Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 204: Pit you

The gorilla that I ridiculed was completely irrational, and it was just a person who jumped over and didn't even care if there was any place under his feet. But this is exactly what I want. Watching that guy jump up and pounce on me, I flew out lightly with one wing.

The gorilla couldn't change the flight attitude at all in the air, and could only follow the parabolic jumping track, but this guy didn't optimistic about the landing point in advance, so when he found out that I was flying away, it was a tragedy.

Although the big guy who didn't have a foothold option could accurately touch the pumice stone that I was standing when I just took off, the problem is that this pumice stone is only the size of two beds. How can it bear the height of nearly 50 meters? giant? So, when this guy stepped on a clumsy kick, the pumice stone I just stood on was stepped on without any suspense, and it felt as if a person jumped on a tabletop floating on the water. Of course it sinks as soon as you step on it.

In fact, the gorilla not only stepped on this thing, but even more terribly, it stepped on. The gorilla, who almost completely lost its support, fell straight down, but at least he just found a point of borrowing with the help of the pumice stone, so he changed his flight direction in front of him, so he fell. It did not go straight down, but aimed at a slightly larger pumice below the diagonal.

The pumice stone selected this time was still unable to bear the weight of the gorilla, but this is the largest one of the pumice stones available nearby, so he can only choose this one. However, because the volume of the pumice stone itself is actually quite large, even though the guy dropped the pumice stone and sinked directly, it provided him with a huge kick. Under the violent force, he actually corrected his figure and jumped out horizontally. He grabbed the edge of a giant pumice stone, and then, just like an acrobatic athlete, rolled over under the pumice stone and swung up.

I already knew this guy was definitely good for climbing, so it's not surprising to see him return to pumice stones, as long as this guy can't catch me. Anyway, my task is not to fight, but to delay time. The victory of Yagi Odori and Matsumoto is their real victory, and I am definitely not sure about it. After all, this guy's remaining attribute points are still too strong for me and not suitable for combat.

The gorilla immediately looked up and started looking for my trace after climbing back to the pumice stone. I did not hide it, but hovered about 800 meters above him. After seeing me, the guy's eyes almost burst into substantial anger, but it was not enough to reach me, and it was useless to stare at me.

After roaring angrily at me, the guy started looking around for pumice stones that he could borrow, and soon he found the target. This pumice stone environment is a basic setting. The setting requirements of the pumice stone are not to make the other party absolutely trapped. Therefore, even the large pumice stones that can bear the weight of the gorilla are very large, as large as that type of aircraft carrier. The pumice stone was even enough for five or six gorillas to fight together.

Of course, there are not too many oversized pumice stones, but there are quite a lot of pumice stones that can hold gorillas. The guy quickly found a large pumice stone that he could reach and jumped over, but when the guy was about to touch the pumice stone, a white object suddenly flew over not far away. , And then directly stuck to the pumice stone, then this thing suddenly straightened, and instantly pulled the large pumice stone to the side. The gorilla couldn't change its movement trajectory in the air, so he could only watch the pumice move. In the end, the fingers of two of his hands only touched the edge of the pumice. Unfortunately, because the contact surface is too small, Applying force on one side instantly overturned the pumice stone. The gorilla that has lost its capacity can only fall down helplessly, and quickly lowers its head to find a place where it can borrow.

If this is a map of the normal world, let alone say there will be so many pumice stones, the height problem alone is enough to kill this guy, but this is a dedicated space, the environment is set at high altitude, there is no ground at all, don't look at it This place feels like the air is not thin, and it doesn't seem to be very high, but you don't even want to touch the ground even if you drop 100,000 kilometers downwards, because there is no ground at all below. Such an environment is impossible in reality, but there is no problem here. Moreover, pumice is everywhere in this space, and the distribution is quite uniform, which means that you can always find a foothold.

After the gorilla fell this time, his four hands and two feet began to wave around. Soon, three of his hands grabbed a pumice stone and drew it in the palm of his hand. Then this guy actually used the The way of throwing pumice stones in the opposite direction forcibly reversed his falling direction, and finally found a pumice stone enough for him to settle down again.

Although I found a foothold again, this time the gorilla didn't dare to jump around again, because he had already found it, and there was more than me alone on his head.

