Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 425: Magic point

"Some of you guys have space magic?"

"Boss, what are you doing?"

"If we use this thing in the past, the biggest possibility is to run into the opponent's guard, and then be attacked before responding. Although I don't worry that we will be fired, but this will definitely reveal our whereabouts. I People who don't want the Rainbow Alliance to know we are here, so we need a little trick. "

Pioneer said: "I do have some space magic, but I haven't upgraded much. Is it useful?"

I nodded. "You don't need to do anything, as long as you can start the teleportation array."

"Oh, this is fine."

The teleportation array requires a player who understands space magic to start. This is different from the teleportation scroll. Compared with the fool-operated reels, the teleportation array also has more complicated operation methods under the premise of having a lot of advantages. Both are like The difference between a fully automatic camera and a full manual camera is that the former is convenient and the latter is professional.

The teleportation team in front of us didn't know if anyone was guarding it, but we couldn't bet, so I thought of a way to get people in the vanguard group to help me operate the teleportation team, and I myself borrowed the magic pets' The force forcibly distorts the space and causes the teleportation array to deviate from the coordinates. This job requires super strong magic control and super high output ability. Most people are definitely not sure, but this average person does not include me.

After confirming the plan, let everyone focus on the magic circle. After the whole team was in place, the captain of the squadron started to start the teleportation array, but in case we changed it to a similar size and similar shape of the magic crystal to replace the original In the piece, this is mainly to worry about the problem of returning. Of course, it is more important to prevent people in the Rainbow Alliance from seeing from the magic crystal that someone has started this teleportation array after them.

Although my plan allows us to deviate from coordinates without appearing on the opposite teleportation array. But one thing is unavoidable, that is, after the start of the transfer array, the opposite transfer array must start with it. There is definitely no way to control this, but as long as we do not appear on the opposite transfer array, it is not a big deal, anyway. I don't know the working principle of the teleportation array, as long as there are no people with strong magic induction on the opposite side to guard the teleportation array. I have confidence in this. After all, the magic is strong and the mage is obviously not suitable for guarding, especially the squatting teleportation. Assassins and fighters with better assault capabilities are the best arrangements, so unless all of them are opposite the Rainbow Alliance, Otherwise, there should be no mage guarding the teleportation array, which means that as long as we can not appear on the teleportation array, it does not matter.

"Okay, get ready, listen to my orders. I will start transmitting when I count."

"Understood," the captain of the squadron responded.

"Well, prepare, three, two, one."

As soon as I counted one, the teleportation array flashed and we disappeared over that teleportation array. To be honest, I started to regret it when the teleportation started. I regret not having to call another teleportation expert from the guild, because this is not an ordinary teleportation array at all.

At present, there are basically only special classifications of teleportation arrays in the game. Transnational teleportation arrays can be counted as one. But whether it is a transnational transmission array or an ordinary domestic transmission array, the transmission feeling of the two is similar. Just feel that the surrounding area suddenly becomes dark, and then this darkness will last for different time depending on the transmission distance, but the longest will not exceed 5 seconds. After that, the surroundings will return to light, and at this point you are already on the target teleportation array. Although the transmission distance and energy consumption of different transmission arrays are different, the transmission feeling is basically the same. In addition, the teleport and teleport arrays are slightly different. It ’s not completely dark when you pass through the portal, but you will enter a tunnel surrounded by streamers, and you will be across from it. The length of the tunnel is also related to the distance between the two portals. Tunnels usually cross in just one step. Basically very few people need two steps to walk past.

However, the transmission array we just used is different from any transmission system we have used before. There is no energy gathering time after the start of this thing. The regular teleportation array has a delay of a few seconds from the start of transmission to the real delivery of people. This is much faster than the scroll, but it is not instant. However, the teleportation array we are using started instantly. I just started the teleportation array as soon as I counted it. There was no response time at all. This is definitely not a feature of a normal teleportation array.

In addition to the super fast startup speed, the bigger problem with this teleportation array is that it was not completely dark during the teleportation process.

