Starting from Zero

Vol 11 Chapter 131: Split mountain

Xiaoxue crawled to the middle of the road and suddenly called out. "Master, this kind of inclination can't go up if you don't hurry up."

The ocelot embarrassedly stroked Xiaoxue's brown hair, then jumped down vertically. "Thank you for sending us here, and the rest we climbed by ourselves."

Xiao Xue was also very polite and authentic: "This is the request of the host, I should send you up, but if I ca n’t fly, I will have limited climbing."

I simply jumped down and picked up the princess, and then let Ye Ying and Xiao Xue go back to Fenglong Space first. We waited here for more than a minute, and the headmaster and the tyrannical bears grumbled to follow.

The parkmaster was out of breath on the ground. Ziri ... You run so fast ... fast enough! "

"Why did you come here?" The Leopard asked.

Liberty said with some unhappiness: "Of course you are riding the purple pet's magic pet, we can run away!"

I asked in confusion: "What about your horses?"

The director sighed: "Do you remember that we are riding a horse? Your two are flying wing unicorns and the other is a nightmare, all of which are second to dragons' high-end goods. Maybe there is such a degree? The latter **** simply can't climb at all, and we have to hike on our own! "

"Sorry, I used to do the tasks by myself. The teamwork didn't pay much attention, so I'll be careful next time." After that, I looked at the forest in front of me.

We can now say that it is already on the mountain, but here is still the foot of the mountain. The road ahead is getting steeper and steeper, and there are large cliff routes. With this route, as long as there is a rope, it is done. Although the dragon's cord can be used as a rope, it is not suitable after all. I opened the space door and asked the evil knight to ask for a large bundle of rope.

When the headmaster saw the space door, he walked to the door curiously. After seeing it, I quickly pulled him back. "What are you doing?"

"Can't you go in and see?" The director looked at me in confusion.

"If you don't mind being killed right away, I don't mind letting you go around."

"Don't be so stingy? Isn't it just a look, as for the hands to kill me?" The headmaster obviously misunderstood me.

"Do you think I want to kill you? This one is connected to the back garden of a high god, I just reached an agreement to temporarily borrow it. Except for my creature. Any other creature must enter here with God said, you can only enter after getting permission, or even if God comes, you will be killed. "

"What **** is so powerful?"

"Mother of the Earth"

The ocelot said in surprise: "The mother of the earth is a very powerful guy, a strong **** other than the gods!"

"So don't come near, or you and I won't save you if you offend her."

The princess came to me and said, "There are so many soldiers in here! Is that the guard of the mother of the earth?"

"No, this is my guard, it's just placed here." I said to the magic pet inside, "You first move to the space of Fenglong. Others enter the standby state. Skott. Give me another bundle rope."

Skott handed out a bunch of rope again. "What do you want so many ropes for?"

"Climbing the mountain." I docked the rope a bit, and it felt almost the length. "Well, back down. I'm closed."

After closing the space door, I docked all the ropes on my head, then folded the ropes in half to form a pair of insurances, and got them to stand next to the ropes. "Did you see the head I left out? Everyone had a rope head and fixed themselves to the rope."

Everyone heard and immediately began to tie themselves to the rope. The director said, "We are really a grasshopper on a rope!"

"Isn't it nice to say something?" Ocelot said angrily: "Is Miss Ben looking like a grasshopper?"

I don't care about them, I tied myself up first, then summoned the rose vine and Vajra. King Kong is too large. Although standing on the ground, it still has several floors. The Cangyu Mountain Eagles in the sky swooped down immediately, and I quickly let King Kong shrink. After reducing King Kong to the height of a normal gorilla, the mountain eagles flew back again. I tried to make King just slowly grow bigger, until those guys in the sky immediately began to dive again when the height exceeded four meters. It seems as long as the height is over four meters. Even standing on the ground will still be attacked.

Adjust King Kong to a height that will not be attacked, and then tie the foremost end of the rope to him, so that there is a traction machine, and the rose vine is behind us and follows us at a distance. In case someone falls, free range roses are the best barrier. "Okay, now we have tractors and safety nets, and I won't care if we don't get up again."