In fact, this battle space has a great advantage, that is, it does not limit the magic pet. Although this is space, it is essentially a combat place formed for us by the star reflection compass, so as long as it is a player's available power, there is no limit here. Of course, my magic pet is also one of my combat capabilities, so it can be summoned here casually.

The pumice stone that the gorilla just aimed at suddenly flew away because my magic pets were making trouble. The white material that pulled the pumice stone was actually the spider silk spouted by the sickle. Although the sickle himself could not fly, he was temporarily held a hook by the crystal with four claws at this time.

The task I entrusted to both of them is to specifically interfere with the gorilla's actions. As soon as I find out which stone the other party wants to jump on, I will pull the pumice stone before him. This method can be said to be absolutely shameless, but the effect is absolutely nice. If the gorilla that ca n’t fly attacks me, I have to use these pumice stones to make a first-level jump, but I can use the air superiority to take all those pumice stones away, so he ca n’t jump if he wants to jump. .

The gorilla over there watched the roar of the shameless tactical side on our side, but he roared again and I wouldn't dump him, anyway, you wouldn't attack from a long range, even if I could break my throat, it would be useless.

The helpless gorilla realized the problem after calling for a while. He also knew that roaring was useless, but if he really wanted to jump up, he winced again. The previous two jumps have made him deeply realize how unfavorable the environment is for him, at least he can't play combat in this place.

Staring fiercely at the crystal over there, the gorilla's brows were also wrinkled, because he found that the disturbing players around him were actually more than the two just shot.

The combination of crystal and sickle is just one of the main units that interfere with the team. There are actually other teams here. First of all, in addition to the crystal, the three remaining dragons on my side and the material dragon Mira are swimming in the sky. Their task is to fire the gun when the crystal and the sickle fail to pull the pumice stone of each other. . Of course, their attack methods are different. For example, Mira's target is those pumice stones. She doesn't need to completely remove the pumice stones, just blast them. Moreover, even if the pumice stones are relatively large, they do not need to be completely crushed, because all she has to do is to pumice the pumice stones. Pieces of pumice become small pieces, as long as the pumice cannot support the weight of the gorilla.

Fortunately, the task of several of them is simple, that is, to attack directly with long-range bombs at a long distance, and the target of the attack is the opponent's eyes.

Although that guy's defense is good, after all, the eyes are fragile parts, so even if you can block the eyes with your hands, at least there is no way for the eyes to see things during the attack time. If it is on the ground, of course, the impact of this time is of course not a big deal, but in the air, the eye may miss the foothold in a blink of an eye, and although the Dragon Yan bomb is not as powerful as the Dragon Yan, the impact of the explosion can make the impact The opponent's movement trajectory has changed, which means that you can use the Long Yan bomb to force the opponent to change the movement direction.

These are actually not all the interceptors. Among our interceptors are Xiaolong Girls, Chili, Tank, Emmenis, Ling, Xiaochun, and Jingjing and Lingling ~ ~ Xiaolong Girls The task is very simple, it is to adjust the opponent's gravity by using floating technique. Jumping requires a stable gravity. If the body suddenly becomes lighter or heavier when jumping halfway, then the landing point will definitely be different. Therefore, the task of the little dragon girl is to change the gravity of the opponent after he takes off, so that when the gravity is slightly larger or smaller, he does not expect to be able to figure out the amount of advance to grasp the pumice stones he needs.

Compared with Xiaolong Nu, Ling and Xiaochun's work is simpler. Xiaochun's task is to act as a flasher launcher, specifically illuminating the opponent's eyes to interfere with his sight, and Ling's task is to make strong winds to further change its movement trajectory, resulting in his inability to accurately grasp the landing point. At the same time, Emmys's task is to add a lot of pumice illusion around the real pumice, so that the other party cannot accurately identify which pumice is real and which is fake, and in this case, it is difficult for him to find the right foothold. Clicked.

In the end, Jingjing and Lingling's task was to respond, and if something happened, they needed to fill the vacancy. And Lingling's super-high attack means that it can be attacked occasionally and it is also good to create pressure.

"Huh, I don't believe you're here." RS


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