Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 379: New ideas

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The speed of preparation on our side is of course fast, and in just a few minutes we set up a teleportation array for overloading off the coast of Isinger.

Although this method of overloading the transfer array can transfer materials exceeding the transfer array transfer limit at one time, this method has three drawbacks. First, it requires huge amounts of energy. If one unit of energy is normally required to transport one kilogram of material, ten units are required for overload transport.

Secondly, this method will cause the transmission array to explode regardless of whether the transmission is successful or not. Because the transmission requires a transmitting end and a receiving end, this is equivalent to reimbursing two transmission arrays directly for each transmission.

The third and most serious flaw. Overload transmission can only generate an unstable transmission channel, and cannot provide a stable protective layer for the transmission target, so the object being transmitted may be distorted or torn. If you do not want teleportation or creatures to turn into strange combinations when they reach the other side, then it is best not to use this teleportation.

The reason we are using this kind of transmission now is not entirely because we are in a hurry. The key thing that makes us do this is that we have a way to fight that third flaw.

Although the teleportation array cannot provide protection energy to prevent the transported object from being torn, we can let the spacecraft unfold the shield to stabilize its structure. Although this will consume a lot of energy, we do n’t have time to consider energy at this time. problem.

After the transmission array on our side was arranged, we saw a miniature blue light spot appearing above the transmission array, then the height of this light spot began to fall, and finally settled into the transmission array, but it was followed by a sudden With a loud noise, the teleportation burst burst into white light particles flying in the sky at the same time, and the surrounding space was also a shock. At the same time, six huge battleships had appeared in the positions between the teleportation bursts.

"Is this our new battleship?"

The power of the explosion was very large, and a large amount of seawater was lifted into the sky. The six battleships that appeared at this time were bathed in the falling seawater. The silvery white shell looked unusually dreamy under the crystal water droplets. The sky There was even a rainbow due to the mist.

"Really beautiful!" Hong Yue, who was beside me, couldn't help but say. She also just arrived at Isinger, of course to receive the six newly built battleships.

In fact, the shape of the current flying warship looks a little different from the previous ones.

The first-generation flying battleships of our guild were actually like ancient sailing battleships. Although the outer shell was not made of wood, the general shape was the same. As for the second-generation flying warship, it is basically a flying surface ship. At most, the appearance of some weapons and some special tools is not the same.

However, the shape of the six battleships before them has changed a lot. It's not that their shapes are different, but changes in design style.

In fact, the six battleships still have a narrow and long structure similar to that of modern battleships, which is a bit like a pen. However, although the overall shape is a long and narrow structure, the hull audit of these warships did not consider the issue of surface heading at all. They looked more like spaceships than surface ships.

The surfaces of these warships rarely have edges and corners. A large number of arc structures are used on both the tower and the weapon system, and there are a lot of exaggerated reliefs on the surface of the spacecraft. The whole ship looks like that Gorgeous ornaments showing off the royal majesty instead of a battleship, the dense golden lines and the dark red or blue lines all show luxury.

"Is this a battleship?"

"Well." Woma's voice suddenly appeared beside us, and she just transmitted with the battleship, but I don't know how she got to us, anyway, I didn't feel her approaching at all. Woma did not explain how he appeared, but introduced us to these six warships. "These are the super air battleships that we rushed out. Although the appearance looks very gorgeous, but what I want to tell you is that this is not for display."

"I look like it's for display." Hongyue said.

Woma said: "Do you think this thing is too gorgeous just because there are too many ornaments and reliefs on it? Modern industry pays attention to efficiency, so all the designs are simple and clear, the purpose is to facilitate large industrial mass production This reduces costs. But have you thought about it? This is actually a misunderstanding. "

"Misunderstanding?" Hongyue and I didn't understand what Woma meant.

