Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 423: gone? Just arrived?

In other words, the red thorn in this canyon is almost like a roller coaster. It runs fast and can ignore any bugs blocking the road. The most important thing is not to worry about the monsters hidden under the mud. Although I do n’t think it ’s a very powerful bug underneath, but I estimate that 80% will be something very disgusting, such as locusts, so it ’s better not to see it.

Because the red thorn was too smooth on the road, we sat on his back a bit lethargic, but it turned out that snoring in the monster area was definitely not a good idea.

Less than five minutes after everyone's vigilance fell, the red thorns that rushed across suddenly became a sudden brake and dived down. Because we were totally unprepared, almost all of us were thrown out. Fortunately, the red thorn responded quickly, and the big tail swept us all up and threw it to the top of the rift, while it waved two large pliers and hit the front block.

I wasn't really thrown up. I opened my wings in the air to complete the attitude adjustment and dived down. Then I found that the red thorns had collided with a big bug to cover us.

I was glad when I saw this bug, thanks to the fact that I didn't go down to the bottom of the rift valley before, because the bug in front of me apparently came from below, and it was probably the ones I found before that were drilling under the dirt One of the things to drill.

I don't know how to describe this thing in front of it, its shape is really amazing. The body of this thing is basically the shape of a worm, but it is not the type with an exoskeleton, but a fat and humorous shape similar to a caterpillar. Of course, this thing is not cute at all, but it is disgusting to death. The body of this thing has a brown background, dotted with white spots, and the center point of each white spot has a red mark. Except for a caterpillar-like body. This thing also has an ant-like head, with a pair of huge forceps in front of the head, and a similar forceps behind its body. If it weren't for the head, the average person probably didn't know which side of the thing was the head.

of course. If that's the case, the shape of this thing is not surprising. What's really strange is that there are still many things on the body of this gadget. I don't know if it should be called tentacles. The number of these meat tubes is very large, at least five or six hundred, and the diameter is close to half a meter, and they are almost densely covered on the back and sides of the body. The surface of these tentacles are all truncated, and the tip of the tentacle is an organ that can open like a petal. The tentacles will become a spike when this thing is collapsed, and if it is opened, it will have dense teeth inside. Seems to be able to bite each other.

The thing's own legs are very short, so it is basically suspended now, relying on those tentacles on the cliffs on both sides to lift the subject into midair to block our way.

The Red Thorn had braked suddenly because of seeing this thing, but later found that it threw us out, so we quickly changed our actions to stop us with the tail and threw it out of the Rift, and directly hit the monster.

At first glance, the black mud of this thing is just drilled out from below. The black mud at the bottom of the canyon has not completely returned yet, and a big vacancy can be seen. When I dived down, the red thorn and this monster had already collided with each other, and the red thorn mouthpiece and this guy's jaws were trying to attack each other. But none succeeded. However, although the mouth was held up, the red thorn was shaped by a scorpion. The two large pliers were quite powerful, and cut off several tentacles directly. However, the tentacles of the bug were all wrapped around the red thorn and tried to penetrate the red thorn's carapace, but it seemed that the attack power was not enough, and it could not enter at all.

The red thorn was of course not willing to be stung, so he stung back with the poisonous needle on his tail. The first one hit a tentacle directly, and then that tentacle started to turn black and rot instantly, but the monster actually had the same ability as a gecko and directly broke the tentacle, so the toxin did not spread to the whole body. But the red stinger's poison needle is not the bee's poison needle, as long as the toxin in the poison sac has not used up, he can continue to sting. Unfortunately, the monster already knew that the hook on the tail was highly toxic. Therefore, the tentacles are constantly blocked, resulting in the red thorn has been unable to succeed.

I fell from the sky just as the two sides wrestled together. Brush eternally in your hand twice to cut off several tentacles, and then successfully penetrate into the body of the monster at the bottom of the tentacles. I was going to give the monster a bit of brutality from here, but I didn't expect that the monster felt a lot of green smoke from those red dots on the surface of the body after it felt that I had touched his body. The armor on my body immediately began to emit white smoke, and at the same time, the durability of the dragon soul suit began to drop rapidly.

Burning durable toxins directly, this is the first time I've seen them. Fortunately, my Dragon Soul suit is extremely durable, and it won't be too short. But just like that, a large group of tentacles on the monster's kung fu rolled over. Seeing the tentacles coming from all directions, I immediately disappeared with a ring finger, and replaced me with frost and snow in white.

As soon as the frost and snow appeared on the monster's body, a big move was thrown out. A white shock wave spread instantly around her, and everything that came into contact with the Baise shock wave was instantly frozen. The monster's tentacles were instantly frozen into white popsicles, and they were no longer able to enter at a distance of only a few meters from Frost and Snow.

"Broken." Frost Xue's staff closed, his fingers fisted fiercely, those frozen tentacles immediately burst into countless pieces of crushed ice and scattered.

Suddenly, a large tentacle was missing, and the monster immediately turned back and attacked with the tentacles in other places, but Frost and Snow suddenly disappeared in place, and the next night, the night shadow appeared a dozen meters away, and then began to work together. The Tao emits frozen rays outward, and all the tentacles that are hit will freeze the entire root instantly, and a slight touch will break into a **** of ground.

While Frost and Snow were taken away by the night shadow, I had already appeared on the monster's head, eternally turned into the form of a hook sickle, and then slammed into the back of the monster. There was almost no resistance. The eternal hook sickle easily penetrated this guy's head shell with unparalleled sharpness, then penetrated into the other party's underdeveloped nervous system, and immediately followed the sky suddenly began to cloud. In less than two seconds, a barrel of lightning struck the handle of the eternal hook sickle, and a strong current poured into the monster's body along the gun body. The guy was suddenly stunned, and then fell down in the smoke. The red thorn sighted the opportunity to clamp the sides of this thing with big pliers, and then suddenly pressed hard, with a click, the monster's head burst into a rotten watermelon.