After the teleportation array was started, we found that we seemed to run into a glass ball. The range of this glass ball is the range of the teleportation array. We can move around within this range, and we can see that the scenery outside is changing rapidly. , As if we were in a high-speed moving aircraft. This is completely different from the regular teleportation array. When the regular teleportation array transmits, it will not let you see the scenery along the way, because the transmission essentially ignores the intermediate distance, so there is no problem of seeing the scene, but this teleportation array But it seems that it is doing physical movement, and it actually allows us to see the outside environment receding rapidly. The only thing that is different from our own movement is that the external environment we see now presents a pale blue, a bit close to black and white film, but it is indeed possible to see things outside.

This weird teleportation made me hesitate for a few tenths of a second. Fortunately, I responded quickly and quickly activated the interference ability to control the transmission point. Otherwise, if we have been in a daze, we will definitely fall directly on the opposite teleportation array.

Facts have proved that this teleportation array and the general teleportation array do have some differences. Not only can we see the scenery outside, but the transmission time seems to be incorrect. The distance of the normal teleportation will not be longer than five seconds of black screen time, and this time we have maintained the transmission for 15 seconds under the blue glass ball-like transmission state, and before that we were actually I was surprised to see the original receiving transmission array, but because the energy I forcibly input caused the space-time bubble around us to burst later than expected, the result was like a car passing a station, and we just slid past that transmission Before being thrown out of that magical teleportation state.

At a height of about seven or eight kilometers from the target teleportation array, at a height of about two meters above the ground, a white light suddenly flashed, and then a person rolled out of the flash. The man flipped a few big heels directly on the ground and snapped a small tree with a click before he was blocked by the bushes behind him. It did n’t wait for him to feel the pain. There was a flash of light less than a meter away. Two people who flew together flew out like a ball. After rolling all the way out of the ground, they suddenly separated and turned over on the ground. After landing, he landed smoothly.

The three people just stopped, and there were two consecutive flashes more than ten meters behind them. One person rolled over on the ground and slid out of the distance, and then hit a large tree to stabilize his body. One person pulls out a sword as soon as it comes out, and suddenly inserts it into the ground, and then he just plows a large trench with a sword on the ground to lengthen five or six meters to completely stabilize himself.

As soon as the five men stabilized, they quickly found each other, and then began to gather together, but before they could communicate, they saw a dark shadow falling from their heads, and the five men quickly spread out and made defensive actions. It turned out that it was me and the other team members, so I gathered my weapons and went back.

I looked at the few people around me and asked, "Isn't it hurt?"

"Smoke it, said.

I looked around and said, "Strange, why doesn't this place look like a rainforest?"

The captain of the Pioneer Group also frowned, "It's really not, this is obviously not a tropical plant, but it reminds me of the forest in my hometown."

"Boss, when you say that, I feel how this place looks familiar?" Said a sharp man.

"Familiar?" I looked left and right in amazement, and then found the problem, it seems that this place is really familiar. Not that I've been here, but that the structure of this forest environment looks familiar.

"It's useless to guess, just look at the coordinates." A member next to him said as he started to look up the coordinates. As a result, he was dumbfounded when he saw the coordinates.

We all asked with curiosity to see how he fixed his mouth with his mouth open: "What's wrong? Where are we?"

The stupid player heard my inquiry and slowly looked up at us with his mouth open and paused for a few seconds before he said, "Boss ... we seem to be home!"

"Are you home?" I patted him in doubt ~ ~ Open the data to us to see. "

The other party immediately set up display sharing, and then we were all dumbfounded.

"Your sister! How come back home?" The players in the squadron cried together.

Before, I used many methods to deny the possibility that the transmission array is a transnational transmission array, but now the reality has given me a big mouth. Your sister sent us directly from the tropical rain forests of South America back to China. Why is it sincere to hit my face? The teleportation array can use such a large white magic spar to complete the cross-border teleportation of this distance. So what is the transnational transmission array of our guild? Burn money?

"Boss, boss, don't think about that teleportation array, we seem to have been teleported to an incredible place!"

"Wonderful place?" I looked at the player in surprise, and then turned his head and looked dumbfounded. "Your grandpa, why are you here?" (To be continued ...) u

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