"I didn't expect you to have a gorilla, but how do I always think this guy looks strange?" Leopard Cat asked.

"Is it a special orangutan? Now pay attention to your feet, don't look around."

King Kong's climbing ability is absolutely first-rate. We all followed and dragged by him. The gentle mountain road is over after about four or five kilometers, and now we can only see a small space above the head. The mountain in front of it has become a nearly vertical cliff, and the clouds are not far above the head, and nothing can be seen above it.

I was crawling well, and suddenly I heard freedom calling me under me. "Zi Ri, do you know what I'm thinking?"

"I don't know what you're thinking, but I know that if you don't focus on the cliff, you may even join us."

After a moment of freedom, he continued: "I just want to tell you that there is something in the clouds."

"how do you know?"

"Have you seen those mountain eagles? They never approach the clouds."

Immediately I was aware of the truth of freedom. "King Kong, stop first."

King Kong punched his arm in the rock with a punch, then hung in the air and asked me, "Is something wrong?"

"There may be danger ahead. Wait until I let Asuka to scout."

As soon as Fenglong Space opened the flying bird, it flew straight out, and a lift drill went into the clouds and disappeared. I was looking up and suddenly heard a scream below. The few of us bowed our heads together, but we now have fewer people behind. The princess in the last position was falling down, but the seawater was panicking and holding a half of the rope.

"Fuck!" I swiftly raised my hand, purine, and the claws bounced out. Tighten the knot on my knot. I and the main rope immediately broke away. With both feet kicking the cliff, I immediately left the cliff and jumped out.

The rose vine opened branches below, and the princess was blocked, but the mountain where the rose vine was fixed suddenly loosened, and the rose vine fell down. However, after all, the rose vine had many branches, and suddenly the cliff fixed itself again, but the princess fell down. Fortunately, this blockage has won the time for me to seal the throne of God. I put my body together directly. The man pierced like a shell. Quickly caught up with the falling princess and hugged her. Then the wings spread, and the degree decreases sharply. Werewolf turned directly into the air, then leaned towards the cliff. Hold the princess with one hand. The right hand and both legs suddenly touched the cliff. The rocks I encountered were immediately peeled off. My three limbs pulled out three deep grooves on the rocks. The rubble on the cliff wall fluttered, and my armor rang. ring. It has been sliding for more than 100 meters before finally stopping the falling trend.

"Is it okay?" I turned to ask the princess, and now she was dizzy. The game is too real and has its shortcomings. The stimulus of falling from a high altitude is too great, and it scares the princess directly! "Hey, wake up, it's not time to sleep." I shook her hard for a long time before waking her up.

As soon as the princess recovered, she looked at me in surprise: "Did we both die together?"

"Please look at the situation, please?"

The princess hurriedly looked around and found that we were still hanging on the cliff. But when we look up, we are still a long way from the top. "Why did I fall so much?"

"It's going to be good before the end."

"Then how do we get up?"

"You don't need to worry about this." I opened the Fenglong space. "Sickle, it's your turn."

"I'm happy to help." After coming out of Fenglong Space, the sickle directly put the blade-like long legs in the rock so that it would not fall off even if it was hung on a cliff.

"Big spider?" The princess asked in surprise when she saw the sickle.

"Do you think there is anything more suitable for climbing walls than spiders?" I said and tied both of us to the back of the sickle with a bundle of rope. "Okay, sickle, go up." "Observe my master!" The sickle supported the body with six hind legs, then stood on the front half and rubbed each other with both front legs. "The walls are starting to come out quickly." Wan Wanbao's sickle swiftly moved, and his eight barbed long legs were on the cliff just like on the flat ground, holding us still can go straight up with a very fast degree . Soon we caught up with the rose vines, then put away the rose vines and continued upward to quickly catch up with the previous team.

As soon as the seawater saw us coming up, she anxiously explained to the princess: "I'm sorry I didn't mean it. I just felt that my stomach was hurt by the rope. I wanted to loosen the rope and change the position. I didn't expect to untie the knot. .I really didn't mean it. "

"I didn't blame you." The princess patted me: "Thanks to Ziri!"

