in surprise: "You said it was a big deal, but not a boat. What is it? Is it possible that you want to sell me a city?"

Although Feng Yin Piao Miao is joking, he is right! "Let you guess it! Just sell the city!"

"Talk about what city it is, how big it is, what the equipment is, the geographical location and the like!" Feng Yin Piao Miao is indeed a long time, and it is not sloppy to talk about business. He picked up a cup of tea and sipped it while waiting for me to report the data!

"Don't say the information, you must know. I sell Sky City!"

"Oh! ..." Feng Yin Piao Miao sprayed all the tea before she could swallow it. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at why you said something? I have heard it right? You want to sell it?"

I want to laugh when I see him. "What are you so excited about? I told you it was a big deal, that is to make you mentally prepared. Who knows you are still so reactive!"

"Can I not respond! What you want to sell is one of the three main cities of the system!" Feng Yin Piao Miao took the towel handed by MM next to her and wiped her mouth, then stuck the entire face on the screen Already. "Did you tell anyone?"

"Not yet! What are you doing?"

"Don't announce it, I bought it!"

"You bought it without asking the price? I never sell anything cheaply!"

"I believe you sell all good things!" Feng Yin Piao Miao paused: "Furthermore, Fengshui treasures like Yunxiao City are absolutely valuable! Oh! Right! He is a city! It should be called a priceless treasure!"

To be honest, I just have a preliminary idea of ​​wanting to sell the city, and I really haven't thought about how much to sell! I was thinking about selling it after a period of time like the last auction. UU reading books we have to calculate the price, this time Feng Yin Piao Miao suddenly want to buy I really do not know how to bid! "Let ’s do this! I ’m not going to publicize it first, you need to hurry up to mobilize funds. Let me be honest! In fact, we have not yet decided on the price, but it will not be cheap. If at that time you feel that we are driving high, I will announce it again. If you think it is appropriate, we will trade directly, so there is no need for public bidding! "

"Okay! You have decided to contact me. If I am not there, you can contact‘ Everyone ’s used. ’He is my deputy and there is a way to contact me!”


I quickly found some principals in some guilds such as Su Mei, Rose, and Eagle. The problem of buying and selling cities is a big deal and should not be too hasty. Hongyue said that she has a relationship with both sides, so it is not convenient for her to speak.

Yun Yunxiao City is about to be sold soon. I propose to add the addiction first, and everyone will set the meeting place in the hall of the Bright Temple. A group of us sat around the ground of the temple and started a discussion! Hey! If I had known it, I wouldn't evacuate the city, so I should leave a few chairs! There is no place to sit now! But sitting in the middle of the hall of the temple can be considered a nuisance!

I haven't watched it yet, the system prompts. "It is 9 o'clock on the evening of April 3, 2063. The battle between the Temple of Light and the Alliance of Isinger officially ended. All the combatants immediately separated their camps from their current positions and stopped continuing the battle! The calculation of the mission results began immediately!" Haha !! The exciting time has come, and we are about to start sharing the loot! I wonder what rewards the system will give us? I demolished the Dark Temple.

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