Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 14: Rich and easy to do

Chasing all the way down, from time to time, the ghost king will leave three or two silver men to intercept us, but only the first few can really play a role, and the rest are all equivalent to delivering food. The silver men's combat power is inherited These puppets have the same characteristics, low attack power, but surprisingly good defense, and the silver people do not have the characteristics of the slow movement of the previous arms, the movement is similar to ordinary people, and can even be said to be quite agile.

I stumbled all the way, killing more than 90 silver people back and forth. The magic pet around me was also reduced to five Yeyue, Lingling, II, White Wolf and Rose Vine. These guys have too high magic resistance, magic The attack is almost ineffective, although physical damage is not very convenient. But anyway, it can work. Yeyue and Lingling are both masters of physical damage, Bailang and Rosevine are masters of dealing with hidden personnel. II and I mainly deal with physical damage. It can be considered an enemy, and our six small teams are relatively fast.

With a bang, a silver man fell down on his back, Lingling stood behind him and was collecting a sword into his sheath.

"How many?"

Niseoji: "Ninety-three."

"That's seven left."

Yeyue said with some confusion: "Are you saying that ghost king is a fool?"

"Why do you ask?"

"You think! He left the power behind the mountain all the way, not so much after the break, it is more like giving us directions. As long as we keep up with such interception teams, we can be sure that we have not followed the wrong direction. And The ghost king's people are not infinite. What is he going to do after his death? If I am, I will definitely block the troops that can be left behind once and then run away by myself. It doesn't make sense to divide it into two. Three of them stay here to be practiced? "

As Yeyue said, I immediately realized what went wrong, because the ghost king is unlikely to do such a stupid thing, so the situation should definitely not be like what I see now, but since it has been born this way, the other way round proves The previous inference is wrong, so what is wrong?

I haven't remembered yet. Lingling suddenly patted her thighs: "Oops, it's a trick!"

"What do you think?"

Lingling said: "I had encountered such a thing before when I was a guardian angel. Today is a big idea. I actually took this issue twice in a row."

"What happened to you last time?"

"At the time, we were ordered to hunt down a group of heretics. Among them were three leaders and large groups of troops. However, after entering a forest, the other began to arrange the interception forces in sections."

Yeyue interrupted: "Like this?"

"Yes. But we think it's strange that the other party's behavior is obviously illogical, unless someone who does not understand tactics will come up with such a stupid method. But we know that two of the other three leaders are strategic masters. Make this low-level mistake. "

"What happened then?"

"Later, we had to continue chasing, because the final bird dedicated to the Temple of Light and the experienced final staff in our team both agreed on the direction of the other side, and the constantly appearing blocking forces strengthened our confidence that the enemy was fleeing ahead However, after chasing down this way, the enemy we destroyed was almost equal to the total number of the other person's personnel. But at the end, we encountered a large group of intercepting troops, and then eliminated them. We could never find them. The trace of the other party. Those guys seem to disappear, and our best followers have not shown any trace. "

"What about them?" Yeyue could not help asking.

Lingling said: "Later we analyzed the incident but couldn't think of how the other party ran away, but in an accident later, we caught one of the three collars and got the answer from that guy's mouth. At that time, after entering the forest, we were indeed chasing after the enemy, and in the end we did kill all the enemies we chased, but we did not know that when we encountered the third pair of intercepting enemies, we were already Missed the real goal. "

"What do you mean? Be more specific."

"There is a large group of people on the other side. After entering the forest, there will be very obvious traces. For example, the plant that was stepped down or something, this is almost an individual who can track their direction. After the first interception team was killed, we I started to follow the trail and continued to show the second interception team. At this time, of course, we were sure that we were not chasing mistakes, but the fact was that we were indeed going in the right direction at that time, only when we were the third team Something went wrong. "

"what is the problem?"

