Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 14: 800 meters vertical

"What? There's a dungeon here?" Eagle asked in surprise.

"Sorry, I forgot!"

Zhen Zhenhong also cried, "Yeah! When we first infiltrated it, we were going to go underground, but we encountered the walls of the underground city, and I forgot about it!"

As she said so, Kristina and Ziyue also remembered. Everyone was together at the time, but we all forgot!

"What now?" Asked Cauldron Fan.

"What else can I do? Find the entrance!" Bai Xue, standing beside the cauldron, knocked his head.

After everyone looked down at the ground, Awei said to himself, "This is full of ice. How can I find it?"

The underground city in this city is obviously not the kind of bright underground city of Isinger. The underground city of Isinger has a very huge entrance, just like a subway station, but the underground city of this city is actually built according to the bomb shelter. Hidden, even if it is usually difficult to find the entrance, what should I do if it is completely frozen now?

Su Sumei suddenly said, "Well, how about listening to the echo? Anyway, you don't have to find the entrance. Just determine where it is thin, and then pierce the hole."

"But how do you knock on ice over a meter thick?"

"Find someone with more strength to knock on it."

Wu Ziyue immediately said, "My Titan must be OK."

"But two are not enough!"

"Sound-pressure bomb with spear may be able to penetrate the ice." Xiao Yao proposed.

"No." Rose objected: "The sound-pressure bomb of the spear is too small to have that penetration. But the sound-pressure bomb launched by Asuka's birds may be fine."

"That's only three! When will such a big city be found?"

"Yes. Go and find Hammer Sister." Su Mei cried suddenly.

"Sister Hammer?" We all listened confused.

Su Sumei quickly explained: "It was the sister who had the best record at the time of the Japanese ninja invasion. You also rewarded her with an angel crystal."

Everyone together: "Oh!" This mm image is too easy to remember.

"This is not enough!" Eagle said: "Why do we find all the people with strong hit ability in the guild?"

行 "OK, let's do that!"

This **** ice is not only slippery, but also so hard, we can't even penetrate it. All the more aggressive people in the guild were gathered together to start looking for the weak mouth of the dungeon. If it weren't for the ice, I could easily find the entrance with the trailblazers and rose vines. Now they can't even move, they can't help at all!

The one who got the hammer last time was quickly found to help find weak points. Her sledgehammer was really easy to use. A sharp hammer immediately made an earthquake-like sound. Bailang's ears are good, and you can hear the thickness of the formation according to the echo. But the first time I went down, I detected a 750-meter-deep stratum. I don't know why it was so deep. It should be said that the lower city should not dig so deep!

The digging effect of other guilds is similar. Basically, the detected depth is more than 700 meters, and the depth of some areas can be more than 800 meters. Is there a special use for the underground city in this city?

I turned my eternity into a sledgehammer and waved the hammer to jump up and smash to the ground. With a bang, the ice layer shattered with the ground. Frozen ground is as hard as steel, but it is also easily broken.

After more than three hours of beating, everyone still can't find the entrance, but we have detected the entrance and location of the dungeon. This **** underground city is huge and buried deeper than 700 meters. But now there is a problem. The city entrances are indeed found, and there are several, but these entrances have doors on both sides. These entrances were filled with water just after the flood, and the tunnels closed by the gates on both sides were completely sealed off by the water. As soon as the temperature dropped, the water became ice. In other words, the tunnel entrance was completely sealed by ice.

Rose called us together: "Our time is running out and the enemy is still resurrecting. We must move faster. On the one hand, we must block the counterattack of Elysium over there. Dangerous. I think we need to do something else. "

"What should I do? Can you give up?" Ziyue asked.

Rose shook her head: "It's not my habit to give up. I mean another way. Chris Dina, haven't you brought Essinger's large drilling rig? How about using that thing?"

Chris Dina thought for a moment: "The giant drilling machine is prepared for iron ore mining. The drill bit can deal with ice and rocks, but isn't that guy?"

"We have the Air Force, are you afraid you can't carry it?"

"Then try it."

In an hour, parts of five giant drilling rigs were shipped to Liberty City. The recently unloaded parts were allocated and placed in five thin places. With the help of my dragon and the giant pets of others in the guild, the huge parts were assembled.

黑 After the drilling machine was installed, the black bear made several turns around the thing. "This ... is this really a rig?"

"of course."

"It's so great, such a perfect device is really shocking!" He looked at his shovel and said, "It's still modern equipment!"

The base of the giant drilling rig is a regular hexagon metal ring with a length of 7 meters. We specially made it very heavy. The purpose is to ensure that the body does not rotate with the drill bit when the rig is working. This base is fixed to the ground with 6 steel pillars with a diameter of half a meter to further ensure stability. It took a lot of effort to keep the base level on the ground. If this thing is not level, it is easy to break the drill pipe.