"Thank you Ziri." The sea water said to me.

I smiled, "If you want to thank me, give me your guiding crystal."

The seawater quickly handed me the crystal and asked, "What do you want this thing to do? Seven of us are together, and one is enough."

"Yes, so I'd like to try if there are other uses." Then I took out the powerless stone that was already out of energy, and then stuck the crystal of the way. The crystal stone given by Anubis was completely extinguished at the moment of contact with the stone of divine power, and at the same time the stone of divine power lit up slightly. "It worked."

"What gem is this?" The princess asked me.

I didn't answer her, but summoned Ling to let her sit on the sickle's head. "Ling. Let me see if the energy is full?"

Ling was also excited to see the glorious divine stone. "What supplement did you use? It really has energy, but it seems to be dissatisfied."

"How much worse?"

"The supplementary part only accounts for one fifth of the total." "Is it four more?"

"Yes." Ling passed me the stone of divine power again. "What do you charge with? Why not fill it all at once?"

I passed the crystal without energy. "Use this thing. It only has that little energy."

"Anything else?"

"We each have one." Freedom interjected suddenly. "But what do you want this for?"

"Is this unknown?" The princess handed me that one too. "This is thanks." I filled the princess's root completely, and then filled the root of my hand. The energy of the three crystals has made the stone of divine power shine bright white light. Looks pretty pretty.

I looked at the others: "I need two more. Is anyone willing to sell it?"

The leopard cat happily threw its own one over, "Isn't it too shameless to sell this? Use it."

Liberty also passed his own one: "You need to take it. Anyway, there are two left in the team."

"Thank you!" After the integration of the last two energies, the light of the Divine Stone disappeared, but through the surface of the gem, you can see a white light shining in the center.

All that needs to be done now is integration. Only when integrated into the equipment can the divine stone work. There is no smithy here, but integration is not impossible. "Eternal. Try to absorb it."

The soul of the sword, which is slain by thousands of people, is lodged in eternity. After a large amount of integration and refinement, it has become a rather scary weapon. In addition to artifact destruction, equipment absorption is also one of its capabilities. Hearing my words, Eternity suddenly melted into a red liquid and slowly climbed onto the gemstone. After a while, the place in the center of the liquid where the gemstone was sunk, and Eternity returned to the back of my hand.

After the integration is successful, there is no hint, but when looking at the attributes, you can see that there is one more magic resistance in the eternal attributes. This is the simple four-character attribute. Once you have it, you don't need to be too taboo about those little gods. But God still can't mess with it.

Not being suppressed by divine power does not mean that I can play those guys. After all, there is still a gap in strength.

"What's yours?" Seawater asked me.

"It's special equipment, it's useless to you. But it works for me. Okay, let's go up now?"

Knowing that I don't want to say, the seawater didn't continue to ask, everyone started climbing again. Ling was sent back to Fenglong Space, and the princess and I climbed up on the sickle. King Kong was significantly faster with the remaining five degrees.

Generally, the height of a mountain can be roughly judged by the **** of the mountain. As long as it is not a peculiar landform caused by a special reason, it can generally be spoken more accurately. According to normal judgment, the height of the mountain we climbed will not go down. I preliminary judge that the part above the cloud layer may be almost as high as the part below. But this time we were cheated. As soon as it entered the clouds, there were not many mountains and it ended abruptly. The mountain came to an abrupt end from where it was in the clouds, as if someone had cut it in half. We climbed onto a platform, and the ground was flat rock. As if polished. This is obviously not the shape that a natural mountain should have.

Freely squatting down and touched the ground: "It's a strange feeling. Is it here that someone was chopped out?"

The ocelot exaggeratedly said, "Are you nervous? Who can cut the mountain in half?"

The princess suddenly asked, "Where's your pet, Ziri? Where did you fly?"

Then I remembered that the birds had entered the clouds long ago, and then I went down to save the princess and forgot the birds! Hurry up and contact Asuka with heart contact. "Where are you flying?" "Don't go up, the mountain is over as soon as it enters the clouds."

