Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 40: Pass away

"Which temple do you say you came from?" The new angel spoke with a rather sharp tone.

Su Mei took the conversation and said, "If you don't want us to go in, just talk, but if another jihad is triggered for this, you said that Miguel would pull out the feathers on your wings one by one. Feather bitch? "

"Do you want to make trouble?" The angel spoke harshly in his mouth, but his voice seemed to have no confidence and was panicking.

"If you don't want us to go in, then we will go back." I made a move to turn around, but turned back halfway and said, "Oh right. Do n’t forget to tell Michal, get ready for the second jihad, but do n’t Drop us another city. "

"Rosanna, let them in." An angel with a higher status yelled at the angel at the door of the temple and turned in.

不好 This angel is not stopping us, turning around and walking to the temple without saying a word. We know that she is very dissatisfied now, and we don't want to care about her, and we really need to see Michal, and we can't hold our breath with her subordinate angel.

After entering the temple, we were taken to the reception room by another angel, and in the room, Michal came in.

The first time I saw Miguel surprised me, I thought it was Xiaochun who came in. Miguel was very similar to Xiaochun, but there were some differences in appearance and age. Xiaochun looks like a seventeen or eighty-year-old girl, while Michal looks like a twenty-seven or eighty-year-old girl, but their looks are so much alike.

"You three are envoys to the Temple of Chaos and Order?"

先 I introduce myself first: "I am Ziri, the president of Frost Rose Alliance."

珈 Migal's eyes changed three times in an instant, but his expression did not change much. At first glance, he was hidden from the body. "Is there anything to talk about between us?" She looked at me and added: "My enemy!"

"Of course I do." I smiled and said, "You did not lose anything in the last friction, so the two of us are not enemies. In fact, we need to calculate carefully. We should be partners. We must know that scene. You started the battle, and my knowledge cooperated with you to complete your plan. "

"My plan is to destroy you dark forces. Now it seems that the plan has failed. I don't know why you say you helped me."

I smiled: "Everyone is an insider. There is no need to say these scenes again?"

Rose said: "The goddess lost her power, and some people took the opportunity to usurp. But they failed to kill the goddess, but let the goddess run away. The pressure of internal public opinion in the temple was huge, and in order to shift the target, a battle with the dark temple, And the Dragon War. In the war, someone used his power to send opponents to the front line one by one, and then used the enemy's hand to remove these people one by one. "

"You threaten me?" Michal's voice was rather cold, and I promised that if I nodded, she would let the three of us hang up immediately.

"Rest assured, we have no evidence, and no one can threaten us in vernacular. And those people are no longer there, and it is useless to ask them."

"What do you mean this time?"

开口 I said, "I'm here to discuss business with you."


Rose explained: "Our guild will soon be at war with another power."

"What does it matter to me? Do you want me to send troops to fight for you? Even if I agree with those veterans, I won't agree."

"Who says you want to send troops, we want you to withdraw troops."

"Withdrawal? I haven't sent troops to fight you again?" I haven't explained yet, Michal himself remembered first. "Oh! Did the opponent of the 400,000 troops borrow it?"

I nodded and said, "Our requirements are not great. You can transfer these 400,000 troops away, so don't take part in this battle."

"Those tokens are promises of our temple. How can we borrow them if we borrow them?" Seeing our expression of disbelief looking at her, Michal finally compromised. "Even if I am willing to withdraw troops, for what reason? The troops have already sent out, how can I collect them?"

"That's your business." I said very big words: "Whether you're delaying time or repenting directly, or trying to find ways to delay the army unexpectedly, anyway, the 400,000 army can join the battle."

"Why do I have to do this?" Michal looked at us, and her expression reminded me of two sons-the adulterer.

Since I'm here to negotiate, I don't intend to go around the corner. "I said that this is a transaction. I like to talk business with others. Win-win is the key to the transaction."

Migalle smiled and motioned me to continue: "I'm going to hear what a win-win situation?"

"What you have to do in this deal is to keep the 400,000 troops from participating in the battle, and I will remove the last nail for you."

"I want to hear what you mean by removing the last nail?"

"At a convenient time, you find the opportunity to let Tayun Angel Nile leave the Temple of Light alone, come outside the city, and finally be able to stay away from the city. Tell us the time and place when we are sure he will leave, and we will make it once Accident, and you will never have to worry about the final competitor again. What do you think of this plan? Are you satisfied? "

珈 Michal stretched out a hand: "Give me a token."

Rose passed a beautiful dagger. "Use this."

珈 Michal quickly took the dagger. "The 400,000 army will never appear on your battlefield. At the right time, someone will bring you this dagger to find you, and that person will bring you a specific time and place."

"Cheer up." I stood up. "Since I won't disturb you."

珈 Michal clapped her hands, and an angel came in. "Send guests."

The angel who came in immediately came to us: "Please, please."

After we walked out of the temple, we all breathed a sigh of relief, which was unimaginably smooth. It may be that our conditions are too tempting for Michal. She wants to get rid of the nails in her eyes so intensely that she doesn't even have a minimum of caution. But fortunately for her, I am a businessman and not a liar.