Above the base, a giant host with a diameter of 7 meters and a height of 12 meters stands on the base. The dark color and mechanical structure give a sense of strength. Below the rig is a giant drill bit with a diameter of more than two meters, a three-directional three-head canine drill bit, equipped with a magically reinforced diamond blade, absolutely cutting iron like mud. Behind the drill is a drill with a diameter of 1.5 meters. This thing is a hollow steel pipe with a wall thickness of 35 cm.

The fully assembled machine is like a magic tower, and there is a giant creature next to each rig to help change the drill rod. The rig we are in is operated by Kristina. Plague and Lucky are responsible for changing the drill pipe. After confirming that everything is ready, I nodded to indicate that the energy can be connected. Cristina shoved a watermelon-sized magic crystal into the power extractor in the machine.

The black bear was shocked when he saw it: "How much does such a big magic spar cost?"

"I haven't figured it out, it's probably not cheap, but don't worry, it can take a long time so fast. The average cost is not very high."

The black bear said depressed, "I'm still a poor man like an honest and practical shovel!"

哈 "Haha, one price and one product." I said to Kristina as I gestured.

Kristina pressed a few times on the console, then put his hand on the start and hurriedly pulled down. "Uhhhhhhh!" Everyone who seemed to be forced by the harsh sound of metal scraping the glass had to quickly cover his ears. The person who heard the sound was uncomfortable and felt like vomiting.

The giant drill began to spin slowly, and Kristina pulled another operating lever. The drill speed began to accelerate obviously, and the noise became louder and louder, but the harsh sound was gone, and now only the majestic mechanical sound was left. .

The high-speed rotating drill bit made a sharp whistle like a whistle in the air, apparently reaching the speed. Cristina pulled down the joystick again, and a boom rang above the machine, and the drill began to move slowly downwards. Suddenly a sharp impact sounded and we felt a tremor on the soles of the feet. The gap between the base of the rig and the machine above was short-sighted. The drill bit turned the ice into dross, and it turned into water as soon as it hit the hot machine. But the air was still very cold, and the splashed water immediately turned into ice again. We stood around and scrambled, but Kristina, who was standing on the platform, had nothing to do.

Squinting as the snow and ice suddenly disappeared, he began to fly mud, and then returned to normal. The ground was still shaking, but the harsh sound was no longer audible, and only the roar of the rig remained on the ground. Cristina jumped out and shouted, "Okay, now, as long as you constantly change the drill to catch up, the machine will automatically drill down. The ice on the surface is harder, and it gets faster when it gets into the soil below. I guess it should be almost pierced in thirty minutes. "

I also shouted and answered her: "As soon as possible."

Everyone is now waiting beside the rig. The black bear said that he wanted to see this big guy's console, so I took him to the console. The speed of the rig is really horrible, and the depth of the reader on the mud splash is rapidly turning. And because the dirt below is not frozen, the speed of the rig is getting faster and faster.

The actual speed of the honing rig was faster than expected. After 22 minutes, the rig boomed and then heard a harsh metal friction. The black bear was startled and thought he had run into something, and quickly asked nervously, "Isn't I broken something? I can't afford this big guy!"

Kris Christina said: "It's okay, the rig penetrated the formation, and the drill bit entered the lower city." As she pushed the levers up one by one, the rig stopped immediately. She pulled down another switch and the rig resumed work immediately, but this time it was reversed. The drill rods on the top came out one after another.

At the same time, four other rigs penetrated the formation one after the other and all began to withdraw.

At this time, all the people in the dungeon were panicked. Most of them were just resurrected players. The city ’s guild resurrection hall was in the dungeon, and there was only the ordinary resurrection hall. Everyone thought it was safe to hide here, but did not expect that the ground suddenly began to shake violently half an hour ago, and it became more and more severe. Just a moment ago, the ceiling of the dungeon suddenly dropped a large rock, and then something terrifyingly shaped reached into the city. This thing went straight down after entering the city, and soon it hit the roof of a building and easily turned the house into a pile of debris. This weird thing continued to go down. When it touched the ground of the dungeon again, it immediately went deep into the ground and started to go down, but the thing stopped only half a meter deep. After waiting for a few seconds, this thing started to reverse, and then slowly rose up and disappeared in that big hole.

上 On the ground, the rig pulled the drill out of the ground for 5 minutes, and then the dragons worked together to move the rig away. There was only a large hole on the ground with a diameter of 2 meters leading to the underground city.

"The offense begins." I ordered on the guild channel. "Everyone waits for my Yalong Cavalry and Ringtone Knight to enter the aisle first to avoid unnecessary injuries."