"Ah?" Asuka flickered for a moment. "Then I'll get down right away."

"Do you know where I am?" "I can feel authentic."

"Then you can keep up. We will go forward first." I cut off the connection and said to the princess: "He flew over his head. He thought the mountain was stretching upwards, so he kept flying upwards. We don't have to wait for him He catches up quickly. "

The princess said: "We don't know how big this place is, these clouds are really annoying, and we can't even see the surroundings."

Although the place where we are located is a mountain, it can be inserted into the cloud. It was foggy all around and the sight was very bad. As soon as the princess said that I remembered it, the little dragon girl could drive clouds and drive clouds, and these clouds might disperse.

After summoning the dragon girl, I told her something. The little dragon girl nodded, and then a dragon groan turned her body into a dragon body and rushed straight up. The head and freedom were startled, and took a few steps back. The head of the delegation said in surprise: "That lady is a dragon?"


The head asked excitedly, "How about the ability? Is it great? Compared with the Western dragon?"

"Do you know that there are dragons in my magic pet?"

"What?" The director opened his mouth more surprised. "Do you still have a dragon pet?"

"Don't you know?"

"How do I know?" The head asked me in confusion.

"You just asked me which one is more powerful than Dragons and Dragons. If you don't know that I have Dragons, how can I answer such a question?"

The director thought for a moment before realizing that the question he had just asked was not right. But I didn't expect the crooking to be just right. I have the news of the dragon. I heard that several people around the dragon are all excited. "Zero" is a game of Dragon Edge. Long Yuan is a Chinese company. It's also normal for a dragon to be a dragon creature. However, Europeans are more familiar with the mighty dragons, but they are not familiar with Chinese dragons. The headmaster knows a lot more simply because he is an animal trainer.

I asked the head funnyly, "Do you also want to make a magic dragon a magic pet?"

The head immediately looked at me in surprise and said, "Don't you know?"

"What do you know?"

"Shenlong is a peculiar characteristic of China. It is forbidden for foreign players to use it. Even if I receive a Shenlong egg from God's care. I ca n’t hatch anyway. People other than Chinese nationality do n’t want to use Shenlong as a magic pet. Besides, the number of Shenlongs is huge There are still fewer dragons, so which one is easier to find? Since you have two dragons at the same time, how about their strength characteristics? "

I thought for a while and said, "How do you say. The overall evaluation of the dragon is much stronger than that of the dragon, but the strength of the two is almost the same in my magic pet."


"Because my dragon is only a mighty dragon, not the highest level in the dragon. But my dragon is the blood of the dragon emperor, and the fighting power is in the forefront of the dragon family, so the two feel relatively similar in strength. But I really want to fight against each other. In that case, the dragon might have a better chance of winning. "

"Since the strength is about the same, why is Shenlong a big winner?" The princess asked curiously.

"Because Shenlong rarely participates in flesh hunting battles ~ ~ but she can also show considerable strength with dragons by magic alone. So really, regardless of fighting, the dragons must suffer."

We were talking, a sudden light hit the sky. In this area obscured by clouds, the light appears particularly bright. The light that radiated began to gradually spread to the surroundings, and it felt as if it was dispersing dark clouds. In fact, the clouds were scattered by the little dragon girl, so that the light could shine. Not to mention, to deal with, Shenlong really is an expert. After a while, the surrounding clouds were completely cleared, and the eyes widened.

There is no cloud cover. We finally saw the whole picture here. The top of the mountain is really flat. Although the ground is composed of a mixture of soil and rock, the surface is uniform, and no protruding parts are found. There were no monsters disturbing on this flat mountain top, I simply summoned the plague to fly everyone forward.

Everyone was stupid when we reached the side of the hilltop plain. There is a plain on the other side of the mountain, which is not surprising, but on the plain lies something like a sleepy nest.

"Oh my God! That's the top of the mountain!" The princess called out the thoughts of everyone. Lying on the side of the plain is actually the summit of this mountain, and it is obviously cut off by some force.

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