Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 180: Cannibalism and selfish commanders

"Ah ..."

At this time, the cavalry soldiers who were chasing and killing behind Russian players were a total mess. According to some people, afterwards, they were more irritating than when they were drugged in the bar before. The feeling of blood on them was simply Cool to the point where it can't be added. The Russian player in the front clearly was actively attacking, but because he crossed the line of defense, he inexplicably changed from the offensive state to the hunted state. All the enemies behind him could not stop and could only continue to move forward. Moving forward and forward, stopping is dead, but it ’s not safe even if you run forward, because the front is not their own site, but the rear area of ​​our occupied area, which means that the more you run, the more you run. Deep into the enemy, the hope of survival is even slimmer.

Even if you already know that running this way is not the way, Russian players still have to keep looking at the run. Some of them are running with a tendon and will suddenly turn around and try to resist, but the problem is this. The effect of turning abruptly in the process of escape was really not very good. Behind is a formation of cavalry regiments lining up in a neat line for group assault, and they turn around to resist individual behavior, no defense, no formation, and even no coordinated combatants, relying on so few people in the brigade The cavalry was uprooted as easily as the little saplings in front of the tsunami, and then rushed to where it was unknown.

Compared to the miserable experience of Russian players, our alliance players feel that they are going to be in the sky. The enemies in front of them were numerous, but there was no decent resistance. They are almost in a unilateral slaughter. They stepped on the road and watched their experience value keep turning upwards, but their consumption was minimal. This kind of cool feeling is usually unexpected, but now Actually realized by them.

In fact, although the cavalry are relatively easy to kill, it is not these cavalry that really kills the enemy the fastest, but the group of Japanese players led by Masamoto Matsumoto. Although the cavalry are pursuing Russian players all the way, they can only attack those Russian players in the last row, but they dare not penetrate into the central area of ​​the large force of the opponent, because these Russian players are inexplicably removed from the attackers because of our arrangements. Became the object of being hunted. However, they actually retain the complete establishment. In addition, the number of opponents is actually quite a lot. The loss has just begun. Although the casualties are fast, the total number of opponents has actually not fallen much. In the face of such an army, ordinary players do not dare to rush in silly. It can only scrape people down from the other's army as if peeling. But no one dares to really kill it. and. Our side actually issued the order before the battle began. The cavalry must ensure that it always moves in a queue formation, and it is absolutely forbidden to charge into the enemy array.

We arranged this to prevent the cavalry from breaking up each other's large forces. After all, the Russian players are still very strong. If we disperse them, then it will take time and energy for us to encircle these people, and this speed may be faster than ours. Slower peeling. What's more important is that because the second battlefield needs more precise command, we have transferred the upper leadership of these guild players, so the cavalry here is actually under a very low control. It can almost be said that they have no direct command. In this state, what they can do is fight in accordance with the way stated in advance. After changing the fighting mode without authorization, the entire battlefield will be completely out of control. We absolutely will not allow this kind of thing, so we will fight well before the war. After greeting, whoever dares to run out of the array to ride a single assault at that time, the people around him will have the right to directly kill the guy and get a reward when they turn back.

Just because we restricted the cavalry from allowing them to charge all-out, they could only pull people down from the large force of Russian players in the latter layers, and this situation of peeling people down also promoted Russia. The player's further chaos, and then as if the shepherd drove the flock, drove the Russian players in the direction we specified with the cavalry.

In fact, the routes for these Russian players are all planned routes in advance, because these routes have organ traps that we set in advance, and these are the things that are really used to consume a lot of opponents. As for saying that the Russians do not follow the route we designed, then there is no need to worry, because our cavalry will help them find the "right" direction.

A large army of Russian players, driven by sheep, rushed all the way, and soon entered the real ambush circle. The marching troops quickly passed the first trap area, but at this time, the authorities here did not start. We also made a special arrangement for this ambush circle, that is, letting go of the front troops, and then starting from the middle and rear. There are two benefits to this, one is that it does not cause the Russian army's large army to stop suddenly. Now, the reason why the large players of Russian players keep running is totally compelled. The players behind do not want to be killed, so they desperately run forward to the central area, and although the players in front do not want to run, the people behind will push them to run. If they stop, they will be crushed by the troops behind. Stepping to death, so the people in front didn't even dare to stop. However, if a large trap suddenly appears in front of them, then instinctively, these previous players will definitely find a way to stop, and the result will be to slow down or even stop the entire army of Russian players. .

Russian players have a large number of troops. We want to kill these people at the least cost. We must keep them in motion because only when they are in motion will the Russian players ’commanders be unable to gather troops and organize defenses. So we cannot stop them, we must move them, so we cannot set traps in front of them.

Starting a trap in the rear of a large army of Russian players has an added benefit, in addition to not affecting the advancement of large groups of Russian players. That is to break down the opposing forces.

When the vast majority of Russian players have passed, we will start the trap, and then swallow up some Russian players. After that, those Russian players will automatically slow down because they see the previous person falling into the trap, so that The front of the Russian player ’s army will be far away from those behind, so we can surround the group of people behind and eat, and repeatedly use this method to bite the Russian player ’s mouthful. All troops are eating away, so the timing of opening this trap is also particular.

