Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 421: Hunter strikes

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According to the information returned by the vanguard team, the location of the Rainbow Alliance's senior personnel should actually be not too far from our elven city, or even very close. ▲ ∴ ▲ ∴, according to the coordinates, the closest point of the other party to our city may be less than 200 kilometers. Of course, in general, it is not the closest point that is so coincidental, and the 200 kilometers in the tropical rain forest is not equal to 200 kilometers on the highway, so this distance in the rain forest still needs a little endurance to complete. Especially this is an armed marathon in a monster pile.

"Chairman." When I arrived at the Elven City, there was already a squadron waiting for me.

Although I really want to take a look at this elven city that has not yet been completely completed, but now things can only be busy for the time being. Besides, it has not been completely completed here, so it is really not suitable for visiting for the time being. Of course, even if it is not completely completed, the city is extremely beautiful, at least the world tree under me is quite noble. You should know that the world tree is called a plant city. A tree is a city. The entire city is built on the world tree. In the heart of the tree are all channels and rooms. There are even many that can hold tens of thousands of people. Hall. You can never expect to see plants of this size in reality.

After coming out of the teleportation array on the world tree, we merged with the vanguard group, and then we did not go directly into the forest, but instead ran on a relatively large branch above the canopy. There are many branches on this branch that is wide enough to build seven or eight medium-sized airports side by side. Following one of these branches, we soon reached a relatively thin branch. Of course, this so-called thin is relative to the main branch just now. Actually, this branch is still enough to build a stadium for 10,000 people. Of course. No stadium is really built here, but it is not completely empty.

There are many protrusions on this branch, these protrusions are so-called wood knobs. Of course, this wood tumor is not caused by a trunk lesion, it is just a protrusion on the wood, just because it looks like a tumor. That's why they are called wood tumors. The number of wood knobs on this branch is very large, and all of them are located on the edge of both sides of the branch. Even the wood knobs are stacked with wood knobs to form a large dense structure. However, one common feature of these wood tumors is that they are hollow.

These wooden knobs are actually empty inside, and the internal structure is like a room. Generally according to the size of the wood tumor, it will be divided into two to eight rooms, and some also have halls. These wood tumors are as big as the sweat pores on people's bodies, but for us this is definitely much larger than most people's homes.

Of course, these wood knobs did not grow out and be displayed there. They are like rooms because they are indeed a kind of residence, but not just for people. Of course, this person is referring to all humanoids, including elves.

In fact, the rooms made of these wood knobs are all for the bird of paradise.

In the real world, there is a bird called a paradise bird. They are very beautiful. Most of their feathers are white and mixed with other light-colored colors. The whole gives a clean, noble and glamorous feel.

However, never compare the bliss bird in reality with the bliss bird in the game. Thought that the two were completely different.

The bird of paradise in the game is actually a kind of auxiliary creature of the elves. They are as beautiful as the bird of paradise in reality, and they are beautiful in shape. Although the flying speed is not very fast, the flexibility is quite amazing, even in the woods. Fly without bumping into messy branches and vines. but. Although it is as beautiful as the real bird of paradise, the bird of paradise in the game is a downright dangerous animal, because this thing is a kind of World of Warcraft, and it is a flying World of Warcraft. The combat effectiveness cannot be exaggerated. But it is definitely not something that ordinary people can provoke. The key is that people have air superiority and extreme revenge. Offending them must be prepared to be killed.

Of course, we didn't come here to find the trouble of the bird of paradise. In fact, these bird of paradise are all exclusive mounts attached to the city when the city was established. They can be used for combat riding in the city and can be used by players, but they can only be borrowed. There is time limit. Of course, if you don't bother, you can borrow again every time the time limit is reached. However, it should be noted that these bliss birds belong to our Frost Rose Alliance, which means that we do n’t have to borrow it, and whether or not they borrow it, these bliss birds are not magic pets, so there is no way to follow you. upgrade. They won't even help you fight unless they are threatened. Of course, it would not be the same if we were borrowed by the Frost Rose Alliance. After all, this paradise bird is also a kind of city guard.

Actually, the bird of paradise in this city is like the kind of war horse in ordinary cities. Many cities have warhorses for rent, and players can rent them for as long as they spend money, and some cities even sell low-end warhorses. This elven city is just a bit higher, and went directly to the flying mount. In fact, we have already discussed within the guild. This bird of paradise will be rented out in the future, and it can be regarded as a source of income. After all, there are very few magic pets among players, and it is even rarer to find flying magic pets. It's even harder to find someone who can fly.

In addition to the combat effectiveness of our Blissbird, the most important thing is that it can fly with people. Although it can only take two people at most ~ ~ and usually only one person, this is a flying mount after all.

In fact, we have other flying mounts in this city, but there are not so many, and because the city is not completed, other flying mounts are temporarily unavailable. Only the bird of paradise can be used now.

My spies and I borrowed six bliss birds here, of course, they were all for them. I rode the night shadow directly. As for flying birds ... forget it! Although the bird's evasion ability is also very good, it is too exaggerated to let the jet-propelled bird fly in the dense tropical rain forest. Although there is a high probability that it can fly through, we do not hurry and take the risk completely It doesn't make sense! Besides, although the speed of flying birds is fast, the concealment is very problematic. After all, it is jet-type, and noise can be heard over several kilometers.

With the flying mount, we quickly left the city and started to move towards the coordinate dimension. According to the plan, we need to move along that line segment and search from one end to the other, so that we can find the coordinates of the other party 100%.

"Ok, let's go." (Good activity for pie drop in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you to take! Follow ~ / Public account (wechat add friends-add public account-just enter dd), and join immediately! Everyone has Award, pay attention to dd WeChat public account now!) (To be continued ...) u

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