Starting from Zero

Vol 11 Chapter 119: Was played

Death spokespersons are actually joking. This thing is a little weird anyway. Fortunately, our psychological tolerance is pretty good.

Anubis then told us: "The joke is over, and now the reward is given. You should have received the scarab beetle, and my prize is more affordable. Take it."

With the voice of Anubis, a black crystal stone of Yimu appeared in front of me. I reached out and caught this crystal stone. After checking the properties, it is actually a type of magic pet egg like angel crystal. There is a certain creature sealed in this crystal, which should be used as a magic pet egg. Rewarding the magic pet egg is the best reward in any task, I never expected that Anubis was so generous.

"What kind of creature is this?" I asked Anubis while looking at the crystal.

"If you want to know, just drop a drop of blood and see for yourself." Anubis' voice was full of expectations.

I nodded, then placed the crystal stone on the ground, and cut a finger and dripped a drop of blood. It should have been a terrible thing to collect magic pets, but since this is an Anubis gift, it should not be too bad, so I boldly bet this time.

As soon as the blood dripped on the crystal, it immediately infiltrated it into it, and then the crystal blew up. I haven't reacted yet, a burst of black gas suddenly burst out of the bursting crystal. Black Qi Xun condensed in front of me into a small mummy. This mummy appeared to be a mummy made after a child died, standing less than one meter tall on the ground, and his body was torn. I can't think of anything other than "weak" to describe this little thing.

"What is this?" Ling looked at the mummy and asked without wrinkling.

Xiaochun reminded me more directly: "Looking at the properties, maybe it just looks weak."

Everyone believes that Anubis will definitely not be a garbage shot, but it was just that Anubis just made a bad joke with us, and we are not very good at present. I was completely silly after opening the properties. Prompt information shows that this thing is called guardian mummy, I have read all the attributes, none of them are qualified. His current image is still in the state of 998, and his overall combat effectiveness evaluation is probably very difficult to defeat a monster in the 50 level. Even the white skeleton I got from the half-hook summoning that I ransomed from the Dark Temple was more powerful than this guy, and even worse, he was still a combat creature. Without auxiliary capabilities. After finishing the attributes, I only have one thought in my heart-being played.

"His Highness, Anubis." I tried to suppress my breath. "Can you give a reasonable explanation?"

"Explain?" Anubis's voice filled with pride. "Do you have anything to explain?"

"The pet you gave me is rubbish

Did I say how powerful the magic pet I gave you? I just told you that the prize is a magic pet. As for accepting him, that is also your own willingness. I did not force you. "

I now finally understand why this Anubis is a spokesperson for the **** of death. His character is really too devil, except for the voice of death, no one has such a bad character. Fortunately, I have a lot of magic pets, even if I waste a place, it won't be a big problem. Besides, this mummy is small. But it is still defined as a human-shaped magic pet, and there are still twenty magic pets in it, so it is not too bad.

Just as I gritted my teeth against Anubis. Anubis's voice suddenly sounded again. "are you angry?"

"I'm not angry because that doesn't make any sense," I replied calmly.

"Ha ha ha ha, it's not bad, you really are the local people. I passed the assessment this time."

"Ah? What assessment?"

Anubis's voice explained carefully: "Giving you the prize is actually going through the third stage of the test. After the second stage has tested your mental capacity, relax your mental alert in the name of the prize, and then give You have taken a major blow and used it to assess your crisis response and intellectual ability. "

"Do you mean everything just tested me?"


"Can you return this little one?"

Anubis's voice was a joke just now, very solemnly: "Don't underestimate this thing. He is really not very strong, but that's because you haven't really activated him. Others can get him as ordinary magic Use it pet, but I don't think you will be inferior to the dragon if you use it. "

"How to start?"

"Using skill transfer is fine."


I opened my skills list and took a look. "I don't have this skill!"

"As long as his master naturally has this skill. But this is a hidden skill, you can't feel it, just start it directly."

"Aren't you playing with me again?" Anubis' behavior was so terrible that I no longer knew what was true and what was false.

"Of course not playing with you, just try it."

At the urging of Anubis, I finally turned on this skill. I didn't expect it to be on the list, but it really started when I called out. With a loud bang, the light of **** more than one meter high suddenly appeared on my body. There was a sudden thunderstorm in the sky, and a large cloud began to gather above me. After the black clouds gathered together, they began to rotate clockwise, and a whirlwind under the cloud group was gradually forming. At the same time, the clouds in the sky were getting thicker and thicker, and the desert that had just been hot was suddenly dark like night.

"How did this happen?" I suddenly appeared that the Dragon Guard Ring could not control myself and started, and a large amount of evil fog began to spread in the surrounding space. Visibility, which was originally reduced due to lighting issues, is now even lower. The purple mist is floating around, and the sky is thick with clouds, which is almost the same as hell.

At this time, a crying sound came from me suddenly, and the sound seemed to come from many people, and there were men and women. All of my magic pets brushed their eyes to me, and I quickly shook my hand: "It wasn't my name."

Ling ran over and listened with my ears pressed against my chest. "The sound seems to come from within you."

Yeyue said: "Is this the legendary ghost crying?"

Ling nodded: "Similar to the grievances of the Dark Temple before."

With that strange cry growing louder. The flames of **** on me also began to beat. The beating flames became increasingly restless, and suddenly the flames began to twist fiercely, as if faintly forming a horrible human face. The man was crying with his face open, and his image was very scary. At the same time, the cry of the ghost became louder and louder.

The distorted face formed by this flame burst into tears and disappeared after a while, but the flame did not return to peace, but moved even more. The whole flame turned into countless half-human figures, and seemed to be going out of my body. These guys only have the upper half of their bodies. The second half of them is connected to the flames, but the first half tries to struggle away from the flames.

Anubis's voice suddenly intervened. "I didn't expect there were so many wrongdoers on you. This time you have reached it."

I did n’t understand what Anubis meant. A flash of blue-violet light beam hit the sky. A few seconds later, a beam of light of the same color hit the little mummy. Body.

A voice sounded in my ear: "The transmission is starting. Please try not to go offline or use any skills."

All the flames on my body rolled up straight along the beam of light ~ ~ The whirlwinds in the sky also gradually strengthened, and we can already see the prototype of tornadoes. The human figures struggling with the flames of **** in my life all rolled up with the flames, were shot into the sky along the beam of light, and then beaked and shot down from the other beam of light and fell into the body of the mummy.

Almost every soul rushes into the little mummy, he will shake, and because there are so many unjust souls falling, he shakes very fast, as if he was electrocuted, but as each soul enters, he will grow up I can even see that his body is gradually becoming fuller and no longer broken.

Little Mummy suddenly issued a number composed of red flames, but this number was not stable. It was constantly rolling like a horse watch, and the number was getting larger and larger. I quickly guessed that thing was showing the number of souls absorbed by the little mummy, and I could see it beating wildly. The little mummy was gradually spreading from the ground with the beating of the numbers. He was constantly growing tall, all the rags on his body were broken, but a layer of black armor appeared under the slivers. The same thing.

When the little mummy had grown to be as big as me, he stopped growing, but the beam of light continued to put the wrong soul into his body. Anubis was surprised after the little mummy had grown to my size: "How many people did you kill? How come there are so many wrongdoers? This is not consistent with the prediction!"

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