The nervous systems of lower animals are very low-level. After the head is gone, this thing seems to suddenly start to cramp and rolls wildly. The tentacles on the body are also unconsciously disturbed. The rubble on the surrounding cliffs is flying. Quickly pull the distance ahead. It is estimated to be very embarrassing now.

"Chairman, what is that?" The sharp soldiers had adjusted their postures when they fell on the top of the cliff. They didn't return to the battle just because they felt it was unnecessary. Seeing me kill the monster, I asked for information about the monster.

I read the battle report and replied, "It seems to be called Mud Bull."

"Bullheads? Aren't they tentacles? Are those heads?"

"It seems so." I shrugged and said it wasn't clear.

Although the new monster has the value of checking, but because this thing is too disgusting, and we do n’t know if there is still a lot of this kind of thing below, so we all take the initiative to ignore this thing, everyone simply adjust After a while, I started to move forward.

Because of the previous situation, no one dared to take care of it this time, everyone was carefully watching the surrounding situation, but soon we found that the canyon turned.

This valley, which had been very straight before, suddenly turned into a turn of several dozen degrees. Then turned out of our search range, but we had no choice but to climb out and re-enter the jungle adventure mode, but this mode did not last long. Because we found the target less than five minutes after we came out.

Of course, we wouldn't be so lucky to find the people in the Rainbow League directly. In fact we found a ruin. This ancient city hidden in the dense forest is almost completely covered by green plants. If it was not for accidentally found that when we cut the vines, we accidentally cut down a stone pillar instead of a big tree. We would hardly have found it here. There is a city. Of course, since it is called a ruin, it is an abandoned city.

"There are cities in this kind of place?" Exclaimed one of the squadron players.

The team member immediately said: "You are not the wasteland team's unclear. This kind of place has the most copies. It is normal to encounter this kind of relic. This relic is exactly on the latitude line we found. There must be a teleportation array on the other side. This is likely to be the location of the other teleporter. "

I also agree with this player. Looking at the surrounding situation and reaching forward, Bai Lang and dart appeared beside me. I reached out and waved forward, and the two pets immediately turned and ran into the city. After thinking for a while, I summoned the sickle and the rose vine. With his eight long legs, the sickle leaped through the city covered with moss and vines. A few ups and downs disappeared. The speed of the rose vine was slow, but he was not used to explore the way. In fact, Rose Vine's mission is to protect us. Of course, it is not about protection in combat, but protection in disguise.

The ruins of this city have long been abandoned and I do n’t know how long. With the growth rate of plants in tropical rain forests, almost no original stone can be seen in the city. Looking everywhere, it is green, and it is most common except moss. It is the vines.

A classic analogy says, "How can I hide a tree." The answer is "Hide it in a forest." Rose vine's role is here. In a relic full of plants, as long as we stop moving and let the rose vines cover us, no one will doubt this. Unless it is found that magic waves or odor information are found, it is impossible for ordinary people to Find us under the rose vines in cities covered with vines everywhere.

After we entered the city, the vanguard group didn't follow me, but quickly dispersed to find the speed limit, but in the end, the darts were fast. We just found a few darts after we walked. The entrance to the underground passage, and then we all came back together.

Bai Lang sniffed with his nose, and then determined that the Rainbow Alliance had just passed by this place. The reason they can be identified as the Rainbow League is because Bai Lang remembers the smell of Yusina. In fact, those people I am more familiar with, whether enemies or myself, let Bai Lang remember their scent, so that it can come in handy in this case.

Although the whereabouts of the Rainbow Alliance have been found, we are not sure whether the other party has entered the underground from here or out of the underground, because the scent information is too strong, there is no way to determine whether the other party is coming or going.

After a little hesitation, I decided to take a look and found a secret room with a teleportation array within a few steps.

A player in a squadron went up and touched the magic stone on the teleportation array, and then said, "The magical activity is very high, and it should be used just now."

"How long did you just say?"

"No more than three minutes."

"Three minutes?" I thought about Dart and Bailang after thinking for a while. "You chase the scent in the opposite direction, see what the other end of the scent is, and come back and tell me what you find."

Dart and Bailang quickly turned and ran out. Although Bailang was not as fast as darts, it was a beast-shaped creature after all, and the speed was not slow. It disappeared in the blink of an eye ~ ~ The reason why they let them explore Because I think that this teleportation team here should be where the other party leaves, because according to the report of the Pioneer Group, the other party should have been here for a while, definitely not as short as three minutes. Well, it must be that the teleportation three minutes ago was not the one where the Rainbow Alliance people came here.

According to the analysis of this situation, one possibility is that the other party has finished the work, and the transmission three minutes ago is the other party's return to the United States. The second possibility is that when the other party comes, another teleportation array is used. This teleportation array leads to the mission site. This is just a transfer station. The third possibility is that some people evacuated for some reason. This is the returning teleportation array.

The three possibilities represent different situations, so I need to know what is happening on the other end of the scent, and we ourselves were too slow, or darts and white waves were faster.

I was not idle when Bailang and darts went exploring, because I was constantly studying this teleportation array. Although I'm not doing maps, I know a bit about theory. After a rough inspection, I found a very important piece of information.

"It seems that reinforcements are needed!" I said helplessly after my research. (To be continued)

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