5 holes, at least 4 ringing knights standing on each side, they will enter the passage in the first batch, only they are safe to go down. At this opening on our side, Skott jumped first, then four other bell knights, and after they all went down, my Yalong cavalry began to jump down. The two-meter-diameter hole is large enough for a small dragon hunter to pass, but the Yalong cavalry must come down first. After they all went down, I followed the jump, and the cavern below was put on a big trampoline by the bell knight who came down first. We fell on the trampoline and landed safely with a jump.

My first reaction after being stunned was shock. The size of this dungeon is much larger than that of the city above, at least 10 times the size of the city above. And this place is not so much a city as a mining area. In the huge semi-artificial caves, there are more than ten giant ore pits. The places between these pits are all buildings, but basically they are workshops. It turns out that this dungeon is the place where minerals are collected. Generally, underground cities only need to be seven or eight meters deep to ensure that the ground above will not fall down. The reason for digging so deep here is to mine. It seems that the city above is just a cover, it was built purely to hide this mining area.

Chris Dinah just came down from the side, she was as dumb as I was, and I hurried her over to prevent others from entering. Cristina said in surprise: "Look at that pit."

I recognized the thing immediately after looking at it. "Magic spar?"

Rose just happened to come down. "What magic crystal do you say?"

I pointed over there, she immediately opened her mouth in surprise. "No wonder this guild is so rich that the city turned out to be on the magic crystal mine!"

Kris Christina said: "Not ordinary magic crystal mines, look at those red."

"Oh my God! The red streaks of spar!" We cried almost at the same time. The little red glittering stars in the magic crystal pit are the red veined magic crystal, and there are quite a lot of them. The content of red ruby ​​spar in magic crystal ore is generally not more than 1%, which is obviously more than that. It is estimated that it has 5%.

"Chairman." A mm voice in the guild channel.

"whats the matter?"

我们 "We are from Well No. 3, and the opening on this side just opened above a pit."

"If it's not easy to enter, you can enter another hole to enter."

What I understand is that the gap between the cave entrance and the ground is too big to get off, but the mm said: "It's not a cave entrance problem. It's this pit. It's all Moyu, it's all over the ground. We fell into Moyu . "

万 "Long live." The guild channel suddenly messed up. Everyone finally knows that our guild has found what we need most, which is really an unexpected gain.


I hurriedly kept them quiet, but unfortunately the results were not good, everyone's voice was too loud, so I had to send them in text messages to keep them quiet. "Clean up the enemy and celebrate again."

"Yes!" After knowing that there are good things, everyone ’s enthusiasm has increased significantly. In addition, most of the players here have hung up once, and those who are fierce after 200 levels are not used. Our troops drove all the enemies into a mine like a mop, surrounded by our players outside.

Several non-combat players brought by Kristina have begun to check the quality of the mining area, and I went to the Palace of Government with a few destructive forces. As long as this was demolished, the city war was over.

The enemies encircled in the mine pit were slaughtered. The steel claws of the players were massacred inside, and the players themselves were surrounded by the pit. Whoever dared to climb up was immediately killed. Fortunately, I and I have also found the Palace of Government. Destruction is of course a minor problem. After the two dragons, the magnificent building became a pile of smoking ruins.

The Palace of Defense Conference ended as soon as the city was defeated. At this time, all non-guild players were forced to teleport out. Everyone was cheering, but I said on the guild channel: "Girls, please be quiet, the city battle is not over yet. There is a paradise city over there. I applied for a bundling city battle. Both cities must be eliminated. Can end. "

Rose also immediately said, "Don't be in a hurry, use a spear to leave here immediately and knock down Elysium. The people of the Hippie Alliance have been killed almost. There are not many people in the city over there. You can come back after clearing the field Now. "

"lets go."

Everyone immediately summoned their spears to leave here. The spear has a wingspan of three meters and five meters, but when you use extreme sprints, you can bend the wings into a circle, and the diameter is less than 2 meters. Rows of birds on the ground were flying outward one after another, as if the bats were out of the hole at night.

Because there are few enemies over there, I did not directly participate in the battle of Elysium City. It was enough to let the eagle commander. By the way, a bell knight was sent to assist the battle. When the fighters were almost out, I started organizing the rest to quickly restore the city. The first is to have Kristina put back the artillery parts, so that when the enemy comes, we will have defensive weapons. On the other hand, I started to command a few mm who were responsible for the formation of the transnational array.

不同于 The NPc guards of the guild are different from other cities. They can move freely between the cities of the guild. In other words, as long as they don't leave the city, it doesn't matter which city they are in. As long as the cross-country teleportation formation is established, Isinger's guards can reinforce this side at any time, and then there will be no fear.

The transnational transmission array is relatively large, and it is quite troublesome to erect, and we must first clear a clearing. Putting the multinational transport array in the underground city can directly transport the mines here. How convenient!