"When we fought with the second interception team, the opponent already divided the team into three in some places in front. Those three main targets took a dozen elite personnel to leave first, and the remaining teams were divided into two teams in the original. After we killed the second team of interceptors, we chased them apart. At this point, the main target and the elite troops had left for a short while, and we only saw the large troops. The other side intentionally left some people to intercept again. We, a large number of other people, pretended to be as hurried as we were caught up. Of course, their direction of escape was completely opposite to the direction in which the elites left. After we killed the third interception team, there was no trace of the enemy at all. After all, We saw which direction we were running in, and we didn't need to find any traces. "Lingling said here, I already understood what had happened, and then Lingling continued to say:" So you run after the big army. Go out, and continue to encounter such intercepting forces all the way, but in fact at this time, you have gone in the wrong direction. "

"Yes." Lingling nodded. "The opponent used the tactics of a lost soldier. The blocking of divisions was not a tactical error at all, but it was deliberately letting us follow them, in fact, we have been leading us to the fork. When the opponent ’s team to be sacrificed had only the last few people, they simply stopped and fought with us. After we eliminated them, it is naturally impossible to find traces, because no one escaped at all, all Those who are chased are dead here. "

It can be said that except for accidents, this tactic can hardly be discerned, but the premise is that the number of escaped troops must be sufficient, and those who are preparing to become pawns must be prepared for sacrifice, otherwise as long as any one is caught And told the truth of the matter, the plan failed completely.

Yeyue immediately replied: "The team of ghost kings are all magic puppets. They never care about anything except the order of the master. They are perfectly suitable for this kind of discardable pawn, and the team of ghost kings is also large enough. See We really did exactly the same thing here, this guy must have run away before. "

Bai Lang turned back and asked me: "Will we chase now?"

"Chasing, but not here."

"Be careful." Yeyue pushed me away, and a silver man jumped down from the tree above us. The second man moved quickly and kicked this guy up, Lingling cut it off with a sword in midair When the silver man landed, it had changed into two paragraphs.

"Are you okay?" Yeyue came to pull me.

"There is something." I stood up from the grass. I also had a skeleton with a ragged shirt in my hand. The underworld is also purposeful and dead. However, those who can die here are generally more powerful. Existence, the only creatures that are forgotten by the dead are the souls, and they will not come in. So compared to the human world, the corpses and graveyards of the underworld are rare.

"Skull?" Ye Yue looked at me in surprise.

"Yes, skeleton." I knocked on the skull's forehead. "Hey, man, wake up, don't sleep."

"To be honest, I don't think your solution is feasible, but if you really want to try, as long as you should tear this off." Ye Yue ran off a brand new rune paper from the skeleton of the skull, but that thing was just After being torn off, it immediately burned and quickly became a pinch of black ash.

I shook the skeleton again. "Hey, don't pretend to die, hurry up and talk!"

"I'm already dead. What stupid thing are you talking about?" The skeleton in his hand suddenly reached out and knocked my hand out. He looked around before he said. "Thank you for helping me tore off the thing, I also know what you want to ask. Although sealed, my soul is not blind. "

"Now that you know it's easy to do. Hurry up and tell me the number and composition of those guys, and I want to know the location of other undead."

The skull's fingers moved and made a universal gesture, which is obviously good.

"What do you mean?" I stared at the skull.

"Of course it's good." The skeleton jumped halfway: "A little demon or ghost, or magic."

Yeyue said: "We just helped you to unlock the seal. Answering a question, do you want us to benefit?"

"I didn't ask you to help."

"That's great." I grabbed the bitter neck, pulled him back, and drew a few graphics in the air with my right hand. "Tianshizhen Ghost Charm." A magical condensed spell appeared on my right hand. Yes The skull's head was pressed.

"No no no no ...! Calm." The skeleton hurriedly stopped.

My hand stopped no more than an inch in front of his brain. "We were just looking for something to help you unlock the seal. I'm really sorry."

"No, absolutely not. It was just that I was stubborn and begging you to help me unlock the seal. As a result, the good people of the bodhisattva's heart were finally touched by me, and they extended a hand of justice to rescue my suffering soul. You are my reborn parents! "

I asked with a smile: "So, my question ...?"

"I know, I know all. Of the people you are chasing, there are ten in addition to the one on the ground that was cut off by you."

"Ten?" I froze a bit.

Ye Yue also said to herself: "Is it wrong?"

Immediately I asked the skeleton again: "What kind of ten?"

"Six are the same as the silver on the ground, and the other four seem to be made of gold."

Lingling said: "It should be that the ghost king has separated four golden dolls to lead the team."

"That said, the other team had only thirty ceramics, sixteen golden and four diamonds, and the ghost king himself."

"There are golden people here, do we chase?" Yeyue asked me.

"What do you say?"

"With my knowledge of your master, you should not let them go."