In order to take care of Masamoto Matsumoto, the people in charge of the operation set up in this trap are all those who are particularly loyal to them. These Japanese players are a loyal one who is particularly loyal to Matsumoto Masaru and August Kaoru. Basically, as long as Matsumoto Masabe say what they say, these players will immediately execute, and they will never doubt or oppose Matsumoto Masa motivation. For such people, Masamoto Matsumoto certainly gives them some sweetness. Then people will be more loyal.

Just before the Russian player's army was about to pass the first trap zone. Masaru Matsumoto, who was observing the situation at high altitude, immediately shouted to the following Japanese players using the communicator distributed by our guild: "Attention everyone in area a, prepare 3, 2, 1, pull."

Following Matsumoto's order, the following Japanese player immediately pulled the rope that had been prepared earlier. Then the land on the ground that could not see any problem suddenly collapsed. Nearly two thousand Russian players fell into a big ditch that was seven or eight meters deep without preparation. And these grooves are not flat, but wedge-shaped, and people who fall down cannot stand up at all. It can only be affixed to inclined slopes, but under these slopes are full of caves, and a variety of weapons suddenly protruded from these caves, causing huge casualties to these people in an instant. Fortunately, the undead man desperately supported the **** to get his body off the slope. Unfortunately, the **** of the place was too large, and there were corpses everywhere, so he couldn't stand up at all, so he could only watch himself left behind. The weapon sticking out of the cave was stabbed into a sieve.

In fact, the **** below is a metal net full of holes, and Japanese players are waiting on the side of this metal net. As long as someone falls above them, they can talk about weapons passing through these nets to kill the opposite person. However, the Russian players on the other side suddenly fell off and were unprepared to borrow on the metal net without preparation. They could not fight back at all and could only be slaughtered unilaterally.

The Russian players dialed down below were quickly killed, while the group of Russian players blocked behind the traps looked desperately at the pit in front of them and the cavalry walking around in tears. These cavalry did not come forward to fight with them at all, but let the archers and mages prepared on both sides continue to kill them with long-range attacks, and as long as they tried to break through, they would be caught by the mage group. In the end, until their number was reduced to no wind and waves, those cavalrymen suddenly started and rushed to the last two to chop the remaining people more than half, and the rest were driven out of the big pit, even if they did not die Killed by the Japanese player below.

Just such a simple trap directly pits nearly 5,000 Russian players. The number of Russian players who were isolated and then killed is as high as 20,000. That is to say, after crossing this big pit, Russian players The number of troops has been reduced by 25,000.

Although the front army lost 25,000 people after the pit started, the cavalry chasing behind was also blocked, so the player who finally crossed the pit was happy, and the speed gradually slowed down, but, It was not long before they were happy to find that two new cavalry units from both sides merged from both sides, and then quickly formed a new cavalry array behind them.

This trap group is designed by ourselves, how can we not imagine that the traps will block our own cavalry in addition to dividing the enemy? Therefore, we have already made arrangements for this. There are two new cavalry teams on standby near each trap. As long as the trap is activated and splits the rear queue of the Russian player ’s army, the two cavalry will be from both sides. Kill it and continue to replace the previous cavalry team to carry out the eviction task. That is to say, regardless of our split, there will always be two teams of cavalry behind the Russian players to chase them forward. Another advantage of this method is that it allows our cavalry team to perform Rotate to avoid excessive consumption.

Those cavalry who were blocked by traps would cooperate with the archers and mages to kill the divided Russian players. They would then run forward through the three trap areas to stand by. After the large players of Russian players pass through that trap zone, they can rotate into the pursuit array again.

Using this staged pursuit method can ensure that Russian players are always chased after the large army of troops, so they never want to stop.

After the first trap group was successfully started, Masamoto Matsumoto shouted immediately: "Area personnel cleared away the remaining enemies and evacuated immediately to go to the front. Stand in area b. The Russians are almost over."

Soon a large army of Russian players passed through this so-called zone B. Then, with the order of Masamoto Matsumoto, the flap on the ground started instantly, and a large group of Russian players were directly turned into the burrow below. This time the burrow is different from before. The area of ​​the flap is not too big this time, and it only took a few hundred people to turn it over, and the **** below is not an unstoppable slope, but a solid flat ground. but. Although the following environment is ok. But there was no light.

The ground was originally daylight, and the light was very good. Of course, it suddenly fell into a dark room, and of course, nothing was seen, and suddenly it fell from above. Somewhat hurt and lost balance. At this time, the ninjas hidden in the dark rushed up immediately. The ninjas and assassins lurking here have long been used to the darkness here. So not only could they see it clearly, but because the enemies had just fallen off from above, there was no resistance at all. I almost wiped my neck before responding.

In fact, the flap trap in area b is very different from that in area a. It is not activated when the team is about to pass, but a large force of Russian players started just a little over half a year ago, and this thing is small because of its small area. Therefore, only a few hundred players will be dropped at a time. After all, there are not many players who can see these people fall, so when they bypass these flaps, the people behind will fall again because they do not know that there is a flap here. In this way, a lot of people will drop off in the dark small rooms below, and the ninjas and assassins just need to kill the unlucky eggs just dropped one by one in the dark.