Here my dragons are helping to place the magic column on the edge of the teleportation array. On the other side, several players are hand-carving ink jade to install in the teleportation array. The large machinery is in the valley guarded by Hongyan. Now I have to process it by hand. Already. At first I didn't expect to find Mo Yu directly after occupying the city. Otherwise, I wouldn't have to transport so many cannons with Hong Yan. Now I have to ship them back again.

The battle on the other side of the city ended surprisingly fast, and the opponent seemed to realize that the overall situation was set and took the initiative to give up the city's defense. The transnational transport front on our side has not yet completed, and the city war on that side is over. A system announcement suddenly sounded: "The city war system is over. Congratulations to the Frost Rose Alliance for winning. Because of the deadly battle mode, all the failed players' explosive items are now handled by the Frost Rose Alliance." Like a hill. I rely on this rotten system, which is too irresponsible, just leave me alone in front of me?

"The Hippie League lost two cities in defeat and the guild players collectively downgraded 4. Because there are no cities in the Hippie League now forcibly downgrading the Hippie League, this bank has become a homeless guild, canceling all city bonus attributes. "

The hippies league is so bad, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to turn around in the future. The guild was downgraded, and the main personnel also dropped by 200, some even dropped by 400. The entire guild basically lost its combat effectiveness.

The system announcement is still going on: "The following is an announcement for the Frost Rose Alliance. First, please ask President Ziri to name the new city."

This announcement has been heard by the Bank. Someone immediately started discussions on the Guild Channel. I waited for them to discuss for a while and finally came to fruition. This free city with a dungeon was renamed the starting city, and it will later become the starting point of our guild's Americas strategy. According to everyone's opinions, the Bliss City over there does not build a city alone, but merges it into the starting city to expand the area of ​​the city.

According to everyone's consciousness, the cities of our guilds are huge. If the starting city is too small and not used to it, then it will be combined with the nearby Bliss City into a city. Anyway, there are mountains blocking on both sides, and the two sides are connected by a city wall, which is exactly a city.

After receiving my name, the system continued: "The starting point confirmed that Bliss City was canceled, and its area was automatically included in the starting point. As the first foreign guild to establish a city in the United States, a special biological beetle mother Ten insects. This concludes the announcement. "

Triton beetle female? Isn't that the thing behind my neck? Just after thinking about it, ten small red crystal-like bugs fell into my hands. I rely on it. A glance at the attributes revealed that this was not the same as this one on me. I only need to merge with the human body to survive, but this is not needed. The thing that this guy needs to merge is actually a city. You can get a lot of small worms by raising the female worms in the city government hall. Their functions are the same as those of my crystal beetle. They can eat ore to produce higher-grade materials. Haha, don't worry about the production of Mogang now. At the back of the attribute, it was even written that this thing had a certain attack power, but it was not written at all how high the attack power was, not even the biological level. Probably there are no grades for city-use items. Didn't the original city tree also have no grade display?

Pupae now have 10 females, which means they can be used in 10 cities. Super bases like Isinger, Steel City, and Tianyu City definitely need to be placed, but other cities need to consider it. There is also a starting city here, because this thing is good for mining ~ ~ Anyway, the properties of the larvae from the female worms depends on the area of ​​the city. It is estimated that we can get a lot of larvae , Isinger, Tianyu City and Steel City are all super cities.

I am studying these little bugs and suddenly I see a prompt bar. Then the system announcement sounded. "The Frost Rose Alliance currently has a total city area that has reached the system requirements. The Guild Mascot automatically enters the incubation period. Please take care of the birth of the Mascot."

Mascot? Where is our mascot? Wait, is that the colored egg? Hurry up and take a look. Strange, nothing has changed? Just when I wanted to put the eggs back, the colored eggs suddenly shook a bit. I rely on him to really want him to hatch.

"President, the transnational transport array is complete." A mm next to him ran to remind me.

"I see." I quickly hugged the egg in my arms. "You tell everyone to watch the live broadcast of the guild channel. The system has just notified us that the mascot of the guild is about to hatch."

"Ah?" The stunned for a moment and immediately reacted. "Ok."

I just happened to finish the teleportation team. I brought the guild leaders together and returned to Isinger using the multinational teleportation team. All the online players in the guild are waiting for the birth of the guild mascot. Everyone wants to see what exactly the 1000 totem beast eggs can hatch.

几个 A few of our leaders are waiting for this exciting moment in Isinger ’s Palace of Government. A precious green egg is placed on a table covered with green flannel, and all of us are surrounded by excited players in our guild. Eggs dangling on the table are obviously coming out, everyone really wants to help him open the eggshell!

There was a crack in the eggshell, and the hearts of all of us followed.

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