I laughed: "It seems that you know very well. Those guys are all made of gold and silver. What a pity to lose! Anyway, there are just a few of them. The ghost king has already run far away. If you do, it ’s not a short time to seal the throne of God. We will chase the remaining people now, Yeyue, and do n’t forget this on the ground. Hurry up. ”I said to the skeleton again:“ Where are the other dead ? "

The skeleton reached out and handed a piece of bone: "It's all here, I etched it with my soul."

I nodded and took it over. Then I said to everyone, "Come out."

"What about me?" The carried skeleton asked me.

I pressed the spell on his head: "Keep lying down." Then I threw him at the bottom. Then I took two steps and suddenly turned around and pointed at his brain with a sword. "My specialty is psychic. So don't scold me behind. This is punishment for your greed. The seal lasts for three months, and then you are free. Before that, lie down honestly. "Wait a few seconds, I am satisfied Close the sword and move on.

There are ten puppets in front, which is ten piles of money that will move. These guys didn't let me wait any more, but they met them after walking a hundred meters, and the same situation as Lingling last time, The last interception of these guys used the strategy of large team operations. It may be considered that it has already taken us far away before, and it should be enough even if it does not continue.

The silver man's combat effectiveness has been touched, and we easily killed these guys. But the four gold men were missing and did not move the nest. Anyway, they are always high-level troops and have to go up to try. The second shot is his. He has the same attributes as mine. If he tries, it is equal to me. Anyway, he is a magic pet. Even if he can die, he can get a spirit attribute and resurrect it again. Already.

The results of the trial showed that I was overly worried. The Golden Man was just a bit higher than the Silver Man ’s monster defense, and it slightly increased the attack power. The four tight men were not as good as the eight Silver Men. But the value after the cut On the contrary, it is much bigger. The price of gold is not just as simple as double that of silver.

After killing this guy, I stroked the ring on my hand, and then the purple suffocation began to diffuse. Soon I took a walk into the surrounding jungle. The wicked walk guarded by the evil dragon was not a pure combat skill. His functions are more It depends if you use it.

"Hey, how long are you going to hang there?" I asked, facing a skeleton that was hanging on a tree trunk with a severe twist.

The guy moved his body and made a crackling sound. "You are so powerful that you can release such evil radon. Is there anything to wake me up?"

"I know you are the first undead here. Connect with nearby comrades and help me find a few people." I took out a handful of black crystal powder. "This is a reward, and there is another half after completing the task. "

Immediately after seeing the crystal powder, the undead asked the characteristics of the person I was looking for and began to connect with me. There was a special way of contact between the undead. So did Scot, but the undead here The contact method is different from the Skechers, so I had to find a local to be the middleman. The news came quickly. The skull pointed in one direction: "There, it matches the number and characteristics you said. "

I gave the remaining crystal powder to the skeleton: "Tell the undead along the way to help guide the way, and everyone gets this average reward."


Trading is a way to exchange benefits with each other. The low-grade black crystal is not valuable. A crystal can grind a lot of crystal powder, which is perfect for paying to the undead. Black crystal has evil power. Is the favorite of the undead.

They all say that having money can make ghosts grind, is it okay if I hire a few ghosts to help me as a guide?

In order to speed up, I took all the magic pets back, entered the werewolf state, and leaped forward in the dense forest. As soon as I ran out, I saw a rotting zombie standing by the tree with a finger to one In the direction, I ran past him without a loss. Of course, the well powder that had been prepared was also sprinkled directly on him. The crystal powder was absorbed immediately when it came into contact with the zombie, and the zombie also burst into a spirit of excitement. The shock made the next stop of the undead ready for me.

Moving forward a distance, I saw an undead skeleton again. He was leaning on the tree and pointing in the same direction. I ran by the same speed and delivered the crystal powder. Just in the way that many undeads pointed along the way, don't go The injustice road was approaching not far from the ghost king, and I even noticed that there were broken branches on the ground.

The last undead is a ghost, better than a skeleton. This guy's language skills are pretty good. After a bit of communication, I got detailed information about the ghost king. This ghost actually asked me if I could help, as long as I was willing, he could help I found thousands of undead souls to take part in the battle, of course, if I had to pay.

After I rejected this ghost, I quickly rushed into the trees in front of me and really saw the ghost king's team. Maybe because I knew we were led away, the ghost king's team didn't go fast. I didn't jump right away, but Summon a good helper before acting. Recklessness and decisiveness are not the same. I am decisive, but not reckless. Under my command, Yeyue, II, Lingling and I rushed out at the same time. The ghost king saw us appear scared. Jump. He turned around and began to run away, and left sixteen golden puppets to intercept us all at once.