After leaving the temple, I returned to Isinger. As a preliminary part of the war, we need to roughly distribute your tasks. In fact, this time we are not so much a passive defender as an active attack, Isinger does not need to participate in the war at all, all of us go out to attack those greedy guild cities. Anyway, both of them are in a state of war after we start the war. We do n’t need to attack the city ’s connected newspaper because the two sides are already in a state of war.

Let the Eye of Hell hurry up to collect the list of all the guilds participating in tomorrow's attack and related information. I went to the Magic Crystal Dynamics Institute to see how the puppets progressed.

As soon as Xun entered the underground laboratory, he heard a fierce quarrel. After seeing me in, the peripheral researchers quickly withdrew, leaving only the corpse warrior and the German MM engaged in research still arguing.

"Give me quiet." I yelled and calmed them all. Walk between the two to see them both. "What are you arguing about again?"

"It's him µ§ ▲ △ ■ ★ ▲ → ■ ○ ◎ ○ △ ■" The two men said at the same time, I didn't understand anything except the first two words.

"Okay, give me silence. Son of the night, you."


Crouched beside him, a helpless night child heard me shouting that he immediately stood up: "Yes." The night child pointed at the almost assembled puppet on the operation console in front. "Note here. This red part."

伸 I looked up and said, "What's wrong with this thing?"

"The lady here thinks that this thing controls the balance of the body and must be connected to the main line of the head. But Mr. Gansu here believes that this is the coordinated control system of the arm and says that it cannot be connected to the main line of the head Above, otherwise the components will be burned. "

"Is that all about it?" I asked them both.

The two nodded together.

"Really, this little thing is noisy. Is everything else complete except this?"

The two started again.

"That's easy. Guard, bring that puppet over." After the guard brought the puppet, I asked the German MM to open the puppet, and then connected the contents inside according to her opinion, here this It is connected in the manner of the cadaver. When all is done, put both the puppets underground, and then let them open the starter together.

As soon as the system was switched on, the two puppets moved and stopped at the same time. This is a big improvement anyway, at least the puppet started moving. The two skeleton-shaped puppets were standing still like this, and I waited for a while to see that they didn't respond before I asked, "Why is there no movement?"

"You haven't given a command yet! Without a command, the puppet will execute the previous command, but in order to remove the **** startup password, their memory crystals have been replaced, so they have no instructions to execute now, so Standing in a daze. "

I nodded and walked to the two puppets. "Can you hear me?"

"Yes, the master." The voices of the two puppets were exactly the same. And when they talk, their mouths don't move at all, the skull's mouth is purely furnishing.

指 I pointed to the front wall: "Walk over and back at normal speed."

The two puppets took the first step to unify the pace. We were all so excited that we finally moved! But after only two steps, one of the puppets suddenly crooked to the side and knocked over a table and lay on the ground. The other puppet walked without any reaction, turned around and walked back, then returned to the place to stand and waited for the next instruction. The wrestling puppet climbed up from the ground, but fell two steps later, and then it kept falling and crawling, unable to walk at all.

I turned and said, "Okay, obviously that thing is responsible for controlling the balance. Hurry up and do all this."

It took me an hour to complete all 20 core puppets in the laboratory. Some of these puppets are originals brought back from Switzerland, some are assembled from parts found in that temple in Switzerland, and some are faked by us.

站在 I stand in front of the puppets, and 20 puppets stand in the fully expanded mode. This fully expanded mode is a four-legged skull. Each puppet is a mechanical skeleton, but unlike ordinary skeletons, they have four legs and four hands, and this mechanical skeleton has a large number of towbar transmission mechanisms. When they move, these towbars will Movement back and forth drives joint movements. There are also many magical machines in the skull's chest. As soon as these machines work, the puppet will move.

I called out a puppet, and then stretched out a hand: "Pay attention to my hand, you follow me, you will do whatever I do."

"Understand the master."

I started to move my fingers, one by one, then more and more, and the speed kept increasing. The puppet followed my fingers one by one and turned out to be as flexible as my hands.

After confirming the normal function of the arm, I asked the research assistants to attach two pieces of armor from the front and back of the puppet to cover the fragile mechanical parts in their chest cavity. Although these components are not immediately paralyzed as soon as they are damaged, it is absolutely necessary to protect them, especially the red ruby ​​spar in that core position, which is absolutely vital. The magic crystals used as control parts are all in the skull of the skull puppet. These things are also very important, so its head is made quite strong.

After finishing the breastplate, I gave the order to switch to the reduced mode. In this mode, the puppet will take up an opponent's foot and stand like a normal skeleton. These four puppets actually use only two of their four feet, and the other two are spares.

成功 After the conversion is successful, I will let them switch the use of hands and feet back and forth, mainly to see if there will be mechanical failure during deformation. After confirming that it is reliable, give the command again to switch to the core mode, and these puppets immediately deform again.