Woma also knew that we would not understand for a while, so she did n’t sell anything, but she said directly: "The reason why I said this is not a misunderstanding is that there is something wrong with the simple design in reality. On the contrary, it is very correct. Yes, I said that this is a misunderstanding because we are not in reality now, this is a game, not reality. Although "Zero" uses a real physics engine, we can copy many real things directly here, but it In fact, it is still a game. It has some settings and rules that transcend reality. Because the games have these settings and rules, but we are completely designing the spacecraft according to the rules in reality, so we are setting ourselves up. There are so many constraints that it is impossible to get the maximum combat effectiveness. Although we have broken through the constraints of this idea in some designs before, we have never correctly realized this. Those occasional successes can only be said to be It just so happened. "

"What does this have to do with our spaceship?"

"Of course it does matter. Although the spacecraft we designed previously used magic power, many of the weapons were launched based on magic. But that was just an imitation. Our propellers only use flame magic array and magic crystals. The power of the stone output simulates the turbo thruster. Our cannon is just replaced by gunpowder powder. In the final analysis, we use the set of things in reality. But the basis of this game world is not those laws of physics. The foundation is magic. Do you understand magic? This is a form of energy that does not exist in reality. It is the foundation of this world, the foundation and ultimate direction of everything. "

Although Woma still did not explain why our warship had entered a misunderstanding before, her words began to make me understand a little about the possible direction of that misunderstanding.

Sure enough, Woma followed closely: "Our previous misunderstanding was that we deliberately avoided this energy structure. We never really thought about how to use magic, but we have been trying to use magic to simulate electricity, Simulate the combustion of fuel and simulate the basic energy in various realities. But we have forgotten that magic itself is an energy, and it has a huge application system in the game, but we actually ignored this system completely, but instead used Magic is forcing others to simulate something, and then using these principles to serve us, which is completely wrong. "

"I think I understand what you mean." Hongyue wasn't a fool. I heard it here a little bit. However, Hongyue is not a patient person. She directly interrupted Woma and asked, "These six obviously use magic as the basis, so can you tell us how these ships are different? ? "

Woma nodded and said, "These six spaceships have been modeled by us as junior aviation warships. This is not a weak first, but a first, first. The meaning of this name is to tell you that this is our real first. Once I started to understand the rules of the game, and then designed the spacecraft. The junior spacecraft will be the first generation of magic battleships in the true sense. "

"Where does this magic manifest itself? Has anything changed in terms of motivation?"

"The core of power has not changed. The solar stove we used before is actually the standard magic power. This is not the same as the real thing, so I said that we have occasionally had some really good designs before. The use of primary aviation warships It is the solar furnace as the power, but unlike the previous spacecraft, we do not use the solar furnace as an energy source, but let it directly become a propeller. Do you see the auras outside the spacecraft? "

What Wal-Mart is talking about is a circular halo that surrounds the spacecraft. These haloes are like rings ringing on the fingers. They are placed on the outside of the spacecraft, and not one, but six. Each of these six ships has six of these auras. On top of that golden halo, in addition to a large number of delicate lines, there is a circle of magic lines emitting red light, and these magic lines are slowly rotating around the spaceship around the halo.

"Of course we saw it. Don't tell us that's the sun furnace?"

"That's not a solar oven, but a sundial from a solar oven."

"That thing is a sundial?"

"It's not the kind of sundial you think. UU reading This is our name. It is actually an energy band. It is a band of high-energy particles composed of the super-high energy compression produced by the solar furnace. You see It seems that the thing is slowly rotating, but it is an illusion. In fact, there are countless particles of particle jets that rotate around the spacecraft at the speed of light. As for the light you see, the light jets are actually excited photons generated by the particle jets hitting gas atoms in the air . Of course, this is not a laser because it is not focused. "

"The thing is a bunch of particles moving at the speed of light?"

"Yes, and they are fully controlled during operation. When they are deployed, they can cover the entire ship and then form an energy shield. Enemies using energy weapons to attack this barrier are equivalent to charging us, while physical weapons It will be broken down into elementary particles by the impact of light speed particles, so it can play a good interception role. "

"Then how does this thing generate propulsion? Didn't you say that the thing is a propeller?" (The novel "From Zero" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100 lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign "Add friend" on the upper right, search for the public account "qdread" and follow, speed up!) R1152

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