I do n’t intend to be dragged by these golden dolls, but I ca n’t help but not fight. If I do n’t fight, I wo n’t be able to get the gold on them. I am the king of wealth fans. How can I watch a pile of gold run by without being indifferent? ? Leaving the second life, Lingling and the newly summoned Jingjing, the little dragon girl dealt with the sixteen golden men together, I only took Yeyue to chase the others in front, even if the time is not enough, anyway, Fenglong space There are many more.

After chasing it not far, I suddenly heard the sound of water in front, and soon we saw the river, but it scared me. There was a big river in front of it, and even worse, the water in that river was actually black. In **** If the water is black, then it must pass through the sea of ​​silence, and the water must not touch. I am not afraid even if it is the blood water river, but black water will say otherwise.

When I saw the river, the ghost king had already come to the river. He turned back and smiled at me, and then pointed at the river like this, the river actually turned away from the distance, and immediately followed the river like a flood. A huge wave. God! The general flood is terrible. The flood formed by this black water is simply not alive!

"Yueyue, come in." I opened the gate of the earth momentarily, and then pulled Yeyue to jump in. As the black flood rolled up, the gate was closed. I sat on the grass of the earth goddess and panted, behind Ringtone Knight and Evil Knight.

Scott asked us in confusion: "Why is it so embarrassing?"

Ye Yuexin said with a lingering heart: "Flood and black water."

"The kind of soul water of hell?" Skott asked.

"Yes." Yeyue nodded.

Skott seemed to be lost in thought. "No! Blackwater is made up of dead souls, never heard of storms!"

"How do I know. It's a storm anyway, and it's quite big." Yeyue complained.

I sorted out my breath: "Anyway, grab the **** of the ghost king first and then say, there must be a way to make dolls in that kid's hands. People in the guild are worried about how to drive the senior dolls. Now It's like sleeping on a pillow and not taking him back is too sorry for the hard-working technicians in the guild. "

Yeyue Road: "The water is almost over, shall we open the door and see?"

I heard Yeyue ’s words, and opened the space door. The water did retreat, but the ghost king was gone. The Heishui River is still flowing peacefully, but the forest on our shore has disappeared a large area. Black The water is too corrosive, and the forest he has soaked in is not as simple as being flooded. It is even eroding the trees now. The ghost king could not cause the flood to commit suicide, so he tried to hide Flooded and ran away, the problem is I don't know where he went.

I summoned the undead to help find it again, and it turned out to be unsuccessful. The undead are only effective in this forest. The ghost king seems to have entered the rocky area across the river. Unlike this side, the terrain on the opposite bank is more complicated There are endless peaks of various sizes, and there is no grass, all of them are bare stone mountains. Even in the underworld, this kind of place is rare.

"What happened?" Suddenly Niseko and Lingling ran out from behind, and they also resisted the fragments of the sixteen gold men. Their efficiency was good.

"The ghost king is flooding. Although the scale is not large, he ran away."

"What then?" Lingling asked.

"The ghost king will not be invisible ~ ~ The undead in the forest also said that he did not see him running in, then there is only one possibility, the ghost king entered the opposite mountain. Since there are no plants here, I think aerial reconnaissance should be easy some."

It ’s easy to say, but it ’s not easy to do it. Put on the magic of the whole flight system, everyone starts to cross the river and head towards the mountain. When flying in the air, it ’s too high to see the ground, and it ’s too low to affect the observation range. It's really not easy for the ghost king to appear in the vast sea of ​​stones. Unfortunately, the flood has destroyed the smell, otherwise Bailang will definitely look for hope.

We turned for a long time without any clue, and we were about to give up, but we suddenly rushed down to a pile of stones. He stopped suddenly on the mountain, his body turned, and his tail swept towards the tip of the mountain. Lucky tail When it was about to hit the mountain, a large stone originally standing on the top of the mountain suddenly flew to the rear. The lucky tail followed closely, and the whole mountain was ripped apart, and the crushed stones were flying. The rock that was flying away strangely Landed smoothly on the mountain behind. Although the color is very rocky, the formation is personal.

This is a puppet brought by the ghost king, but he will actually be transformed into the color of the stone. Is there something around the ghost king with such skills? Are they diamond people? I have not seen this kind of arms before, I do n’t know if it has color-changing properties. .

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