The spine structure of the skull part's neck suddenly began to bend forward, and then its head turned to look down. Then the mechanical bones of the cervical spine began to shrink, and the skull's head became tightened on the chest cavity. There was no space at all, as if the face was put into the chest cavity.

The height of these skeleton puppets is about 190 cm. Even if half of the head is put into the chest cavity, it is still 180 cm. But they immediately started to change again, first of all the arms. They folded all four hands close to the sides of the body, then the legs began to fold from the knee joints, and then flipped up and attached to the sides of the body like arms. In this way, the skeleton puppet turns itself into a small ball, and a larger suitcase can be put down.

After reaching the core mode, assembling external parts requires our help. The hands and feet of the puppet are retracted and cannot be moved at all. The two assistants pushed a set of lower limb parts, which consisted of two feet, two legs, and hip parts. Although these things look rough, they are much stronger than the skull and they are much stronger.

After putting the two feet together, the two assistants connected the two legs and fixed them, and then connected the hips and the two legs together. At this time I found out that these parts are already 150 cm in height. What if I put them on again?

After the lower limbs were connected, the assistants connected a bowl-shaped part to the hip, then installed the movable joint, and then someone brought a half-sectioned abdominal part. This belly part is empty in the middle and only has a circle on the outside. Butt such a part with the movable joint below, and then a hole is revealed in the middle. The other two assistants picked up the skeleton puppet in the core mode and inserted it into this hole. This hole will get the puppet stuck.

After the core was installed, someone took the upper body's chest parts and put them on. The chest parts were hollow like the abdominal parts. After the installation, the core just stuck and the position of the upper and lower hal should be fixed.

Next is the shoulder. This part is said to be the most complicated because there are too many joints. This pair of shoulders is known as the most troublesome part of the puppet. Two strong robotic arms were lifted up, one left and one right, and they were fixed to the shoulders.

The puppet's hand is not installed for the time being, the robot arm is only at the wrist position. In the end, is it a flexible hand, a hammer or a direct installation of a Tomahawk sword, then it must be replaced at any time according to the actual situation, anyway, it is an active connection. It takes less than 1 minute to change.

After the arm is okay, it is the head. In fact, the head of the skull puppet is the control part. Now this one is just an observation device with opals and night pupils. This is why the puppet can still fight without its head, because this head is not true at all. Control unit.

The head, which is close to the appearance of a human head, is smooth. The puppet has no hair, even ears and nose. It looks awkward, but this does not affect its combat effectiveness.

After being fully installed, this guy is already 230 cm tall, and his thick limbs look very powerful. In fact, they are indeed very powerful. Now this guy is like the kind of human muscle display diagram with skin removed from medical books. It looks explosive on the body and has no extra parts at all, and the surface is quite smooth. The metallic luster makes these guys look like a hill, obviously giving a very strong sense of trust.

After these things were done, I ordered the puppet: "Move the limbs."

"Understand the master."

The puppet moved obediently, and then did various actions according to my orders. Now the joint motion and agility of this puppet are significantly lower than the skull shape, but the power is definitely a big rise.

I looked at the dead corpse warrior: "You just let it fight like this?"

The puppet warrior has not spoken yet, the German MM first said: "This is just the main body of the puppet. Since it is a humanoid, they can wear armor." After speaking, she immediately asked her assistant to bring the armor.

The armor was sent over on a cart, and it seemed that the thing was not light, and the cart was crunching. The armor in front of him was startled. This armor is made entirely of four centimeters thick black steel, and its hardness is conceivable. With this thing's defensive power ~ ~ any player will like it, but even if it is given to others, no one dares to wear it. Because wearing this one and a half ton armor, no one was fighting at all. Put on it, let alone fight, it is difficult to stand up, even if you ca n’t stand up, you ca n’t use weapons, because your hands ca n’t be lifted at all!

Although this armor is too heavy, the defense is very high, and the puppet is characterized by great strength. This armor man can easily wear this thing to run around without wearing them. After putting on the armor, I found a robot to install them, and a row of black giant warriors appeared.

The black armor is inlaid with a lot of gems, which can improve the defense ability of the armor and help the puppet to improve its magic defense. At the same time, these gems and the exaggerated design of the armor make these puppets look very powerful.

"Eh! Yes, very good, very good!" I turned to the researchers and said, "Everyone has worked hard. I am very satisfied with these puppets. You take 10 units to Steel City right away and tell them to make them as soon as possible, the better. "

The German MM said: "With our production capacity in Steel City, it is quite fast to make these things. The main problem is the number of ruby ​​ruby. Our current ruby ​​ruby ​​can move up to 200 puppets. Get up. No matter how much you make, it's a waste, you can't move it. "

"Can't you use white magic spar?"

"This large volume of white magic spar can at most drive the puppet for 20 minutes, don't you think it's too fast?"

"What if you use big spar?"

问题 "The problem is that the puppet is so big, and there are a lot of parts in the stomach. How do I put a large piece of magic crystal in it?"

"No matter how many, it is better to let them rush out 200 units first than nothing? Right, what level of combat power can this thing reach?"

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