Don't look at the b-vane array that can swallow a small number of people each time, but because it has been working all the time, the efficiency is actually quite amazing. After the large players of Russian players passed, there were more than 50,000 fewer people than before, and those ninja players from Japan and other assassin guilds in the guild were killing and softening. Many people in Russia After the troops passed, they simply sat on the ground. If someone had previously told them that they could wipe their neck and feel soft hands one day, it is estimated that they must spray the face of the person, but now they have really experienced this process, and it feels really-it's so cool.

Masamoto Matsumoto, who is in charge of commanding in the sky, watched the following Russian player ’s large army pass zone B and immediately ordered: "Three and four cavalry, do n’t run forward, help the five and six to compress Russia together. The effect of the human team just appeared to be too good. The Russian troops are a bit loose. You should strengthen your attack and squeeze their teams down. "

The following team immediately began to move after receiving the order, and then he quickly formed a powerful cavalry team and began to continuously attack the periphery of the large force of Russian players. Those Russian players did not want to be killed but had to move to the central area, so The large army of Russian players running was compressed into a rather dense cluster.

Seeing that the following teams were almost compressed, Matsumoto Masahara commanded again: "Induction group, take them to area C, prepare for barbecue."

"Understand." The cavalry in front of the large force that oppressed the Russian players suddenly changed their direction. The large force of the Russian players could only turn to the trap area according to their predetermined route when they were completely incapable, and then ran. Running into the trap area. A large pit suddenly appeared in the rear of a large army of Russian players who were moving forward. The size of this pit was almost as large as three or four connected football fields, with at least 100,000 people in an instant. It fell into, and just after these people fell, a large group of players of the mage type suddenly popped up, so all kinds of flame-based magic came out, all thrown into this big pit, and this big pit Obviously, a large number of combustible materials were prepared long ago, almost at one point, and the tens of thousands of people were completely swallowed up by the sea of ​​fire. The terrible heat wave even forced the fire mages outside to move quickly.

Looking at the thick smoke behind him, the president of the Russian guild responsible for command now really has the heart to die. The total number of troops they brought out this time was also over 100 million, of which about 20 million were players, and the remaining 80 million were all mixed together. But just after entering our position less than 20 minutes, it lost some 300,000 people somehow, and the rate of casualties was too scary. Moreover, as their numbers decline, the speed of cannibalism on our side will inevitably gradually increase, because the fewer they are, the lower the deterrent force, and the more deliberately we eat. And there is one more point, that is, after running for so long, their endurance value drops very quickly. Once the large troops are chased and no endurance value is reached, they will definitely face one-sided slaughter, which is almost nothing to think about. Therefore, they ran like this now is the end of all death, there is no way to survive.

Looking at this situation, the guy finally couldn't help it. "Sooner or later we will be killed like this," he told several close friends around him.

"But this is already the case, do we have another way?" The player next to him asked.

The player in charge said, "The answer is yes, but I don't know if I should do that."


"Because my method can save some people, but afterwards we will not explain clearly and will be regarded as a coward by everyone involved in this operation. Afterwards, we will be cast aside by everyone, and the Frozen Banshee will not Trust me again. "

The player was surprised to hear his boss say this, and then suddenly looked up after a few seconds and said, "Since this, then we don't do it. It's nothing to die here."

In fact, the method that the commander thought of was very simple, that is, regardless of the large troops, just gather the people under his own hands, and then detached from the formation and rushed out. In this case, they are equivalent to fleeing, and other Russian players will instinctively follow up when they see their actions. In this case, they actually have a certain possibility to take some Russian players out, but they escaped afterwards. The charges cannot be dropped. Therefore, although this method can solve the immediate problem, it may not be a good thing for them.

After hesitating for a long time, the guy finally told this method to his dear friend ~ ~ I hope to get some suggestions, and this dear friend is obviously the kind of loyal to this guy, so I think a little They made a recommendation that was best for them, but harmful to Russia as a whole, and that was to do nothing and let it be.

The advantage of this method is that they do not have to bear any responsibility. After all, the biggest reason for this failure is the previous error in intelligence. Therefore, if it is to be responsible, the Frozen Banshee and those who provided information are the biggest responsible persons. Those who sent the information were wrong, the enemy deliberately released false information, and the Frozen Banshee's responsibility was not to determine that it was false information and to formulate a plan based on the enemy's intention. As far as they are concerned, they are merely acting on orders. Because their superiors make mistakes, their responsibilities are actually minimal. In contrast, if they were charged with a charge of escape, they would be really dead. Because if they are really judged to be out of battle, then part of the responsibility for the defeat of this battle will fall on their heads, which is equivalent to helping the Frozen Banshee for nothing. Therefore, after hesitating again and again, they still decided to let it go completely. Anyway, the death of the people here is nothing to them.

The situation was quite critical at first. Now even the commander has made up his mind to completely ignore it. This time, the large force of Russian players has no hope of leaving this place. (To be continued ...)

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